Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2490 Berserk War

Chapter 2490 Berserk War (3)

"You have been sleeping for eight years, and you have missed a lot of good shows. Let me tell you one thing, the place where I transformed is in the abyss of void. Even space cracks can't destroy me. How effective is your explosion!" Tang Yan stirred violently. The magic knife shattered the crack, clicked, the crack shattered like a broken mirror, Tang Yan stepped out like a dragon swimming in one step, his tiger eyes glowed, his sword eyebrows raised horizontally, and he was safe and sound!
"It's interesting." Feruk watched this scene quietly, not shocked or afraid, but more curious, just looked at Tang Yan so strangely.

In the distance, the sakura witch restrained her killing intent again, and lowered her arms that were about to be raised. She stared at Tang Yan who stepped out of the void in the distance with burning eyes, and her incomparably powerful posture touched her deeply.

Great perfection? !He actually avoided my detection and entered the Dzogchen silently?

The breath of the peak realm, but has a fighting power comparable to that of Feruk, what is this if it is not Dzogchen!
When did he do it?Could it be that when they fought against the Yin-Yang clan?No wonder Tang Yan has always been curious about how Tang Yan dared to enter the Yin-Yang Clan alone, and how he was able to retreat completely. It turns out...he cheated the Yin-Yang Clan!
The cherry blossom witch looked at the distance seriously, without the slightest coquettishness.She is slightly weaker in frontal combat, but her vision is very vicious, and she can determine the power of this blasting attack.

The power of any single blood beast explosion is not particularly great, not enough to hurt the pinnacle saint, and thousands of explosions in succession are not enough to seriously injure the pinnacle saint, but it is ingenious that thousands of explosions explode in the same area. With a compressed destructive power in a very short period of time, even a peak saint can be blown to pieces.

Even if Tang Yan entered the Great Perfection, how could he be safe and sound?Unscathed!
What kind of physical body can resist this destructive force?

The cherry blossom demon girl was thinking about how long she hadn't seen Tang Yan. It was almost seven or eight years, but for warriors, seven or eight years was equivalent to seven or eight days for ordinary people. How could there be such a level of growth?
Feruk looked at him for a long time, his eyes became more and more strange, and he smiled evilly: "Your skin is very good. When I kill you, you will be able to forge a handy weapon."

"Coincidentally, you came together with me. You are full of blood, and when I kill you, maybe you can help me connect the two worlds." Tang Yan looked at Feruk with the same look in his eyes. Watch your prey without fear!
Today, Tang Yan can't boast that the world is invincible, but he will never have any fear. There is no creature under the emperor's realm that can make him fear, even a blood demon like Feruk.

"Little guy, don't think that you have nothing to fear when you become a great man. In the whole world, even the emperor can fall, let alone you, a saint. The fun has just begun. Let my highness accompany you to have fun." Feruk held his hands Holding it high, the sea of ​​blood in the sky suddenly churned, the momentum was too violent, as if the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking, the sky seemed to be turned upside down, and vortices of different sizes were constantly bursting inside, swallowing blood into the battlefield of heaven and earth.

All of a sudden, the invisible power of devouring enveloped the boundless battlefield, enveloped all warriors and monsters who were fighting, all the blood scattered on the ground, all the blood energy floating in the air, were drawn and gathered towards the blood tide .

It can be called a miracle.

The corpses of those lifeless corpses quickly shriveled and shriveled, the blood in their bodies evaporated, and gathered in the sky until they turned into mummy.Those many wounded hoarding at the rear of the battlefield, especially the wounded with very weak breath of life, also lost their blood donation quickly, drying up and dying.

Countless blood energy rose high in the sky and converged towards the blood river, making Feruk's breath even stronger.

This is the horror of Feluk, as if the blood master of the heaven and the earth can make the blood of the common people gather to him spontaneously for him to absorb and use.

However, because of the Phantom Blue Fire, the power of the blood tide devouring did not spread to the rear of the Central Plains Alliance, and could only be entrenched in the back and the battlefield, but these numbers were enough for Feruk to squander.

With a steady stream of blood, it means that Feruk has inexhaustible power.

Unless Tang Yan can kill him cleanly, he will remain invincible.

"I realized a new martial art method in Chenyuan Pavilion, and I will use you to experiment and improve it today." Tang Yan soared hundreds of meters into the sky, and was placed under the sea of ​​flames in the sky.

Huo Ling'er leaped off Tang Yan's shoulders, her body size increased rapidly, and in a blink of an eye she turned into a voluptuous girl who was as tall as Tang Yan. The appearance and temperament of all sentient beings cannot conceal her blood-spitting perfect figure.

Tang Yan and Huo Ling'er back to back, one person and one spirit quickly reached a state of ethereal connection.

The hostility in Tang Yan's eyes quickly faded, and the * mark on his forehead became more and more red.

On the contrary, Huo Ling'er's eyes were filled with hostility, and the green fire rising from his body turned into darkness quickly. It wasn't black gas or dead air, but hundreds of millions of tiny lonely souls, which made one's hair stand on end when one looked closely.

At this moment, Tang Yan used Long Kui's fleshy body to open up the Buddhist morality, with a compassionate face and a solemn treasure.The power of the same martial skill is completely different when used in different realms and with different physiques.

Long Kui cooperates with the holy Buddha, the power is only strong but not weak.

At this moment, Huo Ling'er took over the complete control of Hell, her beautiful face could not conceal the evil and gloom, her whole body was filled with evil spirits, and all ghosts were flying around.A dark line appeared between her eyebrows, mysterious and strange, it was not an ordinary pattern, but the shape of the gate of hell.

Her brow conspires with hell, or her whole body is hell.

Skyfire is hell, and hell is skyfire. Huo Linger's power to control hell is definitely not weaker than Tang Yan.

"I do the way of heaven." Tang Yan had a compassionate face, but his fighting spirit was overwhelming.Even if it is a Buddha, it is also a war Buddha.

"My lord hell." Huo Ling'er had a gloomy voice, her voice was thin and misty, and the place between her brows was bursting with energy, as if there were billions of evil spirits about to rush out of it.

"Heaven and earth are united, and ten thousand dharmas are boundless." Tang Yan and Huo Ling'er said in unison, one person and one spirit reached the highest fusion state, and each other's hearts and minds were connected.

"Huh? Beautiful! I have to admit that it is your blessing to have the ghost blue fire, and it is the beginning of a qualitative change after being promoted to the Holy Spirit. Come on, use your full strength, and let me experience the twin heroes of Long Kui and Hellfire Match."

Not only was Feruk fearless, but even stronger. The aura under his feet exploded suddenly, like a hurricane surging into the sky, like a raging wave. Feruk flew straight up into the air, and angrily charged at Tang Yan.

"Without the blood of Mo Qilin and Phoenix, how much power do you still have?" Tang Yan maintained a humanoid posture, but his body surface was completely transformed into scales, and his hands were in the state of half demon claws.At this moment, the meridians all over his body turned golden yellow, and majestic golden light bloomed through Long Kui's scale armor.

Huo Ling'er took over Hell, and even took over the Fierce Demon Knife, and fused with its mind, the blade body trembled immediately, as if it was resurrected, it was indescribably eerie and horrifying, exuding terrifying fluctuations that made one's heart palpitate.

The sword soul of Liemo Dao back then was Zhan Mo's own soul, but now it is Huo Ling'er, so she can also maximize the power of Lie Mo Dao.

All of a sudden, cholera broke out again at an altitude of several thousand meters, and the battle between Tang Yan and Feruk officially started. Three rounds of dazzling sun on the battlefield.

The collision of destructive forces made the night sky tremble, causing the energy of heaven and earth to lose control.

Dense space cracks spread around their battlefield.

Compared with the emperor who is supreme and unconcerned about the mortal world, Dawangman is the level closest to a god in the minds of all living beings, or whether he is a god or not.They had disappeared from the Qitian Continent a few years ago, but now six of them have directly appeared and are fighting head-on on the battlefield.

Let this battle reach the highest in tens of thousands of years in all aspects.

Tang Yan and Feruk ignored the outside world, let alone other things.They lived and died at high altitude, it was undoubtedly a battle between dragons and tigers, the speed of the two of them was extremely fast, and the continuous collisions not only set off a lot of energy storms, but also disturbed the sea of ​​blood and fire. In the blink of an eye, they had fought for hundreds of rounds.

Under the night sky, the blood is surging, the flames are boiling, and the aftermath of various energies is shining brightly. The fierce battle is endless and extremely tragic.

The confrontation of hundreds of rounds was even more of an early test for the two.

(End of this chapter)

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