Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2510 The Dividend Conference

Chapter 2510 The Dividend Conference
On December [-]th, the ancient city of the northern border of the Dagan Dynasty——Blood Jade City.

At the warm invitation of the Central Plains Alliance, royal observation groups from various countries in the Central Plains, as well as intelligence gathering organizations from all over the country, all dressed up and walked into the Blood Jade City openly.

The intelligence system has always lived in the dark and operated in a secret way. Today is the first time that it is not only large-scale, but also the intelligence commissioners from all districts have made public appearances. The square gathers.

Although everyone knows the purpose of the Central Plains Alliance, the defeat in the northern battlefield has completely established the strong rise of the Central Plains Alliance.

At noon, the square was bustling inside and out. The Tianquan Empire and the five kingdoms participating in the war were most in high spirits. At that time, they tentatively participated in the war with different purposes. Can participate in the activities of carve up the old empire such as the Dagan Dynasty.

Carve up the empire!What a concept, I didn't even dare to think about it before!
"Everyone, I am Tang Yan, on behalf of the New Zhanmeng, welcome everyone to come. The Dagan Dynasty has 46 large-scale ancient cities and 330 medium-sized ancient cities, and other villages and towns are not counted. All the medium-sized ancient cities are listed, and everyone is allowed to go around a few times after the meeting to see what you want in the city lord's mansion. It is my personal gift to you, and you can accept it."

Tang Yan's opening words shocked everyone.The intelligence agents from all corners of the country below were stunned for a while, and soon there were fierce cheers and surprise discussions.

Although it is a medium-sized ancient city, in the Dagan Dynasty, any medium-sized ancient city has a long history.

And Tang Yan's words are very clear, go straight to the city lord's mansion, and choose at will in the city lord's mansion!
In all the medium-sized ancient cities, almost every representative can be divided into two or three seats, so they have to be pulled by a convoy!
Everyone in the Central Plains Alliance was stunned for a while, hey, why didn't you discuss it with us?However, there were all cunning and cunning people present. After thinking about it, their eyes lit up and they smiled.This kid is too bad. Not only did the Central Plains Alliance carve up, but he also pulled other countries in the Central Plains into the chariot.

As long as those idiots nod, in the eyes of outsiders, it is equivalent to the nod of the countries behind them. When they return happily with their spoils, no matter how much those countries beat their chests or curse in grief, the uncooked rice has already been cooked.

On the surface, it is equivalent to the Dagan Dynasty being divided up by the entire Central Plains, rather than a pure Central Plains alliance. Now that the spoils sharing conference has risen to the meaning of the whole world, 'spoils' and 'hegemony' have become 'justified'.

"Tall." A group of old people admired secretly, and then muttered in their hearts, this kid is too dark.Simply using some of the wealth of the City Lord's Mansion, it dragged all the ancient countries and power groups all over the world.

Tang Yan laughed loudly: "Since everyone has no objections, it's decided! Come on, draw lots, each of you will catch two, and whichever you catch, the wealth in the local city lord's mansion will belong to you! Weapons, financial reports, women , it's all yours."

Tang Yan waved his hand, very happy.The crowd below were excited and cheered loudly.

Only a group of people from the Central Plains Alliance secretly rolled their eyes, idiots, the top treasures of the City Lord's Mansion have already been transferred in advance.

"Start!" Tang Yan waved the lottery box prepared in advance and went to the crowd below. He turned his head and grinned at the crowd: "Do you have any opinions?"

"No opinion, no opinion." Everyone shook their heads again and again.

Murong Zixuan, the prince of Tianquan at the top, shook his head and smiled wryly, he has learned a lot.

Qin Minghuang nodded solemnly and thoughtfully, so tricks can still be played like this?Go back and try.

Tang Yan sat down and said, "I made the decision on my own initiative just now, and it counts as our Xinzhanmeng. Besides, we don't want an inch of land or a piece of spoils for the Daqian Dynasty."

Everyone shook their heads again and again: "How is this possible? The Xinzhanmeng contributes the most, so it should get more."

"That's it. Our new Zhanmeng said when it was first established that we are not here to dominate, we are here for revenge. Even if the Northern Alliance is really destroyed in the future, our new Zhanmeng will only occupy Wudi City and The surrounding area will never interfere with anything outside."

Tang Yan made a public statement on behalf of New Zhanmeng, not only for better cooperation in the future, but also to let all parties see the sincerity of New Zhanmeng.Given the current situation, the strength of the New War League has far surpassed that of other empires, and it will make people feel oppressed. Just take this opportunity to declare that he has no intention of hegemony, so that all parties can feel at ease, and also use this to strengthen all parties. I have a good impression of the new Zhanmeng.

With such a super thug who 'works hard but doesn't eat', it's rare for anyone to make friends.

"I'll finish refining all the spirit source liquid in a few days, and then I'll send you a batch." Tang Yan expressed his attitude generously again.

"How embarrassing, Mr. Tang is too polite." Everyone laughed again.Anyone who has tasted the spirit source liquid is always thinking that it is like a drug to them, and it has a fatal attraction.

Tang Yan smiled even more happily, my little brother doesn't care about this little benefit, when you are firmly tied to the chariot, and when you contribute to me, the battlefield of life and death in the lost war world is waiting for you!
Xuanyuan Longli brushed his hair, secretly feeling that this kid is strong enough in terms of cunning.

Qin Minghuang said: "All the people are here, now we will start to divide the spoils. The wealth that the Dagan Dynasty put on the surface includes land, people, and secret wealth. From a geographical point of view, our ancient Xingluo country and the Holy Empire are both close to Daqian. Dry the dynasty, give priority to the people of the land."

Murong Zixuan said: "No problem, we are far away, we can't take the land and people with us, we give priority to wealth."

Zhao Tianyan said: "We won't follow along, wealth and land are useless to us, Tang Yan, you can give us more spiritual source liquid."

Since Tang Yan expressed his goodwill on his own initiative, it was tantamount to setting the main tone of the meeting. There was no need for anyone to haggle any more, and just set their own bottom line.

A meeting ended quickly, witnessed by the intelligence agents who continued to be excited.The Dagan Dynasty was divided into two, the north of the imperial city was included in the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom, and the south of the imperial city was included in the Holy Empire.In order to give back to the Tianquan Empire and the Five Great Kingdoms, all the wealth of the imperial city and the treasures of the large ancient cities of the Dagan Dynasty will be sent to them, which is equivalent to transferring all the wealth accumulation of an empire.

In addition, through the proposal of the New Zhanmeng, all parties redefined the deployment of troops in northern Xinjiang.

Due to years of wars in the ancient kingdom of Xingluo, the army was seriously attrition. They only stationed three major armies on the front line, and the Holy Empire stationed four major armies. The Tianquan Empire stated that it would continue to deter the Northern Alliance, so they did not withdraw all their troops, but left two major armies .The other five kingdoms naturally followed suit, and all their respective armies remained in the north.

In this way, the Fourteenth Group Army re-deployed the defense line and firmly controlled the northern land of the Dagan Dynasty.All the military supplies are provided by Xingluo Ancient Country.After all, the northern border of the current Dagan Dynasty is already the northern border of the ancient Xingluo country, and the joint garrison of all countries is equivalent to helping the ancient Xingluo country to garrison.

A carve-up conference ended quickly, because the "gift plan" proposed by Tang Yan made the intelligence agents shut up honestly, and when the countries got the news, they all angrily accused the intelligence agents of being fooled by Tang Yan for taking advantage of petty gains. , But the matter has come to this point, there is no way to undo it, and no one dares to openly disobey the Central Plains Alliance.

Because although the war is over, the Central Plains Alliance's troops are still stationed in the north, which means that the alliance has not disintegrated, and it is still a terrifying hegemonic military organization.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Longli launched another public opinion offensive, promoting the theory of the abandonment of the Daqian royal family, the theory of the demise of the Northern Alliance, and the theory that the national teacher Zhao Xiong is despicable and shameless, etc., to assist the two empires of Xingluo and the Holy Empire to control Daqian Dynasty.

On December [-]th, two days after the end of the war, that is, the second day after the spoils distribution meeting, the national teacher Zhao Xiong woke up from a coma, and after hearing what happened to the Daqian Dynasty, he vomited blood and died!

Before he died, he wailed loudly ashamed of the empire, ashamed of the emperor, and even pointed at the south and yelled at Xuanyuan Longli. Amidst violent mood swings and out-of-control grief, this once powerful national teacher fell down in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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