Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2517

Chapter 2517

Tang Yan then rushed to Luoyue Mountains and saw Spike again.

"I found out that this ancient road is actually the time coordinates left by the martyrs. It is used to guide their activities in the long river of time. The reason why he can comprehend the martial arts of time is related to the energy generated by this coordinate."

"The ones from the Lost Battle Realm?"

"They move in time, they can look back into history, and they can also look into the future." Langya's ambiguous words are actually tantamount to acknowledging the existence there.

"Will transferring them to hell affect those ancestors?" Tang Yan didn't understand the concepts of time and space-time, and couldn't figure out whether those ancestors were dead or alive.

"In fact, they are already dead. Because of their mission, they have been traveling back and forth in time. Now their mission is over. After seeing that time in the Lost War World, their last thoughts are no longer there, leaving the coordinates It doesn't make much sense. It's a coordinate, and it's also a weapon. Transfer it to hell, and then transfer the area that was left behind in the war world to hell. Putting the two together, it will definitely become a peerless tomb."

"The Nether White Crow is still inside?"

"The number is almost three thousand. They live there all year round. Their blood has been infected with the power of time, and they can be used as vicious grave guards."

Without saying a word, Tang Yan directly activated the power of hell, turning all the mountains with a radius of tens of miles where the ancient road is located into hell. The monsters fled in haste.

When tens of thousands of star killers and explorers swarmed in, what appeared in front of them was a huge deep pit stretching for tens of kilometers and thousands of meters deep, and a hard stratum could almost be seen below.

People don't know the situation, and there is a lot of discussion, and they are gradually named "Tiankeng" in rumors.

Tang Yan then visited the Pure Land and sat down for seven days and seven nights as a disciple of Dukong for the 200 million monks who died in battle.After confirming that Xu Yan had no special circumstances, he left the Pure Land to visit the Valley of the Wicked and the Zhulu Academy.

After finishing all the things that should be done, he returned to Wudi City.He insisted on going out for activities, in fact, to avoid the limelight, for fear that Qi Lufu would make "man-made" for himself again.

He stood on the top of one of the tallest palaces in the palace, looking at the busy figures inside and outside the palace, looking at the proud and enthusiastic faces, he suddenly felt a sense of 'strangeness', as if the distance between each other was infinite Pulling away, the life and emotions of the mortal world suddenly became strange.

It's like growing up suddenly, looking at the common people is like looking at an immature child, that kind of joy and emotion no longer exists, and it is also ethereal.

Before, I felt that I was ready to become an emperor, but suddenly...hesitating...

It's not just as simple as 'unprecedented', but a nostalgia that is about to leave this world.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chenghuang is close to becoming a god, becoming the god who dominates the common people, and the supreme being who rules hundreds of millions of territories, but at this moment, Tang Yan suddenly feels that the imperial journey is lonely, where it is obviously boundless, but empty .

He also finally understands why the human race has a red dust calamity, because before becoming an emperor, all kinds of complicated emotions will really arise, and if they are not cut off, it will definitely bring infinite troubles.

"Should I go back to the world of mortals?" Tang Yan was silently in a daze.

Red Dust Tribulation means revisiting the seven emotions and six desires, and means cutting them off cruelly.

It also means that he will become strangers with Niya, Zhaoyi, etc., all his lovers.

It means that he wants to turn Zhao Zimo, Du Yang and others into subordinates, not friends.

It means that he has to abandon 'humanity' and 'humanity', put away his smile and emotion, treat everyone with a cold face, and accept gifts from 'mortals' with a cold and natural state of mind.

The emperor stands aloof, feared by others, and everyone competes for it.

Emperor, it might not be a 'too high to be cold'.

"What's wrong with me? I've always been sentimental lately." Standing on the top of the palace, Tang Yan looked beyond the bustling and prosperous ancient city to the remote, desolate but magnificent mountains outside.

He suddenly felt funny, after all, becoming an emperor was the path he wanted to pursue, and becoming an emperor was also a brand new field, a brand new battlefield!

It seems that I still have a lot of things to deal with. Even if I don't go to the world of mortals, I still have to do what I need to do before becoming an emperor, otherwise I will leave eternal regrets.

"Brother, is the scenery here good?" A soft voice came from behind.

Tang Yan's depressed mood immediately dissipated, and he sat down and patted Wa Liang beside him: "Come, let's see the scenery with my brother."

Mu Rou came to Tang Yan's side, stroked her dress, sat on the roof of the hall, and snuggled up to Tang Yan tenderly.

Tang Yan tilted his head to look at her, and simply picked her up by the waist, and put her whole in his arms.

Mu Rou shook her feet, hugged Tang Yan tightly, and smiled sweetly: "Brother is going to become emperor."

"What are you so happy about?" Tang Yan scratched the tip of her clean little nose.

"Happy." Mu Rou hugged Tang Yan tightly again, her heart was sweet, her smile was sweet, and her holy and pure breath was more ethereal and fresh.

She has been very happy recently. In fact, she is not becoming an emperor for Tang Yan, but becoming a saint for herself.

She always hoped to help Tang Yan before, but Tang Yan grew up too fast. The challenges she faced and the environment she was in became more and more dangerous. He did something, but placed there like a vase.

Mu Rou always had a sense of inferiority in her heart before. She could not advise Tang Yan like Niya, nor was she as gentle and charming as Zhaoyi. Maybe she felt a little redundant. If it wasn't for the way Tang Yan looked at her every time She was so full of love and pampering that she didn't even dare to stay by Tang Yan's side any longer.

Well now, hee hee, I'm sanctified.

Mu Rou now has the playfulness of a child getting a toy.She doesn't want to become an emperor, that's a fantasy, if she becomes a saint, she can help a lot of things.I also have the courage to take the initiative to hug Tang Yan, which feels really good.

Tang Yan didn't know what Mu Rou was so silly about, but he liked the youthful vivacity.

"Brother, what will it look like when you become a queen?" Mu Rou tilted her head and looked at him.

"Do I change my appearance?"

"I think those emperors are lightning and thunderous every time they appear, will you still hug me like this in the future?" Mu Rou looked at him seriously, asking a little silly question, but it has bothered her a little recently.

Tang Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you thinking in your little head? Realm and aura are controllable. When we were young, we used to see saints and feel that they would call the wind and rain at every turn."

"That's good." Mu Rou hugged Tang Yan tightly again.

Tang Yan looked down at Mu Rou. He didn't expect the little girl to be happy. The watery look made him feel a little itchy, and the sentimental troubles just now were thrown out of the blue.

Mu Rou was enjoying herself sweetly when she suddenly felt that there was an extra hand inside the clothes, which squeezed the skirt and slid into her delicate long legs, knocking and moving upwards little by little.Mu Rou blushed in embarrassment, her body slowly limp in Tang Yan's arms, shy and shy, exhaled like blue, her plump chest undulating slightly.

Tang Yan wanted to tease her, but Mu Rou's attitude of refusing to welcome immediately ignited his enthusiasm, and anyone who held a fairy-like Huaichun saint in his arms would not be able to hold back, and his lower body reacted quickly.Mu Rou was shy and emotional, but the sudden heat under her butt made her wake up immediately, and looked around in a panic: "Brother, you can't do it here."

"Where can I go?" Tang Yan teased the little girl, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't been tender with her for a long, long time. The more he thought about it, the more passionate he became. The small mouth on her red lips sucked the dexterous snake head fiercely.

There is a soft in the little girl's name, and her body is even softer, as if made of water, making people love it.

Mu Rou was quickly conquered by Tang Yan's two hands. She was out of breath and her face was like a peach blossom, but the last remaining consciousness was still twitching.

"Do you want a child?" Tang Yan blew hot air between her ears.

"Hmm." Mu Rou completely melted and hugged Tang Yan tightly.

Tang Yan picked up Mu Rou and rushed into the deep courtyard of the inner palace, closing the door with a bang, and a hearty and passionate battle ensued. (The [-] word is omitted here)

After a long time, after Mu Rou's suppressed and happy voice was released, the room slowly fell into silence, but the fiery temperature lingered for a long time.

Mu Rou lay in Tang Yan's arms, her whole body was weak and she had no strength, but she still hugged Tang Yan tightly.

Tang Yan was gently helping her with her bun, but she didn't want Mu Rou to say suddenly: "Brother, when did you take Sister Ailinda in?"

(End of this chapter)

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