Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2520 Lost Pattern

Chapter 2520 Lost Pattern
Emperor Wu City.

Qi Lufu knocked on the door heavily, and pushed open the closed door of Ma Yanwang's retreat. "I just came back from the Lost Battle Realm."

"What happened over there?" Ma Yanwang finished the big cycle, suppressed his blood slightly, and opened his eyes.

"I really underestimated the Black Demon Clan. Now it is developing rapidly. Both the Stone Demon Clan and the Li Demon Clan have been taken down, and they are all attached to Xihai. The situation is critical, and it looks like it won't last long. If the Dark Demon Emperor didn't want to abolish him and keep him as a general in the future, the Evil Ghost Emperor would have died long ago."

Ma Yanwang's expression was serious, and he had been away for more than seven years without knowing it. "What about the blood demons and sky demons?"

"The Heavenly Demon Clan and the Blood Demon Clan have formed an alliance, and they have joined the Demon Emperor Taotie to form a complete territory system. The main purpose is to counter the invasion of the Dark Demon Clan. It is also the hesitation of the Dark Demon King to the Evil Ghost Emperor. The emperor took refuge in the blood demon emperor some time ago.

Now the two major forces within the demon clan are fighting against each other, and no one can do anything to the other, forming a temporary stalemate.

The demon spirit clan has temporarily weakened the military suppression of the blood demon clan. In order to magnify the internal war of the demon clan, let the blood demon clan concentrate on dealing with the dark demon emperor.Prince Cang also personally visited the Blood Demon Emperor, and privately agreed to give the Demon Race one year, and within one year, the Demon Spirit Clan would never attack the Blood Demon Clan if they made any fuss. "

"Now we should take advantage of the situation and pursue it. We must not wait for the Black Demons to swallow the Blood Demons." In Ma Yanwang's mind, the demons are demons, and killing one now is just one.

"The situation is a bit complicated, and I don't know the specifics if I'm not there. Let me tell you this, didn't Mo Qilin retreat to the eastern coast? He took away the confidant team, leaving behind millions of powerful beasts and a large number of idle forces in the huge territory of the East China Sea. Now all these forces have surrendered to Mo Qilin.

Mo Qilin personally interviewed Donghuang Chaos and Golden Wing Dapeng, and the two demon emperors announced that they would form an alliance system headed by Mo Qilin.Everything is centered on Mo Qilin, supplemented by the two great demon emperors.Mo Qilin allied with the Star Clan and the Spirit Clan, forming a huge war system.

Both the Star Clan and the Spirit Clan gave up their territories and retreated into the demon realm. "

"The Emperor of the Stars has returned?" Ma Yanwang was stunned.

"He's back, he's half-dead, and he hides in the demon realm and dare not come out. The alliance between the two major human races is dominated by the Holy Spirit Emperor, supplemented by the Star Human Emperor, forming an alliance of human races, and forming a life-and-death alliance with the demon realm."

"There is a master and an assistant. It seems to be a real alliance." Ma Yanwang secretly raised his breath. This is different from ordinary strategic alliances. Having the master and assistant is equivalent to a complete system. With the conditions of order and prohibition, coordinate and command The efficiency and combat power will be greatly improved.

"The current state of the Lost Battle Realm is very chaotic, and there is still unconfirmed news that the cherry blossom monster visited Mo Qilin. If the cherry blossom monster and Mo Qilin reach an alliance, I think... our war alliance system will face a big crisis. "

Ma Yanwang was silent for a while, and then smiled evilly: "After much deliberation, the battle in the Lost Battle Realm is still wonderful. There are punches to the flesh, and the knife is bloody. Compared with here, there are fewer worries and more cruelty. You Are you going to gather people to enter the Lost Battle Realm?"

"No, the war has not continued to our place for the time being. The Bone Race has all been transferred to the Demon Spirit Race, and the Demon Emperor Baiyu has transferred his troops to the vicinity of the Sea God Race. A large number of space passages have been grafted between the Asura Race and the Zhanmeng. I had another fight with Yaoyu before, and I am currently observing the situation. Even if the cherry blossom monster wants to start a war against the Zhanmeng, it will take another year for the two old monsters, Mo Qilin and Holy Spirit Emperor, to recover."

"Then what's the matter with you coming here?" Ma Yanwang thought something serious happened, otherwise how would Qi Lufu find him in such a hurry.

"I brought a group of people from the Lost Battle Realm."


"Zhaoyi, Ling Ruoxi, Liuli, and Tang Yan's daughter Tang Nian. By the way, send Li Yun, Baoshenzhu, and Tiger Ben cavalry over there, and exchange them in pairs. If there is a war, we can deal with it."

King Ma Yan was even more surprised, brought Tang Yan's family?Plan ahead?

"I'm going to solve the problem of Tang Yan's heirs, but I don't like this kind of thing, so I leave it to you. I have already sent people to find Ailinda and the six princesses of Yan Kingdom. It's up to you next."

"What what?" Ma Yanwang was a little confused, the style of painting changed so fast that he couldn't resist it.A second ago, the battle was raging, but now it's Yingying Yanyan?

"Put them all on Tang Yan's bed and let them give birth to Tang Yan's cubs. See if there are any who slip through the net. Recruit them all. Threats and lures are what you are good at. In short, make their stomachs bulge within six months " After Qilufu finished speaking, he turned and left, I finished the first half, and the second half will be handed over to you ruffian.

"What do you mean I'm good at?" Ma Yanwang stood there for a while, suddenly realized, son?Tang Yan wants a baby!But after thinking about it, Ma Yanwang almost scolded me, has I become a pimp?We two elders actually have to worry about such a thankless thing?

It's done, the little ones will be grateful to Dade in the future, and respectfully meet each other.If it is not done well, there are no people inside and outside.

"Old man!!" Ma Yanwang cursed fiercely. He knew Tang Yan very well. Although that boy was a lover, he had restrained himself a lot compared to back then, and his thoughts were spent on the few existing women. On the body, other things are not even ambiguous.

"Squeak." The door opened, and Zilufu stood outside. "Just called me?"

The corners of Ma Yanwang's eyes twitched: "No."

"Children are a very serious problem. If Tang Yan doesn't work hard, he will have no chance to become an emperor. I did what I should do, and you will do what you should do." Qi Lufu left another sentence and left again.

"..." Ma Yanwang was speechless again.What a romantic and beautiful thing, how could it be so awkward to say it from that big man's mouth.

"And that Ke Yutong." Qi Lufu popped back again.

"Can you finish it all at once!" Ma Yanwang was impatient.

"I thought about it, that girl's physique has something in common with Tang Yan, maybe it's easier to have children."

"Let Ke Yutong go first, that girl has a very stubborn personality, and Ke Zunshan is there to guard her. Do you think Ke Zunshan is willing to use his precious daughter as a thing?" Ma Yanwang was speechless, this old man really doesn't understand love.What's the difference between this and a mating pig? If you don't understand your love, do you want me to?
"You are really better than me." Zilufu disappeared again.

"How can I talk to you!" Ma Yanwang was speechless, slowly leaning on the seat, his eyes rolled and rolled, and suddenly he smiled evilly, I am really good at it! !
in the garden.

Ma Yanwang found Zhaoyi's family who had just returned.

The smoldering smoke that was left behind in the war world did not contaminate Zhaoyi's peerless elegance, but the brilliance of motherhood made her more charming. She was nourished by Tang Yan's maturity and seductiveness, and the sublimation of her temperament made her faintly surpass Niya.

I have to admit, this is a peerless beauty.No wonder the heirs of Dingxi Prince's Mansion fought for her and killed and wounded them, which really brought disaster to the country and the people.

"General Ma." Zhaoyi bowed to King Ma Yan, standing next to Ling Ruoxi, who was like a plum blossom, also bowed slightly. She was still so lonely and cold, and she was still so beautiful, making the sea of ​​flowers around her pale.

The two women are paired together, with different temperaments and different appearances, but they are both stunning.Putting it all together, it is the two heavens of ice and fire, no wonder Tang Yan insists on taking Ling Ruoxi down if he wants to die.King Ma Yan slandered, that kid would really enjoy it.

But... Ma Yanwang still appreciates Niya more in his heart.

"Where is Nian'er?" Ma Yanwang looked around, but there was no sign of Nian'er.

"It was still there just now, but I didn't notice it for a while, so I ran away." Zhaoyi was gentle and generous, but quite aura.

"Do you know why I asked you to come back?"

"Senior Qi said that there is an important task and he is very anxious." Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi were both surprised, they rushed here in a hurry, but they asked the people around them, and the war was obviously over.While lamenting Tang Yan's brilliant achievements, they became even more strange. Could it be that there are new hidden dangers?

Well, the old man didn't say anything. "Do you mind Tang Yan having a few more women?"

This is straightforward enough.

"That's it?" Zhaoyi was speechless.

"That's it!"

"Our sisters have mentioned it to Tang Yan several times, as long as we are sincerely in love with him, we will accept it." It was difficult for them to accept serving a husband together before, but as time passed, they had long since looked down upon it.They saw Tang Yan's love for their sisters and his growing affection, and that was enough.

What's more, the current Tang Yan is different from the past. He has been emperor for a hundred years and No. 1 in the ages.There are already Niya and Mu Rou, and one or two more is acceptable.

"That's good." Ma Yanwang turned and left.Hey, the two ladies are quite generous.But yes, the two sisters teamed up, and Nian'er, the eldest daughter, existed. No matter how Tang Yan's harem expanded, no one could shake their position at the top.

"Hey, General Ma." Zhaoyi didn't know what Ma Yan Wang was thinking, and called out, "You brought our sisters here just to ask a question? Can you take the liberty to ask, is there something wrong?"

"Well, something big happened."

The two women's hearts tightened: "What's the matter? Can you tell the truth so that we sisters can prepare?"

"Tang Yan is going to die, and I am shamelessly looking for a woman for her." Ma Yanwang left a sentence in an extremely tough manner, turned and left, leaving the two women in the garden for a long time in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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