Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2522

Chapter 2522
Tang Yan is honeymooning with Niya in another place. Mr. Tang has really tasted the sweetness. In the past, he traveled all year round for survival and experience. Every time he accompanied Niya, he always had something on his mind. Now he has no worries, only for the honeymoon To create a human being, to play is called a happy.

It is rare for Niya to open her heart and enjoy this rare beauty and warmth.

The two tossed outside for about half a month. Tang Yan was like a child who got a beautiful toy. He tossed Niya three or five times a day, in the mountains, in the rainforest, in the valleys, in various secret places, and in various wonderful places. Both left traces of the crazy love between the two.

Half a month later, Tang Yan took Niya back to Wudi City.

At this time, the Emperor Wu City appeared to be bustling as usual, and no disturbances could be seen.But this half a month, which is not short or long, really tortured Ailinda and other girls enough.

Ma Yanwang's sudden interview completely disturbed their hearts.

Ailinda was in the most complicated mood. If she said she had no feelings for Tang Yan, she would not believe it, but the world is always impermanent, and good fortune tricks people. If Tang Yan was still Tang Yan back then, she would let go of the so-called age gap and get along with Tang Yan. Tang Yan stayed together.But Tang Yan is no longer the dandy boy he was back then, but has become a figure respected by the whole world.She had clearly rejected Tang Yan, and felt that it would be nice to be able to accompany Tang Yan as a sister.

But... Ma Yanwang's rude and violent words caught her off guard.

At first I thought Ma Yanwang was messing around, but when I thought about it carefully, he was a big and perfect level powerhouse, and he came over to make fun of himself when he was full?

What made her unable to keep calm the most was Ma Yanwang's words "Tang Yan has been secretly in love with you for decades" and "He has a demon, but his life is in danger", which made her have to seriously consider this relationship.

Did he really bring demons to Tang Yan?
The sixth princess was equally tangled and shy. Back then, she did have a crush on Tang Yan, but as Tang Yan became stronger and stronger, she silently suppressed this affection.Only when Dingxi Palace died, Tang Yan's heroic rescue made her heart turbulent again, but seeing Tang Yan's terrifying strength at that time, she was only secretly moved and did not express it.

Who knew that when she was about to regard Tang Yan as a good memory in her heart, Ma Yanwang said "Tang Yan loves you", which made her fall completely. Although Tang Yan didn't say it himself, such a word of "love" made her soft My heart is full of sunshine.

Needless to say, Liuli directly believed that King Ma Yan was messing around, and at first she didn't take it seriously, but later she felt that something was wrong. She was smart and didn't hide in the house like Alinda and Princess Six, but left quickly to investigate the situation.

After asking, I found out that Tang Yan was about to become an emperor and wanted to have heirs, and all the forbidden places were busy recruiting women for him.

Liuli knows Ma Yan Wang very well, unlike Ailinda and the sixth princess who don't know anything about Ma Yan Wang. After thinking about it, it is definitely Ma Yan Wang who is playing tricks.Simply, ignore it!

Tang Yan returned to Wudi City and sent Niya to have a checkup to make sure she was pregnant.The female doctor drove Tang Yan out on the grounds that he was not watching from the right side. Tang Yan was quiet for a while, then suddenly raised his brows, and went straight to the garden, because he felt two familiar energy fluctuations from a distance.

"Zhaoyi? Ruoxi?" Tang Yan looked at the two women in the garden who were more beautiful than Huajiao in surprise, and couldn't believe his eyes. Why did they come?

Who knew that Ling Ruoxi cast a cold glance: "Renrouxiangli is back?"

Tang Yan was not polite, walked over and hugged her: "Niya's jealous too."

Before Ling Ruoxi could open her mouth, Tang Yan directly blocked her mouth, and kissed her fiercely and hotly, and her hands were dishonest, kneading indulgently through the clothes.

"..." Ling Ruoxi wanted to struggle.But Tang Yan rushed his hand into the skirt regardless of the occasion, and as soon as he grasped the firm plumpness, Ling Ruoxi's delicate body trembled slightly, the iceberg melted quickly, and the fierce struggle weakened again and again.

Zhaoyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and shook her head again and again.

Tang Yan worked hard to kiss her, enjoyed touching it, and gave Zhaoyi a look by the way, you can't run away.

"Then who! Shut up!" Suddenly, a scold came from behind.

Tang Yan didn't stop talking, nor did his hands stop, pinching the red spot on Ling Ruoxi's plump body, playing with it wantonly.But I squinted casually, and stopped for a while, and there was an eleven or twelve-year-old girl jumping out from the corner of the garden. She was wearing emerald green clothes, with white skin, a delicate and lovely face, and faintly Zhaoyi's appearance, but she had a pair of eyes. The quirky spirit is very magical.

"Let go." Ling Ruoxi hurriedly broke free, her jade face was flushed, she was out of breath, and she hadn't recovered from the hot kiss just now.

"Huh? This is..." Tang Yan's expression brightened.

"Huh? I think you look familiar, a prostitute?" The little girl raised her eyebrows, and she was dragging a big snake with her right hand. The snake was still coiled in the flowers behind her, trembling, obviously frightened by being tormented.

Tang Yan was speechless for a while: "Nian'er, come, let Dad give you a hug."

"Dad?" The little girl threw the big snake away, and the big snake fled like crazy as if it had been pardoned.It wasn't a wild snake, but one of the beasts guarded by ghost horns. It was snatched out by this girl and dragged all the way here.

"Forgot about me?" Tang Yan was dizzy.

"Who told you to leave when she was a child." Zhaoyi said lightly, and greeted the little girl: "Nian'er, come here, this is your father, it means the same as father."

"My father has changed? Mom, have you remarried? Stepfather?" The little girl muttered twice, rolling her eyes again and again. The father in her memory didn't seem to look like this.

"You child, what nonsense are you talking about!" Zhaoyi was annoyed.

Tang Yan felt uncomfortable from being choked, and rubbed his face: "Is there such a big change?"

Xiao Nian'er walked over like a little adult with her little hands behind her back, kicking her feet, not to mention how cute it was, and it made people laugh and cry.She tilted her body to study Tang Yan, motioned to squat down, and pinched his face: "What have you been doing these past few years? Don't you know that it's lonely for mother to stay alone in an empty room? Tell me honestly."

Tang Yan's face turned red and then pale. This is completely different from the warm picture he imagined. Is this what an eleven or twelve-year-old girl said?What happened to my family?
"It's up to you, you've failed in learning." Zhaoyi was even more distressed. How could such a dignified and dignified woman raise such a little witch? She was already like this at the age of 11. How can she be fine when she grows up?She really didn't dare to think about it.

"Hey." Nian'er suddenly reached out to Tang Yan.



"What compensation?" Tang Yan was stunned.

Xiao Nian'er patted Tang Yan's face with a small slap, and shook her hand: "Loss fee, meeting gift. I haven't seen you in seven or eight years. When this lady happened to have a long memory and IQ, you ran away unscrupulously. Now wait I have grown up, and you came back unexpectedly. This girl is very hurt, so let me comfort you first. Did the father come empty-handed when he saw his daughter?"

Sin.Tang Yan felt like crying.

Ling Ruoxi and Zhaoyi almost laughed, for the first time they felt that Nian'er was cute when she was naughty.

"I didn't expect you to come, I'm not ready yet." Tang Yan smiled awkwardly.

"Incompetent! Make it up next time, double it. If you don't make this girl happy, break up the relationship." Xiao Nian'er turned her head and wanted to leave.

"Wait. We haven't seen each other for several years, aren't we close?"

"Mother and little mother are in need of love, but I am not. Let me take care of my mothers first. Let's play first, and then come to me after you prepare your presents." Xiao Nian'er turned her head and left, really left...

Tang Yan was left in a daze, messed up.Is this really my daughter?What a big change!

The little girl walked in the yard for a while, and found that the big snake had escaped, she immediately rolled up her sleeves and jumped into the sky, pounced on the corner of ghosts and gods, and she yelled crisply and tenderly from high above: "Today stew snake soup!"

At such a young age, he is already in the realm of a Martial King, which is really against the sky.

Far away, a big snake was wailing, followed by the ghost and god horn troops crying grandpa and grandma to persuade them to fight.

Tang Yan almost groaned in his heart: "Why is my daughter like this?"

Zhaoyi was even more depressed: "You still have the nerve to say that? The head of the Yaoling Tribe Military Academy said that Nian'er is more suitable to live in the Yaoling Tribe after being baptized, and that childhood is the best time to build a foundation and gain enlightenment, but in the end Nian'er was taken away. The rest is up to you to figure out."

"Tang Fengye, I'm not finished with you!!" Tang Yan almost cursed.

"You look for opportunities to get closer to her, and you can still be saved now, otherwise, when your personality is finalized in the future, who will be able to hold back?" Ling Ruoxi was also very helpless. That little girl is cute and she is also a beauty, but her stubborn personality make her worry.

Sometimes she can't even imagine what Nian'er will be like in the future, and even saying that she is a witch may be an underestimation.

"Why are you here?" Tang Yan suddenly remembered.

"Didn't you send us here?"

"Me? Who brought you here?"


Ziluf?He ran back to the Lost Battle Realm himself?What a worry. "What did I tell you?"

"Say you're going to die." Ling Ruoxi said these words coldly, but her cheeks felt so hot.

"Who else got here?" Tang Yan suddenly felt bad, and his heart began to sink.

"We, and Liuli."

"Wait a minute, I'll take care of things." Tang Yan got up abruptly, and went straight to Liuli, who was about to become an emperor, but his forehead began to sweat.

Liuli left the room, looked at the embarrassing and distressed face outside, and said fiercely: "Don't be nervous, make your own man. I don't have that need now, and I will go when I feel it in the future." I'm looking for you. If you don't need that, forget it."

"Smart!! Exciting!! As expected of my girl!" Tang Yan stretched out his thumb, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, squeezed out a small face and rushed to the sixth princess. In front of him, he was a little shy, but he seemed to muster up a lot of courage: "I love you."

(End of this chapter)

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