Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2527

Chapter 2527
The matter was silent, Tang Yan, Ke Zunshan, Ma Yanwang and Qi Lufu gathered in the secret room.

After seeing all four of them arrived, Granny Ma went straight to the point: "The nine princes and princesses of the demon spirit were attacked. Tang Cang and Tang Yang were in the palace and survived by luck. Tang Lin was in a special situation and was not found. The others were arrested for nothing."

This gentle and kind old lady was full of worry at the moment, and her words were rarely hurried.

"Arrested? Arrested in Yixiantian? Are you kidding me!" Tang Yan frowned. "Don't worry, sit down and talk slowly."

Ma Yanwang and the three of them exchanged looks, all of them showed strange expressions, who would dare to attack them.

"Half a month ago, Tang Chen and Tang Bing inspected the military defense in Western Xinjiang, and also observed the situation of the Blood Demons. In recent months, the Blood Demons have successively reduced the deployment of frontline troops to avoid stimulating the Demon Spirits. Tang Chen I have visited there more than once, and this time I brought Tang Bing and Tang Zhibai, the second elder of the Military Affairs Academy, to discuss how to deal with the demons..."

As she spoke, Granny Ma waved her hands, so it's okay not to mention these messy things.

"After going to the front line to inspect the defense and just returned to the ancient city of the front line, the space of the city mansion suddenly cracked, and a powerful force hit Tang Chen and the others. At that time, there were Tang Chen, Tang Bing, Tang Zhibai, and the front line Marshal Tang Wu also It's not far away. But...that force knocked them all into the air.

Tang Wu rushed to the rescue, but it was too late.Tang Chen is gone, Tang Bing is gone!But before the space crack closed, Tang Chen's scream came out from the void—weapon Samsara Nylon!He is Qiao Cheng! "

"Qiao Cheng? How is that possible!!" Everyone was surprised in unison.

"It happened in the City Lord's Mansion, and it happened so suddenly. Outsiders don't understand the situation, but Tang Zhibai and the others can't get it wrong. Tang Chen has a lot of research on the ancient gold clan, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with making such a roar at a critical moment." Granny Ma Obviously, serious research has been done, otherwise I would not come here to express it.

King Ma Yan slowly got up, his eyes flickered, and his fingertips twitched subconsciously: "Qiao Cheng went back? Could it be that the passage between Qitian Continent and Lost Battle Realm hasn't been destroyed?"

"We verified that the passage was indeed destroyed."

"What about the others? How were they arrested?" Tang Yan asked again. Given Tang Chen's situation, it was true that he would not give out wrong guidance at such a moment, and that he could defeat Tang Chen and Tang Wu in an instant. who can do it.

"The other people are in the same situation. They are all in the sky, and the space suddenly split, and a force captured them. If Prince Cang hadn't woken up and unleashed the imperial power, they might even have sent a message to the third prince Tang Cang and the six princes in the palace. Prince Tang Yang reached out his hand."

"There is no space defense in Yixiantian?"

"It's set up. The defensive power is very strong in theory, but we really didn't expect that there would be other space fighters in the lost battle world, so there will inevitably be some special flaws in the defense. I checked the situation there and it was corroded. The only one who can do this is Yuluo Xuanfeng, who must be at the peak of the holy realm."

Everyone secretly inhaled, it really is the reincarnation clan who has gone back!

Granny Ma said again: "When I came back, I checked our space passage by the way, and found nothing abnormal. There are more than ten space warriors sitting in our passage, and it is impossible for Qiao Cheng to break through there.

After much deliberation, there is only one possibility. The reincarnation clan stayed behind, and may have copied a stable coordinate according to the space channel in the northeast sea a long time ago. "

"Can this coordinate be found?"

"Impossible. The void is infinitely vast. Finding such a hidden passage is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. One thing I can be sure of is that with the power of the reincarnated space monsters, it is impossible to build a space passage like ours. This requires the completion of space." Special power to assist. Theirs is at most space coordinates, that is to say, that passage is very dangerous, and Qiao Cheng risked his death to go back."

"Qiao Cheng ventured back for no reason..." Ke Zunshan looked at Tang Yan, meaning... arrest Tang Chen and threaten Tang Yan!
Tang Yan shook his head: "Impossible. They really want to threaten me so that they don't take the risk of going to the Lost Battle Realm. Compared with the risk of catching Zhao Zimo and the others, the price of returning to the Lost Battle Realm is many times greater."

Everyone thought about it, yes, this matter is strange.

"What's the reaction from Yixiantian?" Tang Yan didn't panic. This sudden incident was indeed unexpected, but at least Tang Chen and the others were not in danger for the time being, otherwise they would have been directly killed instead of captured alive.

"Old President Tang Yi also said that there must be other reasons for Qiao Cheng's risky return. The most suspicious point is the exposure of Qiao Cheng's identity. If you really want to arrest Tang Chen, you can arrest him when he leaves the front line and returns to Yixiantian. There is no need to let Tang Wu and the others go, this approach seems to be trying to cover up.

Tang Chen's erudition is not a secret among the golden ancient clan in the Lost Battle Realm, even if he has never met Qiao Cheng, he can recognize him.Qiao Cheng is not a fool, and arresting him there should have exposed his identity. "

Qi Lufu also said: "The old thief Qiao Cheng is deliberately revealing his identity!"

King Ma Yan couldn't figure it out: "He risked his life to go back, and clearly and unmistakably arrested Tang Chen, and deliberately revealed his identity, what does Qiao Cheng want to do?"

"What's going on with the world now? Qiao Cheng disappeared after arresting someone?"

"Yianxiantian hid the news and covered up several consecutive accidents as exercises. We used all the hidden forces available to search for Qiao Cheng, but we never found it. Qiao Cheng brought the space monster back, and it was almost impossible to find him. Impossible. Qiao Cheng has disappeared since he was arrested. He has neither negotiated with the demon spirit clan nor reappeared.

Yixiantian and Zhanmeng could only wait slowly until Qiao Cheng took the initiative to show up.

But the princes and princesses are missing, the situation is serious, and the sky is becoming more and more unstoppable. Prince Cang didn't say anything, but the generals and clan elders who supported Tang Chen... you can imagine the scene.

Seven days ago, Yiyitian made a decision, and the Ye Sirius troops assembled. The army commander Tang Zang, the deputy army commander Tang Shou, and the captain of the 1th team Tang Juan. These three saints led the 1th team back. Qi Tian Continent.Tang Hong, the guardian of the Military Affairs Academy, led a thousand guard troops back to Qitian Continent.

After I got the news, I was arranged to come back. Tang Zang and the others expected to leave Void and arrive at Wudi City around tomorrow afternoon. "

"Back to Qitian Continent? They suspect that Qiao Cheng is back?"

"This matter is quite weird. Yixiantian decided to prepare with both hands. If Qiao Cheng is there, they will be able to deal with it with Zhanmeng. If they appear here...they hope they can help." Behind Granny Ma That sentence was visibly slowed down.

How shrewd are Ma Yanwang and the others, they suddenly understood the meaning!
Ye Sirius is Prince Cang's trusted army, and the 1th team is called the Imperial Guard. This team is branded with the name of Prince Cang from top to bottom. The thousand-man team led by Tang Hong is also after the Yaoling tragedy Allegiance to Prince Cang.Although the demon spirit tragedy has been resolved, there are still factions that should exist without affecting the overall situation, and they will always exist.

These people are not here to save people, but to monitor Tang Yan.To be more precise, it supervises the new Zhanmeng.

If Qiao Cheng fled back to the Qitian Continent, there was a possibility of using Tang Chen to threaten Tang Yan.The New Battle League on the Qitian Continent was founded by Tang Yan from the inside to the outside, and he absolutely supports Tang Yan. Even if Tang Yan intends to exchange his life for Tang Chen and the others, the New Battle League will never allow Tang Yan to take risks. Therefore, there is a possibility that Tang Chen and others will die in Qitian Continent.

The return of Tang Zang and others is actually to hope that they can play their due role when necessary and try their best to control the development of the situation.Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

"Tang Yan, you don't need to think too much. They have no other intentions,'s human nature. They have their own concerns. The deans of the two houses personally ordered Tang Zang and the others to follow your command after returning. It also gives you the right to punish them severely."

"I understand." Tang Yan didn't care too much. There are too many factions in the ancient group of the Yaoling Clan, just like old roots entangled in groups.Tang Yan also believes that Tang Zang and others are not here to make trouble, but to reassure other extremist elders in the clan.

King Ma Yan didn't say anything, the matter of Tang Yan and Tang Chen was very sensitive.Although Tang Yan made it clear that he would not succeed to the Yaoling throne, he did not disclose it to the whole family.Moreover, Tang Yan is getting bigger and bigger now, and the situation on the Qitian Continent must have spread to the Lost Battle Realm.Tang Yan's light was so dazzling that it covered Tang Chen, who was the pride of the demon spirit clan back then.Outsiders don't know how the relationship between Tang Yan and Tang Chen is, so they are unavoidably worried that Tang Yan will take the opportunity to execute Tang Chen at this time.Sending an army over is also a relief to special people in the clan.

Tang Yan got up slowly: "I feel that Qiao Cheng will not return to Qitian Continent. His goal should be in the Lost Battle Realm. I want to... go back."

Ma Yanwang said: "Don't worry, it depends on the situation. We can't guess Qiao Cheng's purpose, so we can't tell what he wants to do, whether he will stay in the Lost Battle Realm or return to the Qitian Continent. The Lost Battle Realm is very powerful. Yixiantian and Zhanmeng can handle it, one more you is not too much, one less you is not much. We are still waiting here, paying attention to the Northern Alliance, and we will decide according to the situation."

Granny Ma said: "The Yixiantian side also means the same thing. You don't want to go back for the time being, just keep an eye on this side. Both sides are paying close attention, just waiting for Qiao Cheng to show up."

"Go and rest first, I have my own way to keep an eye on the Northern Alliance." Tang Yan waited for everyone to disperse, lost in thought.Tang Chen is in trouble, he will definitely save him, there is no hesitation in this regard, Tang Yan has always been moved by Tang Chen's serious affection, even if there is no blood connection, such a "brother" will let him go through fire and water, but the demon spirit clan This reaction made him... feel weird.

Forget it, saving people is the most important thing, and I have to endure everything else.

After a long time, Tang Yan's left eye opened the door to hell, and clouds of black mist rose in the dark secret room: "Keep an eye on the Northern Alliance for me, and don't let go of any abnormalities. When necessary, you are allowed to take extreme actions."

The gentle energy fluctuations revealed a ruthless air.

"Follow the order of the Ming Lord." The black mist sent a unique energy fluctuation, and quickly left after responding to Tang Yan.

In the world of hell, Tang Yan's avatar woke up the patriarch Yun Tianjing who was in retreat: "Don't rush to break through, lead all the troops to set off, sprinkle to the Eagle Soul Mountain Range, and reinforce the bitter mother's troops."

(End of this chapter)

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