Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2532

Chapter 2532
Xingluo ancient country!

Xingluo Renhuang looked north with his hands behind his back, his killing power undiminished, and his domineering power was like the sea: "Xuanyuan's becoming emperor heralds the end of the foundation-laying battle of Qitian Continent, the layout of the Central Plains is tentative, and the next battle will break the layout again. The blood rain baptism will be ahead. Emperor, are you ready?"

Qin Minghuang's eyes were burning: "To be able to live in this troubled world, to be able to live in this troubled world, and to die without regret! No matter if you fight against the sky today, or leave behind a bloody battle in the future, the son of the Qin family will never back down."

"Xuanyuan becoming emperor will lead Thomas Fissen United Empire to make a decision to join the Northern Alliance. Many intelligent rulers of the United Empire will transfer to the Northern Alliance to help control the Universe Empire and bring the Northern Alliance back to life. The war may be worse than you expected. It came earlier and more brutally than expected."

"No fear! But the situation in Wudi City is a bit strange. Tang Yan has not made a sound until today, and there is no news from Xuanyuan Longli. The emperor wants to leave tonight and visit Wudi City in person. Xuanyuan Chenghuang will bring it to the world. It is a big touch, and our Central Plains Alliance should have a summit meeting."

"Go, remember one thing, our alliance with Emperor Wu City will never change."

Holy Empire! !
"Xuanyuan's becoming an emperor is swift and unstoppable. Afterwards, the Holy Emperor of Reincarnation will find her a suitable opponent for a duel to temper her imperial realm. The imperial battle in the Central Plains is inevitable and will start in the near future." The holy man The emperor gathers his prestige and stands on the edge of the roof of the main hall of the palace, looking to the north.

On the left and right stands the newly sanctified Witch Commandment Book and the King Wu Nong. They are the only ones who are qualified to meet and accompany the Emperor.

They are still in shock, and their breathing is a little short. They just got the news about Xuanyuan Chenghuang.The occurrence of natural disasters turned out to be because someone wanted to become an emperor?Or the aunt of the reincarnation clan?

If it hadn't been for the emperor to tell him personally, they would never have believed their ears.

It is definitely an exciting thing to witness the birth of the new emperor in their lifetime, but...they really can't cheer up now, and all they feel is a chill.

Because the "disaster reports" from the Northern Continent flew over one after another, they kept feeling chills in their hearts.Where many people died of freezing, where many people died of starvation, where rivers and lakes were blocked by ice, where ancient cities were sealed off, and where traffic was completely cut off. the cold and windy, the children are exchanged for food...where...the old people are crying under the heavy snow... This is a natural disaster, this is a human disaster.

How many people were frozen to death and starved to death under the snow.

How glorious it is to become an emperor, but it corresponds to the death of the whole world.

This is Huang!

It is said that one will be successful, but now they have witnessed the one emperor's ascension to the top, and the common people will suffer. How many people will die in the cold winter if this disaster continues?They couldn't believe it.

Because the current paper statistics have more than three million people, more than 300 million... In just a few days, more than 300 million people starved to death and froze to death.

Looking at the information sheets in their hands, they seemed to see distorted faces and scenes of desolate bitter cold.

None of them were sentimental people, but they were really shaken by what happened to ordinary people in the northern continent.

The emperor is shaped by the way of heaven, but you want the common people to pay homage with flesh and blood?

They looked to the north, trembling with chills!
Across hundreds of millions of territories, one can feel the bone-chilling cold, as if one can see tens of millions of ordinary people there struggling desolately in the cold, wind and snow, waiting to die in the thick snowdrifts. There used to be beautiful mountains and rivers, but at this moment Purgatory on earth, everything is setting off the birth of the new emperor.

"Father, how long is it expected that Xuanyuan will become emperor?" The witch commandment book is still difficult to accept. I vaguely remember the incident in the Valley of the Wicked. The most dazzling ones were myself and Tang Yan. It's only been a year, not to mention Tang Yan has become a great man, but Xuanyuan has become an emperor aloofly?It is even more difficult to accept the disaster that her becoming emperor brought to the common people.

"This is just the beginning. It will cause the energy between the heaven and the earth to gather, and then there will be a real big breakthrough. Xuanyuan's energy attribute is cold, and the natural disaster caused should be a blizzard. This blizzard will soon rush out of the North Road and sweep across Qitian Continent. land and sea."

"Then how many more people will die?"

"When I became emperor, 8000 million people died in Qitian Continent, which means I walked to the top of the world by stepping on 8000 million corpses. The situation of Xuanyuan becoming emperor was more serious than I expected. Stepping on the corpses of millions of people."

The witch commandment book secretly felt cold, and even Wu Nong took a little breath, unable to suppress his calm.

Heavenly Power Empire!

"Arrange the Government Council and make all kinds of cold-proof preparations. Within half a month, this blizzard will sweep across the Tianquan Empire. By then, it will no longer be as simple as cooling down, and the tragedy of the Northern Continent will be staged here." Tianquan Ren It is rare for the emperor to restrain his imperial prestige and appear in the Military Intelligence Academy, but everyone has withdrawn, and only the prime minister and the prince Murong Zixuan are left here.

Prime Minister Su Qinyu has white hair but is hale and hearty: "Your Majesty, don't worry about government affairs. At the beginning of the cold wave, various emergency measures in the country have been deployed. When the blizzard really comes, we can minimize the loss. The main thing is Pure Land , I specifically ordered the Minister of Agriculture to go over and cooperate."

Murong Zixuan shook his head feebly. The misery in the northern continent had already touched the fragile hearts of those old monks in the Pure Land, and they could understand the situation there without going there.

"What's the news from Emperor Wu City?"

Murong Zixuan said: "Wudi City has been very quiet for the past few months, and now that the cold wave is hitting Xuanyuan Chenghuang, Wudi City is also very calm. I sent someone to contact Xuanyuan Longli five days ago to ask if there is any The strategy is to deal with the threat brought by Xuanyuan Chenghuang. In the past, it would take two or three days at most to reply, but this time it took five days to reply, and I only said one sentence, and I didn’t mention anything else.”

Prime Minister Su Qinyu's face was full of gloom: "It's all under control? I'm afraid it's a perfunctory reassurance. I used to wonder that the reincarnated holy emperor never left. It turned out that he was cultivating a new emperor. Now that the new emperor has come out, I'm afraid there will really be a continuation Continuous emperor-level battlefields."

Murong Zixuan said: "I'm wondering why Xuanwu Sacred Emperor would allow Xuanyuan to become emperor? A family with two emperors is very rare in ancient times, and it will make the reincarnation clan a well-deserved overlord of Qi Tian. Xuanyuan became emperor in Beihai again, Xuanwu Sacred Emperor just watched like that?"

"Before they joined forces to return to Qitian Continent, the Holy Emperor of Samsara probably had considered this aspect and made some kind of agreement with the Holy Emperor of Xuanwu. If the Holy Emperor of Xuanwu still had selfish intentions before and wanted to make trouble, then this time it is The Central Plains Alliance helped Xuanwu Shenghuang make up his mind. Without the previous fiasco in the north, Xuanwu Shenghuang might not easily let Xuanyuan become emperor, but now the situation in the northern alliance is weak, Xuanwu Shenghuang has to accept it."

Xuanyuan Longli said: "Father, the Imperial War is about to start, and there will be a more brutal war next. On the surface, it seems that the Central Plains Alliance has been suppressed, but don't forget Tang Yan's power in the Lost Battle Realm. Therefore, the final outcome of this battle is really hard to say, and no one can directly assert.

Since we joined the Central Plains Alliance and received benefits, we have no reason to withdraw.

I have an opinion. From now on, we will strengthen cooperation with Emperor Wudi City. From the army to supplies to advisors and special operations forces, we can increase our staff with all our strength and make an alliance wholeheartedly. At least we should not be worse than Xingluo Ancient Country. "

Tianquan Renhuang did not express his approval, nor did he directly oppose it.

The prime minister shook his head secretly. It wasn't that he disagreed with the prince's words. His own opinion was to look at the situation again and say, "Scatter eagles when you see a rabbit." The sincerity and determination of the Tianquan Empire will appear as the power of the Tianquan Empire when they actually see the rabbit.

In the meaning of the prince, he repeatedly emphasized one word, and Wudi City valued one thing very much, that is love!Although this kind of friendship is a little ridiculous in the military alliance, because of the extreme strength of Wudi City, this kind of friendship has become a measure, and it will directly determine the posture of Wudi City in times of crisis or physiological periods in the future.Therefore, Xuanyuan Zixuan firmly believes that the Tianquan Empire must either withdraw directly or fully cooperate.

Tianquanrenhuang said: "Xuanyuan becomes the emperor, this is the opportunity. The Thomas Fissen United Empire must also make up its mind to join the Northern Alliance. It is time for us to make a decision here."

Murong Zixuan said again: "We want to cooperate in an all-round way, but we must position each other correctly. It is a cooperative relationship. The status is equal, and there cannot be a difference between the master and the deputy. The vague attitude of Wudi City this time always has a sense of leading our three empires. I don’t like being led by the nose. Regarding this imperial war crisis, if Wudi City really has a way, pass it on to us, make it clear to each other, and make preparations. If there is really no way, don’t force it, we Sit down and talk."

Prime Minister Su Qinyu nodded: "Your Highness is right, I think so, I will go to Wudi City in person tomorrow."

Murong Zixuan said: "I'll go!! I think Qin Minghuang and Wu Jieshu should have the same idea as me. This is the opportunity for Xuanyuan to become emperor, and it's time for us to sit down and have a good talk with Tang Yan. Only when we truly talk to each other, Only then can we advance together with the enemy and the enemy.”

(End of this chapter)

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