Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2535 Ruthless

Chapter 2535 Ruthless
While Tang Yan watched the chaotic battle in hell, he recalled the first clone, gathered all his strength for forging, and did not hesitate to draw part of the strength from the other clones.

In mid-July, the first avatar of Mingtu Bazang entered the realm of Dzogchen. As a price, the other seven avatars all stayed in place.

After constant familiarization and experimentation, Tang Yan controlled the edge of hell to contact the outer space of Qitian Continent.The target was selected in the most desolate part of the South China Sea.

When the eyes of the whole world were focused on the northern continent, and when the cloud of war spread to the north, a dark area covering dozens of kilometers formed in the depths of the South China Sea, and the gate of hell was temporarily opened again.

All of a sudden, subtle changes took place in the southern world of Qitian Continent. The filthy aura and lonely ghosts that had accumulated here for hundreds of thousands of years found the inclined mouth, and poured it into the mighty torrent of hell.

Even the emperor of the Qitian Continent can't feel this kind of power, but it is undeniable that this power is terrifying. After all, it has been squeezed alive for hundreds of thousands of years, and the filthy air rushes towards hell like rivers and seas, and there are countless things mixed in it. Lonely ghost.

These filthy qi are the best nourishment for hell, equal to the spiritual power of Qitian Continent, while lonely ghosts are the food of countless ghost clans, and they are the embryonic form of the birth of a new ghost fetus.

As hell rages on, this infusion of power adds to the chaos of war once again.

Unexpectedly, this power actually brought benefits to Tang Yan, and quickly calmed down the extremely unstable man who had just become emperor.

"Ha ha!"

Tang Yan laughed wildly in the silence, because this situation was really unexpected. It turned out that the filthy air between the two worlds could become his own energy, which contained the evil air and blood energy produced by the world's ecological cycle, etc. In short, it was against the warriors Harmful substances are also substances that affect the growth of warriors, but because of hell, they become Tang Yan's nourishment.

I thought that becoming a saint was already a metamorphosis of the ghost green fire, but I didn't expect that the metamorphosis of becoming an emperor would be more comprehensive.

The connection between the two worlds also injected mysterious and pure power into Qi Tian Continent. This power is illusory, but it has extremely strong effects.

At this moment, in the depths of the Yellow Sea in the South China Sea, there are a large number of saints and semi-saints hoarding, all of them were transferred here by the air force, which is the previous "space eve".They are some strong people from the Central Plains Alliance, carefully selected real core figures, and they were transferred here in advance after being notified to wait for the opportunity.

Even Zhao Zimo and others gathered here! !
The Lord of Pure Land even moved Xu Yan here! !
Now the hell has just matured, and the mysterious power is the purest. Once it is injected into the Qitian Continent, the effect can be imagined. They will be the first to benefit from sitting here.

However, because the contact between Hell and Qitian Continent was limited to a "small part", it was only Tang Yan's small attempt, so the mysterious power was absorbed by them just after breaking out of Hell, and did not spread to Qitian Continent. Naturally, it will not attract the attention of others.

All these things were carried out in secret, without even alarming Tang Zang and other troops. Xuanyuan Longli teamed up with Niya and Zhaoyi to personally deploy them. For this reason, the three of them even gave up this golden opportunity to sit on the front line and strictly control them. , to escort the growth of others.

This is just an experiment, and it's just the beginning. Let everyone try whether the mysterious power can really bring benefits. In the future, when Hell and Qitian Continent are fully connected, then there will be a real breakthrough.

So everything, including Tang Yan's becoming emperor, was done in secret.

The world marveled at Xuanyuan's becoming emperor, but they didn't know that Tang Yan had already become emperor in the void, let alone the rapid development of hell power.

end of july! !

In the secret realm of the reincarnation tribe, Xuanyuan woke up. After learning about Qiao Cheng's deployment, he resolutely decided: "According to Qiao Cheng's ancestor's deployment, carry out the mission! Kill all Tang Bing, sacrifice the battle flag with blood, and declare war on the Central Plains Alliance!"

"Follow the emperor's order!" The Military Affairs Council knelt down, all under the authority of Xuanyuan Emperor.

They didn't know that Xuanyuan had just become emperor and couldn't control the imperial power well, or Xuanyuan did it on purpose. In short, the huge military academy was rushing with terrifying imperial power from all directions, as if huge mountains were about to collapse the buildings of the military academy. to bend their loins.

They were excited by Huanggu Xuanyuan's becoming emperor, but Huanggu's sudden change in temperament made them feel a deep sense of oppression, even more fearful than when facing the reincarnation holy emperor.

"Go down and make arrangements. In two days, the reincarnation clan will go to battle." Xuanyuan ordered.

All the elders of the Military Affairs Academy retired. According to Xuanyuan's meaning, the word "all" not only includes the reincarnation clan, but also includes the strong men who were transferred during the drastic changes in the ancient Xingluo country. It includes the strong men and sects of various ancient cities, including The many elites of Tianji Pavilion.

The number of reincarnations themselves is not large, but they are all strong. Including that strength, both quality and quantity have been supplemented and complemented. They believe that they will give the Central Plains Alliance a head-on blow.

"I will abide by my agreement. I will abolish Tang Yan, and Tian Yu will kill Tang Yan." Xingchen Renhuang has no head or arms, but the surging imperial power is churning in his body. environmental crisis.Although it is impossible to return to the peak state, at least it can be stabilized at about [-]%.

In his state, if he abandons the shackles of heaven, the lethality will be very terrifying.

"We won't take action lightly, we must turn Tang Yan into the void first." Mu Tianyu reminded Xuanyuan, and looked at the hazy woman submerged in the cold wave——Xuanyuan from the corner of his eyes.

The death of hundreds of millions of people paved her way to become emperor.

She looked at Xuanyuan, unable to tell whether it was respect or awe.She is more terrifying than a high-ranking goddess. Not only is she unemotional, but her special frozen mystery makes her more oppressive and intimidating than other human emperors.

On the way to Qitian Continent, she introduced the process of becoming emperor to Xingchen Renhuang in detail, and knew the existence of the Red Dust Tribulation. She was very curious about who helped Xuanyuan survive the Red Dust Tribulation, and who did she love?How did you spend it again!

"My family's space monsters will drive Tang Yan into the void. Please make sure to capture and kill Tang Yan. He has countless secret treasures and two great imperial veins. Then you must kill!"

"You don't need to remind me, I know what I should do!"

"After Tang Yan was captured and killed, all the secret treasures covered in Tang Yan's body belonged to my reincarnation clan."

"This is not part of the agreement." Although the Emperor of the Stars has no head or arms, he can use energy to gather voices. The slightly fluctuating energy at this moment shows that the Emperor of the Stars is not worried or dissatisfied.

"The agreement between you and me is that you will assist the Samsara Clan to capture and kill Tang Yan, but Tang Yan's bodyguards and body are not in the action, so they belong to my Samsara Clan. You are only responsible for killing, and I will deal with the aftermath."

"Don't Xuanyuan Renhuang think it's too immoral?" The other purpose of Xingchen Renhuang brought Mu Tianyu is to collect Tang Yan's body cover, to see if there is anything on Tang Yan that can be used on Mu Tianyu, and whether it can be used. Absorb the luck of all races won by Tang Yan in the first time.

"I give you two choices. One is to give up after killing Tang Yan and immediately return to the Lost Battle Realm. The other is to do something for me, do one thing, in exchange for a secret treasure, including the ghost green fire, Long Kui bloodline , including the Blood Soul Tree, all kinds of weapons, and luck!"

"Did you have such an idea in the morning?"

"Not force!"

The Emperor Xingchen remained silent, as if he was in deep thought.Mu Tianyu remained silent, and it was obvious that Xuanyuan did not intend to let Xingchen Emperor go back easily.

"Why do you want me to help?" Xingchen Renhuang didn't care anymore, and understood what Xuanyuan meant.I'm afraid that if I don't do a few other things for her, it will be a problem to return to the battlefield safely.It's pointless to fight too much, just...kill Tang Yan, and do some more damage.

"Destroy Emperor Wu City! Destroy the space channel above Emperor Wu City! Destroy Yesha Pagoda! Hurt Qilufu, Zhanmo, Ma Yanwang, and all space fighters at the holy level!" Xuanyuan opened his mouth with a series of murderous intentions.

Mu Tianyu was slightly taken aback, so ruthless! !
"What can I get?"

Xuanyuan had no expression on his face: "It's all done, so what if Tang Yan sends you off!"

"Deal! Send me a space monster to guide me!"

(End of this chapter)

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