Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2540 Emperor

Chapter 2540 Emperor

"Huang, it's better to be careful." Mu Tianyu reminded Xingchen Emperor, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Unfeeling and unfeeling love means ignoring the seven emotions and six desires, and the emptiness of emotions. It's not that the emperor has no thoughts. If there are thoughts, there will be a character. If there is a character, there will be a specific label. It is cold, domineering, war, or crazy, etc. But Xuanyuan ...something is wrong..." Emperor Xingchen also replied indifferently.

"Huh?" Mu Tianyu was surprised, frowning and thinking about the meaning of Huang's words.

"Please don't talk about my aunt in front of me!" The space monster seemed to respect Xuanyuan very much, and even protested against the might of the Emperor of the Stars.

Xingchen Emperor remained silent, and Mu Tianyu stopped arguing.

"Hmph." The space monster snorted lightly, speeding up.

The Star Emperor was indifferent as usual, but recalculated his actions.Once it arrives at the Yesha Pagoda, it will be destroyed directly, without any hesitation, let alone stay.

But I don't know how long it took, the space monster suddenly let out a small gasp and stopped.

"what happened?"

"I... I'm lost!" The space monster was stunned.

"What?" Mu Tianyu almost kicked him.You TM space monster, lost your way in the void?What a fool! !
The space monster looked around: "No, I'm really lost, where is this?"

The Emperor of the Stars was also startled, his thoughts spread out again, and the endless stars spread out in all directions again. Not long after, at the end of the spread of the stars, he noticed a group of people standing there... standing?Also looking here... looking coldly... "There are people in the void? The air force of Wudi City!" The space monster was nervous and vigilant, but after thinking about it, why am I afraid again?The Human Emperor is standing next to me, even if the old ghost Xu Ni Beast comes, he will kill him!

"Don't you feel that the atmosphere here is a little weird?" Nebula spread widely around the Emperor of the Stars, covering tens of thousands of meters, illuminating the dim void, and keeping an eye on other directions.He has no concept of void, but he can find that the space here is colder than it was at the beginning...!It's cold!

"I can't find my direction. There's nothing weirder than this." The space monster can recognize the direction by the specific breath flow in the void, just like the activities of deep-sea fish in the dark abyss of the seabed, but now it has lost its sense of direction.

"They're coming!" Mu Tianyu also noticed the person on the edge of the starry sky.

"Huh? It's him?" Emperor Xingchen was slightly surprised, and his voice was surprised.If he had a head now, he would be surprised.

"Who?" Mu Tianyu was surprised by Huang's fluctuating energy breath, and seemed to be greatly alarmed.

"Xingchen Renhuang, we meet again. Back then, the Heavenly Demon Spirit Imperial City chopped off your head and became a joke in the war world. You don't have a long memory?? You didn't honestly hide at home, and even came across the void to Xuanyuan Be a swordsman. If you lose your head, you really have a defect. That's what it means to be brain-dead and brain-dead. You've learned a lot.”

Tang Yan walked a thousand meters at a time, as if walking in the void, and came in front of them with ease.

Tang Yan was followed by none other than the five imperial pillars!Steaming blood energy, releasing terrifying killing power, like five awakened ancient beasts.It is obviously five pillars, but it looks like five ancient beasts are entrenched.Real but unreal, weird feeling.

"Tang Yan?" Xingchen Human Sovereign suddenly became vigilant, and he felt an indescribable feeling from Tang Yan.

"Tang Yan!!" Mu Tianyu recognized Tang Yan, and subconsciously activated his martial arts, ready to fight.

"Don't be nervous, do I look so scary?" This is Tang Yan's real body!Hell was unleashed and turned into a whole world, filling the void.His body can naturally move back and forth in and out of hell.

At this moment, Tang Yan's left eye is strangely dark, like a black hole, filled with a terrifying and deadly atmosphere, hell.

The left eye is hell, and hell is the left eye.

The world at a glance!

Tang Yan moves in hell, that is, moves in his own eyes, but the eyes grow on his face.

Between the three, a strange superimposed commonality is achieved.

Weird, mysterious, unimaginable.

He was standing here, that is, standing in hell, standing in his own eyes, and the eyes... were in his eye sockets.

"Tang Yan, just yourself? Did you come here to die? No, why are you here!" The space monster was vigilant.

"This is my house, you barged in and asked me?" Tang Yan looked at it with a half-smile.

"Your family?" The space monster rolled its eyes, couldn't figure it out, and simply didn't want to. After a cold snort, it quickly turned behind the Emperor Xingchen and roared: "Quick, kill him, killing him early and killing him later is killing him. He delivered it all by himself!"

Regardless of your calculations, I have the emperor by my side! !
"Noisy." Tang Yan snapped his fingers casually, the space monster's head exploded, and the shouting stopped abruptly. Its head seemed to be crushed alive by some kind of force or silk thread, and blood, flesh and brains were all over the sky. spilled.

"Ah!!" Mu Tianyu screamed, and blood sprayed half of her body.He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. The physical body of the space monster couldn't be stronger, comparable to black iron and fine steel. Otherwise, how could it move in the void and resist the cracks in space.

But... exploded?
"Ah!!" The remnant body of the space monster suddenly fell down, falling towards the bottom of the boundless darkness.It is still alive, its soul is still there, and it is still screaming, but its body is out of control, as if it is being held by an invisible big hand. It wants to struggle, but it is indifferent. In an instant, it fell tens of thousands of meters, and it crashed. On the ground, the tough body was covered with cracks.

Excruciating pain! !Bloody!
"Hi... hiccup..." In the darkness, among the gravel, a group of wild boar-like monsters came over, smelling blood. They looked like wild boars, but they were completely hairless, blood-red, with...human faces!With a smirk!Mouth full of fangs!
Soon, horrific screams aroused in the dark wilderness, creepy! !The space monster was dying and struggling, but its body was tightly suppressed by some kind of force. It could feel that its body and soul were being bitten and eaten by the monster, and the sound of chewing wafted in the darkness.

It can feel the fragmentation of its own body, the tearing of the soul.

It screamed terribly, but its voice became lower and lower.

The Emperor of the Stars swept his mind downwards, and clearly felt the scene below.

"Learn from the seniors, don't kill if you cripple. Leave it to the helper." Tang Yan teased with sarcasm.

"Who's here?" Mu Tianyu woke up startled, with a chill all over his body!The space monster in the Holy Realm crushed its head instantly?In front of the Emperor of the Stars? ?who! !Who is in the dark!

"This is Mu Tianyu? The Destiny Son of the Star Clan?" Tang Yan smiled and hooked his hands.

Mu Tianyu froze suddenly, then...moved...and floated slowly towards Tang Yan.

ah? ?What's wrong? ?Her eyes were wide open and she struggled violently, but she couldn't move at all. She couldn't believe what happened: "Who? Who is here?"

The Emperor of the Stars was indifferent, but in fact the imperial prestige had already bloomed, locking on Tang Yan.The nebula all over the sky fluctuates wonderfully, arousing mysterious powers to envelop Mu Tianyu, trying to break free of control for her.

However, Tang Yan smiled flatly and kept waving to Mu Tianyu, very slowly and lightly.

Mu Tianyu's body was out of control, and she floated lightly towards Tang Yan, she panicked, she was terrified: "Emperor!! Help me!! Help me!"

"Let go of her!!" The Emperor of the Stars finally roared, and thousands of stars in front of him suddenly connected together, turning into a dazzling light and cutting towards Tang Yan, like a sea of ​​light sweeping across.

Rumble! !Guanghai instantly submerged Tang Yan, and there was a loud noise.

But... the tide of light dissipated, and the spot of light shattered, Tang Yan still stood there, indifferent.

Mu Tianyu froze, staring at the scene in front of her with wide eyes, did she die? ?She was terrified, and her delicate body trembled slightly. Looking at the smiling Tang Yan in front of her, she seemed to see a devil.

The Emperor of the Stars was also stunned. Tens of thousands of stars around him suddenly gathered and turned into ten rays of light.Ten starlights intersected across the nebula, and all of them hit Tang Yan.

But... a shocking thing happened.

Tang Yan twisted his neck and was unscathed, but Mu Tianyu had already come in front of him.

"Miss Mu Tianyu, I heard that you are coming to kill me?" Tang Yan stretched out his small hand and hooked Mu Tianyu's exquisite minibus. "You are prettier than Mu Yanyun, and you have a better figure. No wonder the Emperor of the Stars will choose you as the child of destiny."

"" Mu Tianyu was so shocked that he couldn't speak, his eyes were full of horror.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you now. My hospitality is different from that of reincarnation people." Tang Yan patted her face.

"Here is hell! You have become emperor!!" The Emperor of the Stars made a voice, the sound was a collection of energy, and the fluctuation was very strong, which shows how strong the shock of the Emperor of the Stars is at the moment.

"Senior has a lot of knowledge." Tang Yan waved his hand casually, but Mu Tianyu...disappeared with a whoosh!Disappeared from the sky full of nebulae, disappeared from the dark sky.

(End of this chapter)

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