Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 256 Breaking into the Dayan Mountains Alone

Chapter 256 Breaking into the Dayan Mountains Alone
Watching Tang Yan disappear in the dense forest ahead, Dou Niang still did not relax her frown: "I don't know where your confidence comes from, but I have to remind you that since ancient times, the end of trading with monsters has been miserable. Daddy There have been quite a few powerful sects in the Yanshan Mountains who have tried to grab the head demon master and go back to sit in town, except for a few super big factions such as Langya Cave, Wandu Valley, and Shuluan Hall, there are basically no successful examples of others."

Langdong also said: "War giant tigers are notoriously difficult to deal with, and have strong resistance to humans. I suggest you go to persuade Mr. Tang to not consider this monster for the time being, and think of other ways."

Tang Badao: "If we could persuade him, we wouldn't have followed him to the Dayan Mountains. You don't have to worry about it. Although my young master is young, he has experienced as many things as you. Since he dared to go and try Somewhat sure."

Tang Qing also said: "If you have time, let's go back and tidy up Tibing Mountain, and deal with these twenty or so traitors by the way."

The three of them, Dou Niang, didn't know what to say. Since they are not worried about being house slaves, there is no need for outsiders like themselves to struggle.But the more than 20 helpers who are unconscious... need to be dealt with properly. "They leave it to us to handle."

"It's up to you to deal with it. It doesn't matter whether we kill or keep it, but I must get a guarantee that the elixir given to you by the young master will not be leaked no matter what, nor will these 20 people know. I'm not joking. If it really leaks out, don't blame our Tang family for turning their faces and denying anyone!"

What Tang Ba said was very serious, coupled with his perverse and evil expression, it was a bit cold and stern.

"Don't worry, you must keep the secret." Dou Niang signaled to her subordinates, and all the more than 400 people solemnly made a promise.They have been in the Dayan Mountains for many years, and they are not ignorant fools. Tang Yan must have some kind of secret. Since it is beneficial and harmless to them, they are happy to enjoy the favor.

"Brother Hei, have you heard of the giant war tiger?" Tang Yan led Hei Niu to leap and fall in the forest, communicating with the black water leech.

"The giant war tiger has been called the overlord of the Dayan Mountain Range a long time ago. I remember that when I was promoted to the fourth-level monster beast, it was the period when it was promoted to the Yaozun. It was once unknown, and it was promoted to the Yaozun So they invited battles everywhere, provoked everywhere, and caused chaos in the entire nearby mountain area. Later, they angered the six sects in the branch there, and they were jointly encircled and suppressed. At that time, they sent a total of three venerables, but they just broke through the encirclement and escaped. go out.

After recovering from injuries in the later period, he still did not stop provocative footsteps, until he killed a senior priest of Jiantai Mountain, angered Jiantai Mountain, was wanted with all his strength, and was chased and killed by the three major sword masters all over the mountains and plains. stop.

And later... that was before I was frozen in the Jedi of Daylight. The giant war tiger that had been silent for decades reappeared and directly aimed at Jiantai Mountain.You must know that Jiantai Mountain is the fifth super sect in the entire Dayan Mountain Range. Although it lost a venerable before, its strength should not be underestimated.The giant tiger led thousands of monsters from the six demon kings to attack, and they fought until the sky was dark, blood stained Jiantai Mountain, and the tragedy was unspeakable.It is said that the three great demon kings and the five great martial kings fell in that battle, and even the giant tiger was almost killed. He was nailed to the top of the mountain with a bloody sword by the owner of Jiantai Mountain, and he suffered thousands of crimes of bone erosion.But at the critical moment, it seemed that someone interfered. The three demon kings took the opportunity to save the giant tiger and fled to the mountains.After a bloody battle, Jiantai Mountain continued to defend its own strength, but since then no one has questioned the strength of the War Giant Tiger, and even Jiantai Mountain has recognized its existence. "

"Interferenced? Is there a stronger person behind it?"

"That's not enough. The forces in the Dayan Mountain Range are intricate. The major sects are fighting each other, and they all want to kill each other. The mighty expedition to Jiantai Mountain by the war giants will definitely attract attention. The strong men of other sects secretly attack It is also reasonable to help each other. As long as the giant tiger survives, there will always be a potential hidden danger in Jiantai Mountain. Of course, they are happy to see this situation.

It is precisely because of the giant tiger's madness and tyranny, as well as its never-ending pace of challenge, that it was named the giant war tiger of the Dayan Mountains.Counting it... More than 500 years have passed since it was promoted to the Yaozun. "

"Then its current strength should be equivalent to... the second-order Martial Lord?" Tang Yan's pace was a little slower. The gap between the three ranks of Wu Zun is extremely huge. There are dozens of people, and there are probably only ten people in the second-tier martial arts.Many people have spent hundreds of years in their lives to achieve breakthroughs that have not been seen.For example, with the talents and resources of Tang Yanshan, Odin and others, they still remain at the first-order Martial Master and cannot break through.

This shows the gap between the levels.

If the giant war tiger advances to the second level, it will be more worthy of its own efforts, but the probability of success will also be reduced to the lowest!
"I don't know, the giant war tiger is a very talented monster, and also a crazy fighting beast. I have been frozen in the Jedi during the day for more than two hundred years, and it is reasonable if it can break through. But..."


"In the battle of Jiantai Mountain, the war giant tiger escaped death, and it will take some time to recover from his injuries. What's more, among the major sects, some people want to use it, while others want to get rid of it. It may be very difficult to survive in the strife. By the way... How sure are you that you can invite it out?"

"I'm not sure, but since they're all here, let's try! I'll have to rely on your help then."

"Do my best!" The blackwater leech did not shirk, maintaining its usual calm.

Tang Yan's speed increased again, leading the black girl to jump and run in the forest.

The Dayan Mountains can be called a chaotic area. As they went deeper, they encountered monsters and beasts more and more frequently. They even encountered martial king-level powerhouses who walked through the air, and many of them were powerhouses from various sects. , leading the team across the border.

The further you go north, the number and strength of monsters increase at an astonishing rate, and you will encounter groups of monsters passing through the border from time to time.In fact, in this huge mountain group where the fittest survive, it is not the demon king who can be proud of the mountain forest. Sometimes a certain powerful ethnic group is the most dangerous existence.

For example, on the evening of the second day, Tang Yan witnessed thousands of sharp-tailed swifts flying from the sky, almost reaching an overwhelming scale. As they passed by, dark clouds rolled over the sky and earth, and heavy rain poured down.They are only third-level monsters, but they can control the weather, and they all live in groups. With the power of the weather, more than a thousand swifts can hunt even the monster king.

At noon on the fourth day, while eating, Tang Yan witnessed with his own eyes a group of three-level monsters manicurus hunting down the pinnacle fourth-level sting lizard. However, the scorpion-tailed rat could only run away desperately, and finally fell to the ground amidst the wailing, and was swallowed up in just a few minutes.

Another example... In the depths of the rushing river, the demon king single-horned crystal snake preyed on a group of four-level monster magic color electric eels, and was crazily counterattacked. It went straight down the river, setting off waves of turmoil. Yan Dan was frightened, but he didn't want to wake up the armored sawtooth crocodile on the bank on the way down the river. More than [-] iron armored sawtoothed crocodiles rushed into the river one after another, causing the battle to continue to escalate. In the end, it was the demon king, the one-horned crystal snake, who was no match for the beast. The group was injured and fled, and the two major groups of the magic color electric eel and the iron armored crocodile also stopped fighting in mutual vigilance.

The danger of the Dayan Mountains is accompanied by naked bloody brutality, which is several times more real than the psychedelic forest, and even more bloody.All the time, it is truly performing the law of the jungle, playing the elegy of life with roars and screams.

Along the way, there are countless fights, including the battle of the demon king, the life-and-death hunting staged by the warrior group and the monster beast. As for who is the prey and who is the hunter, it may be difficult to reveal in the end, and maybe it will be reduced to death. Prey for the stalker.

Even Tang Yan was almost preyed by monsters several times. In the middle of the night of the fifth day, if it wasn't for the sudden warning from the black water leech, Tang Yan and Hei Niu might have been eaten by a group of abyssal scorpions.

In addition to these monsters and warriors who eat the jungle, certain hidden places are like entrances to hell, ruthlessly devouring the monsters and groups passing by, such as the gathering area of ​​tree monsters and the reserved area of ​​ancient ruins. , Naturally formed magical areas are all frightening Jedi.

The deeper Tang Yan went in, the slower his speed became. He experienced the splendor, magic and thrill of the Dayan Mountains while being cautious.He once naively thought that he would have the capital to be proud of the mountains and forests if he was promoted to the king rank, but now it seems like a complete joke.

It’s no wonder that the Biannan Wasteland dare not set foot on the Dayan Mountains easily, it’s no wonder that Canglan Ancient Land regards this place as a forbidden area, it’s no wonder that the monsters and warriors here are so cruel, there are indeed countless reasons to be afraid of it.

The only fortunate thing is that with the assistance of Hei Niu and Black Water Leech, Tang Yan did not accidentally break into the territory of some forces, and avoided a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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