Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 260 Burial of the Earth

Chapter 260 Burial of the Earth
The fierce battle between Tang Yan and Xiong Wang gradually turned into a stalemate collision of perseverance, and the blackwater leech played a vital role.Whether Tang Yan can persist until the moment when the Earth Bear King falls depends entirely on whether the blackwater leech can swallow enough blood.

Outside the tornado, the black girl was still pounding, her skin was ripped open again and again, she was thrown out again and again, and after struggling to get up, she still hit again, densely bombarded by black lightning, trying to break through this rock-solid storm wall.

The scarlet eyes were full of anxiety.

It can feel the horror of this storm, and it can even guess the crisis inside.

The emotions that were blurred due to awakening became clear as the body continued to be injured. The chance encounters in the trading field, the hardships along the way, and the ignorant emotions in the constant play, all flowed through the sea of ​​​​heart like water, cleaning up. Wisdom tainted by tyranny.

Roar! !

The scarlet eyes of the black girl turned out to be a little hazy, and there was a slightly sharp hissing, and the shocks of life-threatening, the wounds were getting worse, the blood was flowing, the consciousness was weakening, and even the black electricity of the twin tails began to sluggish.

at last!

With the efforts of the black water leech, the consciousness of the Earth Bear King became violently dull, and the ability to control spiritual power naturally declined, so that the storm began to weaken, and the sound of the bang collapsed into a cloud of dust covering the sky and covering hundreds of meters. range.

The black girl who was about to fall woke up suddenly, gritted her teeth and rushed into the mist, all the anger and anxiety turned into a roaring onslaught at this moment.

"Girl, help!!" Tang Yan knew that the opportunity was coming, so he raised his last strength and used Bajiquan to fight the Earth Bear King. The black girl cooperated with the strong attack and kept running vertically and horizontally.The dim dust curtain was filled with the impact of the dust curtain and the roar of wild beasts, and of course there was continuous splashing of blood.

The Earth Bear King is worthy of being the overlord of the demon kings. Although he was repeatedly destroyed by the black water leech, he still threatened Tang Yan and Hei Niu, and they kept retreating.

Of course... After more than half of the blood was consumed, all persistence began to collapse. The Earth Bear King let out a final roar of grief and anger, and the remaining spiritual power condensed into dense dust, covering a radius of tens of meters like a wave, with a small range , but completely wrapped herself, Tang Yan and Hei Niu.

Burial of the Earth!

The last fight!
It chose to die together, and let these two provocative bastards be buried with it!
"Girl, the last blow, Qingleiying!" Tang Yan wanted to escape, but the dust stuck to his feet, and with nowhere to escape, all the flames gathered and attacked the Earth Bear King. Afterwards, the electric light blasted past like an explosion.

One person and one beast tried their best, and they felt drowsy one after another after exerting their full strength.

"Eat it." Tang Yan went to his mouth in a coma and poured the spiritual source liquid into his mouth. Except for the treasured king-level spiritual source liquid, he threw the rest at Hei Niu, who staggered to the end and swallowed weakly. Sucked all the spirit source fluid.

The blue thunder eagle attacked the earth bear king, and the black electricity and blue fire wrapped it up.

Then... The dust transformed by spiritual power covered the entire area, and all of them were buried inside.The dust particles are combined and compressed with amazing density, like forming a huge cover, sealing them.

When Parsons and his party drove the three-legged crow close to the battlefield, the last scene left for them was that the earth mound covered the generous back of the earth bear king, and the formed mound continued to swell until it grew to a height of ten meters.

"They buried themselves? Is this some kind of sacrificial ceremony of the monsters?" The girl came down to check with great interest. Parsons did not stop him this time, and looked at the messy battlefield strangely. It looked like a three-headed monster. The beast is fighting, and there are sharp claw marks all over the ground, but looking at it... it seems that there are traces of martial arts.

"This is the burial skill of the Earth Bear King. In desperate situations, he buries himself and his enemies, and seals them underground forever." The middle-aged man explained, with a little wonder in his eyes, who can force the Earth Bear King? to this extent.

Either a demon king of the same level, or a martial king at the pinnacle, no matter the former or the latter, they can be regarded as the overlord of the upper party, why provoke the bear king for no reason?Tired of work, or looking for excitement?If you want to die, you can't die like this, right?

"Can we dig them out? My father said that the powerful demon king may have a 'crystal essence', which can help me break through." The girl tentatively touched the mound, which was as hard as steel.

"Let's not disturb the sleep of the deceased, miss, it's time to go." After careful inspection, Parsons found no familiar traces. It should be that some strange strong man attacked the Earth Bear King, which has little to do with him.

"Why? I rushed over happily, but they are already over, disappointing."

"It's very dangerous here. The Palace Master is still waiting for us to go back." Parsons was mainly worried that the fierce battle here would attract the attention of the giant tiger territory. Where do they intersect.

"It's hard to come out, and I'll go back so soon." The girl pouted, and reluctantly walked towards the colorful cloud crane.

"We can actually take their corpses back." The middle-aged man suggested, the third-rank demon king is full of treasures!Regardless of whether Xiong Wang's opponent is Yao Wang or Wu Wang, there must be treasures.Wouldn't it be unreasonable to give up such an opportunity? I don't know what Elder Parsons thinks.

"Can you break it?" Parsons asked casually, and stepped into the air with his hands behind his back.

"Ahem, let's go." The middle-aged man sensed the toughness of the lower soil layer, and wisely stopped forcing it.

Just when everyone was driving the three-legged crow into the air, Tang Yan in the depths of the mound suddenly opened his eyes. The spiritual power repairs the injury, eases the energy, and restarts the demon spirit vein.

"Break it!" The surroundings were as hard as steel, but under the difficult twisting of the scales and sharp claws, cracks were squeezed out little by little, and the ghost green fire spread along the cracks, burning the sand.These fine sands are purely formed by the gathering of spiritual power. In theory, they are extremely strong and difficult to break open. However, the ghostly blue fire can divide all things, and instead it becomes the nemesis, aggravating the spread of cracks.

Soon, with Tang Yan as the center, cracks spread everywhere.

With a deep roar, the eyes of silence burst out instantly, slamming fiercely on the soil layer in front of him, causing violent tremors, and the black girl not far away got a chance to relax, and the black lightning played its role again, a little bit The Ripper layer of soil, making cracks.

These soil layers are getting denser and denser, and even have a petrochemical effect similar to Duyang. If they don't get out as soon as possible, they might become historical relics.

"Wait, there seems to be movement below." Parsons was keenly aware of something.

"Movement? Are you still alive?" Everyone was on alert.

"Is that the bear?" The girl's eyes were shining, and she stared closely at it.

"Don't come down, I'll help them." Parsons took out a delicate throwing knife, and with a flick of his arm, he struck the mound with a burst of dark corrosive aura.

Clang! !There were clangs, sparks splashed, and the flying knife was strongly rebounded, but a crack was still left on the mound.The firmness of the mound was within Parsons' expectation, so he didn't give up and continued to attack.

Tang Yan and Hei Niu kept struggling, but the density of the soil layer was too high. Four or five times in a row, they only hit a small range, barely able to move their bodies, and almost hurt themselves by the eyes of silence.

Just as they breathed, they unexpectedly discovered that the mound was shaking.

Is there someone outside?

"His aunt's, is there anyone who wants to pick up a bargain?" Tang Yan was alert, and began to quickly attack the soil layer in front of him, but he was not in a hurry to break through, but to look for the Earth Bear King.I don't know the situation outside, so I have to collect the loot first, and rescue the blackwater leeches by the way.

In this way, the inside and outside were chiseled as much as possible, and the mound was cracked little by little.

Its tenacity is astounding.

After a quarter of an hour, Tang Yan finally found the Earth Bear King. It was not completely dead yet, holding on to its last breath.Tang Yan didn't have time to refine it, so he could only put it in the golden lock temporarily, and rescued the blackwater leech by the way.

"Sorry, I..." The blackwater leech was seriously injured, and passed out after being attached to Tang Yan's arm.Letting it, which has never taken the initiative to attack anyone, act as the main attack, and it is still so desperate. It is probably the first time in the Blackwater leech family. The price paid is also heavy, and it directly fell into a deep coma.

"Rest well, and suck a little bit of my blood if you can." Looking at the whole battle process, the blackwater leech did its best without any selfishness, Tang Yan could see it, and was still a little grateful in his heart.

The black girl wobbled over and looked up at the mound full of cracks, with vigilance flashing in her eyes.Tang Yan did not continue to break through the cracks, but spread out the demon spirit veins, while recovering his spiritual power, he was on guard carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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