Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2603

Chapter 2603
"Kill! Stop him!!" The cherry blossom boy also went berserk, and joined hands with the emperors to kill Tang Yan and the remnant soul of the demon spirit emperor in hell.All the emperors acted together, but a ridiculous scene appeared. The first choice was to rush to Tang Yan. The Heavenly Demon Saint Emperor and others subconsciously did not want to provoke the Demon Spirit Emperor.

"That's just a remnant soul! What are you afraid of?" The Dark Demon Emperor was furious. He couldn't imagine that a person who had been dead for decades could still have such a powerful deterrent in the hearts of the emperors.

"Huh?" The Heavenly Demon Sacred Emperor and others came to their senses slightly, and then became angry from embarrassment. Am I afraid?What the hell am I afraid of!
"Stop them!" Jiu Ying and the others reminded in time, and joined forces with the emperors to stop the Sakura boy and the others.

"Emperor Demon Spirit, you are dead, and you are still coming out to cause harm!" The Blood Demon Holy Emperor roared in anger, somewhat losing his composure.He didn't think it was too difficult. He had fought against the Demon King for tens of thousands of years, but he didn't expect to be tricked by the Demon King and his son in the end.

"When my father was alive, you were like glue to him, and you are not happy to come to see you when he is dead?" The dragon head of Long Kui's demon body suddenly drooped, aiming at the head of the blood demon emperor, a big dragon screamed, The terrifying rumble overwhelmed him like a hurricane of knives.

"Tang Yan, get the hell out of here!" The Blood Demon Holy Emperor trembled all over, roaring and struggling, but he just couldn't get rid of Tang Yan's sharp claws, the more he struggled, the tighter his grip.

An out-and-out melee broke out high above.

The emperors fought in chaos.

The focus of the audience was all around Tang Yan's fight against the Blood Demon Emperor, and the Demon Spirit Emperor's control over the blood sea.There was a complete riot in the sky, and all kinds of roars resounded in the sky.All the emperor's hearts are hot, and all the emperor's thoughts are crazy.

Absolutely stop Tang Yan, stop Yaolinghuang.

"Humans and demons finally have a decisive battle?"

"Emperor Holy Spirit, you finally made the right choice."

"Where is the Holy Emperor of Reincarnation?"

"Looks like too much has happened since my death."

The Demon Spirit Emperor stood proudly in the clouds, swallowing the sea of ​​blood, not forgetting to observe the battlefield.The free and easy, fearless and fearless in the bully is impressive.Occasionally, he gazed at the imperial battlefield, reminiscing about the lofty sentiments of the year, and occasionally overlooked the mountains and rivers, feeling that the battle between humans and demons had finally begun, and he was only a spectator after all, unable to participate in it.

He is here to watch the battle freely, but the emperors are crazy to the extreme.

The sea of ​​blood was in chaos, and the huge waves were so huge that it was almost torn in half.Part of it came from the devouring of the Demon Spirit Emperor and the others, and part of it came from the attraction of the Blood Demon Holy Emperor.

The Blood Demon Saint Emperor kept controlling the sea of ​​blood, and wanted to drag it to him, but Tang Yan always interfered and stopped it, so that the sea of ​​blood there was continuously divided and swallowed by the Demon Spirit Emperor and the Five Emperor Pillars.

Five Emperor Pillars, Hell Blood Candle and Blood Soul Tree, the combination of the three may not be enough to affect the blood sea, but with the appearance of the Demon Spirit Emperor, the four join forces, and the blood sea will continue to drain like countless floor drains, rapidly The reduction of the mighty is dispersed.

"Ah, ah, ah." The Blood Demon Holy Emperor roared unwillingly, attacking Tang Yan like crazy.

And at this very moment... Puff! !Xingluo Renhuang and Huo Ling'er suddenly suppressed the Demon Emperor Chaos in the distance, and blasted him from a high altitude to the battlefield below [-] meters. The screams of the Demon Emperor Chaos became another impact on the imperial battlefield.

Xingluo Renhuang showed his power in this alien world. The two emperors teamed up, the power of mountains and rivers combined with the green fire domain, and double seals, nailing the demon emperor Chaos to the battlefield of cholera.

The loud bangs shook the sky and the earth, and endless clouds of dust and gravel rose into the sky, forming a violent frenzy.

"I'll control him, you go to reinforce Tang Yan!" Xingluo Renhuang suppressed Chaos, the demon emperor, and the power of mountains and rivers boiled hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers, like a collapsed world of mountains and rivers, tightly trapping the struggling Chaos inside.

One person and one beast, just like gods and wild beasts, fighting so that the mountains and rivers trembled.

Now Chaos is seriously injured, but it is obviously time-consuming to kill him, and what Gao Kong lacks most now is time, there is no need to waste chasing after killing Chaos, it is enough to seal him by himself.

Huo Ling'er was already anxious about the high-altitude battlefield, and she could clearly feel Tang Yan's weakness and pain.So he immediately abandoned the battlefield and rushed to an altitude of [-] meters.

"Okay! There hasn't been such a fierce battle in the Lost Battle Realm for a long time, and I am worthy of reappearing this time." The Demon Spirit Emperor was full of emotion, thinking back to the imperial battles in the late period of the Lost Battle Realm. It is very difficult to fight to the death as a last resort, but today is full of violence from top to bottom, and even the emperor is desperate to fight like a wild beast.This is the fight he desires, and this is the kill he desires.

"The moment of reversal of the battlefield is now." Prince Cang fought bloody and frenziedly, squeezed out the last potential, and teamed up with Haihuang to break away from Jiuying and face the powerful enemy independently.

"You can also play a role!" Yaohuang Jiuying suddenly spit out a weak white scorpion.

The demon emperor Baizhen now only has the upper half of his body left, he is so weak that he is almost comatose, he is lurking in Jiuying's internal recuperation.But when he took a look at the situation on the battlefield, he suddenly understood, and immediately set off and rushed towards the sea of ​​blood.

"Ling'er, target the sea of ​​blood, don't worry about me." Tang Yan vomited blood but laughed wildly, fighting fiercely against the maddened blood demon emperor.Although the blood in his body was churning, his madness did not decrease at all.

Huo Ling'er and the demon emperor Bai Yu crashed into the sea of ​​blood one after another. In the eyes of the blood demon emperor, this scene was more painful than cutting his heart with a knife, and he had no intention of fighting.

At this point, the most tragic thing in the history of the Lost Battle Realm happened. The boundless sea of ​​blood that the Blood Demon Saint Emperor had sacrificed for tens of thousands of years was shared by the Demon Spirit Emperor, Bai Yu, Huo Ling'er, and the Five Emperor Pillars crazily. .

Although the blood demon emperor has been seriously injured over the years, the blood sea, which is the source of energy, has not been lost. This is also the fundamental reason why it can continue to show the power of the emperor.The blood demon holy emperor has experienced the war of human invasion, and countless blood essences have been swallowed in the sea of ​​blood, which is definitely the most precious treasure in the world.

But now, this sea of ​​blood has become the cafeteria of Demon Emperor Bai Yu and the others!
"Give me back! Give me back!" The Blood Demon Sacred Emperor finally forcibly broke free from Tang Yan, and rushed towards the sea of ​​blood like crazy. He didn't have the heart to fight at all. That was his foundation: "That's my sea of ​​blood, You bandits!"

However... Tang Yan ran as fast as he could, stopped in front of him again, and sneered: "Sacred Blood Demon Emperor, how does it feel to be humiliated? How does it feel to be abused?"

"Go away!" The blood demon holy emperor turned into a [-]-meter troll and punched Tang Yan.

Tang Yan roared and struck violently, the dragon's tail swept across, clicked, the dragon's tail directly shattered the giant fist of the Blood Demon Holy Emperor, the dragon's body tossed violently, facing the Blood Demon Holy Emperor, it opened its mouth and sprayed out a burst of destructive dragon breath, the scorching heat burned eat space.All kinds of Dragon Kui inheritances were played accordingly, such as Killing Years, Long Kui Zhong, Prisoner Tian Yin, etc., which were completely reckless and cost-effective.

The Blood Demon Sage Emperor screamed and retreated, unable to withstand Tang Yan's violent attack in his panic.It is a legendary story through the ages that a holy emperor was tortured like this by the robbery emperor.

"Sacred Emperor Blood Demon, thank you for your gift." The demon emperor Bai Tuo swallowed blood in large chunks in the sea of ​​blood, and the blood essence inside could greatly alleviate its serious injuries at the moment.This is the energy of the Holy Emperor, the blood of the Holy Emperor!

"You gangsters!" The Blood Demon Holy Emperor went crazy, it was his life, it was his root cause!
The cherry blossom boy in the distance suddenly had a thought, and noticed the out-of-control emotions of the blood demon emperor.Isn't it time to control the Blood Demon Holy Emperor?Even if you can't control it, you can completely guide its tyrannical emotions, and the stimulation will explode!
The self-destruct of a holy emperor should be able to kill Tang Yan alive!
There is no doubt about it.

If Tang Yan dies, not only will today's battlefield be reversed, but a series of subsequent crises will also be eliminated.

The more the cherry blossom boy thought about it, the more he became more and more moved. The current battlefield is very chaotic. The Dark Demon Emperor is doing everything he can to save the Blood Sea and the Blood Demon Holy Emperor, while Prince Cang and others are doing their best to stop the interference. It is a mess. The energy of the super battlefield is as vast and manic as the ocean at every turn, so no one will notice him.

As long as it is done skillfully, no one will suspect him of the blood demon holy emperor's self-destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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