Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2613 The War Is Over

Chapter 2613 The War Is Over

Tang Yan found Jiuying again and told his conjecture about the cherry tree.

Jiuying listened to his narration calmly, but never made any statement, and didn't even open her eyes.

Tang Yan waited quietly for a while, but Jiuying was still silent.

"Master, what do you think?" Tang Yan was a little surprised.

"Does it make sense in my opinion? Do whatever you think." Jiu Ying reluctantly replied.

"I want to carry out a key attack on Demon Realm. In the past, you were unwilling to take action. Now that it's the final battle, your spatial mysteries should play a greater role."

Tang Yan thought a lot last night, but he still couldn't make up his mind. Now that his conjecture about the cherry blossom tree is correct, he should make a strong attack. Using the space mystery of Jiuying, he should send all the emperors to the abyss of the West Sea, and have a fierce battle from beginning to end. .Before the Blood Demon Emperor and others arrive, wipe out the Dark Demon Emperor and the others.

Jiuying completed a big circle in the meridian, opened his eyes, and said calmly: "The war is over."

"I... don't quite understand what you mean." Tang Yan was puzzled.

Jiuying looked at Tang Yan in front of him with serious and serious eyes like never before: "You walk from the east to the west of the Eternal Beast Mountain, and from the south to the north, you see with your eyes, feel with your heart, Is there still a fully organized team in the alliance's tens of millions of war troops? Is there still a healthy and normal living creature?

All the teams were crippled, and it was impossible to form an organization. Everyone and the demon were seriously injured.

This battle exhausted the strength of all the belongings of the alliance.

Unorganized troops cannot cooperate and cannot be trusted, the combat power will be greatly reduced, the number of casualties will be multiplied, and in the event of unexpected chaos, they will be slaughtered.

Unless there is three to five years of cultivation and rectification, this alliance will no longer be able to fight normally.If you have to forcefully participate in the battle, you can, but that is not fighting, but death.Ten people, nine dead.

You go to see the Demon Emperor Bai Yu, then you go to see the Sea Emperor, see Prince Cang, you can also see me again, and see Immortal Phoenix, Nian Wuxin and other saints.Is the injury serious?How serious is it!
In the previous battle, all the higher-ups squeezed the potential they could squeeze, biting their butts and releasing themselves unlimitedly, breaking out at super levels time and time again.On the day the war ended, the pent-up energy was loosened, and the sequelae of over-squeezing potential came. They are no different from useless people now. If they are forced into the battlefield, it is okay, but I can guarantee that once the war starts, Prince Cang and Haihuang will die undoubtedly. "

Tang Yan was speechless, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

"I understand your mentality of winning, and your starting point of ending the war once and for all and returning peace to all ethnic groups, but reality no longer allows it.

If you want to forcibly launch a war in a short period of time, it will no longer be a war, but a collective death. Those who are lucky may survive, and those who are not will basically die.

Since the alliance has no ability to fight again, is there still a need for war? "

Tang Yan frowned. Looking back on the situation of Undead Phoenix and the others, it was indeed very serious, perhaps even worse than what Jiuying said. He knew all of this and the consequences of forcing a war.However, war is cruel. If you are afraid of life and death, how can you talk about victory and ending.

According to Jiuying, the end?Gathered the human race and retreated in a hurry?
"You should know that you will have three or five catastrophes in the future. I am seriously injured but still have some reservations. I can do one more thing for you at most, and only one thing. As for where and when, you choose I just want to give you a word, see where you are now, understand what you have, and what you should give up." After finishing speaking, Jiuying closed her eyes, still adhering to the original attitude - never to be your umbrella.

He positioned himself as a weapon, not as a mentor and bodyguard and so on.He wants Tang Yan to grow up absolutely "independently". You can resist any danger by yourself, and you can withstand any pressure by yourself. Not only that, but I will try my best to create troubles for you, create life-and-death dangers for you, and give you a lot of tempering.

He used his cruel methods to promote Tang Yan's growth.

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiuying's test of Tang Yan should be over, but in his case, absolutely not.

Tang Yan stood in front of Jiuying and remained silent for a long time. After a while, he bowed deeply to Jiuying and left the central holy mountain.

He walked around the Eternal Beast Mountain a few times, alone and silently, re-watched the plight of the people, re-witnessed everyone's exhaustion, and re-evaluated the injuries of Immortal Phoenix and the others.

In the end, he sat alone on the top of the dilapidated mountain, silently in a daze.

First, the conversation of the Holy Spirit Emperor, then the discussion of Xu Yan and others, and then the reminder of Jiuying. The messy and dangerous war pattern was clearly laid out in front of him. As the current leader of the alliance, his choice and attitude will not only Affecting the outcome of the war will also determine the lives and deaths of countless people.

He understood all of this, so he was always very cautious, and made himself as cruel as he should be, and as crazy as he should be.

But Jiuying made another meaningful point, which made him calm down and reconsider.

Consider the current situation.

At noon the next day, Tang Yan left the mountain and went straight to Li Yun's retreat.

"I said, little brother, you can't be disturbed during the retreat period. You don't understand such a simple truth? A great opportunity is in front of me, and you can't let me retreat quietly? Maybe I have a flash of inspiration, understand the bottleneck, and go straight to The Emperor of Space has gone." Li Yun opened his eyes angrily.

"Take me somewhere."

"Did you really use me as a tool? Find Chocolate."

"You adjust your condition, we will leave later, the first stop is the Blood Demon Race."

"What the hell?" Li Yun stared, completely waking up.

"You just need to send me there. If it goes well, you don't have to go to other places. If it doesn't go well, you have to go to the demon clan and the evil ghost clan."

"Are you crazy? You are sending yourself to death!"

"It's more worthwhile for me to die than for everyone to die."

"Wait, don't worry, what do you want to do?"

"The next step is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the second is to attack the city."


"Soldiers who subdue others without fighting are those who are good."

"What's the matter?"

Two days later, in the middle of the night, at the bottom of the blood pool of the Blood Demons.

Tang Yan secretly met with the Blood Demon Holy Emperor.

For Tang Yan's sudden appearance, the Blood Demon Holy Emperor was really stunned for a long time, thinking that his resentment had accumulated to the extreme and had hallucinations.He stared fixedly at Tang Yan, and even forgot to scold him in anger, forgot to torture him, as if his deep hatred was blocked by this sudden situation.

"I can return the sea of ​​blood to you. I have already used half of it, so I can only give you back half. It is better than nothing, let alone half of the sea of ​​blood." Tang Yan calmly stood in the retreat of the blood demon emperor In the pool of blood, she looked at him face to face.

The Blood Demon Holy Emperor stared intently at Tang Yan: "Are you a clone?"

"Skyfire avatar, you can destroy it as you like, but a second one will come over later. Don't rush to fight with me, I don't think you want the Dark Lord to know that you are meeting me here. He is the heart Devil, he is used to being ugly, so he is destined to be suspicious. I, who should not come here, suddenly come here, and he will think that you invited me here, or I came here by myself?" Tang Yan faced the blood demon calmly. The holy emperor, Li Yun in the void raised his heart to his throat, and the power of space kept churning around Tang Yan, ready to withdraw him into the void at any time.

"You came here just to enjoy the attitude of a successful person?" The blood demon emperor barely maintained his sanity, and he didn't really get angry, but his right hand had already reached out and grabbed Tang Yan tightly.His size is far beyond that of a human being, and his five-meter body looks like a giant in front of Tang Yan.He clenched it fiercely, exerting force with his five fingers, kneading him, venting the resentment in his heart.

Tang Yan endured severe pain and confronted calmly. "I want to talk to you about cooperation."

"Haha, absurd! Who gave you attention? The lunatic of the Demon King? Even the treacherous old ghost of the Holy Spirit knows about the cooperation between races. Do you think I will be controlled by you and ruin the demons?"

"I'm not asking you to bury the demons, but to help you save them."

"What a joke."

"It's not too late for you to listen to me before making a decision. Since I dare to come, I'm not afraid of death. If you insist on killing me, it's not too late. You might as well listen to me.

With your wisdom and ability, you should know the coexistence of the Three Realms, there is the Qitian Continent, there is Hell, and there is the Lost World.The three belong to the human race, the demon race, the ghost race, and the demon race respectively.All races have their own worlds, and they are supposed to survive, multiply and compete for hegemony in their own world system. Excessive aggression will eventually lead to mutual destruction.The hell incident a million years ago has already demonstrated to us, and Qitian Continent's invasion of the Lost Battle Realm is also a bloody lesson.

The topic I’m here to talk to you today is that the human race and the demon race will all retreat to the Qitian Continent, and you will absolutely own the demon race world. "

The irritability in the blood demon emperor's heart remained undiminished, and he continued to knead Tang Yan, as if a little more kneading would make his heart feel better: "The human race is ugly and changeable, will you go back safely?"

"Now the situation of the demons and the human race is the same. If the war starts again, both sides will suffer. To put it bluntly, you are likely to die on the battlefield, and I may also be destroyed. This possibility is very high. You should Know your own injuries.

Since neither side can stand the war, they might as well take a step back and resolve the war.

As long as you demons let go, we will return to the Qitian Continent in the shortest possible time. As long as I, Tang Yan, live for a day, I can guarantee that the human and monster races in the Qitian Continent will not break into the Lost Battle Realm, but you left The Battle Realm must also ensure that they do not invade the Qitian Continent. "

(End of this chapter)

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