Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2619 Battle Dance

Chapter 2619 Battle Dance
Swallowing the blood of the Holy Emperor for half a year in succession caused the five imperial pillars to undergo an astonishing transformation. They all turned into demon emperor entities, and the vast fluctuations fluctuated violently, like the roaring of the sea and the shaking of the starry sky.

The five imperial pillars even faintly released the power of the emperor!

The Demon Spirit Emperor only has a remnant soul, but because of the decades of gestation and nurturing of the emperor bone, he still has some abilities. At this moment, he personally attracts the remaining blood sea to rush out of the hell, killing with terrific power, like an unrivaled god of war.

The five demon emperors shot in five directions, and the demon spirit emperor was high in the sky, forming an encirclement circle.

The snake turned its head to the sky, looked at the five demon emperors, and then looked at the giant shadow in the sky. "Huh? Are you the Demon Spirit Emperor?"

"Xuanwu, long time no see."

"How many years have you been dead, why haven't the remnant souls dissipated? This breath of blood sea is very familiar, from the Blood Demon Holy Emperor? Hmph, a dead person must have the consciousness of a dead person, honestly be your lonely ghost , run around and be careful that even ghosts can’t do it.” The snake head disdains, if it is the former Demon Spirit Emperor, he will face it squarely, but now it is just a little ghost, who is it to scare?

"Life after death is too lonely, tormenting the bastard to find pleasure." The demon spirit emperor rolled the sea of ​​blood all over the sky, setting off a huge wave, overwhelming the sea of ​​blood, and united with the Five Emperor Pillars to form a film that swept hundreds of miles Scarlet cage.

"Emperor Yaoling, don't be ignorant." The snake head was ferocious.

"Old bastard, die!!"

The booming sound shook the sky, and the five demon emperors responded collectively, screaming up to the sky, the sound was like a frenzied tide, rushing between the heaven and the earth, impacting the energy hurricane, they joined each other, and the waves of sound intertwined, forming a giant curtain. Wang Yang, where Xuanwu was located, was trapped inside.

With the Demon Spirit Emperor as the guide and the Five Emperor Pillars as the foundation, he firmly controlled the blood sea of ​​the Blood Demon Holy Emperor.

The five imperial pillars trembled together, and a destructive force flooded the space, fused blood energy, and turned into billions of swords, and then stormed over the sky and blasted densely towards the huge pit below.

Hundreds of millions of sword gangs fell into the sky like the Milky Way, and the scene was huge.

"Stupid human beings who don't know how to live or die, let you father and son become my slaves today." The giant snake roared angrily, its blood seemed to be on fire, and the whole body burst into light that soared into the sky.

Tang Yan's sudden attack made Xuanwu Sacred Emperor feel great shame and humiliation. I have become the ancient emperor, the strongest demon emperor in the three realms. Even if you don't come to pay homage, how dare you attack me?
But Tang Yan not only launched an offensive, but also the strongest offensive in madness.

The Holy Emperor alone against the Ancient Emperor?From ancient times to the present, Tang Yan is probably the only one who has the courage to do such a thing.

The energy released by the five imperial pillars is extremely surging. With the cooperation of the demon spirit emperor and the holy demon blood sea, it is as if the five generations of demon spirit emperors have really resurrected, coming from the distant sky, abrupt and terrifying, and the terrifying aura is breathtaking.

The rocky body surface of the five demon emperors is engraved with ancient lines, and the light that blooms is as aggressive as a blade, resonating and responding to the sea of ​​blood in the sky.

"Aww!" Tang Yan's whole body was full of dragon power, bursting out with a shocking divine power, directly broke into the sky full of swords with his body, and committed suicide at Xuanwu's high-spirited snake head.

Space boils, but time seems to freeze.

Hundreds of millions of sword gangs fell all over the sky, with a torrent of blood, covering the sky and covering the earth.

The snake's head soared into the sky, roaring in the sky.

Long Kui swoops down and kills the world.

"Father, hit!!" Tang Yan suddenly screamed.

"Kill!!" The Demon Spirit Emperor erupted with an astonishing 'momentum' at this moment, and the sword gangs all over the sky suddenly accelerated, avoiding the snake's head all of them, and blasting densely at the Xuanwu body below.

Xuanwu's body is as large as [-] meters, and the tortoise shell is extremely tough. He is known as the strongest in the world, and he can completely ignore these offensives. However... at this moment, Xuanwu is actually very weak. The retreat is for better refinement.

Booming, the hundreds of millions of sword gangs hit with blood, and they were vulnerable in front of the tortoise shell. The sword gangs shattered, blood splashed, sad and shocking, as if hundreds of millions of creatures were going to die tragically.Their tragic death failed to destroy the basalt armor, but it gave the violent aura in its body an outright wound.

puff! !

Xuanwu's whole body trembled, and he let out a mournful cry. The energy in his body was reused like a river, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the upper and lower skulls.

The lower head is fine, but the upper part is just the delicate moment when the snake's head is angry to meet Tang Yan.

"Aww!!" Long Kui ran away completely at this moment. At the moment when Jiangang Blood Sea hit Xuanwu, Long Kui's demon body fully displayed its power and slammed into the snake's head without hesitation.

The snake head was whining and vomiting blood at the moment, and the offensive was chaotic.

"Puff puff."

A shocking and tragic collision, a bloody 'explosion' at high altitude.

The whole body of Long Kui's demon body was full of power, like a hurricane of swords, rushing [-] meters from the snake's head all the way to the demon body.

The blood rained down, the scales flew around, and there were many scars. In this short moment, Long Kui's demon body cut thousands of wounds on the giant snake, which was shocking.

"Roar." The giant snake mourned, its bloody head extremely hideous.The muscles all over his body surged even more, as if there were horned dragons climbing on his body, and the wound healed quickly, looking extremely terrifying.

Xuanwu screamed and was angry below, froze on the spot and tried his best to control the energy in his body, he almost didn't even have the time and energy to scold and roar, just that moment, it almost exploded.

"Old bastard, you did something wrong at the wrong time, go regret it!!" Long Kui stepped on Xuanwu's back, stepped down with five claws, and used his strength to soar into the sky, and even jumped at the giant snake again in midair , Vigorous to the extreme.

The dragon's body was coiled, and the dragon's claws were tightly clasped, directly entangled with the giant snake.

The five mountain-like giant claws were all buckled on the giant snake's wound, and the claws tore through the flesh and went straight into the flesh and blood inside.

"Go away, go away! Humble human race, do you want to use this method to destroy me? It's ridiculous!!" The giant snake twisted angrily, struggling wildly, setting off oceans from all directions to converge on him, and the continuous huge waves contained The power of terror.

"Father, come again!!" Tang Yan yelled and hugged the giant snake tightly, soaring tens of thousands of meters into the sky, straightening the giant snake abruptly, resisting his power to counter the critical strike.

The Demon Spirit Emperor set off a sea of ​​blood again, inspired the Five Emperor Pillars, and unleashed a berserk attack of destruction, as if the sky was falling, and vigorously pressed down on the Xuanwu Sage Emperor.

"Yao Linghuang, you are looking for your own death." Xuanwu barely distracted, controlled all the power of Wang Yang to soar into the sky, and hit the sky high, facing the sea of ​​blood head-on.

However... the forceful distraction caused the energy in his body to lose control again, and Xuanwu was injured one after another from his body to the giant snake all of a sudden.

Long Kui's demon body seized the opportunity, dragged the giant snake tightly, and drove it to the sky for tens of thousands of meters, and even pulled up the Xuanwu body below, the dragon's energy boiled, and the dragon's power soared, and the scene was thrilling.

Tang Yan... picked up Xuanwu...

At this moment, the energy hurricane in the central area of ​​the Central Plains trembled violently, and the endless aftermath of energy invaded in all directions like a violent storm. Soon after, a dragon chant sounded like a thunderstorm all over the sky, arousing on the edge of the hurricane, followed by Afterwards, a giant dragon of several thousand meters dragged a giant snake tens of thousands of meters away, violently rushing out of the hurricane, roaring and domineering, like an ancient desolate beast rushing out of the tide of time and space.

And then... There is a black mountain wrapped around the giant snake, which is actually Xuanwu.

Long Kui's demon body danced wildly in the sky, tumbling violently, holding the wailing giant snake in the nine heavens, and made a 360-degree rotation. Using the giant snake as a thread, he swung the huge Xuanwu body tens of thousands of meters high, setting off boundless waves in the sky. The violent wind threw endless waves and blood lines.

This moment is enough to stop the world, and this scene is enough to be remembered forever.

The Xuanwu body circled a circle of tens of thousands of meters above the nine heavens, and slammed into the earth, rumbling, the earth cracked, rocks shot up into the sky, huge cracks expanded violently in all directions, and terrifying shock waves spread among the strata, rushing Seismic waves of hundreds of kilometers are emitted.

puff puff! !
Xuanwu body and giant snake vomit blood again!

This external injury is nothing to worry about, the key is that the impact once again affected the energy in the body.

He really underestimated the vastness and violentness of the energy in his body. He lost control twice, causing serious internal injuries in his body, no less than thousands of steel knives hacking and stirring in his body.

At this moment, all his internal organs were bleeding, his meridians were severely impacted, and he screamed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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