Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2621 Shocking Storm

Chapter 2621 Shocking Storm
Xuanwu was in grief and pain. Faced with Tang Yan's continuous torture, the energy in his body was out of control again and again. While roaring and hitting Tang Yan, trying to break free, he crazily controlled the energy in his body.

But when it comes to madness and killing, Tang Yan has never weakened since he left the Southern Wilderness until today, and he has become even crazier. Many patterns emerged.

Xuanwu's resistance is actually very terrifying. The ancient emperor's power is definitely not something he can compete with. Xuanwu is vomiting blood. Tang Yan is suffering from huge pain, but no matter how painful it is, he must control Xuanwu today, or he will be left behind in the battle world Relatives and friends there had to be buried with him.

He is not crazy for himself, but also for the tens of millions of people in the alliance.

Long Kui's demon body kept dodging, trying his best to control the hell's holy artifacts, and from time to time launched a battle spirit to attack and destroy, trying to completely solve this serious problem.

The Demon King watched the fierce battle from high above, and he deeply felt Tang Yan's heart of war as firm as black iron, and he could also feel his crazy persistence.First, the madness of the Eternal Beast Mountain that day, and then the barbarism of today, I am sincerely proud.

Although Tang Yan was crying blood from pain, and although he was always covered with bruises, his heart of war was always hot, and his madness and domineering war were always burning.

He didn't grieve for Tang Yan's bloodshed and howls of pain. He didn't bleed or sweat, so why was he called a demon spirit man!
He is proud of Tang Yan's tenacity and tyranny!
Xuanwu fell into the most dangerous situation.The injuries in his body continued to intensify, and the energy uncontrollably collided with his meridians and flesh. If this continued, he might really explode and die.

Xuanwu was unwilling, and even more angry.I am probably the most aggrieved ancient emperor since ancient times. He had just broken through, and before he had time to stabilize, he was provoked by a holy emperor, and he was completely abused. This kind of humiliation also destroyed his control and made him on the verge of collapse.

Tang Yan was extremely crazy at the moment. Throughout the ages, no holy emperor dared to provoke the ancient emperor at this special time, because the ancient emperor could not be easily destroyed. For various reasons.But that was ancient times, this is now, Tang Yan really dared to provoke, because he has the capital to connect the two worlds, as long as he subdues Xuanwu today, he can be sealed forever in the world of the lost war, waiting for the punishment of heaven to come and not being able to return again Qi Tian Continent.

Therefore, Tang Yan dared to be crazy, Tang Yan dared to be crazy, Tang Yan dared to fight to the death in blood.

"Tang Yan, even if I abolish you here today, I will definitely destroy you!" Xuanwu finally broke out in depression.

He let the energy in his body run wild, held back the severe pain, and gathered all his strength to attack Tang Yan. The upper and lower heads were extremely ferocious, and the fighting power collided with the nine heavens, and the clouds and dead energy in the sky were smashed.

A berserk burst of Gang Qi broke through the body, sweeping the world like a hurricane.

I would rather die today than kill you father and son.

Tang Yan spurted blood, was forcibly knocked into the air, and kept churning in mid-air, retreating tens of thousands of meters.

Rumbling, Xuanwu ran wildly through the air, chasing Tang Yan at an astonishing speed, countless boulder-like protrusions popped up on the tortoise shell, all of which were the rough edges and corners on the surface of the tortoise shell, and they all came out of the body, crossing with an astonishing momentum Void, each has a terrible shock wave that shatters the mountains and rivers. The giant snake behind it barbs the sky, its fangs are wide open, swallowing snake letters, and the top of the snake's head is tearing out terrifying black holes one after another.

Kill Wei Gaishi.

At this moment, the void shook.

Tang Yan's complexion changed drastically, did the old bastard go crazy?

"Get out of the way! Get back!" The Demon Spirit Emperor reminded from a high altitude.

But Tang Yan's face was also ferocious, distorted by the overwhelming fighting intent, he looked up to the sky and roared furiously, and rushed towards Xuanwu resolutely. Ten thousand lives, if I don't fight, whoever will fight, I'm not crazy, who will take my place!"



Bursts of angry roars resounded through the sky, Tang Yan's basalt slammed into each other violently, and the terrifying explosion seemed to be breaking the sky.The momentum was like two river tides colliding, or like two wild beasts confronting each other, the space was cracking, and endless energy swept across dozens of miles.

Tang Yan's blood was churning from the impact, and his flesh and blood were blurred, but he gritted his teeth and successfully entangled the giant snake. He continued to perform various mysteries, and the five hellish artifacts were shaken until cracks appeared, but they continued to attack fiercely.

Xuanwu endured the out-of-control energy in his body, and set off a wave of destruction, continuous violent attacks.

Tang Yan wielded the giant sword of the imperial pillar, the light of the sword was more than ten miles long, and the river tide was tens of thousands of meters, each of them bloomed with dazzling brilliance in the vast and boundless sky.


Tang Yan was sent flying five or six miles away, and Xuanwu was also sent flying three miles away.

"Unforgivable, die!!" Xuanwu actually stepped across the river, piercing through the vast river, and the giant snake set off a huge ray of light that was more than [-] miles long as it roared angrily. It was an ocean of energy!
Since there is too much energy in the body?Then take it out and use it.Xuanwu directly doesn't need to be condensed into martial arts or anything, it's a waste of time, it's pure energy, spanning the sky, breaking away the clouds, and shining endlessly on the sky and the earth.

Rumbling, the ocean of energy exploded, submerging Tang Yan.

Tang Yan vomited blood, turned over dozens of miles before falling into the ragged wilderness on the ground, but Tang Yan kept roaring, spitting blood, he crushed the ground, flew into the air again, the speed reached extreme speed, In an instant, he passed through many combinations and returned to the sky, fearless and fearless, regardless of pain.

Long Xiao, Dragon Soul, and the high-altitude hell death energy all moved forward with his rampage, sweeping the world.

"Yellow Spring Styx, filled this world!!"

While Tang Yan was performing various martial arts skills, he attracted the Styx River, which traversed the entire hell space, to rise into the sky, rush out of the gate of hell, blast towards the tides in the sky, and invade the power of the ocean that Xuanwu is proud of.

The Styx River is mixed with dead air, stagnant water, endless filthy power and all kinds of lonely ghosts.

Rumbling, the turbid River Styx stirred up endless dead souls, polluted the world, darkened the battlefield, and invaded the Styx River of Xuanwu forcefully.

A shocking battle.

"You dare to pollute my natal Xuanhe!" Xuanwu roared, this bastard polluted his natal ocean with the power of hell, he was furious.At this moment, the endless blood light shot up to the sky, like a raging fire, dazzling brilliance was everywhere in a hundred miles.

The sky and the sky are all red.

Even the rushing river and sea around him were dyed red, trying their best to resist the invasion of the Styx.

The blood light around Xuanwu even broke through the sky, majestic, majestic and domineering, it turned into three sabers, smashed everything, cut off energy, and killed Tang Yan.

Tang Yan didn't dare to be careless, and felt the destructive power. He opened Long Kui's shield without hesitation, and a stream of dragon energy boiled and coiled, turning into a phantom of Long Kui and moving forward forcefully.

In the blink of an eye, Longying was slashed with three swords!A vast and incomparable majestic force swayed in the sky in an instant, and the ground below was constantly shattered and rocks were thrown, and it was wiped out one after another.

The sky and the earth are full of brilliance and energy, and the majesty of the emperor surges out like a stormy sea.

The boundless land was destroyed in pieces, one after another like sea waves, raising countless boulders, all of which finally died down and turned into smoke and dust. The original dilapidated ground sank for thousands of meters.

The monstrous energy fluctuates endlessly, sweeping in all directions.

Tang Yan retreated, and Xuanwu was also thrown into the air.

"How long can you hold on?" Xuanwu yelled, the blood-red saber was never destroyed, bursting into the sky with blood awns, with a radius of hundreds of miles, the waves were raging, and the blood awns reflected in the ocean, making Wang Yang seem like a blood-colored world.

The three giant knives stood upright, trembling again and again, devouring the power from Xuanwu and Wang Yang, and the force that came out of the impact was like waves, and the waves were higher than the waves.

Long Kui's demon body didn't wait, and directly controlled the saber to kill.

"Fight!" There was a sharp roar, but it was full of endless fighting power.The sonorous sound was endless, and the five demon emperors were tightly entwined, seething with world-shocking imperial power.

Booming, world-shattering chaos continued to erupt, and the domineering aura was unimaginable!The endless waves of energy, in the collision of the sea of ​​blood and the sea of ​​rivers, and under the ravages of Styx and Shawei, destroyed the sky.

Wave after wave of destructive forces seemed to shatter the sky.

Tang Yan went crazy, and Xuanwu also went crazy.


Xuanwu's injury was too serious, and the energy out of control in his body was too cruel. Although he had the power of the ancient emperor, he still couldn't suppress Tang Yan. Instead, after more than [-] rounds, he was violently hit by Long Kui's demon body, and Wanmi's body Flipping upside down at high altitude, falling vigorously.

This time... Xuanwu has reached his limit!

It was too sudden, Xuanwu was not ready yet, but... he could no longer suppress the out-of-control energy in his body, click, click, cracks appeared in the thick flesh of his abdomen, which was ruptured from the impact from the inside, the internal organs were twisted, and the meridians swelled.

The unspeakable pain made him let out a miserable scream as he retreated.

Xuanwu Sacred Emperor... was defeated! !

He did not hesitate to suffer heavy injuries in his body to kill Tang Yan, but Tang Yan's tenacity and strength were beyond imagination.

He bet on everything to kill and ended in a disastrous defeat. The energy in his body could no longer be controlled. He had to stop fighting immediately, otherwise, even if he survived in the end, he would never be able to resist the punishment of heaven.

"Open the door to hell! Father, go back!" Long Kui's demon body vomited blood, but his fighting power remained undiminished. While ordering, he once again rushed at the Xuanwu Holy Emperor. Xuanwu's bloody snake head spattered with blood and cracked bones.

The giant snake screamed and struggled frantically, but it still couldn't get rid of the entanglement of Long Kui's demon body.

Long Kui's demon body entangled the giant snake, dragging the painful Xuanwu below, soaring straight up into the dark gate of hell!
The Demon Spirit Emperor attracts the Five Emperor Pillars and others, and they all return to hell.

Xuanwu was in so much pain and wailing, he stopped fighting, he coiled around his body, focused all his attention on his body, tried his best to control, and didn't even have time to think about where Tang Yan was going to take him.

Just like that, Tang Yan dragged the gigantic monster tens of thousands of meters tall, violently and wildly rushed into hell, across the void, and rushed towards the lost battle world.

The shocking picture is destined to set off a shocking storm.

(End of this chapter)

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