Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2626 Gemini

Chapter 2626 Gemini
The grand worship ceremony of the Yaoling clan was held on the second day, and the new two marshals were given to Tang Chen and Tang Bing respectively!
Tang Chen's command was well-received, but Tang Bing's command was a little surprising.

However, when Prince Cang delivered Tang Anhua's seal of command to Tang Bing in person, the grand obeisance ceremony was slightly silent. Everyone remembered the passing of Marshal Tang Anhua and understood what Prince Cang meant. The female marshal is giving an explanation to Marshal Tang Anhua, and also an explanation to the women's group army.

Perhaps Tang Bing is not competent, but her strength, wisdom, status, etc., are definitely the best choice among all the female generals of the Yaoling Clan.

Prince Cang did not avoid relatives, and directly gave the seals of the two commanders to his children.He had a clear conscience, and the whole family also unanimously accepted this fact.

Afterwards, the vacant army commanders, deputy army commanders, army chiefs and deputy chiefs of staff and other army-level generals announced under the personal edict of Prince Cang that the military system of the Yaoling clan, a large military clan, had been improved.

Tang Yan lived in the Yaoling clan for a few days, got along with Tang Chen, Tang Yiyuan and others for a while, and then left. The whole Yaoling clan continued to devote themselves to busy work, and Prince Cang officially retreated.

In the tense and chaotic busyness, the New Year's calendar has entered its second year.

Ma Yanwang, Immortal Phoenix, etc., the high-level leaders of the Zhanmeng and other ancient clans who have been fighting for years have retreated one after another, which is a deep retreat.It is also from this year that the Qitian Continent will start a "separatist war" that lasted thousands of years. This will be an era where all heroes will rise together, it will also be a magnificent era, and it will be an era of change and rise.

The Lost Battle Realm also opened a new chapter in history. A steady stream of demons rushed out of the Western Continent, demarcating spheres of influence in different continents, different sea areas, and various secret regions.

It has been very difficult for the demons entrenched in the Western Continent for these years. The huge number of populations and the limited land resources have formed a contradiction, and they are fighting with each other. Now the whole world belongs to the demons, and their living range has suddenly expanded by several digits. times.Be it land or sea.

For the big and small demons, it is definitely a rare opportunity. Whether it is for themselves or their own group, it is a chance for rebirth. Whether they can grasp it and how far they can develop will test their own abilities.

Opportunities are placed in front of all demons fairly, and it's up to you to grasp as much as you can and achieve as much as you can.

In this situation, the ferocity in the blood of the demons is released to the greatest extent. Different from the established laws and systems of the Qitian Continent, they are all using the most brutal and barbaric methods to defend their glory and achieve themselves. s future.

The Blood Demons returned to the Northern Continent and regained control of their ancestral land.

The Heavenly Demons dominate the North Sea in an all-round way, forming a confrontation with the Blood Demons, and the number one overlord of the Demons has already started a contest invisibly.

During this period, the Black Demon Emperor successfully entered the realm of the ancient emperor, and the final breakthrough step could have been completed in a few days, but because of Tang Yan's outburst, it took him a full year, and he was always under the pressure of destruction. Danger.

The Dark Demon Emperor became the Ancient Empress and immediately fell into deep retreat, controlling the majestic energy in her body with all her heart.

Ancient Emperor Xuanwu lurks in the farthest abyss of the East China Sea, where it was originally its stronghold in the Lost War Realm, and there are many seals inside. It also took a year for it to barely stabilize its injuries, and then concentrate on teaching the strength in the body. energy.

Both the Dark Demon Emperor and Xuanwu grew up in retreat with the deepest resentment in their hearts.

But it is undeniable that their retreat time is destined to be infinitely prolonged.Because they were disturbed at the time when they should least have been interrupted, it is doomed that they will take a longer time to make up for it in the future.

Tang Yan was actually paying close attention to the situation in the Lost War Realm, where he had sprinkled hundreds of thousands of bitter women.

He hugged the babbling Zhao'er himself, and accompanied a group of female relatives to tour the world, relax and enjoy the family happiness.

In Tang Yan's heart, this may be the last company before the final catastrophe. He accompanied him wholeheartedly, and also enjoyed the rare peace with his heart.

In their hearts, the war is finally over, and now is a peaceful and peaceful life.

Tang Yan originally wanted to be with him for half a year in peace, but he stayed with him for a year without knowing it.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons reincarnate, they have traveled through many landscapes and left behind many beautiful things.

Just like the rare warmth shown by Prince Cang Tian, ​​Tang Yan found that he actually has a warm heart, and he also enjoys the company of his lover and the surrounding of his daughter.

Especially accompanying Zhao'er personally from learning to speak to walking, the warmth and sweetness touched Tang Yan a lot.

The only regret is that no trace of the reincarnation clan has been found, and the biggest possibility is that it is hidden somewhere in the sea.Tang Yan privately appointed Mirror Treasure Pigs to use the power of sea beasts they can now control to investigate quietly in different sea areas.If the reincarnation tribe is not eliminated for a day, there will always be restlessness in my heart.

The end of the second year of the new lunar calendar.

Tang Yan began to put the retreat on the agenda, and finally returned to Wudi City to see how Zhao Zimo and others achieved the results of the retreat.

But on the way back, something incredible happened suddenly.

Niya is pregnant!

Mu Rou is pregnant!

Tang Yan is already a holy emperor, and a brand new holy emperor. According to the usual practice, it is obviously impossible to give birth to offspring.In the past year, Tang Yan stayed with his wives day and night. He was very tender and enjoyable. He didn't work hard on purpose, and he didn't think about having another child.But who would have thought that... unintentionally planted willows and willows into shadows?
Not only became, but two?

Not only Tang Yan was pleasantly surprised, but Niya and Mu Rou couldn't believe it. They had already given up on conception and never thought about it again. Didn't they think that the more relaxed they would be, the more rewarding they would be?At the beginning, the deliberate pursuit and anxious efforts did not have any results, but now I look down on everything and unexpectedly get a windfall?
The pregnancy of the two women immersed the honeymoon team in great surprises and accidents.

Tang Yan immediately took them back to Wudi City for inspection.

It turned out that Niya was already two months pregnant, and Mu Rou was also more than a month old.

The surprise came too suddenly, which not only made Tang Yan very excited, but also directly caused a sensation inside and outside Emperor Wu's city, and spread it to all parts of the world at an astonishing speed.

Holy Emperor Tang Yan actually has a prince again?And there are still two!

This is simply a unique miracle.

People from all over the world offered their congratulations, and they all felt that God must be caring for Tang Yan, thanking him for saving the human race and demon race in the other world, and thanking him for his contribution in the war between the two worlds.Some people feel that the future of the Holy Emperor Tang Yan will not stop at the Holy Emperor, but the highest emperor ancestor, so before he becomes the emperor ancestor, he will have heirs again.

In short, there are various speculations, and various versions have been widely circulated.

Human beings are always spontaneously willing to create mystery and add various legendary feelings to the people or things they admire.

Other empires and ancient races were deeply moved, what is the concept of a child conceived by the Holy Emperor?Not surprisingly, those are just two villainous emperors who landed on the ground. Even if they are not human emperors, they must be at the perfect level.

Suddenly, Zhanmeng and Tang Yan once again became the focus of the world.

The power of the Zhanmeng was once again pushed to the extreme. With the news of Niya and Mu Rou's pregnancy, various rumors that Tang Yan was the "Son of Heaven" and "Son of God's Chosen" spread rapidly, which also made Tang Yan's reputation deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.All over the world even spontaneously began to build temple statues, etc., to pray for Tang Yan.

This effect may not have been thought of by Zhanmeng, nor by Tang Yan.

The people all over the world are even more excited about this pregnancy event than Tang Yan himself.

(End of this chapter)

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