Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2628 Conspiracy

Chapter 2628 Conspiracy
two months ago!
The Spirit Race ushered in a mysterious guest—a space monster.

It broke through the space and invited a ray of energy from the Holy Spirit Emperor to go deep into the dark and cold void, and met the real guest waiting there, Empress Xuanyuan.

"It's been a year and a half since you returned to Qitian Continent, how do you feel about the new environment here?" Xuanyuan came as an energy clone, surrounded by space power.She didn't express respect, and it was even more difficult to talk about etiquette. The straightforward way was very irritating.

"It's a pity, it's ridiculous. You reincarnated people have planned so hard that you don't hesitate to abandon the human race, bear the infamy, and join forces with the Xuanwu and Yin-Yang clans to escape back to the Qitian Continent. In just a dozen years, you have been defeated to the point of relying on hiding to survive. An ambitious return The battle turned out to be Tang Yan's success. What is it not a pity? What is it not ridiculous?" The Holy Spirit Emperor responded unceremoniously to Xuanyuan.

"You should be grateful for our failure. If not, how did Tang Yan become emperor, and how could he lead your spirit clan back to Qitian Continent? Can you still see the blue sky and white clouds? Can you still touch the land of your hometown? You and your The Spirit Race will slowly decay in the Lost Battle Realm, and will either be swallowed by other races, or become slaves." Xuanyuan also responded sharply.

"You took the risk to come here just to bicker? No matter what you want to talk about, you are not qualified to come here instead of your brother." The Holy Spirit Emperor was tired of this woman's attitude, and he would lose consciousness and return to his body after speaking.

"Brother is retreating, sprinting to the ancient emperor. He will come, but not now."

The consciousness that the Holy Spirit Emperor was about to dissipate stagnated and re-gathered, and it was clearer than before. His eyes were cold and sharp, as if they wanted to penetrate Xuanyuan Longli's eyes and penetrate into the bottom of his heart: "Sprint to the ancient emperor? Your turn The Hui people are ready to give it a go? Are you not afraid that I will pass the news to Tang Yan?"

"Are you Tang Yan's dog? You want to please him when you smell it?" Xuanyuan said coldly.

"Little girl, don't think that becoming an emperor means you can be careless. I want to kill you easily."

"I heard about your performance in the final battle of the Lost World, and I can guess the agreement between you and Tang Yan. These are not important. The important thing is that your vision before returning to Qitian Continent is the same as your current one. What I saw was completely different!

You didn't expect that the Qitian Continent has been unified, you didn't expect that the imperial dynasty in the Qitian Continent would fully support Tang Yan, you didn't expect that the hundreds of millions of people in the Qitian Continent would worship Tang Yan as a god, and you didn't expect that Tang Yan would Has the absolute right to speak in Qitian Continent.You also didn't expect that the last war in the Lost Battle Realm ended smoothly, without any accidents, without causing any casualties, and all those who should come back and those who shouldn't come back have come back.These forces will become Tang Yan's firm support force.

With the current situation in Qitian Continent, your Spiritual Clan will be completely played and applauded by Tang Yan. Once he wants to suppress your Spiritual Clan one day, he only needs to have an attitude, not even the Zhanmeng and the Demon Spiritual Clan. You Eldar impose severe punishment.

You want to rebel?It will only usher in a brutal blow. Do you want to rise?only to be humiliated.

You still have a lifespan of several thousand years at most. When your life is over, how much room will a spirit race without an emperor have for growth?I don't care how much guarantee Tang Yan gave you at that time, your Spirit Race will never rise again, and even your descendants will be willing to be affiliated with Zhanmeng and Tang Yan's servants in order to survive.You know this. "

Xuanyuan really didn't give the Holy Spirit Emperor any face, and every sentence of Zhuxin really hit the point, it touched the heart of the Holy Spirit Emperor, and talked about the current depression of the Holy Spirit Emperor.

The Holy Spirit Emperor remained silent, no longer angry at Xuanyuan's sharpness.

You can faintly feel the sadness from him.

Just like what Xuanyuan said, he really didn't expect the Qitian Continent to be in such a situation. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is unified by Tang Yan.Although Tang Yan and Zhanmeng did not put on that kind of posture and arrogance, this kind of "soft posture" of detached detachment is more suitable for the current situation and can make Zhanmeng's status even higher.

Hundreds of billions of lives in Qitian Continent now live in Tang Yan's shadow. It is impossible for the Spirit Race to rise again in this situation, not even the slightest chance.

He hasn't retreated for more than a year. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he really doesn't have the energy. He spends all his time observing the current situation and thinking about the strategy for the re-emergence of the Spirit Race, but unfortunately...he can't see any hope at all. Can't see the light.

What the Holy Spirit Emperor is most worried about is that once he falls, the pressure on the Spirit Race will be even greater, and Tang Yan may also be uneasy and kindly cheating. The Spirit Race will either live forever in depression, or become Tang Yan's vassal in order to survive.

"I'm not here to encourage you today. I don't need to comfort you to please you. I'm not your friend. I don't need to enlighten you or say good things. What I said is very direct and harsh, but you know the truth in your heart."

"Tell me about your purpose." The Holy Spirit Emperor didn't even have the energy and desire to argue with Xuanyuan again.The Samsara Clan is also in a passive and awkward position, not much better than the Spirit Clan. Since the other party dares to come for an interview, there should be some countermeasures. It doesn't have to be to reverse the situation, at least it can break the current deadlock.

"Our current situation is very embarrassing. If we want to break the situation, we must block everything and let go for the final counterattack. If we want to break the situation, the focus is on Tang Yan himself. As long as Tang Yan is killed, everything established by the Zhanmeng will be destroyed. , the world will fall into war again, and we will have a chance to take advantage of the situation."

"It's not easy to kill Tang Yan. It's not that I have the ambition of others. Tang Yan has hell as his foundation and has a large number of human emperor allies. Even if your brother is promoted to the ancient emperor, there is not much confidence in destroying Tang Yan. Don't forget that there is another nine Ying, he is the type to absolutely protect Tang Yan, he is in a hurry, he would rather destroy himself than keep Tang Yan." The Holy Spirit Emperor frowned in disappointment, he thought he would have good advice, but it turned out that he relied on the ancient emperor to draw allies ?Want to make yourself cannon fodder?
"That's why I came to you. You also have the ability to be promoted to the ancient emperor."

I?Ancient Emperor?The Holy Spirit Emperor suddenly showed sarcasm: "Are you kidding? I am promoted to the ancient emperor, and I will be destroyed within a hundred years. When the time comes, your reincarnation clan has your Xuanyuan, and what does my spirit clan have? Don't you want to let the people of my spirit clan attach themselves to you?" You reincarnated people survive? How is this different from being a slave?
To put it bluntly, your brother is not a good person. Although Tang Yan is hateful, at least he acts frankly and straightforwardly. I would rather use a bigger bargaining chip in exchange for Tang Yan to protect the Spirit Clan than entrust the Spirit Clan to you In the hands of the reincarnation clan! "

"What if I could create a Destiny Child for your Eldar?"

There were obvious fluctuations in the consciousness of the Holy Spirit Emperor, and he stared at Xuanyuan sharply: "What did you say?"

"You heard me right, I can create a new Destiny Child for your Eldar. You can train him to become the hope of the Eldar before you die in battle."


"Nothing is impossible. The Destiny Child of the Pangu Clan and the Yin-Yang Clan have been reshaped successfully. We have experience and confidence that we can shape a new Destiny Child for your Spirit Clan. We can also help the Star Clan shape the Destiny Child."

The Holy Spirit Emperor suddenly thought of something: "You guys did the suicide in the Pangu Mountains?"

"It was the first attempt back then, and then I made improvements with the Yin-Yang Clan. This time, I can make better improvements with your Spirit Clan. You should still remember the Holy Spirit Hall in Qitian Continent. They are now in my reincarnation clan. If you nod, I can use them as the first batch of nourishment to cultivate the new Destiny Child of the Spirit Race, and you only need to draw another million troops from you to make the second batch of nourishment."

"How can I trust you, what is your plan?"

"You don't have to doubt it, because since I've come to tell you, it proves my absolute sincerity. You will participate in the whole shaping process. If you don't succeed, you can report to Tang Yan and mobilize troops to destroy my reincarnation clan.

As for the simpler plan, Tang Yan will not be content with being silent in the Holy Emperor, and believes that he will retreat and sprint to the realm of the ancient emperor in the near future, and then meet the punishment of heaven.

Based on our family's research on history, although Heaven's Punishment is mysterious and unpredictable, there are traces to follow. The greater the potential, the stronger the strength, the more extraordinary and special the person, the sooner the time to meet the Heaven's Punishment will be. Tang Yan not only sits on the In hell, there is even more the blood of the emperor. I believe that he will soon be punished by heaven after being promoted to the ancient empress.

In another situation, when three or more ancient emperors are born in a short period of time, the time for the punishment of heaven will come relatively earlier.

That is to say, if you and my elder brother both become ancient emperors, it means that two special circumstances superimpose. Tang Yan will welcome the coming of the punishment of heaven much earlier than he imagined. Before he is ready, the punishment of heaven may be because of him. Due to your own factors and the disturbance caused by the birth of the two ancient emperors, you quickly met the punishment of heaven.

Tang Yan's success will be greatly reduced if he meets the punishment of God without being prepared.

At that time, you and my elder brother, the two ancient emperors, should not have had time to meet the punishment of heaven, so you can take the opportunity to interfere, or slaughter Tang Yan's relatives and friends in front of Tang Yan, to stimulate Tang Yan.

In this way, Tang Yan will die and hell will be destroyed!And all the emperors in the world will be slaughtered, Qitian Continent will enter an era without emperors, and all rising stars such as Destiny's Child will survive better in a new environment. "

"Wuhuang? Are you dead too?"

"It depends on the situation. I don't mind if I die. If I survive by chance, I will be the only emperor in Qitian Continent. I don't deny that I will cultivate the reincarnation clan to become the top royal clan, but I can also guarantee that your spirit clan will enjoy more Great power and status. There are many unknowns in the vision I mentioned, but everything will be better than the current form, better than the current passivity and embarrassment of your spirit race."

The Holy Spirit Emperor remained silent, did not reply directly, and it was impossible to reply directly.This woman is also a lunatic, crazier than Tang Yan.

"Think about it slowly, but we don't have much time left." Xuanyuan was enveloped by the power of space and disappeared into the void, leaving the Holy Spirit Emperor's thoughts silently thinking in the dark and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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