Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

The Golden Lion King is like a golden Buddha, high on the top of the mountain, his eyes are cold and unwavering, looking down at Tang Yan halfway up the mountain, first of all he wants to see through his true purpose.

Tang Yan looked at each other from a distance, trying to keep his eyes clear.

The mountains and forests echoed with a solemn and depressing feeling. All kinds of ferocious monsters had gathered, and just looking at them would send chills down the spine, adding a bit of danger to the atmosphere at the moment.If it were someone else standing in the same position, I don't know if they could stand still and look directly at the Lion King.

In fact, Tang Yan's heart is now in his throat, his face is resolute and calm, but cold sweat slowly oozes from the corner of his forehead.At this moment, there is no turning back, and the fate is completely in the Lion King's mind.If it nods, the madness will be nearly half successful. If it gets impatient, it will become food, and even the eight-phase thunder seal will not be able to save itself.

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was only a few minutes, maybe a full three quarters, the golden lion king finally nodded slightly, and the herd of beasts all over the mountain got the order, and retreated slowly, allowing a passage to reach the top of the mountain from the middle of the mountain.

Tang Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and jumped down from the canopy of the tree, but due to excessive nervousness, his footsteps were so vain that he almost fell to the ground, so he gritted his teeth and held on, took a breath, and strode forward.The six berserk fire lions did not disperse, but followed closely beside him, circling forward, grinning their teeth and roaring lowly, as if warning something.

mountain top!

The ghostly green fire spread out faintly, and the spirit source liquid floated to the ground, crystal clear and agile, exuding a fascinating luster, and the richness of spiritual power contained in it could be felt by anyone.

Feeling it at a close distance, the Golden Lion King finally felt moved, but the remaining vigilance has not dissipated, and his ice-like pupils are staring at Tang Yan.

"Lion king, don't worry, there is no poison in it, it's just a gift from me to you. I'm just a person, and I'm a new king of martial arts. I'm not stupid enough to frame you in this giant tiger's territory. If you don't worry, You can call the other two demon kings here and let them help to protect you. If you feel uncomfortable after eating it, you are allowed to kill me immediately, but I believe that after taking it, you will completely change your view of me." Tang After Yan finished speaking, he looked at the Golden Lion King quietly, and added after a while: "I didn't mean to be provocative, but... I can't guarantee whether the other two demon kings will snatch this one and only trial after they come over. Chance."

The Golden Lion King's gaze finally shifted from Tang Yan to the spiritual source liquid, and after a little silence, he opened his mouth and swallowed the spiritual source liquid the size of a thumb.

These words can be said to be a weakness. The relationship between the three demon kings is not so harmonious. They are all trying to prove who is stronger, and they are all looking for opportunities to break through. The Lion King will neither let them protect him, let alone protect him. Will allow opportunities to be given to them that may be opportunities.

What's more, it believes in its own strength. Even if it finds that there is something wrong with the liquid, it will have enough time to destroy the humanoid monster in front of it.

Tang Yan waited quietly, trying his best to relax himself, so as not to let other monsters misunderstand what he had planned.

The Golden Lion King was a little vigilant at first, but after feeling it carefully, his majestic body suddenly tensed up, and his eyes shone brightly, as if a fire was burning.

This spiritual source liquid has been tempered repeatedly by Tang Yan. It not only contains rich spiritual power, but also has a little pure green fire power.Moreover, the spirit source liquid that was refined by the ghost blue fire after it was reawakened had a slight tempering effect. It was like a cleaning agent to clean up the impurities in the body and re-smelt the tendons. Its effect is strong enough to amazing.

Lingyuan liquid is a tonic for human beings, and it has indescribable benefits for monsters. Even black girls are always obsessed, let alone this golden lion king in front of him.

The lion king shone with golden light all over his body, and his heavy power enveloped the mountain top. The violent fire lion and other monsters were all prostrate on the ground, and their majestic bodies trembled slightly.The lion king felt calmly and carefully, as if there was a strange energy circulating in his body. With the continuous fusion with the spiritual power of the meridians, the tendons were cleaned again and again, and even some hidden diseases seemed to be healed. posture.

The spiritual power contained in it is even more surging, like a mountain torrent, turbulent and vast, and a bit rough. While tempering the meridians, it also brings a little tearing pain, but it is accompanied by... making myself stiff The long-standing meridians showed obvious signs of loosening.

It has been more than 200 years since he stayed at the peak of the Demon King, and there has been no sign of a breakthrough. He has long since given up his efforts, and believes that he is doomed to be unable to take another step forward in this life, after all, even the meridians have hardened.But now... the subtle signs that suddenly appeared in his body were definitely great news.

Lion King's eyes flickered. If he could take this kind of liquid for a long time, wouldn't it be possible to change the meridians of the whole body from 'hard' to 'flexible', creating an excellent cornerstone for the breakthrough of 'healing after tearing' in the future.

"How do you feel? Is my sincerity enough?" Tang Yan still felt a little distressed in his heart. This spiritual source liquid is definitely the most successful one since his rebirth. Whether it is for himself or a black girl, it can help Completely consolidate the realm of the first-order demon king in the shortest possible time.But for a greater purpose, it can only be given as a gift.

The Golden Lion King looked at Tang Yan no longer indifferently, his intense heat was undisguised. If it weren't for the demon king's aloofness, he might have stretched out his claws to ask for it.

"I'm sorry, I can only take out one for the time being, but if you can take me to meet Tiger Lord and provide a little help, I can guarantee that in the near future, for Tiger Lord, for you, for your entire clan Both provide sufficient portions.”

The Golden Lion King didn't wait any longer, and roared a few times at the herd of beasts, as if giving orders, and rushed down the mountain.Tang Yan took a deep breath, adjusted his posture, and rushed to the deep mountain following the steps of the lion king.At the same time, he secretly called for the black water leech, hoping that it would wake up and give him a little bit of confidence. With his current strength, if he faced a powerful person of the highest level, especially a monster of the highest level, he would not have the slightest resistance.But... the blackwater leech was so badly injured that it fell into a deep sleep, and did not respond no matter how it called.

In a canyon formed by interlaced high mountains, Tang Yan finally saw the giant war tiger majestic in the Dayan Mountains.

This is a black-striped tiger, living up to its name as a giant tiger. Its huge body is like a giant whale, it is powerful and ferocious, and its thick muscles are like the roots of an old tree. It cannot conceal its terrifying power. Breath, just standing in front of it, there is a sense of oppression shrouded by a huge mountain.

The giant war tiger seemed to have been in a deep sleep for a long time, and the two pairs of creepy eyes were slightly bloodshot, and there was a little laziness in the thick coercion, but after careful observation, Tang Yan quickly put this "laziness" It was determined to be...weak!
That's right, the giant war tiger seems to be injured, and its condition is obviously not good. There is a strong choking smell of medicine in the canyon, and there is also an unconcealable bloody smell.

When Tang Yan arrived at the canyon, dozens of ferocious beasts had already gathered inside, basically monsters at the peak of the fourth level. There were also two monster kings who were as powerful as the Golden Lion King. The fierce tigers with azure blue flames, one is a huge tiger with a mouth full of fangs like painful steel cones, and its whole body is blood red. They are obviously the Nether Winged Tiger and Scarlet Flame Tiger among the three demon kings beside the giant tiger.

When Tang Yan stepped into the canyon, all the pupils of monsters were focused on him, one pair was sharper than the other, as if some sharp knives were scratching back and forth on the body.

It may be that the appearance of this half-monster has played a role. Their eyes are more strange and vigilant, and there is no obvious hatred or killing intent.

The Golden Lion King walked up to the giant tiger, bowed his head respectfully, and let out a deep roar, as if he was talking about something. The Nether Winged Tiger and the Scarlet Flame Tiger looked at Tang Yan a few more times, and they all gathered to participate in the discussion .

After a while, the Lion King stepped back and nodded slightly to Tang Yan, which meant it was your turn.

The giant tiger's creepy eyes turned to Tang Yan, and his voice was like a bell: "Are you human?"

"I have human blood, and I also have the blood of monsters, but generally speaking, I am more similar to monsters. After all, if humans see my appearance, they will definitely be very resistant." Tang Yan carefully paid attention to the conversation. It can be seen from Juhu's first question that it really hates human beings. If it hadn't stimulated the demon spirit and came here, maybe the ferocious bloody mouth would have swallowed itself.

The giant tiger stared at Tang Yan with eyes full of blood and hostility, and nodded slowly for a while without showing any obvious sense of resistance: "Tell me, why do you come to me?"

Tang Yan felt relieved: "Forgive me for guessing boldly, you may have been seriously injured. Was it done by Jiantai Mountain and other sects?"

"Hmph!" The giant war tiger snorted heavily, and the hostility in its eyes suddenly intensified. The terrifying power made all the monsters in the valley tremble, some took a few steps back, and some bowed their heads and crawled.

really!It seems that Jiantai Mountain has never given up on punishing the giant war tiger for many years. Just like the blackwater leech speculated, other sects should be involved either explicitly or secretly.Some hope to suppress and exterminate it, while others hope that it will continue to live as the main force to contain Jiantai Mountain.But no matter what, the major forces probably don't want the giant war tiger to settle down, let alone break through the barrier, otherwise... it will definitely get out of control!
(End of this chapter)

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