Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 2642

Chapter 2642

"What heaven and man?" Everyone was in a daze and startled, and they could still feel the horror and tyranny inside across a thousand-meter space.

"In ancient times, the ancestors multiplied, there were countless heroes, and wars broke out everywhere. There was a child who claimed to be a man of heaven, resisting, defying, and chaotic, killing endlessly, fighting all his life, and a rare opponent. In the end, he jumped into the ancient emperor's realm and challenged the punishment of heaven. and die."

Qilufu took a deep breath and suppressed his fear: "Zhan Zu Bimon resisted the punishment of heaven and died, and the giant kun resisted the punishment of heaven and died. Immortals were also destroyed by punishment of heaven. You count the bloody hurricane, a total of ten Five, no accident, each blood-colored hurricane will lead to a victim of heaven's punishment. From ancient times to the present, all the creatures who have challenged the punishment of heaven have been destroyed."

"What? Fifteen?"

"How can you play this? It's too much to bully! Isn't this intentional to destroy Tang Yan?"

Everyone was dizzy and weak, feeling those terrifying figures that appeared one after another, a deep sense of despair emerged in their hearts.They're all the vicious perverts from ancient times, but they're all moved here?

Soon, Suzaku!Wuzu!Void behemoth!Heiji!The Blood Moon Wolf Emperor, the ancestors of the human race, etc., appeared in the Scarlet Hurricane one after another. All of them were murderous and mighty, fully saturating the natural disaster battlefield, almost collapsed by the backlog.

"Didn't you say that if the punishment of heaven fails, you will be dissipated? Why did it appear?" Someone questioned.

"It should be due to the chaos of time and space. God returned to the period before their destruction and moved them here. It may also be that God sealed up their boundless fighting spirit and projected it at this moment." Qi Lufu couldn't explain it, and was deeply moved by the scene at this moment. Shocked, this is the second stage of Tang Yan's Heaven's Punishment?
Throughout the ages, there has never been such a strong punishment from heaven.

"I have never been afraid! Since I want to fight, I will fight to the fullest. I, Tang Yan, will fight to the death today and live to the death!" Tang Yan was still fearless, rolling Move the terrifying dragon body, and the whole body is filled with various profound powers, fighting against powerful enemies.

He didn't know the identities of these people, but he could feel all the scars.

He didn't know the exclamation of Qi Lufu and others, and he was in it at the moment, and there was no way out.

Fifteen fallen Tianjiao great demons collectively exploded, unleashing terror and killing power, causing a cholera world.They all dominated the world for a while in a certain era, and they all withered at the brightest moment.Their war intentions and resentment have been sealed up for endless years, and when they are suddenly released at this moment, the evil spirit of Taotao is enough to burn the world.

Kacha Kacha, the purple-red space is almost collapsed, endless energy boils the world, the violent wind and rain, accompanied by the sound wave of destruction and light and shadow, fills that space, and finally isolates the sight of the outside world, no matter how difficult it is to see clearly the specific battle situation inside, the war detonates in this instant .


Scales flew, and blood rained.Fifteen powerful enemies collapsed the world, and all kinds of terrifying killing moves overwhelmed him, tempering his towering and huge body like a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire.

Tang Yan slashed and fought in all directions, attacking the heroes.

Being able to fight against all giant monsters throughout the ages is not in vain.

"What happened! What happened!"

"What's going on inside?"

Everyone on the periphery watched anxiously, eager to know what happened.

Not long after... the depths of the disaster area.

"Crack!!" The giant kun tore apart the space in the fierce battle, held on to Long Kui's demon body tightly, flapped its wings to the sky, and spread its wings to strike, rolling up a boundless gust of wind. Even many powerful enemies were blown back in a mess by the hurricane.It seems to drag Tang Yan back to the ancient times, and lead him to destruction.

"Fight alone? You are looking for death! Kunpeng, you are only a seriously injured body, and you dare to fight me to the death!" Long Kui's demon body was full of scales and armor, and the dragon's body was churning. The kun's sharp claws and the dragon's body soared into the sky, like a torrent of steel pouring into the sky, tearing the chest cavity of the giant kun, rushing from its abdomen to its back.

The rain of blood sprayed, dyeing the world red.

The giant dragon tail of Long Kui's demon body swept across the sky, wrapping tightly around the giant kun's head, twisting violently, the dragon's head roared furiously, and the breath of the destructive dragon gushed violently.

"Aww!!" The giant scorpion snarled pitifully, fluttering its wings and churning, setting off a boundless hurricane. It was already seriously injured, how could it resist the berserk Long Kui.

Whoosh, whoosh, the rest of the heroes rushed wildly, resisting the hurricane attack, and rushed towards Tang Yan.

"Death!" Tang Yan roared angrily, his killing power was overwhelming, and his terrifying fighting power almost pierced the sky.Before the heroes came, they crushed the giant kun's neck, and the dragon's breath destroyed its head.

The body of the prehistoric giant kun thousands of miles away quickly dissipated, turning into phantoms all over the sky, annihilated in the sky and the earth.


The sound of the iron chain shaking was heard, Behemoth War Ancestor was the first to kill, the war hammer smashed through the sky, and all the chains wrapped around the war hammer exploded.The bronze-colored scales are shining with precious brilliance, and the body is brutal and vigorous, like horned dragons coiled around the body.

The black mist filled the air, and death surged, as if he had created a world of death, filled with endless prehistoric killing thoughts.

Long Kui's demon body writhed proudly, with one claw soaring into the sky, facing the heavy hammer head-on.

At the same time, the huge body danced wildly between the sky and the earth, actively meeting other powerful enemies.

The tragic battlefield is magnificent and passionate.

Endless boldness, infinite bravery.

But although the powerful enemy is full of scars, they are after all the peerless heroes of the ancient times. What a terrifying combat power they are joining forces to encircle and suppress at this moment.Siege again and again, destruction again and again, while Tang Yan kept defeating powerful enemies, he also kept leaving terrible scars, and the speed of the scars even exceeded the speed of the blood soul tree's repair.


The space vibrates, as if there are thousands of troops galloping inside, the light and shadow are confused, and the billowing clouds and mist are churning, like a tsunami raging endlessly.

The people outside were waiting impatiently, eager to know what was going on inside, and they all sweated for Tang Yan.

At this moment, the Ancient Emperor's Battlefield of Reincarnation, which was thousands of miles away before, was moved here in the continuous fierce battle, infinitely close to the edge of the battlefield in the disaster-stricken area of ​​​​God's Punishment.

In the ancient emperor's battlefield, light and darkness are intertwined, and the shadows of beasts suddenly appear, and the tragic fight does not need to be much weaker than in natural disasters.After all, the ancient reincarnated emperor and the ancient spirit emperor are genuine ancient emperors, and they are both peerless human emperors who are qualified to receive the punishment of heaven.What's more, there is also a fierce battle between Jiuying and Tuoba Zhangui, the situation of the war can be imagined.

Everyone's eyes shifted there one after another, they couldn't see the natural disaster clearly, so they looked at the ancient emperor first.It seemed as if one could feel the real and clear power of destruction from a long distance away. Compared with the ethereal miracles in the Heaven's Punishment Battlefield, the battlefield of the Ancient Emperor of Reincarnation and the others was more real, and the sense of deterrence it brought was even stronger.

"How did they get here?"

"It must be the ancient emperor of reincarnation. He wants to transfer the battlefield to the disaster-stricken area of ​​heaven's punishment, take the opportunity to interfere with heaven's punishment, and intensify the power of heaven's punishment."

"This is to kill Tang Yan in a disguised form. Damn it, God's punishment is already terrible enough, let the ancient emperor of reincarnation make trouble."

Thousands of people in the audience were anxious and nervous, and anyone could understand the purpose of the reincarnation ancient emperor.

The core of the battlefield!

The ancient spirit emperor is the most tragic and powerful, attacking violently, drenched in blood, with long hair dancing wildly, entangled the ancient emperor of reincarnation and fought endlessly.His right arm was broken, and blood was spilled on the battlefield, but the spilled blood was condensed by him into stronger soul power soldiers, who went forward and continued to attack.

A desperate attack, a tactic of seeking death.If you want to fight, do it thoroughly and without regret.

"Gu Linghuang! How much guarantee does Tang Yan give you to allow you to force him to die?"

"You were proud all your life, but in the end you were a dog for Tang Yan."

"Do you really think that Tang Yan will let your Spirit Clan go? Do you really think that your madness at this moment can be exchanged for the rise of the Spirit Clan? Stop dreaming! Even if Tang Yan allows it, neither the Demon Spirit Clan nor the Bone Clan will allow it!"

"Wake up! You and I join forces, there is one last chance! Slaughter the emperors, crash into the battlefield of heaven's punishment, history will be rewritten because of you and me!"

The ancient emperor of reincarnation attacked furiously, completely falling into a state of rampage, roaring hysterically, slashing his hair recklessly, his body was covered with scars, but his desire to fight continued to soar, his boiling samsara light illuminated the world.

Gu Linghuang ignored it and just attacked.

"Quick! Quick! Work harder! Stop him!" Prince Cang yelled anxiously. He wounded him again and again, but he couldn't stop the ancient emperor of reincarnation from rushing towards the battlefield of heaven's punishment.


Prince Cang and Xu Yan's blood was already burning with fighting spirit, and they wished they would blow themselves up now.

"Should we go in?" Xingluo Renhuang waited anxiously and nervously.

"Don't hesitate, kill!!" Tianquan Renhuang and Sacred Human Sovereign went all out, rushing into the ancient emperor's battlefield regardless of life and death. The emperor's power, which he usually thought was unparalleled, was extremely weak on the ancient emperor's battlefield.But they can't do crazy swords, they can do needlepoints once.

Jiuying immediately controlled them and used the power of space to lead them around him.Protect them well and let them release the power of mysteries blindly.

(End of this chapter)

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