Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 268 Yuxu Palace

Chapter 268 Yuxu Palace

Zou Yanting has had a very bad life recently. He has lost weight for more than two laps. He has been away from Tibing Mountain for more than ten days, and he has been living in a state of anxiety and apprehension. Tang Yan's excited cry is always circling in his mind——ha!You are poisoned!Yo!You are going to die!

Occasionally, accompanied by Tang Yan's exaggerated laughter, a shadow of Tang Yan was alive and kicking in his mind.

No matter how hard you try, it doesn't get better, but it gets stronger and stronger.

Why weakness for no reason?Why is the blood in the body passing inexplicably?Reminiscent of Tang Yan's excited expression, the more Zou Yanting thought about it, the more he thought it was caused by accidental poisoning.On the way out of Tibing Mountain, I started to check it, and it has continued until now. I also asked two priests in the palace to help, but no abnormalities were found.

Instead, he found a faint red spot on his back, as if he had been bitten by something.

This time, Zou Yanting completely panicked and tried every means to detect the poison in the poison, but his body did not show any obvious symptoms, let alone how to treat it.For more than ten days, this kind of tension and despair has been torturing his nerves all the time, so that he doesn't even have the thought of recovering from the injury.

tenth day!
Tang Yan said that he would die of poison in ten days!

Zou Yanting spent the tenth day almost in despair and panic. Although he pretended to be calm on the surface, his clothes were wet with cold sweat.

But... the whole day passed, and there was no death, but there were two coma during the period, which was later attributed to extreme tension.

Zou Yanting didn't dare to relax his vigilance, and endured another two days in anxiety, but he still didn't have any symptoms similar to 'festering'. With the consolation of his followers, he finally came out of the shadows little by little.

Maybe even Tang Yan didn't expect that his intimidation tactics would be so effective!
"Bastard bastard! Shameless! Scoundrel! Scum! You are too much of a bully! I'm going to tear you into pieces, and I greet your ancestors!" Zou Yanting yelled in the bedroom, beating the utensils around him like crazy, and a group of waiters He and his followers all knelt on the ground, and while they couldn't help but smile bitterly, they also cooperated with Zou Yanting to greet Tang Yan's ancestors.

That bastard was young, and his mind was broken. Although he didn't know what caused Zou Yanting's coma, but he was definitely not poisoned. Thinking back to Zou Yanting's ignorant ten days, they all felt a little ridiculous. At this level, he fell into a coma twice in a row.

If this news spreads out, wouldn't it make the powerhouses in the Dayan Mountains burst into laughter?
No wonder Zou Yanting is going crazy now.

The enshrined Zhao Xianjin said: "Master, since you are safe and sound, it means that the little devil is playing tricks, and he has no special ability to threaten Wu Zun. We can stop worrying about it. I have sent someone to investigate clearly. Dou Niang and the others did not escape after the incident. They all returned to Tibing Mountain and are currently repairing the camp. Palace Master, please recover for a few days. Take a shot and destroy it directly! In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a joke."

Zou Yanting angrily smashed the wooden chair beside him, the haze in his eyes never dissipated: "That little bastard Tang Yan is still on the mountain?"

"Tibingshan is very strictly guarded. We can't find out the specific situation, but Dou Niang and other major martial kings have shown up. Tang Yan should also be hiding inside."

"Arrange it for me. I will leave again in five days. I must raze Tibing Mountain to the ground!" Zou Yanting felt the humiliation he had never experienced before, and he felt ashamed and indignant that he wanted to cry without tears. Moving mountains and filling seas, commanding thousands of people, he can be regarded as the number one person in the vast Dayan Mountains, but he didn't expect to be teased by a little doll, and the ridiculous thing is that he even fainted from nervousness?Too much deception!Extremely hateful!
"Palace Master, do you need to contact Yuxu Palace? Tang Yan and the others did not escape, but stayed in Tibing Mountain. I always feel that something is a little strange. To ensure nothing goes wrong, I suggest going to Yuxu Palace to ask some helpers to come back."

"No need! That little thing must be playing tricks!" Zou Yanting had the intention of recruiting before, and didn't use all his strength. This time, he went straight to kill Dou Niang and other Wu Wang with a few tricks. Let's see if Tang Yan can still do it. Turn up what ability.The hatred of killing his wife and daughter, the hatred of humiliating and teasing, and the hatred of imprisoning his only son, all must be repaid a hundred times by Tang Yan.

"But... Venerable Yuxu has already arrived."


In front of the main hall of the Red Lotus Palace, there are rows of warriors in green robes and silver armor standing upright inside and outside the hall, the number is as many as five hundred, their eyes are as sharp as knives, their breath is as cold as ice, with a bit of arrogance, and even more so. They were very contemptuous, some people lowered their eyebrows and remained silent, while others squinted at the red-robed warriors in the nearby Red Lotus Palace.

In front of the inner hall of the main hall, a thin old man stood with his hands behind his back, admiring the gorgeous murals.

The old man looked haggard, and his clothes were a little sloppy. In terms of appearance and clothes, he looked like a countryman, but the haze between his brows and the invisible cold power kept everyone inside and outside the hall silent, and no one dared to speak out. any sound.

Zou Yanting rushed to the main hall in a hurry, all the guards in red robes saluted respectfully, but the warriors in green robes and silver armors didn't even turn their eyes.

"Palace Master Zou, are you safe? I heard that you have encountered some troubles recently, and an old friend is here to help you." Venerable Yuxu did not look back, and continued to enjoy the murals leisurely.

"Thanks to Venerable Yuxu for his kindness. You can still take care of me while you are busy. But it is not a trouble, I can handle it for mere juniors." Zou Yanting glanced at the guards of Yuxu Palace. There were three king-level powerhouses, and the rest All of them are powerful people.

Look at this appearance, the visitor is not good!

"Junior? Hehe, juniors are juniors, but troubles are indeed troubles. I heard that Palace Master Zou has suffered a terrible defeat during this period, and even the palace guard formation in this lair is in dilapidated condition, and... Luo Shichao and the others What about it? Could it be that they are dead? Where are the other red-robed military guards? That’s all?” Venerable Yuxu still didn’t turn his head back, and let out a sharp laugh, Zhao Xian and the others frowned at the harshness of his words. frown.

"Venerable Yuxu observed very carefully. Shichao and the others were injured a little, and they are all resting in retreat."

"Really?" Venerable Yuxu turned around slowly, looked at Zou Yanting with gloomy triangular eyes, sized him up carefully, and said with a sinister smile, "You are even more embarrassed than I expected. With Lotus Palace tossing like this, I'm looking forward to meeting them. Brother Zou, you don't have to hide it. I already know what happened to Red Lotus Palace recently.

I came here today to express my condolences, and I would like to remind Brother Zou that this mountain area is not just your Red Lotus Palace, Yuxu Palace and Shihumen are also counted as members.We don't want a junior to raise the banner there and challenge the dignity of our three major factions.If you can't handle it well, we can do it for you. "

Zou Yanting cursed inwardly, is this going to grab the territory?If it is true that Tibing Mountain is occupied by Yuxu Palace, wouldn't its sphere of influence extend to its own feet?

With Venerable Yuxu's sinister personality, it is uncertain when he will do something bad.

He would rather have a Tibing Mountain within the territory than a Yuxu Palace who looks like a friend but is actually a cancer to come and pretend to be a good person.

"Good intentions, I can handle it well."

"You don't want me to interfere?"

"What do you think?" Zou Yanting's tone was not kind.

Yuxu respected but was not annoyed, looking straight into Zou Yanting's eyes, with a strange arc on the corner of his mouth: "Ask again, seriously? Don't you regret it?"

Um?What else is there to hide?Zou Yanting glanced at Zhao Xian, Zhao Xian shook his head, and looked at the other surviving Martial King Lu Jie, he was a little dazed, not knowing what Yuxu respected.

"It seems that the Red Lotus Palace is really about to fall. I can't even capture this bit of information. Can I say sorry?"

Zou Yanting had no choice but to put away his indifference, and said a little politely: "I also ask Venerable Yuxu for advice."

"I just said that this mountain area is not only your Red Lotus Palace, but also my Yuxu Palace and Shihumen. It has been a year in a row. You guys have made such a big noise. Think we are all blind? I just got According to the news, Venerable Lion Tiger has left the Lion Tiger Gate, where he went, what he was going to do, I don’t know, but the general direction... seems to be Mount Tibing.”

"Really?" Zou Yanting's face suddenly changed, Zhao Xian and Lu Jie frowned.

"What do you think?" Venerable Yuxu smiled, and sat down on the seat: "Brother Zou, are you interested in talking about cooperation? I have no special request, but I hope that our two companies can deepen the cooperative relationship, for example... My territory is expanding in the direction of Yuxu Palace..."

(End of this chapter)

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