Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 280

Chapter 280
Tang Yan arranged for Niang Dou to strengthen the vigilance of the territory, and personally selected five smarter third-rank Wuzong to pay attention to Yuxu Palace.

After looking around at the construction of the cottage, he went to the retreat of the war giant tiger in the back mountain.

The fog in the depths of the canyon is dense, and the energy between the sky and the earth gathers by itself. From time to time, there are strong fluctuations in it, like a disturbing aura, affecting the mind, and like some kind of gravity field, covering the inside and outside of the canyon. The demon king had to avoid it far away.

"The power is much stronger than it was three days ago. It is far better than before the retreat. I hope nothing will go wrong." Tang Yan watched from a distance and did not approach the retreat too much.Even the three major demon kings were struggling a bit, so wouldn't he just collapse on the ground in the past.

The Golden Lion King noticed Tang Yan's arrival, looked at the Scarlet Flame Tiger and Nether Winged Tiger lying on their backs not far away, and walked towards Tang Yan.The two demon kings just raised their eyebrows and didn't pay much attention to it, but their ears seemed to twitch.

The Golden Lion King is majestic, like a cast of King Kong, exuding a fierce and brave aura from the inside out. In terms of its mighty appearance alone, it is not much worse than a giant war tiger.The Lion King came to Tang Yan and let out a deep roar, asking if there was anything wrong.

"Come here to see how Brother Hu is doing. I'm also going to retreat. If there is any trouble in the camp during this period, I hope the three of you can help to deal with it."

The Golden Lion King nodded and expressed his willingness to help.

"Thanks for your hard work, I will thank you very much afterwards." Tang Yan thanked him, turned and left, and did not go far, then turned and said, "Lion King, you have taken the most spiritual source liquid, do you have any special feeling? There is hope." Breakthrough?"

Tang Yan asked very peacefully. The two tiger kings who were secretly listening in the distance didn't pay much attention to it, but the golden lion king who was facing each other noticed the change in his eyes. Thinking of a certain possibility, he growled a few times, as if saying that there was no hope, but actually nodded slightly, his right foreleg leaned forward slightly, and showed obvious signs of bending.

Although the Golden Lion King is a monster, it has an IQ that is not weaker than that of humans. It has survived for hundreds of years and understands the ways of the world. When Tang Yan seemed to show some intention unintentionally, it seized the opportunity very decisively and did it. Made a subtle but firm move.

Tang Yan smiled meaningfully, turned around and left the back mountain without stopping any longer.

The Golden Lion King stared at Tang Yan's back, all kinds of thoughts flowed across his heart like flowing water, his vertical pupils became more and more hot, and finally took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, stabilized his mood, and walked back to the original place as if nothing had happened. place, continue to guard the war giant tiger in retreat with all one's heart.

The Red Flame Tiger and the Nether Winged Tiger didn't care, and continued their boring vigilance, but the Golden Lion King began to swallow the rich energy of the surrounding world intentionally or unintentionally, and practiced silently, feeling the opportunity for a breakthrough.

"You did it after all." The voice of the blackwater leech sounded in Tang Yan's mind.

"Don't always complicate things, I just play a little bit on things that are taken for granted."

"Do you really want to retreat?"

"of course."

"I suggest first confirming the movement of Yuxu Palace and judging the security level of the nearby areas at this stage."

"Is it possible that Yuxu Palace still dares to provoke? If I don't go to his lair, he will burn the incense. The giant tiger will be released soon, and no one will be afraid of provocation."

"That's true, but the Dayan Mountains are more complicated than you imagined, so be careful in everything."

"Mother Dou and the others are here." Tang Yan copied his hands and walked towards his other courtyard.

The most obvious sign for a warrior to advance to the king rank is to walk through the air, to better integrate with the energy of the world, and to fight with the help of a brush.Tang Yan learned some simple tricks when he was in love with Tang Hao. The time of retreat this time may not be too long, but he must master this basic skill proficiently. If possible, Tang Yan hopes to get along with Baxianglei print together.

While thinking silently, while running a lot of surging spiritual power, gradually began to enter the state, the blackwater leech no longer disturbed, and silently felt himself.

But when Tang Yan stepped into the other courtyard, he faintly heard the faint roar of a beast.Being in the depths of the vast forest, the roar of beasts can be heard everywhere, but this beast roar is obviously different from the common sound in the dense forest. Although it is very far away, it is transmitted here very clearly.

Tang Yan was immersed in his thoughts. The roar of the beast only caused his subconscious to shake slightly, but he didn't wake up until the sound of the roar of the beast exploded again, and the distance was obviously shortened. Then he came back to reality from the daze, and turned back involuntarily. gaze.

At the end where the blue sky meets the dense forest, there seems to be a strange light shining, sometimes dark clouds billow, but it is radiant, and it is rapidly approaching the direction of Tibing Mountain.

Someone is fighting?
Tang Yan was surprised, and the strange beast roared again, like a lion and a tiger howling together, all the beasts surrendered under the sound waves, and there was a dead silence in the depths of the forest. Soul-shaking power.

With Tibing Mountain as the center, six figures soared into the sky one after another. Dou Niang, Tang Ba and others all felt the strong and domineering energy fluctuations, and they could also sense the momentum of the fierce battle battlefield approaching here.The black girl who went out to practice alone also rushed to Tang Yan's side, roaring towards the distant battlefield.

"Wagangzhai belongs, gather at the martial arts field on the top of the mountain immediately!" Tang Yan suddenly had an ominous premonition, and roared sonorously like gold wrapped in the seal of the lion's roar.As soon as the roar came out, Tang Yan suddenly realized that the roar in the distance seemed to have the same effect as his own lion's roar mark, and it was also some kind of martial skill, and it was more domineering and violent.

The roar was like thunder, and every word was sonorous, echoing over Tibing Mountain for a long time. All the disciples patrolling nearby, including the frightened monsters, gathered densely towards the mountain. There were nearly a thousand people and beasts. Now all the belongings under his hands.

"That's the Liger's Broken Gold Song?! The martial arts of the Liger Master!" Dou Niang's expression was particularly dignified.

"The lord of the lion and tiger? Who dares to provoke him in this mountain area?" Tang Yan looked at Dou Niang strangely, but Dou Niang nodded affirmatively.Lion and tiger smashing gold chant is an earth-level martial skill. Lions and tigers scream together, piercing gold and cracking stones, which can make all beasts submit. It has the power of broken gold to shake the soul. body and die.

It is the famous martial skill of the lion and tiger lord, which deters one's field.

If Niang Dou couldn't even discern this point clearly, all these years would be in vain.

Under the tense attention of everyone, the fierce battlefield shrouded in dark clouds quickly shrouded in the direction of Tibing Mountain.

The dark clouds billowed like lead dust covering the sky and the sun, and the glaring thunder and lightning wreaked havoc among the dark clouds, and one could feel its terrifying destructive power from a distance.

Roar! !The liger's song resounded through the clouds, with star-like images of the liger appearing and disappearing from time to time, wildly impacting and tossing.In the depths of the dark clouds, there are dark withered claws and black hands as black as ink.

"Lion and Tiger Broken Gold Cry, Lion and Tiger Star Jue! Seven-turn reincarnation!" Dou Niang's face was gloomy, and several martial arts names burst out one after another, and she said in a deep voice: "It's Venerable Liger and Venerable Yuxu!"

While everyone was talking, billowing dark clouds had already enveloped Mount Tibing. The terrifying coercion and ear-piercing voices not only shattered pieces of newly built camps, but a large number of monsters and disciples screamed and fell to the ground, clinging to their heads tightly. The others shattered like blood bags.

Up and down Tibing Mountain, there was a tragic wail.

Apparently, the two venerables had fallen into a state of rampage, and the offensive was extremely violent and fearless.

"Ready to fight!" Tang Yan's face was gloomy, but his voice did not fall.A sword glow as dazzling as the scorching sun suddenly pierced through the dark clouds and blasted down toward the top of Tibing Mountain.

boom! !

The top of the mountain collapsed and the dust raged!
A berserk figure hissed towards the sky, and the rolling sound waves seemed to shatter the space.

Is it Venerable Liger? !

At the end of the piercing of the sword light, in the dust and mist of the ruins on the top of the mountain, a blood-soaked figure screamed and struggled, violent and wild, his blood-soaked face could no longer be seen, and he was in a state of embarrassment, but the struggling figure was as violent as a beast.

"Master Liger, one wrong step, there is no room for repentance, you and I have been fighting for nearly a hundred years, let's find out today!" The billowing cloud of lead, like a flood from a floodgate, enveloped Tibing Mountain with horrifying power, a The gray and dark withered claws tore apart the crit. Along the way, fine cracks appeared in the space, and there were dense and mournful wailing faintly, as if the space of hell was torn apart, and the ghosts and demons inside were struggling to escape.

"Do you think you can destroy me by asking for a helper? Yuxu old ghost, go dreaming!" The lion and tiger let out a sharp hiss, shattering the sword light piercing through the body with great force, like a lion Explosively shot into the sky, and even blasted towards the withered claws.The figure is like electricity, the momentum is like thunder, and the dazzling star brilliance surrounds the whole body. Before hitting the withered claws head-on, two huge lions and tigers formed purely by the power of stars, surging with a surging breath of life.

Rumble!The collision of life and death, the entanglement of destruction and rebirth, the light of the stars shattered, but turned into a sky full of brilliance, impacting the dense lead clouds and thunder and lightning.This was a fierce battle between the two martial masters. Terrible power swept across the sky. Tang Yan and the others were swept out without exception. They felt blood churn and their brains were dizzy. Many Tibingshan disciples died tragically under the aftermath.

"You bastard, you have to roll out and fight! Who dares to destroy my Tibing Mountain, I am at odds with him!" Looking at the dense corpses around him, Tang Yan was completely furious.

"All disciples, leave Tibing Mountain!" Tang Ba and the others stabilized slightly, and shot into the sky one by one, blasting out without distinction with dense martial arts.Although they are far from being as powerful as Wu Zun, Tang Ba's Lieyan Six Heavy Strikes are still quite powerful, and Dou Niang and others are not vegetarian masters.

However... "War giant tiger, do you think you can escape here and be free here? Get out of here, old man! Sue to death!!" An indifferent and old voice appeared in the billowing lead cloud, and the dense rain of sword blade light Piercing out, it easily smashed Tang Ba's offensive.

(End of this chapter)

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