Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

"Young Master, where are you going this time? I'll accompany you." Tang Ba stopped Tang Yan after seeing off Venerable Lion and Tiger.

"No, just a little thing."

"You are a little anxious. Wagang Village can't be built overnight. Let's take it step by step. At worst, we will leave Tibing Mountain and go to other places to hide. We will wait for Juhu and Liger to recover. " Tang Hao looked at the smiling Tang Yan, and suddenly felt an inexplicable distress. He only had to bear too much.

"The Dayan Mountains are too dangerous. If you encounter strong men from other sects, there may be a fierce battle. Let us accompany you." Tang Qing still couldn't hide his loneliness, and he spoke in a low voice.

"I didn't force myself, it's just that some things have to be done by myself. You still have tasks to stay. Ba Ge and Sister Hao helped Dou Niang handle the matter of recruiting disciples. I have an intention to build a Megatron Dayan Mountain Range in the future." There are three requirements for a super team, loyalty, wildness, and iron-blood discipline, and you can make intentional preparations from now on."

Regarding the three of them, Tang Yan did not hide his own ideas.If Wagangzhai wants to be strong, not only must the high-level forces be enriched, but more importantly, there must be a strong and tough backbone. It is imperative to build an invincible super team.Not only can it be used to deter heroes, but it is also the main cornerstone for attacking mountain villages.


They still wanted to continue, Tang Yan raised his hand to interrupt: "Our time is limited, we can't waste it casually. Don't worry, there is a black girl with us, no one can hurt us, at worst I will run away, if we can't fight, we can't escape ?"

"Be careful, otherwise we won't be able to explain to the old man."

"Am I a reckless person?" Tang Yan patted Tang Qing on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Uncle Qing, cheer up, you can still dance a wonderful life with your arms. I believe you can do it, and you can do it too. Show some courage and let others see the will of our Tang family!"

Tang Qing showed a dry smile and nodded reluctantly.

In the dead of night, the mountains are silent, and the moonlight shines on the rolling mountains and ravines.

Tang Yan bathed in the brilliance of the silver moon and sat cross-legged on the top of Tibing Mountain.

The mind is quiet, and the consciousness is immersed in the ocean of consciousness.

In the dantian of the vast sea of ​​qi, blue, red, and gold rays of light converge, and the golden brilliance gradually blazes, almost covering the misty green qi of the sea of ​​qi and the blood qi of the life fog baby.

The two-winged tiger, the flying golden butterfly, the roaring lion, and the ferocious thunder beast are separated from the four corners of the sea of ​​air, and they are no longer as quiet as before. At the edge of the sea of ​​air, the dense golden lines extending from them run through the vast ocean vertically and horizontally.

The direction where the lines are densely intersected is the central area of ​​Qi Sea.

The top is facing Qihai Wuying, and the bottom is the place where the Buddha's heart is suppressed!
Tang Yan is solemn and dignified, just like the treasured Buddha sitting on the top of the mountain, facing the fierce cold wind, bathing in the silver moonlight, the body is under the bright night, and the consciousness is soaked in the dazzling golden ocean.

Since inheriting the Seal of Ten Thousand Buddhas, he has never formally contacted the Buddha's heart, and has always allowed it to guard the deepest part of the Qi Sea, suppressing the evil spirits and ancestors in his body.Tang Yan never wanted to touch it, or never had the guts to touch it.

For fear of breaking the balance, release the blood doll.

But the words of Xie Zu a few days ago broke Tang Yan's many worries. If the Buddha's heart is so fragile, how can he suppress Xie Zu.I can feel confident and courageous to realize it, and look forward to contacting Master Dukong to achieve the fusion of consciousness, and maybe I can better control this sea of ​​Qi that belongs to me instead of letting other substances decide.

The state of mind is calm, like a silver lake, without traces or waves.

Tang Yan has been sitting upright since noon until now, completely relaxed and as quiet as selflessness.Abandon all distracting thoughts, run the seal of ten thousand Buddhas over and over again, comprehend the four Buddha statues, and subconsciously immerse yourself in the world bathed in Buddha light invisibly.

Accompanied by repeated comprehension and integration of the whole body and mind, the depths of the sea of ​​qi burst out with brilliance, illuminating the abyss of the boundless sea of ​​qi, showing dense golden lines running through the vast sea of ​​qi, all of which are golden chains. To the four golden Buddha statues on the edge of Qihai, down to the endless abyss.

With the deepening of Tang Yan's perception, the radiance of the Buddha's heart shines everywhere, and the chains of Jin Min appear more and more clearly. The number is astonishing and endless, filling all areas, forming a closed cage of terror, trapping the bloody inside. area.

The blood doll is entrenched in the center of the abyss, its whole body is entangled in chains, surrounded by a world of fine and boundless chains, the golden lines are constantly eroding its body, consuming life and blood little by little.The deeper Tang Yan's comprehension became, the brighter the world of Qihai became, and the brilliance of the Buddha's heart was equally ardent. The degree of burning of the blood doll continued to be tragic, but the blood doll still closed its eyes and sat cross-legged, sitting firmly in the abyss, bearing the ants' addiction with a blank face. heart-like cruelty.

calm!Compared with the nearly revived Buddha's heart, the blood baby is almost eerily calm.

Seal of Ten Thousand Buddhas!

Play the reincarnation of all things, gather the good and pure thoughts of living beings, follow the Buddha seal forever, and use the heavenly gang to forever town; push the ancestral line of ten thousand Buddhas, promote the new theory of gang seal; ten thousand beasts are formed, ten thousand Buddhas gather, Tens of thousands of seals converge, and ten thousand gangs converge!
Every word was like thunder, roaring and shaking the gods, bells buzzing and buzzing, resounding through the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian, Tang Yan's expression became more and more solemn, and the brilliance of the Buddha's heart soared, surging towards the four golden elephants through dense chains, and the golden elephant's brows and Buddha seals were blazing. Fire, the golden hollow eye socket area is slowly condensing, as if it is about to condense into golden eyes.

They are hooking up with the Buddha's heart, and it seems that the Buddha's heart has endowed them with life.

The surging golden power gathers, the four Buddha statues become more and more magnificent, and the Buddha-nature is brilliant.

Tang Yan's red-gold '卍' imprint appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and the lines similar to chains spread to the whole body centered on the forehead imprint.

Roar! !Bursts of low-pitched beast roars reverberated, seemingly real or unreal, and the body turned into a half-demon on its own, with golden lines spreading along the scales, criss-crossing the whole body, as if they were fused and intertwined.

The Buddha's light overwhelmed Tang Yan, his expression was as solemn as a Buddha, and his temperament was pure and solemn.

It is like a true Buddha sitting cross-legged on the top of a mountain.

The violent roar resounded through my mind, the Buddha's heart in the depths of the sea of ​​qi was beating violently, and there was a dense chanting of Buddhist scriptures, as deep as the sea, solemn and dusty, the humming chanting sound echoed in the sea of ​​air, the Buddha's heart was floating, a clear Buddha The phantom of the ghost appeared in the sea of ​​​​qi, facing the life fog baby far away, unable to see clearly, hazy, mysterious and unpredictable.

In an instant, the golden light around Tang Yan surged, sweeping and spreading like waves, and a majestic Buddha statue like a mountain appeared along with the spreading of the golden light.

The sound of chanting became more and more intense, resounding through the heaven and earth, attracting the attention of the mountains in all directions, the golden Buddha light illuminated the sky, and the vast Buddha nature enveloped Tibing Mountain.

Dou Niang and others rushed out of the bedroom, staring at the majestic and vast golden Buddha phantom above the mountain top in surprise.

"what happened?"

"What kind of vision is this?"

"A breath of holiness and majesty."

"Is that... Tang Yan?"

In the deepest part of the image of the Buddha's light, there is a more blazing light and shadow, like a golden sun. There is no terrifying energy fluctuation, but it has endless majesty and holiness.

They could vaguely see a golden man sitting cross-legged, merging with the Buddha statue in the sky.

"How could he have such a terrifying power?" The lion and tiger frowned, staring at the golden Buddha statue with a complex expression, trembling in the depths of his heart.

Lenovo was given a strange pill today, and the effect is remarkable after swallowing. The huge spiritual power contained in it and the tempering effect not only made him inexplicably horrified, but even Su Jie and others found him together, guessing that this Could waiting for the precious medicine be the reason for the promotion of the war giant tiger? !

What kind of person is this?How many secrets are there!

Roar! !In the spreading wave of Buddha's light, the four Buddha seals broke into the air, and the Buddha's light converged, showing the ghostly shadows of four divine horses, majestic and fierce tigers with two wings, dazzling golden butterflies dancing, golden lions roaring up to the sky, ferocious thunder beasts wrapped in gold Reckless.

Along with the appearance of the Buddha shadow, the four great influences stretch across the air. The huge mountain-like body permeates the coercion covering all things, and the golden Buddha seal on the forehead is like a silver moon in the night.

Living in four directions, guarding the Buddha statue in the center!
Roar! !Next to the back mountain canyon, a golden lion woke up from a deep sleep, roaring loudly, and the dazzling golden brilliance echoed the Buddha's light in the sky.

It's the Golden Lion King!
It felt a calling from the depths of its soul, an indescribable sense of belonging.

With a sharp roar, he leaped into the air, and the golden lion king rushed towards the phantom of the golden lion without hesitation until he was submerged in the Buddha's light.It was as if the soul returned to its place and the blood was revived. Suddenly, there was a strange throbbing in the depths of the soul, as if something was about to revive.

Since the change in the neck that day, this is the second blood movement, and it seems to be more intense!

The eyes of the golden lion king burst out with blazing brilliance. While bathed in the baptism of the Buddha's light, he stared at the majestic young man on the top of the mountain, full of blood, and bent his knees as if worshiping my Buddha.

In the undulating mountains in the distance, a graceful figure with a cat face mask stands facing the wind, and her slender red phoenix eyes stare at Mount Tibing through the gap in the mask. Breath, the star-like eyes flashed a little strangely.

If you remove the pale cat face mask, you will definitely see the curvature of the corners of her mouth on that magnificent face.

(End of this chapter)

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