Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 293

Chapter 293
The river is surging, colliding with hidden reefs and embankments; the black wind is rolling, tearing ancient trees and boulders!This is an extremely savage and frenzied battlefield. The demon king Niutou Heijiao set off layers of waves, dancing and rolling evil clouds, full of murderous aura, as if he wanted to crush and kill everything around him.

As expected, this is definitely a demon king of the highest level. Although it is not comparable to the third-rank martial king, it is not too far behind!Tang Yan felt that if he could practice it, he would definitely be able to advance to the next level!
But now his scalp was numb, and he kept swallowing dryly. The reason was because of the opponents that the bull-headed black flood dragon was fighting--the group of monkeys!
That's right, there are a huge number of monkeys, all of which are as tall as a person, dark in color, and as strong as a rock, like fighting machines that are out of control, and they will be angry when touched.At this moment, Ao Xiao Kuang Gong, who was going forward one after another, was holding heavy iron rods one by one, dancing like crazy and striking violently.

The one who is stunned is afraid of the horizontal, and the horizontal is afraid of death!
It's the perfect interpretation, ruthless!How cruel!It's like eating explosives!
What a hatred!
Just looking at it from a distance makes me feel apprehensive, no wonder the monsters around seem to be running for their lives!Anyone who is stared at by these monkeys and makes a charge rumbles will be turned into meat. It's really hard for this bull-headed black flood dragon to resist until now, and he is still fighting endlessly.

The battle may have lasted for a while, the riverside was already covered with corpses of monkeys, the bull-headed black flood dragon was covered with scars, and roared again and again to fight in anger, but there was more pain and despair in his expression, no matter how strong its defense was, it would not be able to hold back the overwhelming The iron rod smashed.

It roared and struggled, trying to escape into the river.

But... On the bank of the river, there are three golden monkeys sitting in town. The two on the left and right are as majestic as tigers, and they are as fierce as cast iron. In the middle is a relatively petite golden monkey. No worse than the monkeys on both sides.

The little golden monkey jumped up and down, screaming excitedly, instructing the group of monkeys to attack the bull-headed black flood dragon.

The two golden giant monkeys guarded cautiously, roaring at the bull-headed black flood dragon from time to time, threatening it not to approach here, otherwise it will smash you to death.

"Girl, here is our chance to break through." Tang Yan made up his mind and geared up, preparing to snatch the bull-headed black flood dragon away!
The black girl stared, almost biting Tang Yan's neck, trying to steal the food?This group of monkeys is so crazy, if they are trapped, all three of them will not be able to escape!
"You retreat first, I'll follow up quickly, hurry up!" Tang Yan was eager to try, tore off a piece of bark from an ancient tree next to him, poked two eye sockets, and covered his face as a mask.

Relying on themselves alone, it is very difficult to hunt down such a powerful demon king. It is rare to encounter an opportunity, so they have to try no matter what.

The black girl murmured a low warning sound, turned around and left quickly.

The battlefield intensified, and the monkey group was like a wave of riots, wave after wave of impact, and the iron rods were smashing like lifeless.

Following the strange cry of the little golden monkey, two golden giant monkeys joined the battlefield one after another. They smashed their golden fists and slammed into each other violently, making the bull-headed black flood dragon scream and screaming. The other monster monkeys were even more excited. He jumped on it and hung on it, gnawing and biting, scratching and scratching.

The majestic demon king has ended up in such a scene!
The Niutou Heijiao was distraught, and seeing that there was no hope of escape, he let out a resolute and arrogant roar. Suddenly, the river rolled and was controlled to roll in, flooding the river bank overwhelmingly, and after the Niutou Heijiao gathered, it rushed out again , which was mixed with dense ice blades, sharp as knives, the waves swept, the ice blades raged, the submerged monkeys died tragically one after another, and the waves were soaked in blood.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The little golden monkey was extremely angry, screaming loudly, jumped more than ten meters high, and smashed its golden fists towards the head of the crazy bull-headed black flood dragon, nimbly and swiftly, as if performing some kind of kung fu .


With a head-on blow, the bull-headed black dragon slammed on the ground so hard that its hardest head was cracked!
"Opportunity!" Tang Yan's eyes flashed brightly, and the eight-phase thunder mark burst out, and five golden lightning bolts the thickness of a water tank burst out in an instant, extending all the way to the center of the battlefield.

The little golden monkey was pounding his chest, showing his majesty, and suddenly a strange person appeared in front of him.

"Man, thank you!" Tang Yan grinned, rolled up the bull-headed black flood dragon and put it into the golden lock. Along with it, he didn't let go of a large number of nearby monkey corpses, and took them all in one go!
The surviving monkey group was about to roar and cheer, but they were all stunned for a second.

"Haha, thank you, there will be a later date!" Tang Yan appeared hundreds of meters away, and his consciousness penetrated into the golden lock to check. Turning his head, the black dragon was still alive, roaring excitedly, and ran wildly in the direction where the black girl left.

However... the little golden monkey bared its teeth and hissed sharply after being stunned for a while, angry, angry!

Someone snatches food with monkey's mouth?Bullying monkeys too much!

Headed by the two golden giant monkeys, the rest of the monstrous monkeys were all furious, grinning and screaming.

"No farewell, bye." Tang Yan's fading laughter came from afar.

But soon, the laughter stopped abruptly, because the monkeys kept yelling, not only behind the rear that was thrown away, but all over the mountains and plains, and spread rapidly to the surroundings, almost covering an area of ​​several kilometers in a blink of an eye.

In the cluttered dense forest, a group of monkeys moving in groups roared endlessly, responding to the call of the little golden monkey, and then gathered in this direction one after another.

It is densely packed, endless, and the number must be at least over ten thousand!
Tang Yan realized that something was wrong, and hurried to the top of the canopy to look around, his face behind the bark mask suddenly turned pale.There were monkeys all over the mountains and fields, some running in the forest, some running wildly on the top of the treetops, all of them converged in one direction, and then there was the scream of the little golden monkey, and the group of monkeys rushed towards Tang Yan's direction like launching.

The monkeys are boiling!Black monkeys are everywhere, showing their snow-white fangs, running crazily in the forest.Feeling the ferocity of the monkey group's fury, all the monsters panicked and fled in all directions, it was like a rampage in the dense forest.

"I'll be good, I'll poke the monkey's nest."

Tang Yan woke up with a start, took out the ancient sword and ran wildly.The speed of the monkey group was astonishing, black, golden yellow, maroon, all kinds of monster monkeys, covering a large area, with a tragic murderous aura, surrounded by a rumbling flood like a flood.

Ow! !A group of maroon apes stopped and took it out, and hundreds of them came over with iron rods.

"Isn't it just to steal something from you! As for such a big fight? You have so many monkeys, so you can just catch another one?" Tang Yan roared angrily, brandishing the ancient saber and blasting at him, clanging like thunder, blood spattering, vicious Kill a way out.

The monkeys were wild and fierce, and they were not affected at all. Not only did they have a keen sense of smell, but their speed was astonishingly fast. They were even more flexible and swift than Tang Yan's shadow-confusing martial arts. They had to use the eight-phase thunder seal. Kankan escaped from the siege several times.

"Girl, why did you come here?" Tang Yan suddenly spotted the black girl in front of her.

The black girl roared in grief and anger, and gave Tang Yan an annoyed look, and ran wildly without moving her head.I said don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble, but you are full and full, now it's over, let's play big!

"First come the Green Thunder Eagle!" Tang Yan turned around sharply, and the shadow wings roared out. The surging flames burned a territory and blasted towards the group of monkeys in front.

But... the black girl didn't pay attention to it at all, and ran wildly.

"Damn! I'll sleep with you another day!" Tang Yan panicked and ran wildly. Thousands of black monster monkeys were killed on the left and right sides, and there were seven or eight golden giant monkeys. At first glance, he looked like a fierce man at the level of a demon king. !

They ran wildly in front, and the monkeys were besieged behind. They fought bloody all the way, and ravaged the border all the way. The sky was full of smoke and dust, and even the coffin bushes were trampled away.

Under the blue sky a few kilometers away, a group of fierce birds flew by, and they all noticed the abnormality here.

"Those are...could they be the group of monkeys in the western cemetery?"

"Western cemetery? Is it the forbidden area in the west of the mountain range, the cemetery in the ancient ruins?"

"That's right, the cemetery used to be the place where some ancient strongmen fell. Later, it was occupied by a group of monkeys, absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and comprehending the ruins of ancient times. It became quite terrifying."

"I heard that the venerables of the 'Never Returning Sky' tried to explore, but they were beaten out by the monkeys. They don't stay in the cemetery anymore. How did they appear here?"

"Could it be that you also felt the vision from that night?"

"Golden light appeared, and the aura of ferocious beasts pervaded the world. All major sects sent strong men to explore. If the monkeys really came here for it, something big must happen, and we would have traveled thousands of miles to come here."

"Stop talking so much nonsense, the monkey group seems to be rioting, who are they chasing?"

"Who provokes them when they are full?"

"Lean over and have a look!"

Tang Yan tightened the golden lock on the black girl, and with the help of the eight-phase thunder mark, it flickered in the depths of the monkey group, but there were ferocious monster monkeys running away in all directions, it was like being in the vortex of a storm, and he was a small lonely boat , Relying on all kinds of martial arts to blast left and right, killing the surrounding monkeys in pieces, but apart from irritating them more, it did not have any intimidating effect.

"Are you monkeys so unreasonable?"

Tang Yan roared in grief and anger, and a giant golden monkey rushed towards him. He raised his brows in fright, stepped on the head of a black monkey beside him and shot into the air, but the surrounding monkeys rushed up to the canopy with screams, one by one. Like a fired shell, it bombarded him.


Tang Yan's eyes lit up, and the Eight-Phase Thunder Seal burst out, rushing towards them, and the roar resounded through the sky: "Brothers and sisters, I have the things in my hands, hurry up and help!"

The people on the fierce bird were stunned, and Tang Yan had already appeared in front of them. The unconscious bull-headed black flood dragon was called out, and he threw it at the two old men in front of him: "Master, you want lunch!"

(End of this chapter)

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