Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 295 Xiling Monster Monkey

Chapter 295 Xiling Monster Monkey
More than a hundred golden crows are entrenched in the sky, looking at the mopping up monkey group from afar.

The eccentric girl was watching curiously: "This is the monkey group in the western cemetery? This is the first time I have seen a living one. It seems to be more spiritual than ordinary monsters."

Paris said: "Organized, disciplined, armed, and strictly hierarchical, orders are prohibited!"

The middle-aged guard said: "One more thing, brutal and brutal!"

"This group of monkeys is very difficult to deal with. I'm curious about which desperate guy dares to provoke him, so he won't be afraid of being hunted down by monkeys all over the mountains?"

A handsome young man smiled strangely and said: "I heard that he is a strange man with a bark mask, and his speed is so fast that even the group of 'Four Seasons Reincarnation' has been overshadowed, the descendant of the 'Autumn' way Luo Xiaoyi almost went crazy."

"Huh? Brother, Luo Xiaoyi is the one you have been secretly in love with, right?"

The boy's face twitched, and he snorted: "She is secretly in love with your brother and me!"

"Tsk tsk? Really? Didn't you see it?" The girl circled around the boy intentionally, poked his chest twice, and curled her lips: "Luo Xiaoyi seems to like muscular men, why are you so fierce?"

The middle-aged guard captain said: "'Four Seasons Reincarnation' is very popular this time, it was attacked by monkeys for no reason, and all of them including several elders were seriously injured. They are following the monkeys to search for the strange masked man, and vowed to skin him and cramp him. .”

A group of horses riding white wings stopped at the top of a nearby mountain.

The azure blue cloak fluttered under the mountain wind, with two beautiful characters embroidered on it—'No Return'.

"Pay attention to that little golden monkey. It should be a heterogeneous species cultivated by the three great demon masters of the monkey group. It inherits the blood of ancient beasts and has extraordinary talents."

"The monkeys have been breeding in the ruins of the cemetery for nearly a thousand years, and they have been absorbing the ancient atmosphere to condense the blood of the ancient beasts. At the beginning, the second elder led people to kill them in order to snatch the blood of the ancient beasts. Unfortunately... the monkeys are so barbaric and powerful that they almost escaped. come out."

"If my guess is correct, the blood essence of ancient beasts that the monkeys have spent more than a thousand years condensing has been transplanted to this little golden monkey, allowing it to grow to such a level in a short period of time, and its future achievements will be limitless."

"It is said that even the cave master of Langya Cave paid attention."

"Essence and blood of ancient beasts." A pale-skinned evil boy said with a slightly cold expression, "It originally belonged to me, Gongsun Yu."

The white-haired old men around persuaded: "It's all a thing of the past. The little golden monkey is already alive. Its combat power is comparable to that of a third-rank demon king, and it is guarded by nearly ten thousand monkeys. It cannot be killed unless the realm master comes in person."

"So what can we do if we kill it? The western cemetery has become a climate, the three great demon masters have made good friends with Tianluo Pavilion, and the monkey group has [-] people. Unless there is no return to fight with all our strength, they cannot compete."

The rest of the large number of teams follow the movement of the monkey groups in various places and look out curiously. Among them are large forces similar to Yuxu Palace, and there are also medium-sized forces that live alone and are similar to the former Tibingshan. There are many wandering in Dayan The idle organization of the mountains.

It was all because of the vision in the southwestern region some time ago, and now it is attracting attention because of the runaway monkey group.

"Four Seasons Reincarnation, Shuluan Palace, Tianluo Pavilion, and Heaven of No Return, four of the top ten sects have come."

"I saw the heirs of the four major sects, all of whom are personally guarded by the elders in the sect."

"It seems that the rumors about the vision are true!"

"The monkeys in the cemetery rarely come out, this time they must have smelled something exciting."

"We may be able to trace the place where the vision appeared by following them than by following the major sects."

"There hasn't been a vision in the Dayan Mountains for many years, I hope it won't disappoint."

"Let's see how the monkeys abuse people first. It's a snack before the big meal."

"It is said that he is a strange man with a mask, and his courage is not ordinary fat!"

"This group of monkeys is really persistent, and they have followed all the way here." Tang Yan looked out through the cracks in the gravel at the entrance of the cave, and it seemed that they were not all the monkeys. Those black monkeys were brutal and murderous. There were three golden-haired monkeys in the depths of the monkey group, among them was the little golden monkey, who was angrily reprimanding the guard golden monkeys around him.

Hei Niu has just made a breakthrough and is eager to have a tough fight with these monkeys.

"Don't be impulsive, you can't show your face yet." Tang Yan quickly pressed down and confronted head-on. They joined forces without fear of anyone, but the monkey group is too savage, and the way of fighting with wild bombing is terrible. Once you get stuck, you want to get out But it is difficult.What's more, there are a large number of gang warriors outside who are paying attention. The black girl is too conspicuous, and she may reveal her identity.

While he was thinking about the neutral position, there was a sudden gentleness from his wrist, and the blackwater leech woke up at this moment, fell silent, and screamed from the depths of his mind: "Monkeys?! What cruel things have you done?! Don't tell me they're just walking!"

Tang Yan grinned in embarrassment: "It was a little misunderstanding, I didn't have time to explain it, but it turned out..."

The blackwater leech is no longer calm: "I've been with you for so long, and I haven't caught a good one! You won't be reconciled if you don't torture me to death, will you? Look at what you've messed up again. This is to protect the western cemetery." Those monkeys have the blood of ancient beasts on their bodies! Even if you drag the war giant tiger over, it wouldn't dare to howl presumptuously!"

"So awesome?" Tang Yan stared.

"Nonsense! The Western Cemetery is on an equal footing with the top ten sects, even more brutal and barbaric than the Blood Cult. You say it's bullshit or bullshit!"

"Ahem, you're hurting yourself by being angry, don't get excited. I actually admired your slow and carefree personality in the past, and you were very loving. Can we explain the Western Cemetery?"

The blackwater leech gradually regained its calm, and said: "In the deep mountains in the west of the Dayan Mountains, there is a large area of ​​ancient ruins, with a large number of ruined walls, altars and temples, and some scattered corpses and bones, surrounded by mossy short mountains. Covering. It is said that it is the ruins of the ancient country in the ancient times, which has declined in the tide of time.

In the early days of the rise of the major sects in the Dayan Mountains, a group of monkeys occupied that area, multiplied there, participated in the inheritance of the relics, and once gave birth to the three great demon masters in the millennium.The monkey group is war-thirsty and dominates the entire western region. They are considered to be the "ten sects" among monsters. "

"Uh..." Tang Yan was taken aback by what he said, because he was rushing for food, and even provoked such a fierce orc, when will my character explode again?
"Don't tell me that you offended the little golden monkey!" The blackwater leech became emotional again after a simple investigation.

"What's the matter? Don't be surprised."

"I can feel that this golden monkey has an extraordinary bloodline. It may have obtained some kind of inheritance, and it will grow into a monster-level existence in the future. Otherwise, there will be no monkey king willing to protect it, let alone rule four or five hundred monkeys. .”


"Why didn't you speak?"

"Uh... this... ahem... I'll tell you two pieces of news, one good and one bad. The good news is that you guessed it right, this monkey commanded not only four or five hundred, but nearly ten thousand. I Just being chased all the way here. The bad news is... I really messed with it."

"Tang Yan! I'm breaking up with you!" The blackwater leech lost control again.

First the Earth Bear King, then Sword Taishan Martial Lord, and now he is going to be chased and killed by the monkey group. How did he live this day?I came here to long for growth, not to seek abuse!If I had known that this brat was so uneasy, I would have preferred to stay in the midst of the day, rather than suffer such a crime.

"Don't even think about it! When you get on Grandpa's boat, there is no such thing as refunding the ticket and leaving!" Tang Yan stared at him viciously, broke up?nonsense!I'm still waiting to get your whole clan here, so where will I go if you're gone.

"You... Huh? No, this doesn't seem to be the western cemetery." The blackwater leech probed the situation outside, and said a little strangely. "The monkeys seldom leave the western cemetery area, and there is no aura of the demon master here. Where is this?"

"It's not the Western Mausoleum, it's in the Southwest."

"The issue of Tibing Mountain has been solved? Why did you come all the way here?"

"I'm here to find something, and I'll go back another day." Tang Yan turned his attention to the outside again, and a few monkeys noticed it, and rushed over with sticks.

Squeak!Two black-haired monkeys came to the cave, fiddled with the gravel, and clicked, the stone pile collapsed, revealing a cave.The two monkeys became alert immediately, picked up the iron rods and beat them to pieces vigorously, poking their heads to look inside.

"Hi? Who are you looking for?" Tang Yan suddenly appeared in front of them, grinning, struck with his iron fist, and with a loud bang, he blasted them more than ten meters away, screaming and pretending to be in the herd.

Aww!Squeak! !

The monkey group was in chaos, and four or five hundred pairs of blood-red eyes stared at the low cave.

"Hey!" The little golden monkey confirmed Tang Yan's aura with a sharp sniff. With a strange cry, the two golden giant monkeys roared on the spot. One by one, they leapt up, rotating the iron rods and blasting them down.

The overwhelming momentum made the people watching the battle in the distance take a deep breath.

There are so many of them, they are not attacking the caves, but want to knock down the dwarf mountains.

At the moment when they were about to flood the cave, a huge golden butterfly suddenly bloomed, covering the short mountain with a misty golden brilliance, and the strong impact directly knocked nearly a hundred monsters into the air.The golden brilliance invaded the brain, until the consciousness became drowsy, and they tumbled and fell to the ground, each of them staggering like drunk, and some weaker ones fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

Hey hey! !The little golden monkey roared again and again, and the rest of the monkeys rushed forward one after another, like successive waves crashing towards the dwarf mountain, but the strange situation happened again, no matter who was close to the golden halo, they would all be thrown out by the strong air waves, dizzy and temporarily lost. fighting power.

Tang Yan sat cross-legged and flickered, the Buddha seal appeared between the eyebrows, and dense lines criss-crossed the whole body!
The entire dwarf mountain is like a crouching golden butterfly, its dazzling wings flapping slowly, swaying golden brilliance dots.

"What it is?"

"A holy breath!"

All forces stopped and stared at the short mountain. Could it be that masked man?

The group of monkeys rushed one after another, but they fell down in pieces. The group of monkeys, which were originally irritable and fierce, suddenly seemed to be drunk with strong alcohol, staggering and weak, and dozens of powerful monster monkeys struggled and took turns. The iron rod slammed again, and they all fell at the entrance of the cave.

The little golden monkey was terrified, while the two golden monkey guards roared angrily, calling out to the group of monkeys who were searching in the distance.

"Little monkey, do you dare to fight with me? I won, and you will be my battle pet! You won, and I am willing to be a slave." Tang Yan stepped out of the cave wearing a mask, and the golden spy shadow that filled the air suddenly condensed , converging into two dazzling golden butterfly wings on its back.

The butterfly wings fluttered and took Tang Yan into the sky, with faint golden lines all over his body, which looked sacred and majestic, giving people a mysterious feeling. Those golden butterfly wings were gorgeous and dazzling, which made many female warriors obsessed and distracted.

Of course, the Kingdee does not have the power to fly people. Tang Yan deliberately created the illusion of butterfly wings purely to cover up. In addition, the butterfly wings can also affect the enemy's mind during battle. The fighting method thought of in it, and a simple demonstration, Kingdee can really condense and not disperse!
(End of this chapter)

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