Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 30 Qi Sea Blood Infant

Chapter 30 Qi Sea Blood Infant

"Mr. Aileinda! Where's Tang Yan?" Tang Ying hurried to the periphery of the altar, and Tang Qiong and Wei Hongchen who got the news also rushed over one after another.

Alinda comforted: "Don't worry, he's already gone in, and it's about to start now."

"It's really him? Did he go in? Baptism?" Tang Ying asked three questions in a row in surprise, somewhat unbelievable.When he was in the dense forest, Tang Yan was only a second-tier martial artist. He has not met for more than ten days, and he has already qualified for baptism?
"I don't know what's going on, but he used his spiritual power to condense into a fire knife, which can only be achieved by a peak martial artist."

"What you saw was just a beggar, are you sure it's my young master?" Tang Qiong was as indifferent as ice, her face covered with scars looked a little hideous.

Alinda said with certainty: "Hei has lost a lot of weight, but Tang Yan should be right."

Tang Ying lowered her voice and said, "Uncle Tang Qiong, I told you, but you still don't believe me. Tang Yan has already been able to gather spiritual power, and he was a second-tier martial artist when he was in the forest."

Tang Qiongjian frowned and remained silent.Tier [-] martial artist?How can it be!Since ten years ago, I have been ordered to guard the second young master of the Tang family, and almost watched him grow up. I know this little guy's temper and what he has done better than anyone else.For so many years, apart from seeing him working hard on a woman's belly, he has never made any effort in martial arts.

For such a self-defeating young master, Tang Qiong has long lost confidence, and only hopes that he can live in peace and stability.But now, Tang Yan has somehow become a martial artist, and is still a third-tier martial artist. Is there something wrong with it?
"Are you sure that's Tang Yan?" Tang Qiong asked Tang Ying again. This was the fourth time he had asked since he learned that Tang Yan was a martial artist, and this time the question was the heaviest.

"He seems to be a different person. He is eccentric, and he trains desperately, but he should be Tang Yan, I'm sure."

"That kid has a birthmark, did you see it?"

Tang Ying stomped her feet angrily: "Uncle Tang Qiong! How could I see it!"

Tang Qiong was slightly embarrassed, coughed a few times, and quickly returned to indifference: "Wait a little longer, I hope there will be no accidents, the old man regards this kid more than his life."

After being silent for more than ten minutes, the Spring of Life finally changed. The spring water began to ripple, turning into slender water snakes winding towards Tang Yan and Yang Ruyan. There were more and more water snakes, denser and denser. It became smaller and smaller, and the originally quiet spring of life suddenly seemed to become a snake lair occupied by hundreds of millions of water snakes.

The density is enough to make anyone who witnesses it terrified.

Tang Yan and Yang Ruyan were silent in the sea of ​​consciousness, not paying attention to the external situation, but feeling a trace of coolness began to wrap around the skin, getting denser and cooler, covering the whole body in just a short moment, as if something was flowing along it. The pores seep into the muscles and blood vessels, and some forcefully squeeze into the mouth and flow toward the chest and abdomen.

here we go!Tang Yan no longer hesitated, and the Immortal Yantian Jue was running at full strength, and the cyclone in all acupuncture points accelerated to form a suction force, causing the spiritual power to flow quickly through the meridians.

The spring of life that invaded the body quickly filled the whole body. Under Tang Yan's hard guidance and refinement, the spiritual power contained in it began to penetrate into the meridians, but they seemed to have some kind of strange energy, uncontrollably divided into thousands, Penetrating into the blood, it seems to be stimulating something, and it seems to be looking for something.

With the operation of Immortal Yan Tian Jue, the essence of life in the spring of life was separated one after another, surging towards the sea of ​​qi in the dantian.

At this moment, the sea of ​​air was already churning, and the thin 'life mist' on it was very active, absorbing the influx of life essence at an accelerated rate.

Tang Yan calmed down and tried to refine calmly, but this kind of comfort and peace only lasted for ten breaths. Under the stimulation of strange power, sharp purple rays suddenly erupted from the deep part of the cyclone in the acupuncture points all over his body. The cyclone violently broke out, frantically tearing at the spiritual veins in his body and the infiltrating spring water.

In an instant, the spiritual power of the meridians was completely chaotic.

ah!Tang Yan screamed, suddenly opened his eyes, his skin was cracked like cracks, and scarlet blood dripped out, staining the spring of life in the baptismal pool red.

The riot of the cyclone became more and more violent, and the energy surging out became more wild. The dense 'water snakes' in the spring water around him seemed to be drawn, and gathered towards Tang Yan's body like crazy.

Tang Yan persevered hard, controlled his mind to remain undisturbed, and ran the Immortal Yantian Art with all his strength, controlling the meridians of the riot.However, the impact of the spring of life is very strong, the spiritual power is raging in the meridians and acupuncture points, and the essence of life is impacting in the sea of ​​qi, and the thin mist begins to become heavier and expand continuously.

Yang Ruyan was also affected. The impact of the spring water was very violent, completely different from the 'gentleness' explained by the family, but the surging spiritual power contained in it made her ecstatic, she tried her best to stabilize her mind, and worked hard to guide and refine it.

Unknowingly, traces of extremely pure life essence spread from the deepest cracks in the fountain of life. As they appeared, the ground shook slightly, and faintly let out a low roar.

"There is an abnormality in the spirit veins of the earth."

"It's the essence of the spirit veins of the earth! They are gathering in the fountain of life!"

"The life essence in the spring of life is already very thin. Could it be that everything must be reversed? The spirit veins of the earth have finally begun to gather life essence to the spring."

"There are still baptized children inside? This is a god-sent opportunity."

In the depths of the altar, three gray-haired old men slowly opened their eyes. The vicissitudes of the eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything, either staring at the depths of the earth, or staring at the area of ​​the spring of life.

Tang Yan's whole body seemed to be shattered, bones, muscles, meridians, blood vessels, all parts of his body were in unbearable pain, especially inside the dantian, not only the 'fog of life' began to be chaotic, even the blue sea of ​​​​qi began to crazily absorb the spring of life The energy pouring inside.

I don't know how long it took, the entire spiritual consciousness was revived, and the blue flames filled the whole body, jumping happily in the spring pool.

In the cave, in the mist, in the depths of the spring pool, Tang Yan looks like a burning blue flame, more like a liquid crystal. The blue flame is not violent, not hot, lush and verdant, extremely dazzling.

The appearance of the cyan flame made the spring pool a little quieter, but soon a huge cyclone formed at the bottom, and the rich and pure spiritual power and life essence surged up, impacting Tang Yan's body that was almost bursting. Vibrant blue flames.

With their strong influx, in the misty chaotic area deep in the dantian, a baby as red as blood slowly opened his eyes, a tyrannical and evil breath burst out from the eyes, opened his mouth and sucked, All the surging life essence rushed towards him, but it was at this moment that a golden rune appeared on his brow, quickly filled with dense golden lines, controlling it like a chain!
Ah, the blood baby screamed piercingly, struggling crazily, but the brilliance of the golden lines became more and more brilliant, and began to ruthlessly roast the blood baby, and puffy blood mist emerged from the sticky chain.

The blood is evil, the golden light is majestic!

Tang Yan opened his eyes suddenly, and the collision of two breaths from the depths of the sea of ​​qi deeply shocked him. The evil breath made him feel the bone-chilling cold, but the majestic breath stabilized his mind.

With the collision of the two auras, the blue flames around Tang Yan's body surged again, and the golden runes between the eyebrows clearly appeared, forming golden chains similar to those in the sea of ​​air, quickly spreading throughout the body.

"Roar!" Vaguely, the huge specter in the black coffin and the bright golden brilliance reappeared in the depths of his mind.

"Huh? Where is the evil aura coming from!" The three old men in the depths of the altar were alerted at the same time, and one after another shot out, silently appearing in the cave where the spring of life is located, and the strong coercion erupted loudly. It seems to defeat all evil auras.

"I'm not reconciled! Old bald donkey! Why are you against me everywhere! In order to escape from the desolate prison, I did not hesitate to detonate the dark green fire and destroy the body that has been trained for a hundred years. Why are you still unwilling to let me go!" Deep in the sea of ​​​​qi The blood baby screamed shrilly, and the thick blood rage roared, but it still couldn't break free from the shackles of the golden rune.

Tang Yan's eyes flashed brightly, and he uttered an old and deep voice: "You have too much heart to kill and torture, you should stay in the barren prison forever!"

"Fart your mother! Patriarch, I can go wherever I want!"

"Ancestor Xie, give up. There are days in the dark. This spring of life can clear away the evil in the world. You are the embodiment of evil, and you are destined to be controlled by me."

"Ah! I'm not reconciled!" The blood baby struggled again.

"You want to use this body to be reborn, but unfortunately, his spirit veins are activated as you wish, but it is far more terrifying than you expected, beyond the scope of your control. I will not hesitate to kill you today, and I will completely kill you Suppress!" Tang Yan's eyes flashed brightly, and the golden lines all over his body suddenly disappeared without a trace, but endless bright golden lights erupted from the sea of ​​Qi in his dantian, gathering into dense golden chains, covering the blood baby like a net of heaven and earth .

"Old bald donkey, how dare you!"

"Struggling for a hundred years, but being someone else's clothes, evil ancestor, this is the fate!"

With the dissipation of the last old voice, the blood baby wailed like a ghost, and then everything returned to silence. Tang Yan's body trembled and he fell into the spring pool.

Yang Ruyan was awakened by the successive changes, and stared at the fog in front of her absent-mindedly. What happened just now?Where did the golden light come from?Where did the old man's voice come from?What the hell is that bastard Tang Yan doing?
(End of this chapter)

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