Chapter 33

This little doll in Chenyuan Pavilion won't let me go to Chenyuan Pavilion?I remember that Ren Tianzang once reminded himself that it is best to go to Chenyuan Pavilion!

Tang Yan is a little strange, but the most important thing now is to collect the rent!

The spiritual power in the meridians was pulled, and a very small part was separated to stimulate the surrounding purple lines. Suddenly, a slight tingling pain appeared in the mind, which was basically similar to the reaction in the spring of life.

Tang Yan continued to try, and allocated a little more spiritual power, in exchange for a more intense stinging pain. As the spiritual power continued to increase, the stinging sensation was like thousands of needles, but there was some vagueness between them. Awareness begins to emerge in the mind.

Tang Yan didn't hesitate any longer, and surged his whole body's spiritual power to impact all the purple lines in the meridians and acupuncture points. There was a buzzing sound in his head, and the tingling sensation suddenly disappeared, and all the purple lines showed slight deviations. The slight movement actually connected them all, forming purple stripes running through the whole body. The large and small meridians were shining brightly at this moment, as if they were deified!

Demon spirit veins!
The spiritual pulse of ten thousand monsters, the great skill of ancient warfare.

Choose a monster of your own destiny, refine its essence and blood, concentrate your soul, and merge into the body, then take away its great power and illusion its real body.

The roar of evening drums and morning bells resounded in Tang Yan's mind, and the imprint of inheritance was clearly imprinted in Tang Yan's mind, and he quickly comprehended it.

There were only a few words in the voice, and it stopped soon, the strange feeling dissipated, and everything returned to calm, but the inheritance did not stop, and thoughts were carved into Tang Yan's mind one after another.

Tang Yan sat cross-legged quietly, trying hard to accept the sudden inheritance.

The spirit veins stimulated in the body are called demon spirit veins, which are a kind of magical spirit veins inherited from ancient times.

According to the way of inheritance, by devouring the blood essence and spirit of a certain monster, one can possess the powerful ability of this kind of monster, and even transform into its real body when the spirit veins are stimulated to the extreme.

In the process of passing on, several shocking scenes of giant monsters like mountains roaring up to the sky appeared one after another in the back of my mind.

That anger shook the world, and that roar made the mountains and rivers silent forever.

The majesty of the power and influence changed the color of the world.

The monster you choose to devour is designated as your natal monster. In this life, you can only choose one type of monster to devour, and you can never change it. The stronger the monster you choose, the more terrifying your future achievements will be!
This is definitely a sky-defying spiritual vein, far stronger than the Tang family's spiritual vein, but all special things are accompanied by harsh restrictions.The power of the beast spirit veins lies in the monsters it devours. If you want to devour powerful monsters, you must have the aptitude and constitution to be able to devour them.

There are countless categories of demon spirit veins, which can be divided into categories, including first-rank, second-rank, third-rank, and even ninth-rank.

A first-grade demon spirit vein can swallow a first-level monster, a second-grade demon spirit can swallow a second-level monster, and so on, a seventh-grade demon spirit can swallow a seventh-level monster, which is comparable to a heaven-defying existence at the holy level. Also known as holy grade, the eighth grade demon spirit veins can devour the eighth grade monsters and become the imperial grade, and the ninth grade demon spirit veins can swallow the ninth grade monsters, but so far, Qitian has not found the existence of the ninth grade, let alone such The strong man of the human race exists, it only exists in ancient times, and it is called Emperor Pin!

Each type of demon spirit vein needs a corresponding powerful physique to be able to devour monster beasts.

For example, a fifth-rank monster spirit vein is qualified to devour a fifth-rank monster, but when devouring it, it needs to have a strong physique that can resist the backlash of the fifth-rank monster's demon power, otherwise it will explode and die!If you have a fifth-grade demon spirit vein and worry that your physique is not enough to resist backlash, you can completely devour a fourth-level or even a third-level monster, but for the type of spirit vein you have, it is a bit violent.

Tang Yan was shocked by the horror of this kind of spiritual veins. The power and horror of monsters are well known in the world. If they can transform into their appearance, possess their abilities, and maintain their shrewdness, the danger will be doubled.

Tang Yan was deeply impressed by the huge figures roaring upwards in the back of his mind.

How old are you?While Tang Yan was a little terrified, he was looking forward to what level of monsters he could devour with his spiritual veins.

"Tang Yan, are you inside?" Tang Qiong's voice came from outside the door.

Tang Yan woke up from the realization, tidied up a bit, got up and opened the door: "Uncle Tang Qiong, what's the matter?"

Tang Qiong looked around the room: "You just now?"


"you are sleeping?"


Tang Qiong glanced at Tang Yan, did not continue to ask, walked into the room, and said dryly: "Let's talk about business."

Tang Yan closed the door: "What's the matter?"

"All you can say." Tang Qiong's eyes, always with a bit of evil spirit, scanned every corner of the room. Just now, he clearly noticed that there was a special atmosphere and a special voice inside. Like someone was talking about something.

"I" Tang Yan understood that Tang Qiong came to review, because he had no relatives in his previous life and never trusted anyone, so he was ready to make up reasons to fool him.

But seeing Tang Qiong's cold and ferocious face, deep down in his heart, he couldn't help feeling a little sense of security and warmth.

Is this warmth coming from the Second Young Master Tang?
In the memory of Second Young Master Tang, his life in the Tang family was actually not easy. Although Mr. Tang loved him a lot, others were indifferent and disgusted. He is so happy that he has always been hated by other children of the family.

His father was often busy with family affairs outside, and his mother died of dystocia early in life. Although the old man loves Tang Yan, he has practiced in seclusion for many years. In the huge family, the only one who can really say a few words to Tang Yan or reprimand him is this one who is ordered to protect him Tang Qiong.

For a time, Tang Qiong was like a god of war in the heart of the second son of Tang, and also the most trustworthy and trustworthy patron saint.

"Inconvenient? Are you still looking for an excuse to hide it?" Tang Qiong sat at the wooden table, her attention fell on a small pile of ashes, and she twirled her fingertips, feeling it carefully.

Feeling the strange emotions in his heart, Tang Yan secretly sighed, no matter, since you trust him so much, I will continue to protect this family relationship for you: "Actually, I still don't know exactly what happened. At that time, I was persecuted by Yang Ruyan and Li Shouze and thrown into a deep pool."

"Yang Ruyan?" Tang Qiong's eyes turned cold, and the scar on her face squirmed slightly, making her look even more ferocious: "I knew she would not give in easily, but I didn't expect her to be so ruthless!"

"You know? Know what?"

Tang Qiong glanced at Tang Yan dissatisfied: "It's not because of you boy, in order to marry Yang Ruyan, you invited the old man out. The old man is preparing to go to the Yang family to propose marriage in person. If there is no accident, the Yang family will If you try to save face for the master, the marriage will be considered settled. I think Yang Ruyan got the news in advance, and she is not reconciled, so she took extreme measures."

Tang Yan suddenly realized, no wonder that little girl hated herself so much, and wanted to kill herself again and again, so it was so.

But after thinking about it, Mr. Tang really did not spoil the second young master in general, and even went to propose marriage in person regardless of face.


"I was feigning death at the time. After they walked away, I struggled to escape. I didn't have enough strength at first, and I was about to sink again, but I was very surprised to see a small blue flower floating in the deep pool, and then I was confused. Swallow it down." Tang Yan slightly changed the real events, keeping only the general idea.

The Second Young Master Tang has feelings for the Second Young Master Tang, and he also has his own secrets, secrets that will be guarded forever.

"Blue flower? Describe it in detail!" Tang Qiong frowned slightly, speaking neatly, as if unwilling to waste a word.

"I didn't see it clearly, and I didn't know why I swallowed it. I felt like my whole body was on fire, and then" Tang Yan raised his hand, and a ball of blue flames jumped out of his fingertips.

"Blue flame?" Tang Qiong reached out to touch it.


"It doesn't matter!" Tang Qiong shook her fingertips, and the green fire seemed to be drawn to his palm, and a group of hot flames burst out, tightly wrapping the green fire inside.

"Can you find out something?"

Tang Qiong felt it carefully until the green fire completely dissipated, then dispersed the flames, frowned and thought for a moment, slowly shook her head, then raised her hand to hold Tang Yan's head, a warm breath instantly permeated the whole body.

Tang Yan didn't resist, but secretly hid the 'fog of life' in his dantian.

After some careful investigation, Tang Qiong pondered and said: "It should be that you swallowed some kind of strange herb and transformed your meridians. You'd better ask the old man to give you a comprehensive examination after you go back, so as to avoid any problems. Hidden danger."

Tang Yan leaned forward: "Uncle Tang Qiong, my meridians have recovered and I have completed my baptism, so I am going to reform myself and study martial arts well. Do you think it will work?"

Looking at Tang Yan's bright smiling face, Tang Qiong couldn't help showing a somewhat gratified smile, nodded, and rubbed his head: "I think it's okay, do you need help?"

"Of course." Tang Yan grinned and said cheekily, "Lie Yan Jue!"

"It should be. With your identity and aptitude, you can practice Lie Yan Jue. In addition to Lie Yan Jue, there are Shadow Wingspan, Lava Jue, Violence Jue, the three major Tang Clan martial arts, you can practice them all."

"Really?" Tang Yan's spirit was greatly lifted. The Second Young Master Tang didn't know anything about the martial arts of the Tang family. He only heard about the Lie Yan Jue from Tang Ying. He didn't expect that there would be another three major martial arts!

"The Tang family has four town clan martial arts, Lie Yan, Lava, Violence, and Shadow Wingspan. They are all martial arts at the peak of the spiritual level.

Among the direct descendants of the family, those who have been recognized can practice the Flame Jue, and if they have made outstanding contributions, they can practice the Lava Jue.As for the Violent Art and Eagle Wingspan, they need to be favored by the old man, and he will teach them in person. "

Tang Yan smiled brightly: "The old man has always favored me, so I should be able to obtain these four martial arts, right?"

Tang Qiong shook her head helplessly: "You can't eat too much, start with Lie Yan Jue, and go through it sequentially."

Tang Yan's heart flashed with heat, seeing Tang Ying's 'double strike', he had long been looking forward to this martial skill: "Give me the martial skill first, and I will study it first."

"Don't worry, we will leave Shenquan Town tonight and learn slowly on the way."

"Well, okay!" Tang Yan temporarily put the matter of the demon spirit veins to the back of his mind. He can't try this thing casually until he has fully explored it. According to the records in the inheritance, the consequences of this kind of consequences include not only being kicked to death, but also being completely reduced to a half-human, half-demon monster and losing oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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