Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 35 Deja Vu

Chapter 35 Deja Vu
Tang Yan returned to the guest room, but opened the window again, and continued to look at King Zhou Ling and his guards in the hall, with strange and vigilant eyes.

"Haven't you seen enough? She is so good-looking?" Tang Ying's little face flushed with anger.

"Don't you feel that woman is familiar?" Tang Yan looked at Tang Ying seriously. When she followed Tang Qiong out just now, she was attracted by the sister's face and temperament, but soon felt a little familiarity. This feeling comes from the eldest daughter of King Ling of Zhou.

"I'm not familiar with it, but you must be!"

"Huh? Why?"

"When you see a beautiful woman, it's like seeing a relative. You must be familiar with it."

Tang Yan rolled his eyes angrily: "Am I that shameless?"

"Don't you know yourself?"

"Okay, you won, let's talk about something serious. What's the relationship between Tang Qiong and King Zhou Ling?"

"Not very clear."

"Then say you know the part."

Tang Ying thought about it hard: "Uncle Tang Qiong came to our Tang family six or seven years ago. It is said that he was picked up by grandpa."

"And this secret?"

Tang Ying said while recalling: "I heard people say that Uncle Tang Qiong was a soldier with a military rank before, and he seemed to be the captain of a thousand people in the Falcon Army. King Zhou Ling once entered the army when he was a prince. After training in the Falcon Army, he was the first to serve in his thousand-man team.

The border wars are very chaotic, and there are often crises. Tang Qiong has rescued Zhou Lingwang at least twice. Zhou Lingwang and Tang Qiong are brothers. Later, Zhou Lingwang came to the Northern Wilderness to become king and secretly controlled Falcon The group army intends to promote Tang Qiong as the captain of [-] people. At that time, Tang Qiong made a breakthrough in martial arts and officially entered the realm of Wuwang. Zhou Lingwang had an excuse to be promoted.

But the appointment has not yet been sent out. The Falcon Group Army was ambushed by the Sala Empire in the north during a military operation, and suffered heavy casualties. Uncle Tang Qiong's thousand-man army was wiped out, but he himself escaped by luck and fell into the Hengshui River Floating along the river, he was accidentally rescued by his grandfather Tang Yanshan, who taught him the Tang family's Lie Yan Jue. Tang Qiong was grateful for his grandfather's life-saving kindness, stayed in the Tang family, and served as an enshrinement. "

"King Zhou Ling hasn't looked for Tang Qiong?"

"Uncle Tang Qiong was seriously injured at the time, and he recovered after half a year of recuperation. Later, he changed his name, and no one knew his original identity. It was not until King Ling of Zhou went to the Giant Elephant City to do business that he accidentally discovered Tang Qiong. , I tried hard at that time, but Uncle Tang Qiong refused, and I have stayed in the Tang family since then. Why do you ask these things?"

Tang Yan was noncommittal, and continued to ask: "Do you know those two girls?"

"Of course, Zhou Linglu and Zhou Lingxue are the two daughters born to King Ling of Zhou. Zhou Linglu is only 20 years old this year, but she has already reached the realm of the second-rank Martial Ancestor. She is considered a leader among the younger generation of the empire. Zhou Lingxue is 12 years old this year. She has just been baptized. The pulse activation rate is 70.00%, five percentage points higher than that of Zhou Linglu back then." Tang Ying looked at Tang Yan firmly, and said in a bad tone: "You are not really interested in them, are you?"

"She is twenty, I am fifteen, do you think it matches? Don't think about it, let me ask you again, do you feel that Zhou Linglu is very familiar?"


"Think about it carefully, have you seen it somewhere?"

"I've only heard about it, but I haven't seen it. Today is the first time we met. What exactly do you want to ask?"

Tang Yan thought hard, shook his head again, and didn't say anything else.

The sky gradually darkened, Tang Qiong and Zhou Lingwang were both drunk and unconscious after drinking six altars of fine wine, and the hotel returned to calm.Perhaps it was because all the colleges and aristocratic families had left Shenquan Town, this night was extraordinarily quiet.

Tang Yan lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep all the time, and always had a feeling of uneasiness lingering in his heart.

Familiarity?He could vaguely judge that this familiar feeling came from the girl in white in the dense forest. The bodies of Zhou Linglu and the girl in white were too similar. coincide?
But the more I think about it, the more I feel contradictory. Zhou Linglu is the princess of the palace, so she is unlikely to do such a vicious killing in person. Besides, Zhou Linglu's indifferent eyes looking at her are very natural, which is similar to that of the girl in white in the dense forest. Coldness and killing intent are completely different.

Thinking about it seriously, that familiar feeling seems to have become unreal again.

In the morning of the next day, King Ling of Zhou led the crowd to bid farewell to Shenquan Town. The team marched into the psychedelic forest. Under the influence of the powerful aura deliberately emitted, almost all the monsters chose to avoid it.

For the next four consecutive days, everything was very peaceful. King Zhou Ling was cheerful and kind, without the slightest airs of a prince. He even hunted and barbecued himself many times. The journey that should have been dangerous was a little more lively and energetic.

Along the way, Zhou Linglu and the guards, who were vigilant by Tang Yan, did not behave abnormally either. Their already somewhat hesitant guesses began to waver. From the third day on, they stopped paying attention deliberately and began to concentrate on studying the martial arts Lie Yan Jue given by Tang Qiong. .

The Lie Yan Jue is far more complicated than Tang Yan imagined. Not only is there a limit to the way to use the knife, but the corresponding spiritual power operation also needs to match the corresponding frequency and strength. Knives are very difficult, let alone smooth and fast.

In Tang Qiong's words, practice hard!
Lie Yan Jue is difficult if you say it, simple is not easy to say, there is only one purpose, practice makes perfect to the extreme!
On the first day of contact with Lie Yan Jue, Tang Yan spent half a day getting familiar with the trajectory of swinging the knife and the way of spiritual power. for 3 minutes.

'Laging Flame Jue' has one thing in common with 'Miying', that is, it is extremely demanding on the use of spiritual power, it must be ingenious, flexible, and extremely proficient. To hit', you need to slash twice in two seconds, and your spiritual power runs for two weeks. For Tang Yan, who took 3 minutes to slash for the first time, it is simply out of reach.

In order to perform the "Three Heavy Strikes of Flame" to superimpose three times the power, one needs to slash three times in one second and run for three weeks. Compared with the double blow, it is simply a leap of the limit.

The time required for 'Four Strikes of Flame' is also one second, but from three strikes to four strikes, it is another limit crossing, which requires continuous training again and again, and cannot be relaxed at all times.

Tang Yan didn't pay for the difficulties, but in the constant contact, he became more and more proficient in the use of spiritual power, and he became more and more clear about the principle and method of the evolution of spiritual power into martial arts.

Tried again and again, slashed again and again, relying on the help of Immortal Yan Tian Jue, Tang Yan almost reached the level of selflessness that lasted all night. Sometimes, in order to digest the occasional inspiration, he might even sit still for a long time, hurting The queue had to stop and wait.

This tenacity and persistence not only made Tang Qiong nod secretly, but even Du Yang was a little surprised. Questions flashed in the minds of the palace guards, isn't this little guy tired?Four days and four nights of sleepless nights, where did so much energy come from?

On the evening of the seventh day after going deep into the dense forest, everyone relied on the stream to set up camp. Tang Yan was immersed in the practice of Lie Yan Jue. He practiced non-stop for four consecutive days, which made his comprehension of Lie Yan Jue deepen time after time. From the beginning of 3 minutes, it was once compressed to five seconds. Although there is still a lot of room for the barrier of two seconds, four days can be compressed to such an extent that Tang Ying's small mouth has become O-shaped .

"Wake up." Alinda suddenly found Tang Yan, and sat down next to him.

Tang Yan woke up from the feeling, and looked at Alinda who was close to him in surprise. The two of them almost touched skin to skin. They could smell the light body fragrance, and could also faintly see the fine hairs around the ears, along the neck. look down

"Where are you looking!" Alinda glared at him in embarrassment.

Tang Yan smiled awkwardly: "I moved it subconsciously, don't mind. Teacher Alinda, this is you"

"Something happened."

"If you have something to say, this kind of ambiguous action can easily cause misunderstandings. You know that I am not firm in my will. If I make an outrageous move, wouldn't you?" Tang Yan was not polite, and embraced Ai Linda's fragrant shoulders, took a deep breath presumptuously.

It's just that the proud and arrogant Alinda didn't respond after her body stiffened slightly.

"Is there something on your mind?" Tang Yan felt strange, looked at Ailinda carefully, and found that she was obviously haggard, and her complexion was very bad.

Alinda leaned on Tang Yan's shoulder, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "You must believe me, the person chasing us in the dense forest is Zhou Lingwang!"

"Huh?" Tang Yan's face changed slightly.

"Do you still remember the woman in the group of men in white? I guessed at the time that she might be Zhou Linglu, the Princess of the Palace! When I saw her in Shenquan Town, I was even more sure of my judgment."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Tang Yan and Ailinda leaned on each other lightly, communicating with only a small voice that they could hear.

"Without conclusive evidence, how can I say it? I said it, who will believe it? How will I be dealt with? She is the Princess of the Empire, and her father is the owner of the Northern Wilderness!" Alinda's face was a little bitter, and her own judgment It's just a guess. In the absence of conclusive evidence, blaming Zhou Linglu is tantamount to blaming King Zhou Ling and the real owner of the Northern Wilderness!
If the other party makes a false accusation in turn, he is likely to be destroyed directly.

"Why did you tell me now!"

"Since I left Shenquan Town, until now, King Zhou Ling's bodyguards have surrounded me and never gave me a chance to speak. Since this evening, they have stopped monitoring me. I think it's time to act. "

Tang Yan's brows became more and more wrinkled, almost turning into a pimple!

It turns out that the guess is true, that woman is Zhou Linglu!

Organized back and forth, everything becomes coherent and smooth.

King Zhou Ling suddenly appeared in Shenquan Town, not to find Tang Qiong to reminisce about the past, but to use Tang Qiong to withdraw the Giant Elephant Academy, leaving Tang Yan and other people who might know the news, and then designed to frame him.Even King Ling of Zhou deliberately gave Du Yang a heavy promise to give him an excuse to keep him.

Tang Yan's gaze was cloudy and uncertain. If he were Zhou Lingwang, what would he do next?
The most likely solution is to arrange for a group of men in white with fang masks to attack the team, causing chaos, and killing Alinda, himself, and Du Yang in the chaos.

In this way, hidden dangers can be eliminated, and Tang Yan's 'sight' can be used to confirm to the world that he has nothing to do with the man in white.

If Zhou Lingwang could be injured, the effect would be even more perfect!

(End of this chapter)

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