Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 360 The War Is Boiling

Chapter 360 The War Is Boiling (1)

"This is the beginning? Fourth sister, take care of the spirit of the sky, use the blood of the Heaven of No Return to wash away the humiliation you have suffered today!" Yin Xiyue, the third lord of the Palace of Desire to Flower, stood in the air, ignoring the crowds gathered from all directions in the valley. The guarding troops whispered and flicked with a finger, and clear traces of strings appeared in the void.

hum! !The sound of the piano was bleak and chilling, covering a radius of hundreds of meters. The landslides and trees cracked and turned into dust and sawdust. Nearly a thousand guardian warriors who were gathering at full speed collapsed at the sound, without any screams, and turned into fine flesh and blood fragments Into the tumbling dust mist.

Yin Xiyue was motivated to kill, without the slightest mercy, she directly used the most powerful martial arts to slaughter these Wuzong martial spirits.

The valley point where the thick fog was gushing out right below was smashed into pieces by the converging zither sound, and the spiritual power of the heaven and earth trapped here was immediately chaotic, forming a strong vortex, drawing the dense white mist into the blue sky.

With one thought, mountains collapse and the ground cracks; with one thought, the sky is stained with blood.

His venerable anger shocked the world.

... "There are still 300 meters! I will deal with the formation, and the tiger cavalry... stop everyone!" Tang Hao's delicate face was solemn, and flames surged around him, turning into dazzling wings of fire. With a sudden burst, leaving a line of fire, he disappeared Misty and misty, it rushed straight to the point 300 meters away.

"Hey!!" The members of Huben's second cavalry dispersed in response. A group of nine formed a knife net trapping formation, facing the guarding troops rushing from all directions to level up.

"Jue Dao 36 Styles!" The roar was like thunder, and Jue Dao slaughtered in one piece.The trapping and killing net formed is like an open ferocious beast's mouth, mercilessly devouring the enemies who rushed into the formation, layer by layer, continuous, dense blade curtain billowing with flames, and the power of the critical strike is unparalleled.

The fourth-level monsters, the third-level Wuzong, and the guardian leeches are all strong individually, not to mention they are closely combined.

It was a completely sweeping advance, forcibly piercing through the encirclement net gathered from all directions!

The tyrannical combat power of the tiger and iron cavalry is displayed for the first time at this moment!
Directly ahead, Tang Hao and the two demon kings successfully approached the formation point. Since there was no need to hide, the king-level strength exploded with all its strength, slaughtering the guards in the most brutal way, smashing the formation point, and also arousing the mist cyclone that soared into the sky.

...The point in charge of Venerable Golden Crow is located in the depths of the Nightmare Fog, and it is still more than a thousand meters away at this moment.I felt a burst of strong tremors, as well as the chaotic nightmare fog, indicating that all parts have been succeeded, and perhaps only myself is left.

"Heaven of No Return, let's repay the blood debt you owed at the Shuluan Hall together today!!" Venerable Jinwu hesitated a little, and stopped rushing in, concentrating, and the vast spiritual power in the meridians in his body suddenly ran away .

At this moment, Venerable Golden Crow's body gradually became transparent, but the major veins and acupoints all over his body became more and more clear, exuding a brilliant brilliance, which penetrated through his clothes and robes, and his whole body seemed to be a pure container of spiritual power. I saw the pale golden spiritual power circulating rapidly in the meridians.

The eyes are bright, shining like stars, and the right hand is slowly raised horizontally, and the spiritual power of the muscles and veins begins to gather in the palm of the hand, and the speed is getting faster and faster.A tiny golden cyclone began to take shape, compressing, expanding, expanding, compressing, and the speed of rotation became more and more violent.

It's as if a round of scorching sun was born in the evolution!
At this moment, the golden scorching sun continued to compress and rotate, bringing about a strong rotating cyclone, as sharp as a knife, causing chaos in the energy of the world.

... Nalantu stood on the top of the edge of the mountain, holding the steel gun with both hands, holding it high in the air, with the tip of the gun facing the ground, and an extremely sharp and sharp breath gathered at the tip of the gun.

Clothes are long and hair is calm and automatic, with a cold and handsome expression, eyes like lightning, watching the nightmare fog that rioted one after another.

one!two!Three... In the blink of an eye, twelve vortex storms poured into the sky, like a white tornado, connecting the blue sky and the sea of ​​pale fog, stirring up a storm.

But... there is one more! !

There is still one! !

False heart! !Venerable Golden Crow, what are you doing? !

Nalantu's expression became colder and handsomer, with the spear in his hand, ready to go, ready to shatter the true heart of the outer formation at any time, and severely damage the nightmare fog formation.

However... Xu Zhen's heart position is still calm!
Roar! !Roar! !The roar in the depths of the vast sea of ​​fog shook the sky, and the huge figure of the war tiger was already looming, and tragic melees broke out in other directions, completely alarming the silent sea of ​​fog.The five mountain peaks submerged in the depths of the sea of ​​fog are far away, but the chaos that erupted here in advance must have alarmed there, and there may have been chaos, but if the outer formation is not broken, the inner formation will be as solid as a rock, and Tang Yan and the others must be trapped cage.

Venerable Golden Crow! !

Nalantu almost screamed.

boom! !Suddenly, in the direction where the Venerable Golden Crow was, a dazzling golden light scattered out, piercing through the thick fog.And then... the sea of ​​fog churned, the mountains trembled, and the golden light rushed forward, as if an ancient beast was running wildly in the depths of the sea of ​​fog, rushing towards the area where Xuzhen's heart was located at an astonishing speed.

Along the way, landslides, landslides, forest collapse, and dust ran away, forming a strong storm like a dragon smashing the sea in the rear, and the momentum was extremely huge.

In the blink of an eye, the 'Desolate Beast' slammed into the mountain where the formation center was located, boom, the earth-shattering explosion carried surging dust waves into the sky.

"It's now!!" Nalantu let out a low growl, and the Cangyun spear pierced down!

Clang, the seemingly ordinary mountain body emits a steel-like piercing roar, and the surface of the entire short mountain is radiant, guarding it firmly and unbreakable.

Nalantu's expression remained unchanged, his posture remained unchanged, the tip of the spear was firmly on the surface, veins appeared in his hands, and he tried his best to strike downward.After a brief confrontation, there was a crackling sound, and fine cracks spread towards the entire protective layer of the mountain, and finally... bang!The entire low mountain was cracked.

"Open!!" Nalantu spun fiercely, and the Cangyun Spear swept across, causing the mountain to collapse, and even the spiritual storm rushing out of the mountain was cut into two.

The true heart of the virtual formation, the heart of the real formation, and the twelve main formations were all destroyed at this moment, and the huge nightmare fog formation covering a radius of more than ten kilometers was severely damaged, and vortices shot up into the sky, completely disrupting the fog outside the formation. The tens of thousands of disciples of the guardian of the realm of no return were strongly affected. Many people were directly injured by the fog, either their souls were damaged, or they fell into dreams.

"The outer formation has been broken, the seven venerables, attack the inner barrier with all their strength!!" Nalantu stood high in the sky, raised his spear obliquely, and a clear howl resounded through the sky.

The giant war tiger, the venerable lion and tiger, Yin Xiyue, the venerable Golden Crow, and the three monster lords of the monkey tribe roared in unison. The [-]-meter ground collapsed, and the seven venerables locked on the five mountains inside and rushed at full speed.

"Kill!!" Tang Hao and the others erupted in response to the order, and the tiger and cardinal cavalry roared fiercely with their swords raised, stirring up a brutal wave of massacres, sweeping across the battlefield, and hundreds of them met the tens of thousands of guardian disciples who were in chaos on the periphery.

At this very moment, the five peaks of the No Return Sky fell into a state of riot. At the moment when the cries of lions and tigers breaking gold resounded outside, Tang Yan happened to step through the main entrance of the main peak, Qingmo Peak. There was no need to keep any pretense. Zhaoyi, Ling Ruoxi and the two-headed golden lion were immediately released from the golden lock.

The faces of Ma Zheng and other Zongmen disciples were cold, and they almost lost the ability to think.

"Grand Palace Master! There are four great masters on the main peak, and Gongsun Yan is at the top! Qi Jianchen and Luo Chang are on their way, let's fight quickly!!" Tang Yan left behind an eager cry, and moved towards the side of the Green Demon Peak Da Luofeng rushed forward.

The Four Great Venerables?Qi Jianchen and Luo Chang!They really united!
Zhaoyi gestured to Ling Ruoxi's eyes, and moved forward alone, climbing up the steps. The aura of the third-rank Martial Master silently enveloped the entire Green Demon Peak. There was no violent impact, no shocking explosion, but it made thousands of disciples freeze on the spot , staring at the magnificent and noble woman in horror, not daring to make the slightest noise or resist.

timid!Terrified from the inside out!Trembling, the bones of the soul are icy cold!

"Gongsun Ye, back then you destroyed the foundation of my Desire to Flower Palace, slaughtered three thousand of my disciples, and killed my fourth sister. Did you ever think that one day, I, Zhaoyi, would appear in your Heaven of No Return, and the same bad luck would befall you?" top of the head."

The cold voice echoed on the Green Demon Peak, and the rain of flowers fell between the sky and the earth, pale as snow, like a dream.

The pale petals are all condensed by pure spiritual power, as sharp as a blade, falling down one by one, silently wiped the stiff disciple's throat, the petals turned from white to red, and the disciple aged rapidly, knelt down on the ground without making a sound .

The petals fell to the ground, scarlet like blood!

It actually sucked up the martial artist's blood essence alive, not a single drop was left! !

Thousands of disciples trembled in fear, unable to move their feet at all, watching helplessly as the pale petals fluttering in the sky fell on their bodies, scratched across their bare skin, and became a bloodless corpse.

Strange martial arts, gorgeous but cruel methods!
Zhaoyi is gentle and generous, and usually never gets angry, but...Thousands of years have passed, who still remembers her valiant and heroic demeanor when she traveled alone in the Dayan Mountains for thousands of miles, and who still remembers her magnificent reputation when she defeated 700 warriors in a row , who still remembers the strength that no one dared to violate in the [-] years since she founded Yuhua Palace.

The dragon has reverse scales, anyone who touches them will die! !

The phoenix also has fierce feathers, and anyone who touches it will be burned! !

(End of this chapter)

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