Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 366

Chapter 366
Tang Yan sat in the ruins halfway up the mountain in a daze. He didn't recover for a long time. He was in a daze for a while, then his consciousness penetrated into the golden lock for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched for a while, revealing a silly smile.

I lost my mind, I really lost my mind.

But my god, this is going to be posted.

The five main peaks of the Heaven of No Return were destroyed and dilapidated, but the treasure pavilion was miraculously intact.The chaos happened suddenly, and Gongsun Jun retreated in such a panic that no one noticed its existence.

Tang Yan also thought of this by accident, and went in to have a look with a fluke mentality. He didn't know it at first glance, but he was stunned at that time, and the floor was almost warped.

The Treasure Pavilion has a total of nine floors, with weapons, martial arts, treasures, all kinds of precious medicinal materials, monster scales, armor and claws, almost everything.

There are countless dangers in the secret places of the Dayan Mountains, and in some special areas, precious medicinal materials or special monster species will be born. As one of the overlords, the Heaven of No Return has collected countless things for thousands of years.

It looks like a pure golden clover the size of a thumb, black as ink but huge flowers, a vine tree in seven colors, and a baby-shaped rhizome; The tortoise shell with the roar of the river, the steel-like scales of the giant python, and the horns of the beast that exude a strange fragrance; martial arts such as Qinglei Jue, Water Man Mountains and Rivers, Light Healing, Soul Breaking Palm, etc.

Not to mention a wide range of weapons and armor.

Because those elixir plants contain all kinds of strange energies, even the space of the golden lock becomes alive, and all kinds of brilliance illuminate the entire chaotic space, so it won't be so thin.

After a sweep, almost nothing was left.The treasures occupy three-fifths of the space of the golden lock, which is more than the treasure house of the Rao family in terms of quantity alone. In terms of quality, it is also not far behind. After all, the products of the Dayan Mountains are too rich.With thousands of years of uninterrupted searching, even with eyes closed, it is not surprising to find peerless treasures.

Getting rich overnight, diaosi turned into a local tyrant!

Huh? ?

Tang Yan was enjoying the joy of getting rich suddenly. When he checked the types of Tiancaidibao, he suddenly noticed a wooden coffin among the messy pile of animal bones!
Before sweeping in a hurry, I didn't even look at it later, and put my mind into the golden lock.

Didn't find anything like this.

The black coffin was about one meter long, slightly narrow, and pitch black throughout, but without the slightest luster, it was lifeless, and the more it looked, the weirder it became. The dull, dark black was like a black hole, sucking the soul into it.

The strangest thing was that there was a pale short knife stuck on the top of the coffin lid, which was forced into it from the outside, but part of it was still exposed.Similar to the eerie blackness of the black coffin, this knife also has no luster, a creepy pale, icy pale.

Looking at it, the consciousness is in a trance, this knife has a feeling of human bones.

Like a pale human bone, stretched into the dark coffin.

hum!Qi Haifo's heart trembled slightly, Tang Yan woke up with a start, and after careful inspection, the coffin was still there, the white knife was ordinary, lying peacefully in the messy corner.

"What kind of weird thing is this? It's so evil." Feeling curious, Tang Yan directly called Hei Coffin out.

boom! !

When the black coffin fell to the ground, the mountain trembled slightly, and more than half of it sank into the ground. The size of the black coffin also increased to three meters, like a pitch-black stone gate, in front of it.

Good weight! !Tang Yan was surprised again, what's in it?
The ground is full of tough stone layers, and it runs through nearly two meters.

Observing closely, the jet black of the black coffin is even more strange, and the consciousness is affected, even if the Buddha's heart spontaneously emerges on the forehead, there is still a feeling of confusion and sinking.

Tang Yan circled around twice, focusing on the white knife.

The mix and match of black and white is already conspicuous, not to mention the indescribably eerie feeling.

Tang Yan hesitated for a while, then slowly stretched out his hand, and tentatively touched the white knife, suddenly he had scruples, retracted it, hesitated again, and stretched it out.

There are ten Shan Wuzun nearby, and if there is an accident, they can be stopped in time.

at last!

When the fingertip touched the white knife, Tang Yan's soul trembled suddenly, and Tang Yan bounced away with a scream.

Just at that moment, Tang Yan's bones all over his body felt strangely distorted, as if they were about to be melted away and absorbed by the white knife, the pain was unbearable.

At the same moment, Tang Yan vaguely heard the sound of broken chains colliding.

where?coffin?Is there something locked inside?
It... moved?
In the abyss of the endless air sea, where thousands of golden chains are trapped, the blood doll suddenly opened his long-closed eyes, and a flash of panic flashed: "Black coffin? Why is there a black coffin here? Forest? Impossible! What happened? What happened?"

The blood baby became agitated, and suddenly wanted to open the chain to check the situation outside, but after hesitating, he suppressed it forcefully, and continued to maintain calm, not daring to show the slightest affectation.

If it's really a black coffin, if you take the liberty to appear, you are doomed to die.

"What the hell? Could it be that some old monster is locked up?" Tang Yan was still in shock, and took two steps back with lingering fear.

The battlefield of Nightmare Fog is coming to an end, and the giant war tigers have returned to the Green Demon Peak one after another with their trophies. Even Tang Ba and the others gathered here after cleaning the battlefield. Three giant black water hyacinths are shrinking under the strange eyes of the Venerable Golden Crow. , was brought back by the blackwater leech.

It has a wonderful connection with Tang Yan, and can directly find his position.

Tang Yan looked at the black coffin, but started to have trouble, throwing this damn thing away?It seems a pity.keep it?But thinking that I need multiple coffins on my body, how can I feel awkward? What if the things inside rush out one day?
But after thinking about it, even the Gongsun servant couldn't do anything with it, and threw it in the corner, and there has been no abnormality for many years, so it seems that it doesn't matter if you bring it for a while.

"Master?" Tang Ba's voice came from halfway up the mountain.

Tang Yan didn't hesitate any longer, put the black coffin into the golden lock, deliberately put it in the corner far away from treasures and spirit source liquid.After thinking about it, he was still not at ease, so he piled up some skeletons, so that if this thing were to break open, it would make some noise, so that he could find out in time.

After everything was ready, he walked towards Tang Ba and the others pretending to spread out.

In the misty golden lock space, the black coffin was quietly buried in the skeleton of the monster, calm and quiet, without any abnormality, just like a dead thing.But it didn't take too long, there was a rattling sound of fine chains inside the black coffin, a pair of oily green eyes suddenly opened, icy cold, without any emotion possessed by living beings, looking straight at the tightly closed coffin lid.

"The harvest is very rich. All three black water gourds are filled with fresh blood, enough for some leeches to advance." The black water leech returned to Tang Yan's wrist, and the three gourds also fell down.

"You have time to choose twenty well-qualified ones. I plan to train them alone and break through to become the demon king as soon as possible. And you, brother Hei, you have stayed at the peak of the demon king for long enough, and you have the conditions for breakthrough in all aspects. Why don't you go into seclusion for another day?"

The blackwater leech was excited for a while: "I...I...may need a lot of blood essence. Your current suitable? If you can do it, I'm sure it will be fine."

Tang Yan coughed a few times: "You think too much, I didn't tell you to suck my blood."


"That's right, you and I have achieved a symbiotic state, but it doesn't mean you can't suck the blood of other people. My blood is very precious, you can just taste it once in a while, use it as a tonic, not as food Eat. What's more, you are used to advance, I am the King of Wu, and you are the King of Demons. If you want to break into Wu Zun, why don't you suck me into jerky?"

" don't need that much. Your blood essence is special. I only need to suck...four or five bowls...maybe...maybe..."

The corners of Tang Yan's eyes twitched: "Four or five bowls? You are really humorous."

The blackwater leech was speechless for a while: "Then whose blood should I draw?"

"Nightmare Guardian, Qingyang, Zuo Guardian, the three Martial Venerables, I will draw part of their blood and mix them together. They are much stronger than me, the Martial King. Look, brothers still think of you." Tang Yan Widely comforting.


"Don't be grateful, I should do it. It's settled like this. Find a quiet day and draw some blood for you to break through. Just have fun secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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