Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 392 An empty dream

Chapter 392 An Empty Dream

Beside the raging Thunder Pond on the top of the mountain, a man in a coir raincoat is sitting on an old wooden post, holding a fishing rod, fishing quietly.The entire mountaintop was flooded by thunder and lightning, and even the energy of the heaven and earth was as violent as a beast, which was dreadful.But the man in the coir raincoat was quiet, and this quietness was strange and oppressive.

Fishing the thunder pool with a pole, is he fishing for the thunder species in it, or is he pregnant with something?
Next to the man in the coir raincoat, there is a green toad lying lazily. It is slightly obese, as big as a buffalo, squatting under the sky full of thunder. It is as strange as the man in the coir raincoat. This toad has only three legs. The last one, the last one, looks rather weird.

One person and one beast, quiet, quite leisurely and indifferent.

Immersed in this alternative mountain, enjoying an alternative tranquility.

Suddenly, the three-legged green toad slowly raised its head and looked at the foot of the mountain.

The man in the coir raincoat also noticed something, and frowned under the coir rain hat, but he didn't pay attention to it, and sat quietly on the wooden pier, watching the hook up and down in the violent thunder pond in a daze.

But... bursts of voices came slowly and weakly. Although the thunderstorms on the mountain top were raging and the violent roar continued, they couldn't escape his perception.

Goo!The three-legged toad seemed a little annoyed. It passed through the raging thunder curtain and came to the edge of the mountain. Its dark blue pupils, which were completely different from the emerald green, turned left and right, and stared at the valley below the mountain.

There are many gravels and towering ancient trees, which block the line of sight and make it impossible to see the specific scene, but the intermittent sound should come from there.

The dark blue pupils froze slightly, and the tightly closed mouth was about to open. Suddenly, a rumbling sound like the waves of the river came from the gap in the mouth, rumbling the world, countering the cracking sound of the thunder curtain.

"Don't worry about it." The man in coir raincoat said indifferently from the side of Leichi.

The three-legged toad stopped its mouth, and the weird sound like waves stopped.Seemingly unwilling, he stared down the mountain for a while, snorted coldly, moved his fat body back into the thunder curtain, lay down next to the man in coir raincoat and continued to close his eyes to rest.

Kneel down and beg for mercy?It's not like Tang Yan's style.

An affectionate confession of affection?I'm afraid he will die even worse.

Flattering rhetoric?The two palace lords didn't seem to like this, maybe before they finished speaking, they directly evaporated themselves to the world with a big move.

If it doesn't work, just pretend to be pitiful?But in the eyes of them who are in grief and indignation, they seem to be unable to tell whether they are pitiful or not.

Or just leave it to fate?If you want to kill or scrape them, you can do whatever you want. At this time, it seems more appropriate to behave calmly, at least it is more reliable than the above four.

The night covers the mountains, the vast mountains and fields are all quiet, and the thunder on the top of the mountain roars endlessly.

In the broken Taoist temple halfway up the mountain, a pile of firewood was crackling and burning, and the warm fire light illuminated half of the residual wall. On the fire pile were two roasted pheasants, which were caught from the back of the Taoist temple. They were already ripe and exuded an attractive fragrance .

Tang Yan was sitting upright, his eyes trying to keep calm, or his whole body was trying to keep calm as much as possible.But... the atmosphere in the Taoist temple was repressed and awkward, and his upright appearance was even more awkward, his throat rolled from time to time, he swallowed with difficulty, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

In the dark corner of the Taoist temple, the two palace masters, Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi, had already woken up and stayed in the dark place wrapped in thick towels.The beautiful and delicate face was a little pale, her eyes swayed, humiliation and grief flowed, and she stared straight at Tang Yan in front of the fire.His hands were tensed several times, and his spiritual power gathered several times, but he still didn't do what his subconscious wanted to do the most.

(End of this chapter)

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