Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 414

Chapter 414
Tang Yan was silent for a long while, then let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at Niya: "I was just thinking about something."

"What?" Niya wondered, what the hell is this slippery boy trying to do?

"How are you feeling now?"


"I came all the way from the Dayan Mountains to Delos, and saved you when you were in despair. Don't you feel touched?" Tang Yan's face was calm, and his eyes were clear. He just stared at Niya's eyes firmly.

Niya lowered her voice and scolded: "What are you doing?! This is the Jinpeng Palace! We are talking about state affairs now! Everyone is waiting for you to express your opinion! I thought you have grown up, why do you still like to mess around regardless of the occasion?"

"Am I messing around? Am I messing around?" Tang Yan looked at Niya calmly, with a bit of bitterness on the corner of his mouth: "It's been six years, I thought my hard work would change my position in your heart, but it's only now that I I understand. I am still so unbearable, and I am still so dispensable, you can abandon it casually, and reprimand you according to your mood."

Nearly a hundred imperial dignitaries in the Jinpeng Palace looked at each other, a little puzzled, why did this tone sound so sad?Could this baby be sad and ready to leave?
The emperor of the empire didn't care about the embarrassment of being ignored by Tang Yan, and looked at the man and woman strangely.

Niya's pretty face was slightly cold: "Stop playing with me like this, stop messing around, now is really not the time!"

Tang Yan exhaled leisurely, picked up the berries in front of him, and turned them unconsciously, his voice was still calm and low: "Six years ago, I took only three people to explore the Dayan Mountains. Six years later, I founded the Wagang Village to help There are [-] people, [-] iron cavalry, two monster masters, and more than ten good martial masters. Now that you walk into the Dayan Mountains, who doesn't know Wagang Village, who hasn't heard of me, Tang Yan; In the past, I was only a third-rank Wu Zun, but now I am only half a step away from Wu Zun. To put it bluntly, as long as I am willing, I can be promoted to Wu Zun after half a year of retreat; Ao Family, accepting your charity, six years later, when I ventured into the Dayan Mountains and broke through the Nine Heavens of the Canglan Ancient Land, all the eight major sects will show their favor with a single call."

Niya couldn't adapt to Tang Yan's sudden depression, and couldn't stand the strange eyes of the hundreds of dignitaries in the audience, and her tone was a little harsh: "We all admire your achievements, but today's occasion is not When you show off."

"I said these words to show off? Why did I leave the Rao family back then? A pure breakthrough? It's you, because of you, Niya! Do you think my success is due to luck? It's fate, it's my life It was spelled out! The marriage contract back then was just a measure for the interests of your Rao family, and your Niya’s consent was just a perfunctory benefit. You look down on me, my image, character, strength, etc., are not worthy of you Niya.

You feel that no one in this world can tempt you, and you have never regarded marriage as love. Marriage is only for the family, for your father, and it is just an exchange of benefits.I can see clearly, so I left, I ventured into the most dangerous Dayan Mountains, what I want is for you to take a look at me one day in the future, so that you will no longer feel wronged, no longer feel that I, Tang Yan, gave you shame!For six years, I tried my best and kept gritting my teeth.

I only found out about the situation in Delos half a year ago. I was worried that you would be in danger. I hated myself for noticing it late. You and your family get out.

Do you think that the people in the Dayan Mountains are all good people?Will the dignified third-rank Wu Zun come to help out of face?Will they come to the battlefield of Deluo to die for no reason?What they give is affection, what they want is profit!
How much did I pay, you know?you do not know!Not only do you not know, you don't even think about it!

I came all the way to save you, I don't ask too much, I only hope that you can give me a smile, say something moving, even if it's a slightly warm look, let me know that it's worth it! !But all the way, what have you done?Apart from scolding me blindly, thinking that I did something unrighteous, what else have you done?
into town?In your opinion, this is benevolence, righteousness and morality. In my opinion, this is the life of more than 1000 brothers under my Tang Yan. It is the danger of a deadlock with the eight major sects, which may wipe out my six years of hard work!Can I not hesitate?How can I not worry?
But I finally came in, for you!

Have you thought about me?you have not.

Are you moved?you have not.

Just now at the West Gate, I introduced you to my friends in the Dayan Mountain Range with great joy, but you just broke the engagement with a simple sentence?I'm here with my wedding party. I'm planning to marry a bride. What did you give me?It's not a wedding dress, it's a divorce letter! "

Tang Yan spoke calmly, calmly and dullly, Jinpeng Hall was quiet, quiet and depressing, even the guards in front of the gate quietly looked inside.

The frost on Niya's face dissipated unknowingly, her eyes wanted to look away, and she wanted to respond, but she could only stare at each other in silence.These rhetorical questions and self-answers made her feel sour.

Tang Yan took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "Niya, I am a man, I have grown up, I have dignity, and I have a good face. I have feelings for you, I have promises to you, and I cherish and care about this Affection and commitment, so I'm here to save you and your family.

But even if you don't like me, even if you look down on me, you won't take my liking as your capital, or even throw it away.How can I, Tang Yan, be so unbearable?Niya, even if you have a dog, you still have to have some affection after not seeing him for six years!And me? ! "

Niya's heart trembled, and she finally turned her eyes away, but at this moment, she vaguely noticed that there was a little haze in Tang Yan's eyes, as if something was gently touching the depths of her heart, and her calm heart Ripples appeared.

"Tang Yan, this is serious, Niya, she..." Odin opened his mouth to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say, and his heart was blocked by the words.

Maybe Tang Yan left them with a cynical and hippie smile all the time, who could afford to make any kind of joke, and didn't take it seriously. The silence and questioning at this moment caught them off guard, and even filled them with guilt.

They recognized Tang Yan's talent, but they didn't pay much attention to his playful personality back then. After all, such a personality always meant that he was not stable, immature, and a little radical, which was not suitable for the family to take power. Niya's direction of choosing a man is completely in the opposite direction.

They also know that Niya's character is too strong, so that they never really thought about having love, and they don't believe that any man can conquer themselves, so that they never face the meaning of marriage. When they were able to accept Tang Yan, Mostly it was Odin's matchmaking and the talent and background he showed.

But Tang Yan's sharp and harsh words today, spoken in a calm tone, made them feel uncomfortable.

Yes, six years is a long time, Tang Yan has grown enough for him to mature from a teenager; six years is a short time, how much does Tang Yan need to pay to establish influence in the Dayan Mountains?How strong is its ability?

Perhaps Tang Yan's words really made them wipe their eyes clean and re-examine and look at the boy in front of them, or it should be said that it was a man.

Tang Yan smiled dryly, "I was thinking just now, what kind of status do I have in your heart, or have I ever had a status? What does Niya think of me? Have you ever taken our marriage contract seriously? ? Is it really just a benefit and alms? I came all the way to rescue, what is it for?
My original plan was to leave for ten years and come back to pick you up after I have greater achievements. I deliberately delayed it for a long time, and I must force myself to have achievements. I hope that after I come back again, I will let you put away the contempt in your heart.But now it seems that my thoughts seem naive. "

"Niya! Say something!!" Isaac coughed softly, reminding Niya.

Tang Yan smiled slightly: "No need, I won't force you to say these words. I suddenly thought of it, and said it, which can be regarded as a relatively smooth end to our marriage contract that shouldn't have. Niya, you broke the engagement, we have nothing to do with each other, but I still thank you for helping me back then, and I will definitely rescue you."

Niya's heart was full of mixed emotions, and she had an indescribable feeling, as if the thin membrane outside the atrium had been poked to pieces, which was very awkward and bitter.Looking at Tang Yan quietly, she suddenly turned her head away, her red lips parted slightly, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito: "The engagement is still there."

"Huh? You just talked to me?"

"The engagement is still there, I haven't broken it." Niya's voice rose slightly, her delicate face was tense, and she was a little annoyed, but a little blush appeared on her cheeks.It was an unprecedented time for the powerful and noble woman to say this in front of the entire empire.

"No, no, you misunderstood. I just said that I didn't mean to force you, nor did I use the perilous situation of Delos to oppress you." Tang Yan paused for a while and smiled: "I, Tang Yan, think I'm still pretty good. Yes, I should be able to find a suitable bride for me, you don't have to wrong yourself, and I don't want my bride to have no feelings for me."

"A suitable bride? Those three palace masters? One? Two? Or all three?" Niya suddenly turned her head, her cold eyes flashing sharply.

" depends on the future development."

"You really have something to do with them?! Tang Yan, the proudest thing you have done in the past six years should be chasing after three beauties of Wu Zun?" Niya was really annoyed, and stared at Tang Yan bitterly.

"Huh? Are you... care about me?" Tang Yan looked at her strangely.

"I never cared about you? Did you pretend to be stupid, or did it on purpose? I didn't care about you, would you have been allowed to rush into my bedroom every day? I, Niya, was so shameless?! I didn't care about you, would I Let you be a scoundrel in front of me? Have I, Niya, ever looked at other men?! I don’t care about you, I will scold you one after another? Why didn’t I scold other men! I don’t care about you, I will be in Leiyun The mountains have been looking for you for three months? I don't care about you, and before you leave, I will hint that Granny Li will divide the things in the treasure house with you in half? I don't care about you, and I will help you every night after you enter the Dayan Mountains pray?"

Niya didn't know where the anger came from. The more she spoke, the more angry she became, and the more urgent she said, what should be said should not be said, what can be said can't be said, all burst out of her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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