Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 425 Prelude to the War

Chapter 425 Prelude to the War
After Tang Yan left the palace, he went straight to the west gate.

The garrison of Delos is on high alert. There are a lot of weapons and equipment piled up in the city gate area. The engineers are busy debugging and repairing. Tens of thousands of migrant workers are transporting supplies back and forth and repairing the walls.

It seems busy and depressing, but it is a long-lost calm.The Great Zhou Empire clearly announced that it would suspend the attack, implying that it was resting and waiting for the final breakthrough of Delos.

Two million troops surrounded the ancient city of the imperial capital densely, without attacking.

Tang Yan stood on the crenel at the top of the city, looking at the Dazhou troops in the smoke and dust. The formation was more elegant, and they were organized in an orderly manner, showing a posture of both offense and defense.But the soldiers were all sitting lazily on the ground, some were talking to each other, some were eating steamed buns, and some were simply sleeping.

But their performance was slack and ordinary, and the Delos garrison at the head of the city did not dare to be careless in the slightest.Already accustomed to Da Zhou's offensive style, the 200 million troops under the city looked lazy for the time being, but as long as the drums of war sounded, they could launch a stormy and barbaric offensive in a very short period of time.

Extending the line of sight forward, there are a large number of towering drum towers built two kilometers away, and elite troops are stationed around them. Every few blocks there will be King Wu standing in the air, enhancing the defense of the Gutai area.

Extending forward, at the end of the line of sight is the main camp area of ​​Da Zhou. Nearly five kilometers away from the city gate is the main tent of King Ling of Zhou. The distance is too far, and only the specific outline can be seen.But just from these outlines, one can infer the huge number of camps and the level of security.

Although Tang Yan entrusted Chocolate to undertake the heavy responsibility of the sneak attack, he was still not at ease.This pig brother is not mentally normal, and his space martial arts is half-baked, if he really messes up, he will lose everyone's life at that time.

Fortunately, there were four days left, and Nalantu was with Chocolate, so he could carefully observe his ability and make a judgment for the final action.

"Congratulations." A cold voice came from behind, it was Matthews.

Tang Yan withdrew his gaze, looked at this man with a fierce sword in his bones, and couldn't help but smile: "What's so good about me?"

The garrison troops on the city wall couldn't help but glanced here, sizing up the two men with complicated relationships.

"Niya is tempted." Matthews cast his sword-like eyes on the magnificent battlefield, his handsome but cold face showed no emotion at all, and his whole body was like a sharp knife, revealing hardness and chill.

Tang Yan smiled: "Are you trying to say that you are going to give up?"

"On the day you officially announced your marriage, I have already given up."

"Are you really planning to just guard her? To be honest, it makes me feel awkward when you do this."

"You have your feelings, I have my freedom. It has nothing to do with you."

"Is the deep meaning of your sentence... I will be your light bulb, and let you be depressed in your awkwardness." Tang Yan made a joke, but Matthews was expressionless and did not show the slightest expression , made him really depressed.

Well, count me as a joke.

"It's you who should be congratulated. I heard that the fierce sword merged with you very smoothly." Tang Yan lay on the crenel, feeling the majesty of the battlefield, and observing the formation of the Da Zhou troops.

"My blood is unique. I can independently transform it into a sealed scabbard, use my body as a medium to seal the sword body, and condense it into a natal blood sword, fused into one. The fierce sword you sent is very domineering, but it seems to have an affinity with my blood. They merged very smoothly. The day I fully fuse the Fierce Sword will be the time when I will be promoted to Martial Lord." Matthews' eyes were slightly concentrated, and a real sword glow splashed in his eyes.

"How many sword bodies can your body support?"

"It has nothing to do with the quantity, it has something to do with the body of the sword. Once my family collected 36 sharp swords for me, and I conceived and raised them all in my body, coexisting as equals. But now that the fierce sword has entered my body, the rest of the sword bodies are all shattered, and coexistence cannot be achieved."

"I'm used to eating bread, so I can't look down on steamed buns anymore." Tang Yan smiled silently, turned his gaze to the main camp area, remained silent for a while, and said suddenly, "If I can help you collect all seven fierce swords, how will you repay me?"

Matthews said indifferently: "There is nothing to repay."

Tang Yan waited for a long time: "Uh... behind the uh? Gone?"

"I, Matthews, never accept charity, let alone sell my dignity for the sword. Do you want me to be your bodyguard? Impossible! I can get what I want by myself."

Tang Yan said helplessly: "No matter how we say it, we are sworn brothers in name. You don't have to be hostile to me, right? Besides, aren't you using the fierce sword I gave you now?"

"This murderous sword is your bargaining chip for asking for an alliance. It is your price, not a charity."

"Well, I didn't say it, talking to you will make me angry. You can enjoy it here slowly, and I will go to other cities to see." Tang Yan came out not simply to prevent the wind, but to observe clearly outside the four city gates The deployment of the army, as well as the characteristics of the terrain, serve as a reference for the direction of the breakout five days later.

Matthews shouted suddenly, ignoring the surprised gazes around him: "I will protect Niya for the rest of my life. If you dare to betray her, I would rather die, and use the fierce sword in my body to cut off your head!"

"What evil did I do in my previous life?" Tang Yan didn't bother to pay attention, and left the west gate to the north gate.

From the early morning of that day until the noon of the next day, Tang Yan has been hovering around the four city gates, discussing Da Zhou's attack method with the guards, simulating the way of breaking out in his mind, and taking out the emergency strategy discussed that night Fantasy presentation.

By the way, let's speculate what measures Zhou Lingwang will take to wipe out his side.

This breakout is related to whether he can escape smoothly, and it is also the first time he has formally fought against an imperial prince like Zhou Lingwang and participated in such a huge chess game.

Not only is it related to life and death, but it will also bring a lot of inspiration.

This is a test of life and death, but also a rare opportunity.

As for Niya, Tang Yan didn't take it seriously at all.There are some things he knows very well in his heart, and the proper way to pretend to be confused is to increase the mood and have fun by the way.He could see that the two women were just fighting a little bit, testing each other's strength, and preparing for the protracted battle in the future.

Now is not the time for children to love each other. Of course Niya knows that, besides, Niya doesn't really care about these men and women. Even when she flirted with little Belle and was suspected of having an affair with Natalie, it was very common. .Perhaps Zhaoyi is different from Little Beier, and will make Niya feel threatened and provocative, and treat her differently, but she will also start a confrontation in her own field, and will not do anything to Tang Yan.

On the fourth day, Tang Yan, Odin and others met again to re-discuss the action plan.

That night, Odin attacked alone, joined forces with the royal family and other powerful figures to announce the content of the plan, and jointly launched a secret operation.There must be many eyeliners of Da Zhou in the imperial city. At the current critical moment, it is inevitable that some high-level officials will contact these eyeliners and prepare to join Da Zhou. They can only keep it as secret as possible.

In the early morning of the fifth day, Nalantu approached Tang Yan and gave him a verdict—chocolate can be trusted.

At noon on the fifth day, all deployments were basically completed. Tang Yan approached the venerables of the Dayan Mountains to arrange an action plan.According to the plan, the royal family began to do superficial activities wantonly, because the overall operation is very large, and to use all kinds of troops, superficial activities must be carried out.

At the same time, the main camp of Dazhou, which had received a secret report, also started a long-planned operation.

In the afternoon, the walls of the Imperial City of Delos were filled with guard troops, and all the defensive weapons were replaced with long-range attack equipment. This was a precursor to a counterattack.

A large number of troops were gathered on the main roads inside the four city gates, with the same number and designation, and there was no difference, so that the spies who were spying secretly could not tell which tower Delos would choose as the breakout force.

The 200 million Great Zhou troops outside the city gates began to adjust. A huge army of 20 gathered outside each gate, and the remaining more than 100 million were scattered to the four corners of the imperial city. Reinforcements approached the city gate within time.

Fifty thousand eagle cavalry entrenched in the sky, ready to reinforce the major battlefields at any time.

The major martial kings, Wu Zun, were scattered outside the four city gates according to their level of strength, fully on guard.

A single stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the battlefield in the imperial city, which had been silent for five days, gradually fell into a state of high tension. As night fell, tens of thousands of torches were densely packed with bright flames, and billowing dust filled the vast expanse with the movement of troops. The ground, the rumble of the war drums, exaggerated the solemnity of the war that was about to break out.

As the night fell, the sound of beating drums began to intensify!
The war was about to break out, and the two sides couldn't breathe. The defense of the main camp area of ​​​​Da Zhou was raised to the extreme. King Ling of Zhou came to the battlefield in person, and the personal guards guarded it closely.In the imperial city, whether it is the outer city or the inner city, the doors of every household are locked tightly, men, women, old and young embrace each other tightly, staring blankly at the gate with terrified eyes, waiting for the judgment of fate.

The interior of the palace was already in chaos. With the complete withdrawal of the troops, a sense of despair permeated the magnificent halls. Some of the abandoned concubines and maids hid, some fled, and some committed suicide directly to avoid suffering when the city was broken. The ravages of the brutal soldiers.

Nervousness mixed with sadness, fighting spirit mixed with fear, the entire imperial city became oppressive as the night fell.

Late at night and early in the morning!At the moment when this emotion was squeezed to the limit, the guards gathered in the four gates of Delos suddenly began to mobilize on a large scale. , the 30 troops at the north and south gates frantically surged towards the west gate amidst the anxious shouts of the commander, while the east gate did not move, but the hidden Golden Crow Guard and other troops suddenly appeared!

The overall mobilization indicates that Delos will abandon the north and south gates and place the breakout targets in the east and west.The movement of large-scale troops to the west indicates that all the nobles of Delos will use the west as a "burial ground" to fully contain the Great Zhou Empire, while the east is the main assault field where the Dayan Mountains guard Delos' "Hope" to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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