Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 433

Chapter 433
The Sirius stayed in the sky for a long time, his eyes changing from cloudy to cloudy.

King Zhou Ling couldn't hold back, and rushed to the sky above the cloud curtain together with Pei Quan. The scene in front of them made them frown.

"Sirius? Why do you..."

"Who is it? Who can hurt you like this?"

The two were vigilant about their surroundings, but they no longer felt the slightest threat.

"Seventh Young Master, you have to go back to the branch hall with me, now! Immediately!" The Sirius envoy thought of the Purple Perishing Sword stolen from the cemetery in the deserted city, the Lieyang Sword stolen by Jiuying, and the mysterious man in front of him. The weird old man, he vaguely guessed that the situation in the south of the border was not as simple as he had expected, and they were not the only ones plotting this seemingly barren wasteland in the south of the border.

"What about us? The Sirius envoy doesn't keep the agreement, so don't blame the king for not keeping the agreement!" Zhou Lingwang had a strong aura, and he looked at the Sirius envoy calmly and fearlessly.

"The person before has left and will no longer threaten today's battlefield. The five fierce swords will stay as agreed to assist you in encircling and suppressing the remnants of Delos." Far empty.

Pei Quan looked at the direction Tang Yan was fleeing from, his eyes were full of unwillingness and coldness.

King Ling of Zhou clenched his fists, forced himself to restrain his anger, turned around suddenly, and roared loudly towards the entire battlefield: "Tonight we are destined to be named Nanshiji, sons of the Great Zhou, show your bravery and perseverance, and kill us!" Use the remaining strength of Delos to break through the four city gates.

The first person to enter the imperial city will receive a reward of [-]!Promoted to Captain!The first team to enter the Imperial City will receive a reward of [-]!Captain promoted to Alliance Captain!The first team to enter the imperial city will be rewarded with a reward of [-], and the company captain will be promoted to head of the regiment!The first battle group to enter the imperial city will receive a reward of one million, and the head of the group will be promoted to deputy head of the army!The legion that enters the imperial city first is allowed to have fun outside the imperial palace for three days and three nights! "

An extremely bewitching cry ignited the blood remaining in Dazhou's million-strong army. For them who had been fighting fiercely for four years, entering the city meant the end of the nightmare, and it also meant that they could freely enjoy the treasures of the Millennium Memorial of Delos. What? Beauties, wealth, and treasures are everything!They are the masters, and they can wantonly bully the princes and nobles, enjoy their families and concubines, and rob their precious property.

Zhou Lingwang’s bewitchment sounded like a sound of nature to the Great Zhou army, but it was vicious to the remaining Delos troops. With the roar of sorrow and anger, the Delos troops became even more crazy. The collision and fierce battle between each other made the already chaotic battlefield It continued to intensify, and in the end it could not be described as chaos. Even the militia troops near the city gate fought back. The military masters of Delos deliberately brought the battlefield to the ground, exhausting the number of Da Zhou's troops as much as possible.

But all efforts can only slow down the speed of defeat and cannot change the final outcome.

In Biannan Xinchen Calendar 3992, that is, the fourth year of the Era, on December 12, the capital of Delos fell. Except for a small number of elite troops who escaped successfully, 18% of the garrison troops and the strong men of various ministries were killed in battle.

But the fierceness of the battle was beyond everyone's expectations. Da Zhou's army lost more than [-] troops, and more than [-] were injured.King Ling of Zhou issued an order to massacre the city in anger, and the residents of the imperial city of Delos spontaneously organized a counterattack, causing the situation to completely get out of control.

The troops of the Great Zhou Dynasty were turned into outright thugs, robbing the rich and powerful, raped women and children, burned mansions, and finally led to the most notorious black tragedy in the history of Biannan.The fire burned the Imperial City of Delos for seven days and seven nights. Millions of people were slaughtered and turned into innocent souls.

The tragedy in the imperial city pushed the anger of the people of Delos to the top, and it also became the biggest obstacle for King Zhou Ling's rebellion in the future.

During the tragic battle that night, Tang Yan rushed several thousand meters in one breath, before he could buffer. After confirming that Tang Qiong was indeed collected in the golden lock, he sprinted towards the Dayan Mountains with all his strength, and Zhaoyi and others dispersed. Going to different directions, they also tried their best to increase their speed.

The western battlefield had already achieved a breakthrough when the Sirius Envoy appeared. With the assistance of Su Li and others, Huben and other troops successfully broke through the encirclement of the Great Zhou army, escorting the last hope of the two thousand Delos. The route, deflected to the north, went straight to the Dayan Mountains.Because of the out-of-control of the scalp drum, the interception of the Great Zhou troops became very fragile, but the number of millions of troops was still there, and there were many powerful and ferocious special operations troops among them. Therefore, after Huben and other troops successfully escaped, Delos The garrison voluntarily stayed and continued to entangle with the Great Zhou Empire, but none of these people escaped bad luck in the end.

Three days later, on the northern border of Delos.

Dugu Xin and Matthews were the first to arrive at the scheduled meeting point. Chaos continued inside the mountains, and the endless northern area of ​​Delos was deserted. With the border as the boundary, chaos and desolation were performed.

Matthews' rare embarrassment, and even more unprecedented vigilance, the source of the vigilance is Dugu Xin, the owner of Jiantai Mountain who has been guarding here all the way!
"Are you afraid?" Dugu Xin glanced at him indifferently.

"I have no fear of the word in my life, Matthews."

"Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"You want my sword!" Matthews didn't like to talk, but his shrewdness was not weaker than anyone else's.

Duguxin's bronze sword was damaged in the Battle of the Imperial City, and because he borrowed the Lieyang Sword, he felt the unparalleled power of the fierce sword. As a warrior who has studied the way of swords all his life, no one can resist the temptation of the fierce sword Still a Tier [-] Martial Venerable.

On the way here, Dugu Xin once showed a vague killing intent, but he didn't do it because of some worries. Now that he returned to the agreed place on the border, the other strong men hadn't arrived yet. This was Dugu Xin's move. last time.

With the strength of his Tier [-] Martial Master, it is easy to kill Matthews who is only a Tier [-] Martial King.

"Of course I want your sword, but what I'm more interested in is who gave you this sword. In the battle to win the treasure in the Leiyun Mountains, many people went to the Dayan Mountains, and many came back alive. It is said that At that time, a peerless powerhouse snatched the golden halberd and a fierce sword, if my guess is correct, that sword should be the Lieyang Sword."

Duguxin had thought about killing Matthews and taking away the Lieyang Sword two days ago. Anyway, the situation that night was chaotic, and no one knew who escaped. After killing Matthews, he can pass the blame .

When I understand the true meaning of the Fierce Sword in the future, and step into the level of a semi-saint or even a saint, who will have the guts to come and question him?
But the question from the white-robed half-sage that night also aroused concern in his heart. If Matthews really had a connection with that person, even if he was promoted to a saint, it would be difficult for him to take it out and use it at will.

"No comment!" Matthews continued to be on guard.

"You don't need to be nervous, if I want to kill you, you won't be able to live now."

Matthews was cold and arrogant: "If you dare to kill me, you won't hesitate until now."

Dugu Xin's face was slightly cold: "What an arrogant boy! Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"You really dare not, because you have concerns. You can't kill me, because the fierce sword has merged with my blood. If I explode myself, the fierce sword will definitely be damaged."

Dugu Xin's eyes froze slightly, and he took a deep look: "Let's make a deal?"

"I advise you not to think about the fierce sword again. You can't control it, and you can never get it from me."

"I also advise you not to challenge my Duguxin's patience. I will give you two choices, and you will have three seconds to decide. One is to join my Jiantai Mountain, and I will accept you as an apprentice to participate in the study of the fierce sword; Even a broken sword can help me break my dignity and become a saint!"

Duguxin has never backed down like this one after another, because he is concerned about the secret behind the fierce sword, and he also cherishes Matthews' temperament and talent.But if Matthews is still stubborn, he would rather take the risk and snatch the fierce sword.Anyone who ventured into the Dayan Mountains, who is not a ferocious and adventurous person, Dugu believed that he was able to achieve what he is today, and he grew up with risks all the way.

Matthews was happy and fearless, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, with sharpness all over his body: "It's up to you?"

"Looking for death!" Dugu Xin's face suddenly turned cold, and he raised his hand like lightning, and went straight to Matthews.

"The first form of the Sword Emperor's Art!" Matthews made a real clanging sound from his body, and the dazzling sword energy burst out instantly, like a huge raging flame rising into the sky, turning into a dazzling sword light and directly hitting Duguxin's throat.

He, Matthews, is never afraid of anyone, any challenge, and his temperament is as tough as a sword. No matter what enemy he faces, he will go forward indomitably. This is his way of swordsmanship!

"Lord Dugu Mountain, I can understand that you are preaching and teaching art?" When the crisis broke out, a golden thunderbolt exploded in the air, and Tang Yan stepped out with a half smile, his eyes were as sharp as lightning, and the ancient sword was burning with raging green flames. The breath is completely locked on Dugu Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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