Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 436 Final Positioning

Chapter 436 Final Positioning

The scene exploded like a frying pan, and dense discussions sounded everywhere.

The Dayan Mountains are full of dangers. Even the fourth-level monsters will act in groups, and it is not uncommon for the fifth-level monster king. Certain special geographical environments are more terrifying than monsters, and they can easily kill thousands of people. Everyone knows the degree of crisis inside. If they act alone, it is difficult to guarantee how many people will be able to persevere.

They originally thought that they would go directly to Wagang Village to survive, and settle down first before finding other ways of living, but they didn't expect Tang Yan to refuse them here directly. People were somewhat angry, but Tang Yan gave them the most exciting words at the beginning. With a 'slap', they also made a perfect disguise between the words of rejection, and no one could say anything to refute.

"I don't understand what you are afraid of? Who are you resenting? You have a whole hundred thousand troops, all of whom are elite and brave. Are you still worried about not being able to survive? I have made it very clear from the beginning. You have no capital to continue squandering, no more Indulging in the relaxed foundation, you have to use your blood and sweat to break through again, and use your own efforts to recreate the new life of the family!

I, Tang Yan, am not harsh and cold-blooded, nor do I really refuse you to enter Wagang Village, I just hope that you can act like warriors!I can protect you for a while, but I can't protect you for a lifetime. You are not suitable to live under someone else's fence, nor should you live in someone else's territory.I hope you can let go of your noble status and pride, and start to work independently, use your own strength to grow, use your own hands to create a foundation, and after four or five years, you can pat your chest and say that I am worthy of my efforts. Fathers who died in battle! "

Tang Yan once again attacked with sharp words, using a sharp way to resolve their anger.

He couldn't completely subdue this group of elite soldiers and family "hope", nor did he think about recruiting them, so he could only stimulate their blood, exile them to the Dayan Mountains to wander alone, use words to arouse their subconscious gratitude, and In the future, we will continue to provide help to maintain this kindness.

What Tang Yan wanted was their growth, the rooting and growth of the remnants of Delos in the Dayan Mountains.With special town treasures, powerful martial arts, and the protection of thousands or even tens of thousands of troops, they will be able to form at least five powerful groups in the near future, so that they will not compete with the Shuluan Palace and other gangs. Similar to the original Red Lotus Palace.

Once they grow up with gratitude, it is equivalent to bringing new alliance partners to Wagang Village.Coupled with Wagangzhai's assistance and secret infiltration from beginning to end, Tang Yan is confident that they will become Wagangzhai's most staunch supporters.

This is a long process that requires careful maintenance and operation, but if it succeeds, it will better consolidate Wagangzhai's position in the Dayan Mountains.

The survivors of these families are very talented, and it would be a pity to give up, but they are all aloof people, and the guards of the various ministries have hidden guard against Tang Yan, so they can only retreat and seek this slightly Tactful way to deal with this group of people.

It is also the solution that Tang Yan thinks is the best at this stage.

The whole audience was silent, and the eyes looking directly at Tang Yan were slowly softening. Many young masters and princes who were overly stimulated by the subjugation clenched their fists, arousing a long-lost bloodliness.

Why rely on others?Why don't you make your own way?
What am I afraid of?What am I worrying about?
What Tang Yan said makes sense. Delos has perished, and it is time to give up the dignity and work hard, just like the ancestors of Delos back then.Their battlefield thousands of years ago was in the Biannan Continent, and their own battlefield is the Dayan Mountains!
Tang Yanshan raised his eyes involuntarily, as if meeting Tang Yan for the first time.

"It's the first time I think he's so handsome." Ahn'Qira quietly stuck out her little tongue, showing the first playful smile in the nightmare's four years.

"Don't be a nympho, be careful that my aunt will fight you desperately. They confessed their love to each other in the palace." Annabelle has grown up, with a curvy figure, sexy and sexy, but her well-behaved appearance is still a pure childlike face, bringing a kind of love. A different kind of temptation.

Today is the first time since her sister Natalie was killed in battle, she smiled.

"Hush, look quickly, my aunt is in a daze." Catherine pursed her lips and smiled.

Niya was indeed in a daze, and she was also looking at Tang Yan in mid-air.But she is not being a nympho, but thinking about the meaning implied by Tang Yan's words. Ordinary people can be encouraged, but she has always remained awake, secretly thinking about the final position of Tang Yan's actions, and her eyes flashed slightly. appreciation.

"Let me briefly introduce the power layout of the Dayan Mountain Range to you. The central part is the territory of Langya Cave. Any force with more than a thousand people is not allowed to survive and develop. The southern part is the territory of Jiantai Mountain and Wandu Valley. Formed an alliance to jointly control that area. The east is controlled by the four seasons of the Shuluan Temple. The north is a chaotic land, divided by the four major sects, and coveted by the ancient land of Canglan. The west has the largest overall area and is dominated by the cemetery monkey group. , Wagangzhai, Yuhua Palace, Blood Sect and Tianluo Pavilion are occupied.

Give you a good advice, don't go to the north and south, you can choose to develop in the east and west, or at the junction of various regions, but still the same sentence, Wagangzhai can provide you with any help at any time! "

Tang Yan's successive expressions finally resolved the delicate and tense atmosphere at the scene.

Isaac asked his father in a low voice: "Is it that simple to give up all [-] troops? There are many talented teenagers in it, and some generals and counselors who are good at using troops. They are the most elite forces in Delos. If you are friends Fortunately, if they are hostile to each other in the future, this group of people will be more difficult to deal with than some old Dayan forces."

"Wait! Tang Yan must have a backup." Odin was also guessing Tang Yan's strategy like Niya. Looking at it now, this move seems to be the most reasonable solution, and even he has to say something. Appreciation, I really underestimated Tang Yan's ability to deal with things outside of martial arts.

But based on what he knew about Tang Yan, it seemed that this kid would not be so kind.

"Huh? There's fraud?" Isaac felt confused, and suddenly found that his status in the family had declined.He used to be inferior to his father and sister, ranking third, but in the blink of an eye, he was replaced by his brother-in-law, and dropped directly to fourth!
"I will lead you safely out of Dayan's southern territory. During this period, you seriously consider the direction of future development. If you have any questions or think highly of me, Tang Yan, you can come and ask for advice at any time. I, Tang Yan, will definitely not be able to help. I am vague. If you really don’t know, I hope you can forgive me. Of course, if anyone among you is willing to join Wagang Village, I, Tang Yan, also welcome it with both hands."

Odin's eyes lit up: "I know this kid is not a good stubble!"

Niya was a little helpless, but also a little funny.After waiting for a long time, the fox's tail finally came out.

"What?" Isaac still didn't understand.

"Listen to his last four sentences! The seemingly insignificant four sentences are the focus of today." The corner of Odin's mouth curled up strangely, and after a long time of laying the groundwork, the last point was only the last sentence.Tang Yan's goal was to attack those fleeing troops who did not belong to the major families and royal families. There were forty to fifty thousand people in this group.

They were not considered deserters, they were all forcibly killed from different areas of the battlefield, they were brave and good at fighting, but also shrewd and rational.Being able to choose to flee in such a tragic environment instead of blindly "burning jade and stone together" shows that quite a few of them are not completely loyal to Delos, or some of them used to be pure warriors, mercenary forces, and later joined the army due to the national war. Now that the demise of Delos is a foregone conclusion, they organize to flee.

This group of people is strong, hard-working, arrogant, and their identities are mixed with soldiers and mercenaries. After four years of arduous battles, they are all full of bravery and blood. They must be the fresh blood that Wagang Village needs most. , compared to the exile team inside the Dayan Mountains, this group of people is more suitable!

Many people in the huge team deliberately aimed at Tang Yan's eyes, and these are some people with good intentions!
Tang Yan did not overemphasize the intention of recruiting people, and made some adjustments at the border, and officially left Delos and entered the Dayan Mountains in the early morning of the next day.It is only arranged for Tang Qing to lead a hundred tiger and ben cavalry to stay and wait for Tang Hao, who takes care of the Tang family, and wait for chocolate!
Entering the dense forests of the Dayan Mountains for the first time, the "hopes" of Delos felt a little curious and more motivated. After being bewitched by Tang Yan's passion, they have begun to regard this place as their new battlefield, secretly planning Going to do something.

After five days of arrogance and tranquility, at noon on the sixth day, the elders of the Gaobo family took the initiative to put down their stance, asked Tang Yan about the situation in the Dayan Mountains, and confirmed a cooperative relationship.The other families and even the royal family were no longer reserved, and came to inquire one after another. Tang Yan showed rare enthusiasm and patience, and even communicated with them. During this period, he subtly stimulated these passionate teenagers and inspired their determination to venture out bravely.

Of course, there are also many warrior groups secretly contacting Tang Yan, hoping to join Wagang Village. Tang Yan also took the initiative to talk to several generals with special identities after being guided by Odin, hoping to join them.

A potential crisis was deftly resolved by Tang Yan, and the measures adopted were also approved by Niya and Odin. Although they wanted Delos, the bottom line was that Tang Yan would take extreme measures to persecute.Now that it has been successfully resolved, they are happy to call themselves members of Wagangzhai, and are trying their best to help Tang Yan win over more powerful people. For example, Matthews' Rubin Kimi family will never let it go. Several people who are good at management and The veterans in planning will not let go, and several generals who are good at leading or training troops must also be won.

After half a month of this long march-like journey, one hundred thousand troops approached the southwestern junction zone in a slow trek. The royal family and other various forces left one after another and went to the area they selected for development. There are enough people who are willing to stay Thirty-seven thousand people.

This is Tang Yan's greatest achievement in this Delos rescue mission, and it is also the foundation for Tang Yan to personally subdue the powerful troops and the rapid expansion of Wagang Village, and some of them will become the backbone of the future tiger and iron cavalry!
(End of this chapter)

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