Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 448 Crazy

Chapter 448 Crazy
"You... ah..."

"Bastard... wow..."

"My young master... poof..."


"Where are you going to catch... ah..."


All of a sudden, the dull crashing sound accompanied by screams and screams went from the sky to the forest, from the deep pit to the top of the mountain, and then from the ground to the high altitude, with crackling and whipping sounds one after another.

This fat abuse!
The sky was dark and the sky was dark, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling!
"You stole my things, and you dare to come here to be arrogant. I will teach you a lesson, so that you know what politeness is." Tang Yan didn't give him a chance to fight back. He was beaten up, and his clothes were torn off by the way.

In a blink of an eye, only a pair of boxer shorts are left!
Tang Yan stopped abusing him, his eyes swept up and down his naked body, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, revealing a trace of teasing: "So you are a man? Make me excited for nothing!"

The seductive man was filled with grief and indignation: " are so fucking bullying! Barbaric! Shameless! I didn't bring you here like this! How could you tear my clothes off!!"

The aloofness was gone, even swearing, the handsome appearance was horrible, the nose was swollen, the mouth and nose were bleeding, the cheeks were red and swollen, the white body was covered with clear scratches, and even the only pair of shorts left was a mess.

It looked like it had been ravaged.

He was so sad and angry, so ashamed and angry that he wanted to go crazy and kill himself!
The majestic descendant of Hanyue Academy's genius, the pinnacle Martial King respected by everyone, has never been humiliated like this, and has his clothes torn like this by a man.

He has always been the one who bullies and despises others, and even some mentors have to be respectful in front of him, but thinking back to the brief collision just now, it was a nightmare!nightmare!Simply unimaginable!
He no longer cares about his elegant demeanor, his image and temperament, and has no time to perform martial arts, so he keeps tearing his clothes with his face shield.Where are two warriors fighting, this is simply a young woman preventing the ravages of hungry and thirsty wolves.

It was a horrible moment, the darkest moment of my life!
"Speak up! You're so yin and yang, you've drank too much soy milk powder!" Tang Yan couldn't stand the man's soft voice. Drinking too much typical soy milk powder caused excessive secretion of magnetic hormones.

"You'll regret it! I'll make you pay the price!" The man gritted his teeth, his face was full of grief and anger, his eyes were spitting fire, and he wanted to eat Tang Yan alive.

"Come again?" Tang Yan raised his foot and was about to rush over.

"Ah!" The man hugged his head reflexively, and when he saw Tang Yan's evil smile through the gap, he blushed and glared angrily: "How dare you humiliate me?"

"Stop doing this with me, who are you scaring! I'll give you a chance, what's your name? It's best to answer obediently, or I'll throw you in there." Tang Yan pointed to the silver bowl above his head that continued to riot.


"What the hell? Clamping... er... tight?"

"Are you humiliating me again?" Jia Jin was filled with grief and indignation, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness. This guy is too brutal, too violent, and he is made of iron and steel. He can't be beaten or scolded. He would scold him, why did he get involved in such a thing?

"If you know it, ask! Where did you come from?"

Jia Jin didn't feel right when he heard the words: "Canglan Ancient Land Hanyue Academy!"

"Canglan Ancient Land? Why don't you stay in the academy and go to the barren mountains? Looking for excitement? Begging for torture? Begging for tightness?"

"Damn it!" Jia Jin couldn't bear the humiliation of this guy, and was about to shake off his image and yell at him, when the silver frost pattern bowl suddenly became brighter, and the silver waves surged, and the fourteen Buddhist beads launched a counterattack on their own, escaping jet black breath, expanding in the silver waves.

The silver waves roared, roaring like ten thousand bells playing in unison, with a huge and terrifying momentum, continuing to suppress.

But the ink-colored breath was silent, like silk fluttering, permeating quickly, as if trying to erode the silver liquid in the patterned bowl.

Like ink poured into a river!
This is pollution!It's erosion!

Click!A crisp cracking sound echoed in the sky, it was a crack!Cracks appeared on the surface of the bowl with silver frost patterns, and they spread rapidly and then forked!
"Your bowl is about to break." Tang Yan reminded kindly.

"Shut up, I'm not blind!" Jakin roared.

"The water inside is dirty." Tang Yan continued to remind.

"I know!!" Jia Jin felt a little panic in his heart. The silver frost pattern bowl is the treasure of the academy. If he destroys it because of himself, I don't know how harsh the punishment will be!

"The cracks are getting bigger and bigger."

"Can you shut up!"

"The situation is not good. Your bowl looks like it's going to break."

"You!! Shut up!!" Jia Jin wanted to slap him twice in the face.

"This bowl looks very valuable, you have to find a way, otherwise it would be a pity if it broke."

"..." Jia Jin forced himself to ignore this guy, frowning and staring at the silver frost-patterned bowl that swelled like a mountain. Moaning in pain.

Of course he wants to take measures, but the situation has evolved to this situation, and it seems to be out of control, unless the old monsters from the academy come here in person!
"One crack, two cracks, three cracks..." Tang Yan counted the number of cracks as if no one was watching, and clicked his lips from time to time.

"Can I ask you to shut up?" Jakin gritted his teeth in hatred.

"I remind you kindly, this bowl is really about to break, it can't suppress the Buddha beads."

"You know what a fart! That is the treasure of our academy, and even a second-rank Martial Master should not break it easily." Jia Jin's swear words today have caught up with the number of 25 years ago.

"Can only resist the second level? Then there is no suspense, your bowl is about to break."

"Can you die if you don't speak!" Jakin growled.

"Those beads are semi-holy instruments."

"Fart!" Jia Jin roared angrily, his expression changed immediately, and he stared straight at Tang Yan: "What did you just say?"

"The semi-holy magic weapon is very powerful, really powerful."

"Are you serious?" Jia Jin's voice trembled.

"Really, truer than diamonds."

Ka Ka Ka!The number of cracks in the bowl with silver frost patterns suddenly increased, densely spreading to various parts, and the torrential waves inside gushed out from the cracks, like a waterfall pouring down from the sky, with a turbulent impact.

The silver wave has a powerful force. After hitting the ground, it did not splash up. It was like tin water and mercury. It was extremely heavy and caused fierce tremors. It disappeared without a trace as if being melted, and many other monsters were affected, and they died and melted without even screaming.

At this time, the silver frost pattern bowl could no longer hold on, and began to tremble violently, and the waves inside it rushed towards the sky, trying to bounce the Buddha beads out.But the Buddhist beads launched a counterattack instead. The fourteen beads were like fourteen craters, and at the same time, terrifying energy fluctuations erupted.

"No!!" Jia Jin hissed and roared sadly!
boom! !When the black aura completely filled the space of the patterned bowl, the treasured patterned bowl, which had been stalemate for half a moment, finally collapsed, and a wave of mixed black aura rolled down from the sky, looking from a distance like a polluted full moon exploding , It seems that the gate of the reservoir is opened, and the billowing waves rush out one after another.

Tang Yan's face changed slightly, and he grabbed Jia Jin and fled towards the distance.

But the waves were so violent that the two of them couldn't dodge completely. They were blasted to the back by a wave, and fell towards the distant dense forest.

The Buddha beads are the treasures of the Three Precepts. After continuous tempering, they already have a little spiritual wisdom, but Dukong's suppression of it is quite domineering. Jinjin just escaped and has not yet recovered. The previous counterattack was purely refined by infringement The self-response at the moment, the crisis is lifted at this moment, and it quickly returns to its original appearance.

The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon shot from the sky and happened to see the falling Buddhist beads.It likes bright things the most, not to mention something that can create such a majesty, it must not be an ordinary thing, so it turned sharply, grabbed the Buddha bead with one paw, and continued to escape into the sky.

"Hey hey!" The little golden monkey hissed from behind, chasing it with all its strength.Although it is a demon venerable, the speed of the Silver Emperor Falcon is too terrifying, and it is smooth and smooth. Whenever it is about to stop it, it can always dodge in an instant.The little golden monkey refused to accept it and chased after him, and also howled and vowed to roast it.

Tang Yan was rushed a long distance, hit four or five big trees one after another, and finally lay down in the bushes. Although he hugged Jia Jin tightly when the collision and kept making him a pad, the silver frost pattern bowl burst His power was so powerful that it made him dizzy.

Jia Jin was even more embarrassed. Being pressed under Tang Yan, his consciousness was blurred and drowsy. It took him a long time to come to his senses. He stared fixedly at Tang Yan who was pressed on his body in an ambiguous posture, feeling the impenetrable white body. Thinking about the explosion of the silver frost pattern bowl, many emotions such as humiliation and grief came to my heart at the same time.In an instant, a mournful howl rang out in the dense forest, scaring away the monsters around and the birds in the forest, but also attracted the disciples of Yan Kingdom who were rushing in at full speed.

Whoosh whoosh!There was a subtle cracking sound.

bang bang bang!Dull footsteps came!

More than a dozen young men and women gathered at full speed, originally vigilant and nervous, but the scene in front of them instantly froze the atmosphere, and many people's mouths turned into an exaggerated 'O' shape on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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