Chapter 48
The Treasure Pavilion of the Tang family is next to Tang Yanshan's closed-door retreat. It looks relatively simple, with only upper, middle and lower floors, but there are a lot of treasures on display inside, not only martial arts, weapons, but also some precious training materials.

The first floor has the largest area, comparable to the football in the previous life. It displays the most common mortal martial arts, weapons and armor with certain special effects. At the same time, this floor is also one of the Tang family's fund storage places.

The second floor displays the best of ordinary martial arts, among which there are many unique and interesting martial arts. There are also some armors and weapons, the level and style of which far exceed the first floor.

As for the third floor, it is where the Tang family's spiritual-level martial arts are stored, as well as the Tang family's most precious treasures over the years.Because of its importance, no one is allowed to enter at will, even Tang Mingjing needs Tang Yanshan's permission.

Among the younger generation of the Tang family, Tang Qian is the most powerful and talented. At the age of 17, he reached the third-level martial arts. Tang Ying just broke through to martial arts. The others basically stay at the martial artist stage. Some of them are not talented. Some were because they were too young. All in all, the younger generation of the Tang family was not as outstanding as their parents, only Tang Qian and Tang Ying came out.

Because of Tang Jun's company, the priests guarding the Treasure Pavilion did not make things difficult for Tang Yan except for casting strange glances. They gave them the key and ignored it.

"The first floor has 25 mortal-level martial arts, the second floor has ten high-level mortal-level martial arts, and the third floor has four spirit-level martial arts. If you want to go directly to the third floor, it's still on the first floor and the second floor Go around?" Tang Jun looked at Tang Yan more and more strangely, the old man actually allowed Tang Yan to enter the highest level of the Treasure Pavilion?And still pick at random?At first, I thought I heard it wrong, this is an honor that even the young master does not have!
There must be something secret about Tang Yan!Otherwise, the old man wouldn't be so pampered, almost to the point of absurdity!

"Let's go directly to the third floor." Tang Yan just looked at it casually and lost interest, and went straight to the third floor.

The furnishings inside are obviously much more detailed. More than a dozen stone platforms stand among them, and each stone platform is protected by a crystal cover, exuding a vivid luster. Just entering, there is a dazzling and gorgeous feeling.

Tang Yan looked at one of the crystal covers that shone with purple brilliance, and said, "What kind of martial art is this?"

"Lightning from the sky, bought with 20 gold coins in the auction field, is a relatively domineering martial skill. It can guide the sky thunder and lightning for your own use, you can directly attack the target, or it can become a part of your own body. After the martial skill is perfect, you can guide the sky. Thunderbolt came to assist him in his cultivation.

"what about this"

"Yanlin Jue! This spirit-level martial skill was brought back by Tang Hao. It is said that it was discovered in a cave when he was on a mercenary mission. After appraisal, it is relatively good among the spirit-level martial arts. The control of spiritual power can turn underground rocks into sharp weapons, which can be used for sneak attack or melee combat. Yanlin Jue has a very unique characteristic. It can be continuously extended according to the intention of the warrior, and it can be twisted and turned around to attack wantonly."

"Oh? That's not bad."

"May I ask, is the young master planning to give it to Du Yang?"

"Is there a problem?"

"I've heard about the incident in Shenquan Town. Du Yang's spiritual veins have changed, and he has petrification attributes, which is enough to show that he is a piece of rough jade. After careful polishing, he may achieve something. But I think this person has a cold temperament, stubborn and surly, Don't be close friends." Tang Jun and Du Yang had been together for a month, and they knew each other roughly.

"The more such a person is, the more worthy of deep friendship." Tang Yan smiled silently, without explaining, and walked to the front of the crystal cover, inside which was placed a black big knife without a blade, just a The outline of the knife is ugly and rough, full of cracks, but it is simple and vigorous. Even through the crystal cover, you can feel its thickness and vicissitudes.

Tang Jun took the initiative to introduce: "It is called a sharpened iron heavy knife. It has not been refined or forged. It has a purely natural shape. It is said that it is the only weapon in the Northern Wilderness that can withstand the eight-fold overlapping of the Tang family's flames. The cherished weapon has accompanied Wu Zun from the stage of King Wu to Wu Zun. Although it looks ugly, it has experienced countless battles, and the number of strong men who died in front of it is also countless. It can be regarded as witnessing the rise of the old man."

"Eight-fold superposition of Wuzun class??" Tang Yan's eyes flashed with shock. After careful inspection, he found that the front part was not regular: "It was originally like this, or is it broken?"

"It was originally 1.5 meters long, but now only half of it is left. When the old man tried to superimpose the power of nine times the flames, it collapsed from the middle. The first half completely melted, and the remaining half is no longer as tough as before. It is a remnant soldier. "

"You just said that this knife is formed naturally? What is the origin?"

"The old man got it by accident in a secret place in the psychedelic forest. It belongs to some unknown black iron metal."

"Can it still be used now?"

"Although the damage is serious, according to the calculation of the old man, it can still resist the three times superimposed power of the Wu Zun level powerhouse." Tang Jun can be said to know everything.

Tang Yan secretly calculated that the three times of Wu Zun level can be superimposed, and the Wu King level can be superimposed six times?seven times?Wouldn't it be possible to squander at the Wuzong level: "I want it."

Tang Jun showed a slight smile: "The sharpened iron heavy knife weighs 99 catties, and it is not suitable for you to use, young master. When you reach the peak of Wu Zong, you may try to use it, but the premise is that you can improve your strength. Actually The old man doesn't want it to lie here forever, the previous plan was to give it to the young master, now you have hope to see the young master, whoever reaches that realm first will be the first to have it."

Tang Yan looked at the sharpened iron heavy knife quietly, but his appearance was ugly, but the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, the simple atmosphere and full of wild feeling deeply attracted it.


Tang Yan came back to his senses, and finally looked at the sharpened iron heavy knife, and said, "Give me the Yanlin Jue."

"Are you sure? Yanlin Jue is a spiritual level martial skill, very precious, even the old man once said it is extraordinary, if you give it to Du Yang, beware of the trouble of raising a tiger!"

"I know what's in my heart, so don't worry. Uncle Tang Jun, have you heard of any place that has more powerful martial arts for body training? The worst is the peak of the spiritual level, and the best is the best at the earth level." Tang Yan wanted to make himself bewitched. The spirit veins play a role, that is, to devour the blood essence and soul of the monster. In order to avoid problems during the devouring process, the body must be exercised first.

"Colossal Elephant Academy, Golden Elephant Art!"

"Is it at the prefectural level?" Tang Yan's spirit lifted.

"It's an intermediate-level prefecture-level martial skill. It is the treasure of the giant elephant academy and the only local-level martial skill in the giant elephant city. It is currently held by the director of the academy, and those who are eligible to practice it are all important figures of the academy. And the closed disciples selected by him." This is something that everyone in Giant Elephant City knows, but Tang Jun did not laugh at Tang Yan, and introduced it in detail.

Tang Yan's eyes flickered slightly: "Got it."

Tang Jun was smart and smart, and he saw through Tang Yan's intentions at a glance: "Second young master, if you want to take extreme measures to obtain the Golden Elephant Art, I advise you to give up. Dean Dong of the Colossal Elephant Academy is a strong martial artist. The Golden Elephant Jue has the strongest defensive power in the outer domain of the empire, and is also a fighting madman. Even the master dare not provoke him easily. If you annoy him, the consequences will be very serious."

"Don't worry, I'm not arrogant enough to snatch things from the academy." Tang Yan put away the Yanlin Jue and left the room.

Tang Jun reminded again: "Master, it's best to stay in the family in the near future, let alone go to brothels and restaurants, and keep a low profile."

In the backyard, Tang Yan came to Du Yang's wing, and casually threw the Yanlin Jue to Du Yang who was lying on the bed bored. "Hey, the spirit-level martial skill is for you."

Du Yang caught the wooden sign, got up from the bed, felt it a little, and his eyes flashed brightly: "Yan Lin Jue! Spirit-level martial arts! Are you sure you will give it to me?"

"There are five spirit source fluids here, all of which come from the third-level peak monsters. They should be able to help you a lot, but don't abuse them. It's best to use them at the critical moment of breakthrough." Tang Yan has twelve spirit fluids. The source liquid is the fine product produced in the process of hunting.

Du Yang put it away without any hesitation, and looked at Tang Yan with a half-smile, "Are you planning to subdue me?"

"What do you say?"

"As I said, I will not be attached to any family."

"I'll give you the spirit source liquid and spirit-level martial arts, and you help me keep the secret. Is this deal worthwhile?"

"Of course, it's a good deal!" Du Yang waved the wooden sign, the smile on his face deepened, and his heart agitated even more.Spirit-level martial arts!For common people, this matter is an unimaginable luxury!Unexpectedly, Tang Yan gave it to himself so readily!

"Also, because of the matter of King Zhou Ling, we may stay together for a long time, so when we encounter trouble, we have to deal with it. Don't stab me in the back."

Du Yang snapped his fingers: "No problem, deal!"



"Zixianglou, drink flower wine!"

Du Yang jumped up and quickly followed, "I don't have any money."

"I have to be the boss."

"Can your family allow you to go out?"

"of course."

"You just came back, don't you keep a low profile?"

"We went out secretly, not low-key"

(End of this chapter)

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