Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 480: The meeting of the four murderers, the first gathering of fate

Chapter 480 The first meeting of the four murderers, the first gathering of fate (1)

"Sen Luo Jing, Void Spirit Stone, Vientiane Wood, Five-Color Rattan? What are you using these things for?" Walking on the noisy street, Aunt Mei looked at Tang Yan strangely, but when she asked these words, she had a premonition I made mistakes.

Sure enough, Tang Yan winked and raised his eyebrows: "Men always need some tonics. I have a folk recipe, I can use these things to make animal bone soup, which is a great tonic."

"Pretend I didn't ask." Aunt Mei rolled her eyes angrily, and said, "The Black Rock Ridge is a famous black market trading place in Canglan Ancient Land, and countless rare objects are traded here every year. The four things you mentioned Such items may be very precious, I only hear them mentioned occasionally, at least as far as I know, Blackstone Ridge has never appeared before.”

"Is this thing so precious?"

"Very precious, very rare, mainly because these four types of treasures do not attract attention. In other words, for very few people, these things may have a fatal temptation, but for the vast majority of people, These four types of treasures are useless. They can neither be used for cultivation, nor can they be used for refining medicine, nor can they be used for making treasures. In short... Let's take a look, I know a few good places, you can try your luck."

Aunt Mei has been in Black Rock Ridge for many years, and is responsible for collecting information on Dihuang. She has some knowledge of the shops, and knows where the items are more comprehensive, and where the treasures sold in the shops are more cherished.

However, space-traveling ancient formations are more cherished and mysterious than space-type warriors. They are often only available in certain super ancient families and holy places in the Central Plains, and they are basically fixed altar-like transmissions. Ancient formations like Nalantus that move freely , I'm afraid even many space fighters have never heard of it, and it's really thanks to Nalantu for being able to study it successfully.

From Nancheng District to Beicheng District, and then from Beicheng District to XC District, under the leadership of Aunt Mei, they visited almost all the shops, but to their disappointment, they didn't get anything, not even a shadow.

"In such a big ancient city, you can't even find one? Think carefully, where might there be such items, I'd rather go shopping for a few days, and don't miss it." Tang Yan attached great importance to this achievement of Nalantu , in the current situation, he urgently needs the support of Dayan, and if he really encounters any serious danger, he can also rush into the 'Cuoyan Konghen' formation on the way to escape.

"Yes!! There is a Jubao Hall in the DC area. It is very hidden, but the goods inside are very comprehensive. It is a shop attached to the Jubao Auction House. There may be something you want in it."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"What are you in a hurry for? I haven't finished yet! Jubao Hall has the same style as Jubao Auction House. It takes a high-end route and is only responsible for wealthy customers and big names.

Simply entering the Jubao store, one must go through their identity verification and confirm that they can reach the VIP level before they are eligible to enter.The level of identity is different, and the level of things shown to you will also be different. "

Auntie Mei actually thought of it on the way, but Jubaozong and Dihuang behind Jubao Auction House are both from the top auction houses in the Central Plains. There are many battles in the major territories of the Central Plains, and tit for tat is inevitable here in the Black Rock Ridge.

If the people of Jubaozong knew that the eldest son Dihuang went to buy things from them, they would definitely treat him respectfully on the surface, but in secret, it would inevitably be ridiculed and gossip.

The reason why she didn't bring it up was because she was afraid of causing dissatisfaction with the eldest son.

Xuanyuan Longli looked distressed: "In fact, I broke away from Dihuang 20 years ago and traveled the mainland alone. This time I came to Black Rock Ridge, and I didn't have any contact with my family, so..."

"Understood! I won't embarrass you!" Tang Yan didn't insist, but frowned, "Is there no other way?"

"Unless you can directly throw a hundred thousand gold coins and get a Zijin card! But one hundred thousand gold coins is a huge amount, even our Dihuang branch can hardly take it out at will."

Three quarters of an hour later!

"Boss, get a Zijin Card!" Tang Yan waved his hand, and one hundred thousand gold coins were piled up on the floor in front of the resplendent palace gate. The guards who were about to stop the gate were stunned, and even Zhao Zimo and the others opened their mouths in surprise. .

Aunt Mei was immediately annoyed: "You are so rich, and you still eat free food when you go to brothels?"

"Brother? Going to brothels? Bring it!" Chocolate spread his hands.


"Hush money! Ye Wagang village has a family and a family."

"You..." Tang Yan suddenly felt that this pig was quite shrewd, no, he was shrewd when it came to gold coins.

"Ten thousand! Gold coins! Seal it!" Chocolate's eyes lit up.

Zhao Zimo suddenly coughed dryly, turned his eyes to the side, and said with a little embarrassment: "My body...has always...ahem...just a few silver you want to seal my mouth too."

Tang Yan looked at him sadly and angrily: "Zimo, you've turned bad!"

Aunt Mei's eyes lit up, and she finally seized the opportunity to punish Tang Yan: "There's me, ten thousand!!"

"I'll give you one billion. If you come to my room at night, I'll give it to you in private. This billion is even more precious."

"You...shameless!!" Aunt Mei blushed immediately.

Chocolate's ears perked up: "Brother? This is a secret signal, I heard it! You are asking her to go to bed! She is still talking! Another ten thousand!"

"Fuck off! Believe it or not, I'm stewing pork noodles tonight!"

Xuanyuan Longli was wiping cold sweat from behind listening, feeling helpless in embarrassment, what kind of goods are these, did I find the wrong person?
"Young master, are you sure you want to apply for a Zijin card?" The person in charge of Jubao Hall hurried over, looked at the gold coins piled up all over the floor, and quickly showed a respectful expression. After carefully checking the breath of Tang Yan and others, his face His expression became more respectful.

Except for this woman with a mature temperament, the rest of them are either Wu Wang or Wu Zun, and they must have a lot of background.

Jubao Hall is located in a relatively remote place in the DC area. It looks quite ordinary from the outside, just a simple nine-story building, but the interior decoration is gorgeous and magnificent, with glazed lamps, shiny soapstone floors, and spacious halls everywhere. There are small exhibition halls one after another, which display rare treasures, and the whole environment is like being in a wealthy palace, without falling into its reputation of gathering treasures.

Now there are several gorgeously dressed rich and noble ladies in Jubao Hall, all of whom are guarded by old men or generals exuding domineering aura, and they are served and introduced by special beautiful and beautiful shop assistants, providing one-on-one service.

These people all looked at Tang Yan and his party in front of the door with weird eyes. Except for Xuanyuan Longli and Aunt Mei who were dressed in decent and luxurious clothes, the others were simply conspicuous.Tang Yan was only wearing ordinary black clothes, Zhao Zimo wore coarse linen clothes, and Chocolate's clothes were loose and loose, like a long robe and mandarin jacket.

In addition, Tang Yan and Zhao Zimo were both disguised by Aunt Mei, and turned black and ugly, which was incompatible with this magnificent scene, and they were a bit dazzling.

"You count and see if it's enough for [-] coins. If it's not enough, I'll make it up for you."

"Enough is enough." The person in charge hurriedly arranged for someone to sort out the gold coins, and took out an exquisite purple-gold jewelry card and handed it to Tang Yan: "This is your card, you only need to use it every time..."

"You don't need to explain so much to me, I just want to buy something, and I'll leave when I'm done."

"You said, unless you want holy beast cubs, you can basically do everything else." The person in charge read a little joke.

"Sen Luo Mirror, Void Spirit Stone, Vientiane Wood, Five-Color Rattan, these four types of things, I want as much as you have, no matter what the price is, as long as you can get it, I can afford gold coins."

There are quite a lot of gold coins in Tang Yan's golden lock. Odin arranged for someone to put them in when he got the golden lock. Tang Yan didn't count them in detail, but there must be at least a million gold coins.

Over the years, they have been wandering in the Dayan Mountains, where gold coins are not needed, so they have been piled up inside.

The person in charge thought about it carefully, and then recruited a pure and pleasant female clerk to inquire. The clerk went back to check again, and then came over and said: "It seems that there are some in the warehouse. They were brought in many years ago. No one has used them, so they have been transferred to the warehouse. There are about ten Senluo Mirrors, Void Spirit Stones, and Vientiane Wood, but five-color vines... Sorry, we don’t have any here.”

Tang Yan asked Chocolate with his eyes, and Chocolate stretched out four fingers, which means that each formation needs four of each kind, which means that these numbers can only be maintained two or three times.

"Is there only so much?"

"These things are rarely used by people, and they are very precious. Even in the Central Plains, these things are rare. The Vientiane Wood is okay, but the Void Spirit Stone and the Senluo Mirror rarely appear in the world, unless it is someone It is only possible to have some special ancient forces."

"I'll give you a few months, can you get me some more?"

"This... If you can afford the starting price, I can try it for you, but the possibility is not high."

"What about the five-color vine?"

"Five-color" The person in charge thought hard, and said: "Five-color vine contains five different types of spiritual power, and has a magical fusion effect. , This is definitely a priceless treasure. But like the Void Spirit Stone, this kind of treasure is rarely circulated in the open, and basically survives in some very special environments, and is guarded by powerful monsters."

"Boss." The sweet-looking female shop assistant suddenly leaned over to the boss's ear and whispered a few times.

"Oh? That's right!! I remember." The person in charge suddenly came to his senses and said, "If this young master has time, he can attend the Treasure Appreciation Conference in 20 days. A customer entrusted us to auction five-color vines. There are seven vines in total. , are all mature plants, with a starting price of [-] per plant. If you buy all of them, it will reach [-] gold coins after the auction."

"Hiss! Two hundred thousand!!" Aunt Mei gasped, how precious is the five-color vine?Such a sky-high price!
The person in charge smiled all over his face: "My lord, Sen Luo Jing, Vientiane Wood and Void Spirit Stone are also expensive, totaling 29 gold coins."

29? !Tang Yan's flesh hurts for a while, this large space array is really a money-burning thing, and those top-quality crystals are simply a transmission void paved with gold coins.

(End of this chapter)

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