Chapter 5
That's right, that's it!Tang Yan showed ecstasy, quickly gathered his mind, and worked hard to refine this drop of energy source liquid, but a burst of hurried and chaotic footsteps broke the calm.

"Tang Yan, come to me quickly!" Yuan He led the two white-eyed jackals to run wildly in the cluttered jungle. The hideous wound looks very miserable.

Why is this guy here?Tang Yan frowned slightly. The memory from the second son of Tang made him wary. This Yuan He was cruel and merciless. He had joined Yang Ruyan's family a long time ago. Now he suddenly appeared here, probably with malicious intentions.

But at this moment, one of the two wolves besieging Yuan He unexpectedly jumped towards Tang Yan.

"Tang Yan, be careful! Come here quickly!" Yuan He shouted anxiously.

Tang Yan was indifferent, staring at the white-eyed jackal that was rushing towards him, and wanted to fight again, but the green fire just now almost sucked him dry, and the absorbed energy droplets have not been completely refined, and the current situation cannot cope with this ferocious wolf. white-eyed jackal.

"What are you doing, do you want to be eaten by jackals? Come here quickly, I will protect you!" Yuan He roared again, looking very anxious.

Believe it or not!Tang Yan snorted coldly, turned his head and ran towards the forest.

"Looking for death!" Before he could take a few steps, a sudden change occurred. Yuan He's anxious expression suddenly turned ferocious.

Tang Yan's complexion suddenly changed, and he tried to dodge, but the ice blade was as fast as lightning, and slashed fiercely on the back. The strong impact blasted him out on the spot, and smashed it heavily on the tree trunk, his back was bloody and bloody, showing a horrible look The undigested bones in the body quickly gathered here, quietly moistening the wound, but the wound was too serious, the healing speed was very slow, and the blood couldn't stop flowing.

"Eh? You didn't die?" Yuan He was greatly surprised. While coping with the attack of the white-eyed jackal, he observed Tang Yan intently: "You have spiritual power in your body? You have broken through to become a martial artist?"

Tang Yan is a well-known "semi-finished product" in the Giant Elephant City, and even a timid and fearful young master. He can barely be regarded as a warrior, and he can't gather spiritual power at all. But now the wound is obviously recovering slowly, which shows that he does have spiritual power in his body .

Martial arts?How can it be!

"Dog, you want to kill me!" Tang Yan coughed up blood violently, his back was in unbearable pain, and his face turned completely gloomy. Although he had some hatred for Yang Ruyan and others because of what happened to Mr. Tang Er, it was not real after all. On himself, he never thought that the other party would kill him so persistently.

But now, this guy is obviously going to put himself to death.

If he hadn't been careful, the weapon might have stabbed his own throat, and he would definitely die at that time.

Tang Yan has never regarded himself as a good person. In the original world, he often competed with those vicious tomb robbers, and even dealt with several tomb robbers with his own hands, and buried them in the ancient tomb forever.

In the original world, people could kill with their own hands, so why not in this world where the strong are respected?

Boom!Boom!Perhaps because of the concentration of murderous thoughts, there was a violent muffled drum sound in my mind again, and the spiritual power in my body was once again in chaos. The "spiritual source liquid" that had not been fully refined dissipated quickly in this strange chaos, and most of it was absorbed into the body. The wrists of both hands partially repair the injury, and partially moisturize the meridians in the body.

Evil thoughts of killing grew in his heart and condensed in his eyes. Tang Yan stared at Yuan He, and slowly stood up.

As if sensing a dangerous aura, the white-eyed jackal that was stimulated by the blood and pounced slowly stopped, its red eyes rolling around, as if hesitating.

"Master Tang Er has become a martial artist. Is this your honor, or is it a shame for us Qitian warriors?" Yuan He spoke viciously, and his whole body exploded with icy energy, condensing into two ice blades, Strongly killed the entangled white-eyed jackal, and deterred the one that coveted Tang Yan.

Tang Yan still stared at Yuan He. After the spiritual liquid was completely refined, and the wounds on his body were almost nourished by the spiritual power, his eyes flickered fiercely, and he shot out fiercely. He tossed and clasped the branch above his head with a snap, and flung himself into the air.

Take the initiative!

Huh?This guy is flexible?Yuan He was slightly surprised, but the corners of his mouth were in a sinister grin, and the icy air condensed into the outline of ice blades in his hands, ready to attack at any time.

Tang Yan shot left and right among the branches, and after a while, suddenly stopped on top of Yuan He's head.

It's now!Yuan He's spirit trembled slightly, and the long-prepared ice blade exploded in the air, smashing a large number of branches in an instant, and went straight to Tang Yan among them. The ferocious momentum seemed to be a real weapon.

Tang Yan's face sank like water, and when he caught Yuan He's shot, he slammed to the side, narrowly dodging the ice blade, and at the same time flew straight down in the air, and lashed at Yuan He like an iron whip.

"Small tricks, let you know what the gap in strength is." Yuan He snorted coldly, dodged it dexterously, the source power in his body was condensed again, and the ice blade locked onto Tang Yan and was ready to go.

However, Tang Yan didn't stop after tossing and landed. With the help of the force of his fall, he bounced up violently and slammed into Yuan He brutally.

ah!Yuan He was caught off guard and staggered back after being hit, and the ice blades that had just accumulated disintegrated.

"God bastard, go to hell!" Tang Yan looked like a mad dog, and savaged him viciously. He used his fierce fighting moves with all his strength, and launched a storm-like onslaught. , blue flames emerged from both hands again.

The shadow of the palm fluttered, and the green light fluttered!
"Exposed spiritual power?" Yuan He was slightly surprised. This is a symbol of a third-tier martial artist. How could Tang Yan do it?

At the delicate moment of distraction, Tang Yan seized the opportunity and stepped up his offensive again. The powerful palm shadows hit Yuan He's chest densely, and the blue flames immediately stuck to it.

"Hiss, what!" Yuan He was startled, and screamed out loud. The flame didn't seem to have the slightest warmth, but it was a bit cool, but it burned the clothes and the flesh inside, and felt an indescribable pain.

"Things that kill you!" Tang Yan became more ferocious, like a wild beast that was out of control and kept coming forward.

"Go away!" Yuan He murmured loudly, urging the source force to resist the attack of the flames, and at the same time condensing the source force to form an ice blade.

Tang Yan remained vigilant all the time. When he sensed the cold, he turned over and jumped up, quickly dodging backwards.

boom!The ice blade almost brushed Tang Yan's shoulder and blasted out, and a small tree thick as a thigh broke apart not far away.

Yuan He panted heavily, and used the ice blade several times in a row, which was a severe drain on his spiritual power.He slapped the flame on his chest vigorously and resisted it with his spiritual power. Soon, the flame went out, but a blood hole the size of a fist appeared on his chest, which looked hideous and terrifying.

"Tang Yan, I want you to die!" Yuan He fiercely stared at Tang Yan who was struggling to get up not far away.

Tang Yan was panting heavily, looking embarrassed, but his eyes were ferocious like ghosts, staring at Yuan He like an enraged beast.

"When I kill you, these little wolf cubs will dispose of the corpse for me, so no one will know that I did it. This is called death without regret! Haha!" Yuan He sneered ferociously, slowly clenched his right hand, a short sharp The ice blade condensed and formed at a speed visible to the naked eye, exuding a slight chill.

Condensing objects purely with spiritual power!This is the skill that a Tier [-] martial artist is most proud of!
At this time, angry roars suddenly came from a distance.

"Who are you, you are so courageous!"

"Dare to provoke our Giant Elephant Academy, and you don't want to hang out in this Northern Wilderness?"

"You bastard, it turns out that you attracted these white-eyed jackals!"

Um?what happened?Yuan He was slightly surprised, and slowly stopped, listening intently to the movement in the distance.In fact, you shouldn't be distracted at this time, but subconsciously think that Tang Yan has lost the ability to move, so there is no need to take care of it.

"Go to hell!" Tang Yan, who had endured the severe pain and approached, burst into a rage. Accompanied by a sharp roar, he slammed his clenched right fist at Yuan He's head fiercely, because of the surge of murderous thoughts, because of his emotions. The turmoil of the cyan flame condensed in the right fist again.

boom!The distance between the two was only a few steps, Yuan He was caught off guard, and was hit hard. The green fire on the right side of his face that was hit hard burned his nervous system violently.

Ahhhhh!Yuan He covered his cheeks hard and let out a miserable scream.

Tang Yan's expression was as ferocious as a ghost's, and he seemed to be knocked down by madness. He turned over and rode on top of him, pounding with fists, bang bang bang, click, bang bang.

Yuan He screamed, struggled like crazy, slashed wildly with the cold blade, and spattered scarlet blood, but Tang Yan also fell into madness, roared sharply, danced wildly, and sat on him tightly, Punching like a ghost.

Every time the fist falls, there is always a little bit of green fire sticky, burning the muscles inside, causing unspeakable severe pain. Yuan He was frightened and angry, but he couldn't resist the crazy Tang Yan, let alone this piercing pain. of severe pain.

I don't know how long it took, Yuan He's upper body was in tatters, and it was completely covered by blue flames. After a few twitches, he became silent again, and was crushed to death by Tang Yan!
Tang Yan was bruised and swayed weakly a few times, almost fainting to death.Enduring the severe pain and fainting feeling, he moved his body with difficulty, leaned against the tree trunk and panted heavily, unable to move like a collapse, his hands were bloody due to excessive force, and subconsciously twitched.

In the dense forest in the distance, the white-eyed wolves have all retreated, replaced by more than 30 white-clothed men with fang masks. There are already three mentor corpses on the ground, five students are under control, and the rest are also caught in a tough fight.

"Elinda, take the students away!" A Nuo's body was shining with golden light, like a golden god of war, slashing wildly with his huge sword, entangled the three men in white.

"Continue to persevere! Our reinforcements will arrive soon!" Alinda is fighting hard with three instructors at this time, tenaciously guarding Yang Ruyan and others. Although the students are a little panicked, they are not too timid. From time to time Shot to interfere with the enemy's offensive.

It's just that their front line is already dilapidated and may collapse at any time.

"Mentors, give up. Our target is only these students. It is tantamount to making you an enemy. As long as you stop now, you can leave immediately safe and sound."

In the forest filled with white mist, an old man in a white cloak raised his head slightly, his slender eyes were filled with haze.

"Leave? As long as we stop, we will definitely become corpses on the ground immediately. I don't care who you are, but the crime of provoking the giant elephant student and kidnapping the young master of the family is enough for you to go around."

"You don't need to worry about that, it's the same sentence, we only want these children."

"Dream!" Annuo was like a golden war god, dancing a huge sword to form golden blades all over his body.

"Since everyone is stubborn, don't blame us for being cruel." The old man nodded slowly, and the ten men in white clothes who were watching the battle nearby crossed their hands and silently circulated their spiritual power. Everyone is trapped in the depths of this fog.

"Elinda, take the students away! You must persevere, the instructor of the academy will arrive soon!" Sensing the crisis, Arnold roared again, his expression suddenly became ferocious, ignoring the stabbing swords of the three men in white Gripping the giant sword tightly, he stabbed it hard into the ground, and a beast-like roar exploded in his throat: "Students survive, golden soul, explode!"

hum!A huge roar like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning suddenly exploded, and a golden ripple centered on Anuo's golden sword moved toward the audience. Boo, boo, boo... When it didn't come out, the rest of the white-clothed men also groaned and staggered back, looking horrified, apparently suffering from internal injuries.


"Mr. Annuo!"


"Do not"

The instructor and students roared in grief, their eyes dim.

"You bastards, today's revenge will be doubled in the future, let's go!" Alinda Gujing Wubo's eyes trembled slightly, she fixedly looked at A Nuo in the distance, with traces of haze accumulated in her eyes, no more hesitation , taking advantage of the time when the man in white was injured, he broke through the encirclement forcefully, and led the somewhat confused students out to kill.

"This is..." The old man under the white cloak was slightly surprised, but he took a few more glances at Arnold.

Instructor Arnold maintained the posture of kneeling and inserting the sword, with a ferocious and crazy expression, his eyes were staring, but he was dead, blood was flowing from the seven orifices, and blood was also overflowing from the body surface.

'Golden Soul Jue', a spiritual-level martial skill, burns the spiritual source in the body to release almost substantial soul fluctuations. It can kill enemies who are one level behind in strength in pieces, and can severely damage all warriors within the same level.

It is a domineering and self-harming martial art. If you want to exert greater power, you need to burn your life and completely detonate the source power.

The price that A Nuo bought with his life was extremely brilliant. Three third-tier martial spirits died tragically, more than a dozen peak martial spirits were injured, and several powerful martial arts were affected to varying degrees. It was this overbearing interference that gave Ai Linda and others created a chance to escape.

"Catch all the students, none of them can run away. As for those instructors, they should all be executed, and they should be clean. We can't leave any clues." An indifferent voice came from under the cloak, and all the men in white saluted respectfully, and quickly shot out .

(End of this chapter)

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