Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 50 Fighting

Chapter 50 Fighting
Du Yang was sweating coldly, shaking his head with emotion: "You two friends are talented."

The corners of Tang Yan's eyes twitched, and he suppressed the evil fire: "What changed after Yang Ruyan and Li Shouze came back?"

"Yes! It's even more sensational than you!" Pang Hai became interested again, and winked and said, "It is said that the two of them committed adultery? Or was it that you, the boss, caught you for a while and then you were all imprisoned by the family when you came back!"

Ren Lingfeng spat: "Fart! That's called retreat! They want to consolidate the martial spirit realm! Both Yang Ruyan and Li Shouze have opened the treasures of their bodies, which caused a great commotion within the family, and they plan to focus on training them."

Tang Yan said: "Have you heard about the 'treasure' in any way?"

"That's not true, but" Pang Hai rubbed his fat face and tried to recall: "I heard from my old man some time ago that the Yang family and the Li family sent some offerings to the imperial city."

"What are you doing in the imperial city?"

"It is said that they need someone to exchange for martial arts suitable for Yang Ruyan and Li Shouze."

Ren Lingfeng leaned forward: "Boss, don't you still miss Yang Ruyan? That girl is now a celebrity in the entire Giant Elephant City, and also the treasure of the Yang family. Even if you invite Mr. Tang out, they won't agree to this." a family affair."

Pang Hai also came over, and said in a low voice: "I'm more interested in whether the two of them have anything. Was the scene extremely hot? Boss, tell me in detail."

Tang Yan pushed Pang Hai's fat face away: "Have any special people come to the city recently?"

"Special? What is special? The most special thing is that you are back." The two bad friends looked at each other and laughed strangely.

"Let me ask you another question." Tang Yan was about to speak, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't bother to ask them any more, and turned to Du Yang: "How many people practice the Golden Elephant Art in the Giant Elephant Academy?"

"The dean, the vice dean, two of the three chief elders, the three apprentices of the dean, and his grandson Dong Leiming, there are eight people in total." Du Yang's understanding of the college is much higher than these two different people. Unlearned young master.

"What is Dong Leiming's strength?"

"Peak of Wuling! Only one step away from breaking through to Wuzong. The golden body has a small success, and its defense ability is very strong. Even if it faces a first-level Wuzong, it is qualified to fight. Why, you want to challenge him?"

"How is his weight in the eyes of the dean?"

"Dong Leiming is extremely talented. He is a fighting maniac. He is known as the leader of the younger generation of Giant Elephant City, the number one strongest, and the only person your elder brother dare not provoke."

Ren Lingfeng and Pang Hai looked at Tang Yan, then at Du Yang, and finally felt something unusual: "Boss!"

"Master Tang Er?" Aunt Mei suddenly appeared in front of the door, and walked in with a smile: "Is today's food and drink suitable for your appetite?"

"Aunt Mei? Haha, sit down." Ren Lingfeng and Pang Hai excitedly invited Aunt Mei, their eyes were burning, as if they wanted to swallow her whole, but Aunt Mei didn't pay any attention to her except smiling politely. them.

"Food and wine, as well as women, are all to my liking, but what about the fresh goods my brother wants?" Tang Yan looked at the door, and there were six girls standing outside: "Are they? Aunt Mei, are you kidding me?"

Aunt Mei sat down next to Tang Yan, and warmly took Tang Yan's arm. This intimate move made Ren Lingfeng and Pang Hai almost stare out their eyes, and exaggeratedly rubbed their eyes to make sure they were not mistaken.

"How is it possible? I have prepared it long ago. I am waiting for this little brother in the wing room. It is a new product that just arrived a while ago. The six girls outside are a little gift from Aunt Mei to celebrate the second young master walking out of the psychedelic forest alive." .”

Tang Yan embraced Aunt Mei's shoulders brazenly, and took a deep breath of the alluring body fragrance: "I actually like Aunt Mei better!"

Aunt Mei's complexion changed slightly, and she quickly regained her charm. She gently tapped Tang Yan's forehead: "Second young master really knows how to joke. Aunt Mei has lost all her flowers and willows. How can she be worthy of second young master? The six girls outside all It’s a new one, and it’s fairly clean.”

"Thank you Aunt Mei, I accept this kindness, let them come in and serve my two brothers." Tang Yan thought secretly, what the hell is this Aunt Mei doing.According to the past practice, she would not take the initiative to talk to Master Tang Er, let alone act so intimately.

What kind of news did she get from the Li family?Still have some purpose.

Aunt Mei greeted them to come in, and the room was filled with laughter and joy. Pang Hai and Ren Lingfeng unceremoniously hugged the two, and couldn't wait to make out.

Aunt Mei hesitated a little, then smiled and said: "Second Young Master, can you give Aunt Mei some face?"

"Huh? Aunt Mei, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask Xuerou and Huowu to go out first, you see"

Tang Yan was stunned, no wonder.Looking at Aunt Mei with a smile: "What? My money is not money? A hundred gold coins can't afford them for a night? Or does Aunt Mei feel that I, Tang Yan, are easy to bully?"

"What did the second son say, they will go out for a while, and they will come back soon. They all blame me. They forgot something more important today. Otherwise, the girl from Zuixianglou tonight, you can order whatever you want! "

"I'll just order the two of them. Whoever wants it will come and get it."

"Second young master, you"

Tang Yan said with a smile: "Aunt Mei, don't be nervous, I'll just see who has such a big face."

Aunt Mei leaned over in front of Tang Yan and whispered, "To be honest, today is the day when Master Li Shouze left the customs, and the young master of the Li family, Li Shoujian, came to celebrate him with a banquet. I misremembered the date, so I forgot it, Second Young Master Be considerate of Aunt Mei, huh?"

"Is Li Shouze out of customs?"

"Just at noon today."

Tang Yan's face slowly changed into playfulness, and he unconsciously played with the wine glass in his hand, wondering what he was thinking.

"I'll go there first, Second Young Master, you play first." Aunt Mei thought that Tang Yan had given in, so she greeted Xue Rou and Huo Wu who had stopped, and hurriedly left the room.

"Wait!" Tang Yan waved his hand and said, "Auntie Mei, you can go, but they haven't finished the task yet. I paid the money, and they have to take good care of it. If anyone wants to take it away halfway, come and ask for it in person."

"Ah?" Aunt Mei's face changed slightly, Ren Lingfeng and Pang Hai stopped, staring at Tang Yan in disbelief.

"Hey, hey! Boss! You're crazy." Ren Lingfeng hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Li Shouze's exit this time is likely to consolidate the realm of a first-order martial spirit. His own brother Li Shoujian was baptized in the same year as your elder brother. , just broke through to the third-order martial spirit last month! Not much worse than your big brother!"

Pang Hai also whispered: "Boss, it doesn't matter if we suffer a little bit. Besides, I'm used to it, so I won't be as knowledgeable as them."

Tang Yan leaned on the rattan chair with a sword and a golden horse, raised his foot and landed heavily on the dining table, and looked at Aunt Mei with a half-smile: "If you want someone, do it yourself. Huowu, hammer your legs for Master, Xuerou, continue playing the piano .”

The atmosphere in the room gradually became weird. Except for Du Yang, everyone looked at Tang Yan as if they were looking at a monster.

crazy?Taking the wrong medicine?Li Shoujian was annoyed, but he couldn't bear it and walked around!
Huo Wu took a deep look at Tang Yan, showing a very playful and coquettish smile, and actually walked over, leaning on Tang Yan as softly as if she had no bones, and kneading slowly with her slender hands.

Xuerou's eyes were weird, but she also returned to the veil after a while of silence, opened with a ding ding dong dong, and played the light piano sound again.

"Aunt Mei, please?" Tang Yan raised his hand to see off the guest.

"Second Young Master, wait a moment." Aunt Mei left the room charmingly without losing her smile.

"Boss! We've had enough prestige, let's evacuate!" Pang Hai and Ren Lingfeng hurriedly gathered up their clothes and prepared to evacuate.

Tang Yan remained motionless, enjoying Huo Wu's gentle kneading, and beckoned the girl beside him to pour wine and feed the food.

The two bad friends were impatient, but they were embarrassed to leave Tang Yan alone. When they were struggling, there was a loud noise outside, and the door of the intoxicating house was pushed open, and seven or eight teenagers walked in one by one. At the head of the group is a young man who looks similar to Li Shouze. He is handsome and quite chic. It is Li Shoujian, the young master of the Li family.

Li Shouze snorted coldly: "Who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be the Second Young Master Tang! I never expected you to escape back alive. Youdao is a disaster that lasts for thousands of years. You have perfectly interpreted this sentence."

Tang Yan crossed Erlang's legs and looked at him with a half-smile, but didn't answer.

Li Shoujian closed his folding fan, walked to the opposite side of the wine table, sat down and said with a smile, "I heard from Shouze that you had completed the baptism. I didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that all this is true? Hehe, congratulations, Tang Er son."

Tang Yan nodded with a smile, raised his glass and said, "Thank you."

Li Shoujian was slightly distracted, and then he laughed: "Not bad, not bad, it has changed a lot. Today is the first day for Shouze to go out of customs. I'm here to celebrate him, you come together?"

"Give it to him? Hehe, I'm not that elegant. If something happens to him someday, I can accompany you for a drink or two."

"Dog thing, try to say it again?" Li Shouze hated him very much, seeing this arrogant look and Huo Wu's dependence, he couldn't bear it even more.

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Shouze: "Repeat what you said just now, take advantage of the opportunity given to you."


Li Shoujian raised his hand to stop Li Shouze, and his smile slowly subsided: "I am being polite to you to save face for Tang. Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. The taste of fine wine is worse than you imagined."

"Boss, let's give in? You can't beat him." Ren Lingfeng and Pang Hai saw the Li family's eyes start to look at them, their hearts jumped in fright, and they hurried over to persuade them.This Li Shoujian is not easy to provoke, he is a cruel master.

Li Shoujian took a sip of Huadiao wine, sneered, got up and said, "That's it, the farce is over, I'll do Tang a face, you can get out! Huo Wu, Xuerou, come with us."

Li Shouze glared at Tang Yan fiercely: "You are lucky today, be careful next time, don't think that you can be lawless after completing the baptism. No matter how outstanding you are, you are a hooligan, an annoying hooligan!"

"Wait, the matter is not over yet, don't rush away." Tang Yan stood up, pinched Huo Wu's delicate face, and said with a smile: "Look carefully, and see if I am qualified to enter your boudoir."

Huo Wu didn't speak, but showed a bright smile and looked at Tang Yan with great interest.

Tang Yan strolled over with his hands behind his back: "Li Shouze, I didn't intend to let you go out intact after you entered this door today."

Li Shouze frowned: "What? It's just you? Tang Yan, I found that you can't see yourself clearly. Do you really think that you can be lawless if you can gather spiritual power? You are too far behind!"

"Killing for life is justified, what do you think? Young Master Li! If I remember correctly, you and Yang Ruyan teamed up to make me dizzy and threw me into the deep pool in the psychedelic forest. If it wasn't for my fate, Maybe it’s time to feed the fish.”

(End of this chapter)

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