Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 513 The Missing Tang Yan

Chapter 513 The Missing Tang Yan

It has been three days since Tang Yan left, and Zhao Zimo finally felt something was wrong.

At first I thought this guy was dating the little saint, but I couldn't see anyone all day long, and I didn't say hello for three days, it was a bit abnormal.Gradually, feeling uneasy, he found Xuanyuan Longli in private, and once he told the story, Longli contacted people from Dihuang to go to the other courtyard of Yaochi to inquire about the news.

As a result, the other hospital in Yaochi was very quiet, and no sensational incident had been heard.

Zhao Zimo became even more worried, and the more he thought about it, the more weird he felt.Although Tang Yizhai was a bit naughty, he was at most relaxing and playing around, and it was impossible for him to disappear for no reason.

After much deliberation, he finally took advantage of the night to come to the nearby Yaochi courtyard, and arranged for the three-legged toad to shrink in size and slip in.

The result was that Mu Rou stayed in her room, and the two venerables from Yao Chi were also there.Because of concerns about the second elder's third-level strength, the three-legged toad didn't dare to sneak into the room, so he could only probe cautiously.

But because Tang Yan hid too deeply, the three-legged toad didn't detect his breath in a daze.

This time, Zhao Zimo was really nervous.

Even Xuanyuan Longli realized that the problem was serious.

When the two thought about it, the first thing that came to mind was the mysterious murderer.

Although Tang Yan is formidable, he is a first-rank Martial Lord after all. If he really meets that mysterious murderer, there is a very high possibility of encountering accidents.

On the second day after it was confirmed that Tang Yan was missing, Zhao Zimo visited the Sixth Princess and asked for help in finding Tang Yan. Xuanyuan Longli also entrusted Dihuang to find the route.

Originally, the matter didn't want to make a big splash, but after all, the paper couldn't contain the fire. In addition, the four major auction houses have been searching hard for the news of the murderer, but the news spread like wildfire.Soon it spread at an astonishing speed, and in just half a day, the whole city knew that Tang Yan was missing.

Compared with low-key sects such as Bixuetang, Tang Yan is the focus figure, and the events surrounding him are all sensational. This sudden disappearance caused even more intense sensation.

At first, some people suspected that Tang Yan was playing a prank again, or taking the opportunity to attack the Holy Land of Heavenly Demon, etc., but seeing Zhao Zimo's tense appearance and pretending not to die, they refocused their attention on the mysterious murderer.

However, the previous few stealth kills were executed and the whole body was left behind, but Tang Yan left with no bones left?

This incident has a wide impact, even the Ren family will be alarmed.

Three days after the mass raid in the whole city, that is, only 20 days before the Appreciation Conference, Chocolate returned from the Dayan Mountains.

"Can you track down Tang Yan?" Zhao Zimo, Xuanyuan Longli, and the sixth princess all surrounded him.

"Of course, I have a few drops of Tang Yi's blood, so I can find him anytime."

"What if he dies?" Yan Luo asked heartlessly, even a little excited, if this guy died, wouldn't the little golden monkey belong to me?
"You wait a moment, I'll try to find it." Chocolate stepped into the void, and then poked his head out again: "You said that Tang Yihai was going to have a tryst with the little saint that night?"

Zhao Zimo said: "That's right. But Tang Yan might not be inside. Uncle Chan went in to investigate, but found no clues."

"How can I find it by sneaking in? What if he is imprisoned intentionally? Let's imagine, Tang Yizai was found molesting the little saint, and the second elder was furious, shot him severely, and then locked him in a secret cage. Would it be possible? Such a scene?" Chocolate would be smart now, but the triangular eyes revealed evil and obscene excitement.

"Yeah, it's really possible!" Zhao Zimo suddenly realized what kind of people really have what kind of thoughts. A group of people thought hard for six or seven days, but they didn't expect such an evil ending. The chocolate blinked. Just thought of it.

President Ye pondered and said: "The second elder of Yaochi is the sister of the saintess of Yaochi, she is a very terrifying woman with extraordinary talent and strength. According to what you said, if Tang Yihai really went to moles the little saintess, what would happen? Probably nothing but scum.”

Everyone couldn't help imagining a shocking scene of running amok, and their whole bodies trembled.

"But Yaochi Holy Land has always been quiet?" someone asked back.

"How much more movement does it take to destroy a first-rank Martial Venerable under the rage of a Tier-[-] Martial Venerable?"

"Princess Six, hurry up and pay a visit!!" Zhao Zimo pleaded with Princess Six again.

"Don't be impatient. I'll visit Mu Rou first to find out what's going on." The sixth princess didn't delay. She had put a lot of money on Tang Yan, so she couldn't say she died without knowing why.

Zhao Zimo said again: "Old Zhu, you continue to search for clues by following the essence and blood, and please continue to work hard."

"Go on, let's go." President Ye looked at the void where the chocolate disappeared, and the surprise could be seen from his eyes.

When Xuanyuan Longli walked past Zhao Zimo, he whispered, "I didn't expect you to be nervous about Tang Yihai's safety."

"If you hate it, you hate it. I have to fulfill my bet and not let him die easily." Zhao Zimo responded casually, and followed the sixth princess and the others to the other courtyard in Yaochi.

Tang Yan has been lying under the bed for nine days. Apart from sleeping and thinking about things every day, he just turned his face sideways to admire the graceful figure of the second elder. In the end, it was really boring, so he simply regarded it as a closed-door practice, silently running the immortal art, observing Looking at the status of the Wubaby, the Blood Soul Tree, and the Green Fire Seed.

At the beginning, Mu Rou was nervous every day, and tried her best to distract the two elders, but after all, she never lied, and every time before she could speak, her heart beat violently, her pretty face was flushed, she was shy, and she tried her best. After several days, I was stunned to say a word.

In the end, I was a little sullen with myself, so I didn't think about anything at all, and let Tang Yan lie under the bed.

When the news of Tang Yan's disappearance spread all over the city, the holy aunt and the others also received a report from their disciples: "I heard that Tang Yan disappeared, and some people suspect that he was killed by a mysterious murderer."

"Missing??" Mu Rou was slightly surprised, but almost laughed.

Tang Yan under the bed also opened his eyes in a daze and listened.

"Both Dihuang and Sixth Princess are searching, and have hired many mercenary organizations, but they haven't found any clues for several days. It's as if the world has evaporated."

"Tang Yan is the evil you mentioned?" The second elder woke up from his meditation.

"You're the villain!!" Tang Yan gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Well, it's him, this is retribution. If you do too many bad things, you will be easily punished by heaven." The holy lady looked at Mu Rou carefully, and found that she was very calm, and she did not show any panic or anxiety. A gratified smile.

I knew that Mu Rou would not be tempted by that kind of naughty man, no, my saint would not be tempted at all, no man would have such charm.

"Don't pay attention to this kind of person. It's quiet after death. I'll do it later." After the second elder heard about Tang Yan's molesting Mu Rou that night, he acted calmly and didn't come forward to seek revenge, but he was already in his heart. Make up your mind and find an opportunity to punish them during the scuffle at the Treasure Appreciation Conference to show the majesty of the Holy Land.

"Brother Hei, hurry up, find Zhao Zimo and the others, and tell me that I'm safe, don't make things worse." Tang Yan suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly urged the blackwater leech.

"Okay, take care of yourself." The blackwater leech broke away from Tang Yan's wrist and sneaked outside without making a sound.

Not long after, a disciple gently knocked on the door and reported outside. "Second Elder, Holy Aunt, Holy Maiden, and the Sixth Princess of the royal family came to visit."

"Is there something wrong with her?" The holy lady wondered.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, and I want to visit the saint."

"Please come in." The holy lady straightened her appearance slightly.

The second elder went behind the screen, she didn't like making noise, and she didn't like seeing these little girls.

Under the guidance of the Yaochi disciples, the sixth princess came to Mu Rou's boudoir, and the rest of the guards stayed outside the gate of the small courtyard. The place where the saintesses are intensively cultivated is not something they can set foot on at will.Although Zhao Zimo was anxious, he understood the etiquette and waited patiently outside.

"Sister Mu Rou, holy aunt." The sixth princess smiled gently.

"I've seen the sixth princess." Mu Rou and the holy lady got up and saluted.

"It's been a long time. I'm here to visit today. Is sister Mu Rou welcome?" The sixth princess warmly took Mu Rou's hand.

"Of course, I've always wanted to visit Princess Six."

"There is no one else here, so call me sister."

"I'm not welcome." Mu Rou showed a slightly playful look.

The holy aunt asked: "Isn't the princess busy searching for Tang Yan? Why do you still have time to visit us?"

"I haven't found it all this time, so I have to give up. By the way, has Saint Aunt seen him in this period of time?" Sixth Princess asked tentatively.

Tang Yan listened attentively, and secretly sighed that he was really unlucky. Looking at it like this, the trouble must have been serious, and he must not be discovered by others.

It doesn't matter if you are ashamed, you have a thick skin anyway, just don't affect Mu Rou's reputation.

However... as I listened, a pig's nose suddenly popped up in the dark corner under the bed, sniffed it vigorously, made a slight determination, and quickly moved towards Tang Yan.

Tang Yan sensed some movement, looked at it casually, but didn't pay attention, and looked again, his eyes widened sharply.Just at this time, a white and tender pig's head popped out of nowhere.

In this small, dimly lit space, I have been tense and tense all the time, and it is really scary for such a thing to appear suddenly.

Tang Yan gasped, almost screamed, covered his mouth violently, and grabbed Lulu's head.

Um?The Second Elder behind the screen slightly raised his trimmed and still willow eyebrows, and looked towards the side lying on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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