Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 515 How to Determine Life and Death

Chapter 515 How to Determine Life and Death (2)

"Mu Rou is the future saint of my Yaochi Holy Land, and has nothing to do with you. Tang Yan, no matter what background you have today, I will not spare you!"

"Her reputation represents the reputation of the Holy Land, and her every move involves the future of the Holy Land. You not only harmed her, but also destroyed the Holy Land of Yaochi, you shameless villain."

The holy aunt and the second elder's anger and killing intent could no longer be concealed, and they were not going to conceal it.

"First of all, Mu Rou and I have true feelings, don't use your disgusting words to tarnish it. Secondly, Mu Rou not only belongs to your Yaochi Holy Land, but also belongs to me, Tang Yan. It was confirmed long before she was sent to the Holy Land! She is Going to your holy place to live temporarily is not to become your forbidden house!"

"What did you say?" Sheng Nu frowned, the last sentence seemed to have other meanings.

"What I said, you know best in your own hearts! Standing here today, no one can bully her again!"

"Tang Yan, don't say a few words!!" The sixth princess was almost annoyed. It turned out that this guy didn't come to apologize, but to make trouble.

"Shameless apprentice, sharp teeth, no matter what nonsense you say, I will kill you today!" The second elder ignored the others, and the cold air spread again, thick as clouds, covering the entire Yaochi courtyard .The ice was hard and cold, and it condensed layer by layer in the courtyard, like a huge ice lotus blooming, and the oppressive cold could be felt even within tens of kilometers.

The disciples in the periphery had to evacuate. The temperature of these ice layers was extremely low, and they couldn't bear it with their strength.

Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli looked at each other, but rushed in towards the area where the coldest air was strongest. "Tang Yan? It's really you!! Where have you been since you disappeared for so long?"

"Something has happened." The sixth princess made a gesture with her eyes and shook her head helplessly.

"Go away, I beg you." Mu Rou begged Tang Yan bitterly, her heart was anxious and confused, she didn't want Tang Yan to have an accident, and she didn't want the holy aunt and the others to face Tang Yan's life and death.

"Abandon you, I'll go by myself? I, Tang Yan, am not cowardly to such an extent. Don't worry, I will take care of this matter today." Tang Yan took a few steps forward, and said to the second elder: "Look at Mu From the perspective of Rou, I don't want to get into trouble with you Yaochi Holy Land, but I will never compromise, and Mu Rou will not kneel down to you.

I stand still here and resist your three moves. If I don't die, all old and new debts will be settled.Adding two extra moves is my punishment for Mu Rou.

If I don't die after taking five moves from you, I can pretend nothing happened, and I can't object to my association with Mu Rou.Do you dare to accept it? ? "

"You're crazy..." Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli roughly guessed the general situation. Although Tang Yan's courage and courage were commendable and touching, the woman in front of her was a third-rank martial artist. Respect, and the anger value is stuck at the extreme, any move will go all out to crit.

With the body of a first-rank martial master, bear the angry attack of a third-rank martial master?
Isn't this just looking for death!
But before they had time to persuade them, and before they even finished speaking, the Second Elder had already made a move, and the condensed ice crystals were refined and struck violently, and the terrifying chill made everyone present feel terrified.

Instead of dodging, Tang Yan took a step forward, his eyes glowed with a bewitching green light, and a burst of blue flames rolled out from his body, hitting the bone-chilling ice crystal head-on.

In an instant, the green fire extinguished, the aura froze, and the ice crystals froze Tang Yan without any suspense.Like a crystal clear lotus flower blooming on the ground, it looks gorgeous, but it is bitingly chilly!

The second elder is a very rare Bingling bloodline, and it is a brand new mutated bloodline, pure and powerful, and she is practicing the top-level martial arts in the Holy Land. Let the opponent's mind and soul be wiped out, the seemingly gorgeous attack contains a different kind of cruelty!
"Tang Yan!!" The sixth princess exclaimed, and Mu Rou almost fainted.

"My wife, are you really trying to kill me?" Zhao Zimo was angry, and Xuanyuan Longli's face was also gloomy. What kind of conflict must be resolved with life and death?
"Things that are beyond your control! If you don't want to be buried with you, just stay here!" The holy lady had a gloomy face, offering the treasures of the holy land, and she was about to throw it at Tang Yan.

This is a solid white lotus flower. It is not a condensed ice crystal, but a treasure of the Holy Land. It was used when the ancient treasure was robbed in the Leiyun Mountains. This blow is enough to shatter the ice lotus and Tang Yan together. .

"Don't even think about it!" Zhao Zimo poked his palm, dense blue star dots appeared in the surrounding space out of thin air, they were countless lightning cones, and a piercingly sharp, irritable and frightening pressure filled the whole small building. In the courtyard, his right palm also completely turned into crystal clear azure blue, and dense lightning arcs splashed on his fingertips.

It's not that he can only rely on the three-legged toad, nor is he easy to mess with!

Xuanyuan Dragon Carp's bright eyes actually had pool-like ripples, and the ripples spread out, and the space within more than ten meters around him fluctuated strangely, and there was a faint mountain and river trend emerging, and gradually became stronger!
The holy lady was slightly startled, and immediately put away the treasure she threw out.The sixth princess looked at the two with surprise. The sudden behavior of the two was very different from the usual ones. Not only was this weird martial skill unexpected, but the whole person's "potential" had also undergone a new change. , is a decisive, a kind of face, mixed with a little anger!

But... just when the two sides started to confront each other, Tang Yan inside the ice lotus suddenly rolled his eyes, and the dark green evil eyes reappeared, and a layer of subtle blue halos emanated from the inside of the skin one by one. Melted the body, and then touched the ice crystal.

This ice lotus, which is enough to freeze even the soul, actually began to... slowly melt!

A fine clicking sound emerged, very ear-piercing in this cold and quiet ice crystal courtyard.

How can it be!Everyone was secretly startled, even the second elder was surprised.

Lion Roar Seal!Tang Yan inside the ice lotus seal suddenly roared, the Buddha seal between his eyebrows appeared, the only movable lip in his body moved slightly, a surge of golden air rushed out, and the dazzling golden light enveloped the whole body, like a curled up golden lion shadow Rioting angrily, he slammed into the ice, causing violent tremors.

But the ice crystals were like a cage, they didn't shatter, only tiny cracks appeared in the innermost layer.

Even so, it is surprising enough.

Tang Yan kept opening his mouth, and the lion's roar seal hit one after another, and the golden lion shadow appeared again and again, drowning Tang Yan's shadow time and time again, and hitting the ice layer again and again.

After a full quarter of an hour of critical strikes, no one stopped, no one made a move, just watched in surprise, and finally... the roar shook the sky, the golden lion shadow finally stretched out, and also shattered the tough ice lotus.

In fact, Tang Yan didn't dare to directly face the powerhouse of the third-order martial arts, but he had an absolute advantage in the face of the martial arts who practiced the cold ice martial arts, because the ghost Qinghuo had awakened, and its power was already different from before. When it comes to martial arts, sky fires like ghost blue fire definitely have the power of a 'natural enemy', which is equivalent to greatly reducing the level gap between them.

Tang Yan insisted on accepting it head-on, because he also wanted to truly test how powerful the ghost green fire can be.

Facts have proved... the ghost Qinghuo successfully resisted the blow of the third-rank Wu Zun!
But deep in the sea of ​​qi, there is a thick cold air, as if it wants to freeze the sea of ​​green fire and extinguish the fire inside.Tang Yan was terrified, and hurriedly operated the Immortal Yan Tian Jue, alleviating the chill that radiated from the inside out.

The ghost Qinghuo brought surprises. Under the furious impact of the third-rank martial master, he, the first-rank martial master, was able to survive. His prestige reached its peak.

But he also really understood the tyranny of the third-rank Martial Venerable. Fortunately, Zhao Zimo and the others interfered, otherwise, if the holy lady had just attacked with all her strength, he might have fallen with the shattering of the ice crystal.

Tang Yan shivered all over his body, and a chill spewed out from his mouth, which eased a little, and stared proudly at the second elder: "The first move, I can handle it! There are four more moves, please enlighten me!!"

The sixth princess covered her mouth in surprise, and the holy lady couldn't help frowning, how is this possible?Not only did he survive, he appeared to have suffered no apparent trauma!Is he human!Is its true state the first or second order?
Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli looked at each other, both showing a little smile, just now they were worried, how could such a scourge like Tang Yizai die so easily?
"Very good! You are quite capable! I accept your challenge. I don't need five moves, but only three moves! If you can survive, I will spare you from dying, forgive you for desecrating the Holy Land, and forgive Mu Rou's crimes." Sin. There are two more moves, now... start!!"

(End of this chapter)

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