Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 518 2 girls

Chapter 518 Second Girl

Tang Yan made a compromise, expressing his willingness to calmly resolve this embarrassing situation, and to resolve this matter more from the perspective of Mu Rou's reputation and situation, for was agreed that after the chaos in the Black Stone, he would go to the holy ground in person See the saint.

A crisis full of murder, abuse and anger was finally resolved, and everyone felt a little relieved.Of course, after really understanding the cause of the incident, Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli once again showed Tang Yan full of contempt and contempt. Give 'forfeit'.

The sixth princess left the other courtyard immediately after the incident, and personally announced that someone had sneaked into the Yaochi other courtyard with the intention of attacking the saint, but she was discovered and killed by the second elder after a fierce battle.

The primary purpose of doing this is to maintain Mu Rou's reputation and the dignity of Yaochi.

As for Tang Yan...he continued to remain missing and could not show himself in front of outsiders, so as not to connect the two unusual events of "Tang Yan's disappearance and reappearance" with "Yaochi tragic battle", which affected Tang Yan and also Bring criticism to Yaochi.

What's more, Tang Yan was seriously injured when he recruited Binglian, and he needed to retreat and cultivate, so he just took advantage of the opportunity to hide, calmly recuperate his soul, and prepare for the next melee.

But... After the matter was basically finalized, Tang Yan actually acted like a rogue.

With the reason that Jin Yuanchun has received too much attention and is easy to be discovered, he insisted on staying in the other courtyard of Yaochi, saying that he was traumatized and needed to spend a few days with Mu Rou to be comforted. Try to sneak in again.

Playing rogue and threatening, made Zhao Zimo and others feel helpless and ashamed, and made the saints resentful, wishing to fight again, and made Mu Rou embarrassed and shy.

In the end, everyone couldn't help it. They couldn't just watch this guy rolling all over the ground, and they had to compromise in the end.

Just like that, Tang Yan stayed in Yaochi's other courtyard with his chubby Lulu in his arms, and moved into Mu Rou's boudoir in the name of recovering from his illness. pillow.

The second elder was really worried about this guy, and lived in the boudoir together in the name of supervision.

At first, Tang Yan was really at peace with his wounds. He sat cross-legged on a soft chair in the corner to meditate day and night, conceiving his wounds and soul, allowing the second elder who supervised him and the holy lady who came to check on the situation from time to time to breathe a little easier.

But... Tang Yan's injury recovered too quickly. In just five days, he was alive again, full of energy, and then... Mu Rou's boudoir was no longer peaceful.

Whether it's night or day, there will always be some strange sounds, either Mu Rou's shy exclamation, helpless beating, or the second elder's resentment, fierce confrontation, and occasionally strong energy fluctuations , causing the entire courtyard to tremble.

The holy aunt would come over occasionally, of course, to join the war in the name of boycotting Tang Yan.

The quiet other courtyard fell into long-term turmoil. A group of women were resentful and helpless. They also secretly asked someone to contact Jin Yuanchun, begging them to take Tang Yan away, and even bought drugs to let him sleep for a few days. ...It didn't do anything, but gave him an excuse to fight back.

Later, a white flag was hung up in the entire Yaochi other courtyard, and it was agreed that as long as Tang Yan didn't do anything excessive, he would be left alone for the time being.

Mu Rou was stubborn, shy and infinitely compromising, let Tang Yan make fun of her, occasionally being attacked and touched a few times, she could only blushed in shame and sulked; the second elder really understood Tang Yan's shamelessness and hatefulness , I just felt deeply about Zhao Zimo's reputation as a 'harm', especially Tang Yan, the bastard who fucked Mu Rou recklessly in front of her, and treated her like air.A sudden exaggerated move, or a "nasty joke" without warning, always put her at a loss, and then a furious battle ensued.

But...until one day, also in the early morning of the charming moonlit night, Tang Yan lay on the bedside and called her out of the blue, using a special title, which sounded weird to Mu Rou, but the second elder felt inexplicably Trembling, surprisingly not angry.

Second girl! !

That's right, Tang Yan lay down on the bedside and called out 'Second Girl', and even nicknamed it - 'love name'!
The atmosphere in the boudoir suddenly improved significantly.

The second girl's voice completely melted away the conflict in the second elder's heart. He was angry on the surface, but he was full of comfort in his heart, which changed his view of this apprentice invisibly.

Maybe the Second Elder hasn't noticed it yet, but this improvement is so obvious that the holy aunt who occasionally came in to observe the situation is a little baffled, because...she actually saw the Second Elder smiling! !

That's right, Millennium Ice actually showed a smile?
Although it passed away in a flash and quickly returned to coldness, this scene still made the saint's eyes hurt. It was even more shocking than seeing Tang Yan crawling out from under Mu Rou's bed.

In this way, there was no riot in Mu Rou's boudoir. Mu Rou, who was in it, was relieved and very happy that Tang Yan and the second elder could get along peacefully. The Yaochi disciples outside looked at each other, puzzled.

Tang Yan was immersed in a joyful and happy life. Apart from meditating intensively, she would have sex with Mu Rou, take a walk in the other courtyard, and occasionally play a few classic naughty jokes from previous lives to appetize the 'second girl' and give Mu Rou When Rou goes to class, it will also make the disciples who are on guard nearby blush, and it is embarrassing for a long time before they can recover.

As for the outside world... Continuing chaos and tension, Dihuang is still looking for the "missing Tang Yan" in a vague way, and the four major auction houses continue to investigate the "mysterious murderer". As the time drew near, the attention of the four major auction houses gradually shifted to the layout of the conference.

The battles between the various forces have calmed down one after another, and more attention has been devoted to the Treasure Appreciation Conference.

There were two sensations during this period. One was the arrival of the Pure Land monks. They were dressed in linen and rough clothes, with a peaceful and tranquil expression, clasped their hands together, and chanted scriptures silently, as if they were unaware of the identities behind them. coming shock.

The pure land monks came to the ancient city calmly, chose an ordinary family in a corner area, rented a simple side room, ate vegetarian food and chanted Buddha, stayed at home, declined visits from all parties, and did not investigate the situation of the outside world. Peacefully waiting for the unveiling of the Appraisal Conference.

Once it was the secret arrival of all kinds of top treasures from the four major auction houses, which aroused the hot attention of the whole city. They tried every means to ask what peerless treasures were inside, but everyone knew that the escort team was guarded by peerless powerhouses, and the eyes of all forces They were all scorching hot, but no one dared to act recklessly.

20 days later, the Appreciation Conference will be held as scheduled!
The sky is not completely clear yet, the flow of people is like a rushing and uncontrollable wave, gathering towards the huge Jianbao Hall in the middle of the inner city. It is mighty, noisy, crowding and arguing, and there are constant friction and collisions in dense places, even under the excitement bloody conflict.

The number is more than ten times that of previous years, and the degree of chaos is also far greater than before.

The site of the Treasure Appraisal Conference is the most central area of ​​the inner city, a majestic treasure appraisal hall, rebuilt from the former Blackstone Ancient Kingdom Palace, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time.

However, in view of the fact that the scale of this Treasure Appreciation Conference is far greater than the previous ones, the number of people is too large, and the battles continue one after another, the four major auction houses have set up new regulations, only allowing the entry of strong people above the third-rank Martial Ancestor, or VIPs with special identities, and Anyone has to pay an entry fee of ten gold coins!
The price is so expensive that it is staggering.

As for the other warriors, they watched from the side hall and did not participate in the direct auction of the Treasure Appraisal Conference.

Even with such a large screening, the number of bidders who finally entered the inner hall still reached 8000.

The shape of the Jianbao inner hall is like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, with dense seats entrenched in a spiral pattern, advancing towards the height in turn.At the front are small VIP suites, a total of [-]. Each suite is luxurious and rich. There is a transparent crystal screen directly in front of it, which can clearly project the treasures on the [-]-meter-wide auction platform. .

Those who can enter the luxury suite are the top forces, hidden ancient clans, they are the most powerful bidders in this treasure appraising conference, and they are all invited to enter the suite.

In order to avoid fights during the auction and to keep the identity of the auctioneer secret, so as not to be locked up and retaliated against whoever bids for the treasure, each luxury suite did not post the name of its power, and it was completely closed and completely confidential. I don't know which force is in which suite.

When all parties entered the arena one by one, Tang Yan, who was dressed in disguise, shamelessly followed the sixth princess and the others into the VIP room.As a suite unique to the royal family, the level of luxury and wealth deployed in it can be called the highest in the entire Jianbao Hall, and it can be regarded as the special care given to them by the auction house.

In fact, Tang Yan originally followed into the suite in the Holy Land of Yaochi, and was afraid of attracting attention in this public place, so he could only come here.

"Everyone, do you mind if I come in and sit down?" Tang Yan poked his head in and smiled.

"It's useless for me to say I mind." The sixth princess had expected him to come in, and she stretched out her hand to signal for him to come in. The fifth prince and Yan Yuhan simply nodded, expressing a polite welcome.

"We are the first-class priests of the royal family, so it is right to come here." Tang Yan stepped in, and then... Zhao Zimo rode a three-legged toad, Chocolate rode a white pig, Yan Luo hugged two monkeys, Qiu Futu hugged a big Tie Jian and Hulala all followed in, followed by Xuanyuan Longli with an embarrassed expression.

The suite, which originally exuded the aura of wealth, suddenly became crowded like a vegetable market.

(End of this chapter)

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