Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 520 Totem Beast

Chapter 520 Totem Beast

There was a little silence in the luxurious room, and the sixth princess said: "The appearance of the holy beast cub is actually an accident."

"It's still early, let me introduce you in detail?" Tang Yan became interested, Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli didn't know the whole story, and at first hearing what the sixth princess said, there seemed to be many twists and turns.

"The Black Stone Gobi is a natural gravity field. The higher the distance from the ground, the greater the gravity it bears, up to [-] gravity, like a hill pressing on the body. Since ancient times, warriors with strong will often come here to temper Body, forging speed, honing will.

The Heishi Gobi covers a wide area, with a depth of thousands of kilometers in all directions, stretching as far as the eye can see, and flat roads.

Ten years ago, about three months before the last Treasure Appreciation Conference, a warrior accidentally picked up a beast egg on the edge of the Black Stone Gobi Desert. piece.But because that man was a warlock, and a life warlock of the third-order Martial King Realm, he discovered the extraordinaryness of this stone by accident, and captured the fluctuation of life from it.

He thought it was an ordinary beast egg, so he thought about breaking it open and absorbing it, but he tried everything but failed to leave any cracks on it.

He realized the extraordinaryness of the beast egg, and it was likely to be a beast egg left by the demon master, so he brought it to the Black Rock Ridge, and found the Dihuang Auction led by the Treasure Appreciation Conference back then, hoping to auction this beast egg , in exchange for some natural treasures for cultivation. "

Tang Yan and the others leaned on the soft couch and listened earnestly. Yan Luo also showed an air of attention. Yan Yuhan and other people in the know kept silent, recalling the dramatic scene back then.

The sixth princess was immersed in the memory, and continued: "Dihuang was negligent at the time, and he didn't check it carefully, but he just felt extraordinary. But on the day of the treasure appraisal meeting, because he wanted to show the bidding guests that this was indeed a legacy of a demon king. cub, and to determine what species it is, so the venerable personally inspected it.

As a result...not only did he not detect anything, he also suffered a sudden backlash during the process of forcibly injecting spiritual power. Black crystals emerged from his two arms and quickly spread to his whole body, as if to corrode him.

Be able to fight back against the Venerable in the state of a beast egg?This was unheard of, and it caused a sensation on the spot.

Immediately, the semi-sage of Dihuang appeared and personally inspected it. Although it was corroded, and several inspections were fruitless, and during the inspection, the beast egg appeared to be in a state of self-protection, and the surface of the beast egg appeared fine and dense. The crystals are stacked layer by layer, from the size of a fist at the beginning to a giant of half a meter.

Someone exclaimed that a cub of a holy beast might be conceived inside, which was recognized by thousands of people in the audience.

Then... various forces launched a frenzied scramble, and the price soared all the way to the equivalent exchange of earth-level martial arts. In the end, the royal family of the Tianyuan Empire obtained the martial king warlock with a complete set of mid-level earth-level martial arts related to the cultivation of warlocks. favor, and reached a transaction intention.

The Tianyuan royal family secretly evacuated after getting the beast eggs, and made a very detailed disguise to interfere, but because they were spontaneously chased and intercepted by the whole city, they still found their whereabouts and leaked the news.

It was an extremely tragic bloody battle. Countless Wu Kings fell, and six Wu Zuns fell.The forces of all parties are tearing their skins apart, launching a bloody battle for this beast egg that is pregnant with the cub of the holy beast. Even some super powerhouses from the Central Plains have been involved, and there have also been mysterious space warriors who came across space.

However, after the fierce battle, the eggs that were pregnant with the cubs of the sacred beasts disappeared inexplicably. Some people suspected that they were secretly stolen by some strong men, some suspected that they were destroyed in a powerful spiritual storm, and some suspected that they were discovered by someone who appeared at that time. The space warrior took away.But all in all, the beast egg disappeared and never appeared again. "

"It's just a beast egg? You don't even know what kind of monster is conceived in it?" Tang Yan felt a little absurd.

Qiu Futu seldom opened his mouth, and said in a deep voice: "This matter has a very wide range of influence. It once triggered a border war between the Yan Kingdom and the Tianyuan Empire. Some forces in the Central Plains invaded Tianyuan. The chaos lasted for three or four years, and countless casualties .

All forces were puzzled by this sudden holy beast cub, and some people suspected that it was just a cub of a high-ranking warrior, far below the level of a holy beast.

But... when people explored the place where the beast eggs were found, they came up with an astonishing guess.

That messy gravel field may actually be the birthplace of the ancestral lineage of the ancient Blackstone country, an exhausted ancestral lineage, the original imperial city, and the current Blackstone Ridge is the new imperial city after they moved their capital later.Based on this inference, the holy beast cub that suddenly descended is probably the... totem beast of the ancient Blackstone country! "

"Totem beast? What totem beast?"

"The rise of the ancient Blackstone country is very rapid. They are brave and good at fighting, brave and fearless. Even ordinary soldiers have a strong physique, can lift a thousand catties, can surpass the speed of wild leopards, and can form armor-like crystals on the body surface, one hundred thousand The army can compete with millions of lions from other empires, which is very terrifying.

These strange abilities are due to the totem beast they worship, a tyrannical monster that has never really appeared, but actually exists. This huge black stone Gobi desert that stretches for thousands of kilometers is the domain world created by the totem beast. "

Yan Yuhan said: "Their totem beast is said to be a huge mountain-like bear monster with the mighty power of a holy beast, but these are rumors, which are very vague in the epic records. Even after the ancient Blackstone kingdom fell, the totem The disappearance of the beast is full of suspense.

The beast egg that suddenly appeared this time, as well as the slight innate ability it displayed, is very similar to the totem beast of the ancient Blackstone country in the records.Some people suspect... The decline of the ancient Blackstone country thousands of years ago is likely to be related to the disappearance of the totem beast. It is because it exhausted the ancestral life of the ancient country and its own vitality when its life was about to end, in order to prepare for a new round of reincarnation. Or prepare for the transformation of future generations. "

"Totem beast, holy beast." Tang Yan murmured to himself.Missing?Black Rock Gobi?

Could it be... the cubs have returned to this Gobi again!
After an incense stick of time, all candidates who passed the review entered the inner hall, and the doors of the ten halls were closed with a bang, and three majestic king-level powerhouses sat in front of each hall to prevent any accidents during the auction. Whoever slips in and out appears to be making trouble or cheating.

The noise in the magnificent hall gradually subsided, and the large auction platform with a square of [-] meters gradually rose. A well-dressed elder walked through the air and came to the center of the auction platform. Shengxue, cold as a lotus, a red dress like fire, seductive like a rose.

The elder is the host of this year's Treasure Appraisal Conference, and he is the venerable person in the Jinlou Auction House who is in charge. His tyrannical aura overwhelms the audience, and his bright eyes are as sharp as knives. He sweeps across each area one by one, pressing down Every din of sounds.

The girls on both sides are his assistants and image messengers. This is also a highlight of every Treasure Appreciation Conference. All of them are superbly beautiful, and they are carefully selected oiran beauties. !

If anyone can bid for the last treasure, two image messengers will be presented as gifts.

The complexions of Princess Six and the others changed slightly, and their eyes were all focused on the hale and hearty old man.

"Qin Hentian, the chief enshrinement of the Jinlou Auction House, rank three Martial Venerable Realm!"

"Jin Lou's big handwriting actually pushed him to the foreground!"

"This is a super strong man, and also a master of appreciating treasures, a warrior of the soul type!"

"Last year's holy beast cub incident was a joke. I'm afraid I didn't want to miss any treasures by sending him out this time."

"I'm afraid it also has the meaning of deterrence, to ensure that no one messes up during the bidding process."

"Well, it makes sense! This year's Treasure Appreciation Conference has received too much attention, and there are too many potential hidden dangers. The fierce battle after the conference is inevitable. The Golden Tower must send out powerful people with weight to deter the heroes."

"Third-rank Wu Zun as a treasure appraiser? I am looking forward to this year's treasure appraisal conference more and more!"

Voices of emotion rang out in the suite, and then... mixed with someone from Tang's emotion: "This pair of sisters... are so beautiful... If they are taken back... hiss... the two heavens of ice and fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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