Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 524

Chapter 524
"Why am I paying the money?" The sixth princess found out that she couldn't maintain a dignified image when she was with this guy, and she might have the urge to slap him when she said a word.

"The princess of the ancient country, do you still care about this little money?"

"Five million gold coins! Not copper coins! Could this be small coins?"

"Our Buddhists have a saying that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Princess, you have formed a good relationship. Let's have fun." Tang Yan's words came out, not only the sixth princess, but even the sixth princess. Yan Yuhan wanted to slap him.

"Here!! I'll give it!! It's a betrothal gift from the Palace on behalf of the royal family!" The sixth princess chose to compromise very rationally, otherwise her temperament and image would really be shattered.

It is said that this guy has a fiancee?I really don't know how that woman could bear him.

Of course, if the sixth princess saw Tang Yan's cute appearance in front of Niya, she would definitely feel admiration.

Under the signal of Qin Hentian, the girl in red on the high platform yelled three times to ask: "550 million gold coins, is there anyone with a higher bid?"

Rage God Zhai did not raise the price again.

"Congratulations, young master, for getting this beautiful female slave." The girl in red smiled and nodded, took out the contract and handed it to Nalan Yanran, and raised her hand to signal: "Please!"

Nalan Yanran was still in a cloud of dreams, standing on the spot in a daze, as if the scene in front of her was an illusory dream, until the girl gestured three times in a row, Tang Yan left the suite without avoiding suspicion, and waved with a smile.

The two lines burst into tears, and Nalan Yanran stared at Tang Yan steadfastly, and walked down the high platform step by step. The short few dozen steps seemed to be thousands of miles away at this moment.

Step by step forward, step by step out of the abyss of nightmare, Tang Yan's bright smile is like a bright light in the boundless darkness, dispelling the fear in her heart little by little.

Just like the voice when the price was called before, the smile at this moment is also destined to be engraved for a lifetime, becoming the most beautiful splendor in this life.

Tang Yan noticed that Nalan Yanran was a little nervous after his excited eyes, and said with relief: "I am a friend of your brother Nalantu, Tang Yan, if you don't mind, you can also call brother. Don't be afraid, you will see you soon to him."

"Thank you...thank you..." Nalan Yanran's voice was very soft, seeing Tang Yan's bright smile, her heart skipped a beat, and a slight blush appeared on her pale cheeks.

"Old Zhu, quickly send Yanran back to Dayan." Back in the suite, Tang Yan immediately arranged chocolate.The little trick can work for a while, but it can't work forever. Once Huangshenzhai reacts, he will definitely not let it go. He will face a fierce battle immediately, so he can't be dragged into another burden.

"Brother, I didn't mean to hit you. I'm not a space fighter. It's very dangerous to enter the void at will. If you cross the domain beyond [-] meters, you'll be close to death. From the ancient city of Heishi to Dayan, it's more than [-] meters, and it's [-] kilometers. I guarantee her death." I can't die anymore. Otherwise, why don't I just bring some Martial Masters from Dayan to rush over? I have to do something..."

Chocolate's indistinct huh-huh sound, the mis-difference of empty marks is still a secret, and the sixth princess and others should not know too much.

" rush back by yourself, first tell Nalantu that he is temporarily saved, but I need help, a lot of help!" Tang Yan solemnly signaled to Chocolate with his eyes.

"Is my brother really...alive?" Nalan Yanran mustered up her courage and asked weakly. Seeing that everyone was looking at her, her pretty face turned pale again, and she hurriedly lowered her head in fear.

This appearance made Tang Yan speechless. I don't know if it was because she had suffered too much over the years, or because the heirs of the Nalan family all had this weak appearance.

"Stay with me first, and you can see him before dark. Don't worry, I think he's a good man." Tang Yan blinked at Nalan Yanran, showing a playful smile.

"It's so embarrassing to say this." Yanluo muttered with her lips curled up, but the rest of the people took it easy and didn't bother to pay attention.

The Treasure Appreciation Conference continued, and all kinds of monsters were pushed onto the high platform, accepting bids from various forces in turn.Tang Yan always maintained a gentleman's attitude, did not call for bids, and asked Yanran from time to time if there was any monster she was looking forward to, and wanted to buy her a toy, and occasionally give it some berries and drink some green tea.

In the eyes of Nalan Yanran, who has suffered for eight or nine years, this gentleman's considerate gesture, apart from being touched, is warm, her eyes are always red, and she choked up several times; but in the eyes of Zhao Zimo and others, it is indescribably awkward , I just feel uncomfortable all over.

"It's better for you to be natural." Yan Yuhan couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded him with a cold face.

"Look at the cold looks of all of you, what's wrong with me? I can't treat girls better? Nalan Tu is not here, what's wrong with me taking care of his sister as a brother. Yanran has suffered for so many years and was just rescued Come out, what I need most is comfort and a smile! I despise you! I am ashamed to be with you!"

Tang Yan's righteous words were full of righteous indignation, which made the faces of the people in the room full of black lines.

Nalan Yanran pressed her lips tightly, tears dripping down. For many years, she has been reprimanded like a slave for reselling. If the master didn't want to sell it for a good price, maybe even her body would be defiled and ravaged.She always thought that the Nalan family was extinct, that she was lonely and would no longer be loved by anyone, and she had endured it numbly in fear and despair for many years. Every time she failed to commit suicide, her fate would be cruel torture, and she was about to toss and collapse.

Over the years, no one has ever smiled at me, no one has ever cared for me, no one has ever been gentle with me, never!never!
Everything today is like a dream, even if it is really just a dream, she would rather sleep in it and never wake up again.

"Did your Nalan family offend Huangshenzhai? Did they follow you here?" Zhao Zimo asked strangely.

Nalan Yanran's delicate body trembled slightly, as if something terrible had sounded, her pretty face was as pale as paper.

"Don't think about it, don't think about the past." Tang Yan gave Zhao Zimo a blank look, and answered in a low voice. "Can't you see that she's too much stimulated?"

"Forget that I didn't ask." Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli looked at each other, shrugged, and simply shut up.

"The second stage is over soon, get ready, the main event will begin soon." The sixth princess reminded everyone in the suite, and everyone's attention was focused on the large screen.

The Fifth Prince added: "According to the information we have received, there are 36 treasures in total, including the top treasures of this year's Treasure Appraisal Conference. At this stage, it is not necessary to use gold coins to exchange, and you can use gold coins of the same value. Secret treasures or martial arts to exchange for."

Yan Yuhan also said: "Most of the VIPs in each suite did not make a move, they are just waiting for the third stage, let's wait and see, the fun has just begun."

"A sixth-level monster, a golden silkworm. The golden silk is stronger than fine gold, and can kill any target below the same level invisible or unintentionally. The starting price is a mid-level martial skill at the spirit level. It will not be exchanged for gold coins or spiritual treasures. The client only needs to Martial arts." On Qin Hentian's raised fingertips, there was a golden silkworm lying quietly, looking cute and cute.

But for those who know it, this is the representative of the top killer, killing invisible, and killing with one blow, its fine silk can't even be seen in front of you, but it can even kill hard steel or weapons. Zun's spiritual power armor can be cut apart soundlessly.

This kind of thing will be afraid of even the martial masters of the same level.

Its appearance made the venue fall into a little tranquility, and almost everyone's eyes became hot. The third stage will show the Yaozun, or is it such a strange and special Yaozun, what about the other treasures next?
However, the reserve prices are all set at mid-level spirit-level martial arts, and I am afraid that the final transaction price will be at the peak of the spirit-level martial arts, and may even exceed the limit and reach ordinary earth-level martial arts! !
"Spirit-level high-level martial arts, overlord's ghost seal!!" A high-pitched voice came from a suite, and a stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the slightly quiet venue was suddenly heated.

"Hmph! Overlord's Ghost Seal can also be considered a high-level martial skill? I was born and died mourning the soul, frightening the soul, deciding life and death, this is the real high-level spiritual martial skill!" A provocative voice came from a suite.

"I published the original cheat book and recorded 36 kinds of luck methods, which can be regarded as the peak of the spiritual level!" An old voice came from the corner of the stand, and the aura of Wu Zun deliberately exuded attracted the attention of many people.

"It's really hot. The golden silkworm? It seems quite powerful." Tang Yan stared carefully at the golden worm on the stand. Apart from the color, it looked somewhat similar to the black water leech at first glance.

"This is the top bodyguard!!" Yan Luo was a little moved, killing people invisible, killing in one move, is there a more terrifying bodyguard than this?And this kind of monster is hard to come across, it is said that it grows in a forbidden place in the Central Plains, and it is usually a demon king, and there are only a handful of monsters who can reach the demon king.

But high-level martial arts at the spiritual level are equally precious. Judging from the fact that the momentum has soared to the peak, in comparison... it is hard to tell who is stronger and who is weaker, and it can barely be regarded as an equivalent exchange.

"Brother Hei, if you swallow it, will you be able to make some progress?" Tang Yan tried to contact the Blackwater Leech, but the previous trauma was too severe. deep sleep.

In the fierce competition, the golden silkworm was finally obtained by a hermit venerable in the stands, and the price in exchange was—to some extent, a martial skill at the peak of the spiritual level, which was already comparable to an earth-level martial skill, the wind breaks the military score!

(End of this chapter)

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