Chapter 53
After a month and a half of retreat, under the nourishment of the life mist, Tang Yan was very energetic. He practiced hard day and night, and finally condensed six fist-sized fireballs. After practicing again and again, he could basically control them Surrounding the body, attacking and blasting with the guidance of the mind.

The biggest reason for being able to condense into six fireballs in such a short period of time was Tang Yanshan's experience and skills in the wooden sign.The analysis at all levels was very detailed, which saved a lot of trouble. Tang Yan even suspected that this was prepared by Tang Yanshan in advance.

In these 40 days of submerged training, Tang Yan still has a harvest to control the green fire!

Through continuous experimentation, a delicate balance has been formed between the green fire and spiritual power. When Tang Yan performs martial arts, he doesn't have to worry about refining the opponent every time he attacks, and can use it as a pure flame.In this way, it is equivalent to cleverly hiding the secret of Qinghuo, saving Tang Yan a lot of trouble.

"Hey, Second Young Master, why did you come out?" Seeing Tang Yan with disheveled hair coming out of the wing room, the servants who were cleaning the yard hurriedly saluted.If it was in the past, they would just deal with Tang Yan casually when they saw Tang Yan, but because of the murder a month and a half ago, no one dared to despise this second young master, at least they would no longer despise and ridicule him as before.

Tang Yan took a deep breath towards the sun, then let out a long breath, and said, "Go and get Du Yang and Mentor Ailinda, and if possible, call Tang Ying."

"Young master, since I came back last time, Miss Ying has been in seclusion and hasn't come out yet."

"Then just call Du Yang and Ailinda."

"Yes, master, I'll go right away."

"By the way, find a way to contact Pang Hai and Ren Lingfeng and let them come to me."

Tang Yan went back to the bathroom first, took a good shower, and took a nap for another half an hour. Then she got fully dressed and went back to the room, and went to the cashier to 'borrow' some coins.

"What do you want us to do?" Du Yang looked a bit sloppy, with disheveled clothes, messy hair, and frowning tightly, in a state of half-thought.

The rehearsal of Yanlin Jue is at a critical moment, and he is studying it day and night.

"Aren't you in confinement? Why did you come out casually?" Alinda was cold and indifferent, as if she had returned to the previous time.

"I'm tired of being locked up inside, and I want to go out for a walk."

"You called us out just to accompany you on the street?" Alinda rolled her eyes, got up and was about to leave.

"I'm short of a decent weapon, and I want to ask you to be a staff officer. If you want to buy something, I can give it away for free."

The two paused together, looked at Tang Yan: "Are you sure? It's free?"

"As long as I can afford it."


The three thieves avoided the eyeliner, climbed over the wall from the back door of the Tang Mansion, and went straight to the Exchange Square in the northwest of the city.

This is a relatively messy Liberty Square. As long as there are valuable things, you can set up a small stall to sell them. There are weapons, armors, monster cubs, martial arts, medicinal materials, and all kinds of items. I got it from the psychedelic forest, and many of them are fake.This is the favorite place for ordinary warriors and poor people, and children from certain aristocratic families often come here to hang out.If you are lucky, or have a unique vision, you may find the best baby.

The trading square is crowded with people, men, women, old and young, pushing and crowding. It is noisy and noisy, and there are occasional loud roars of monsters.

"Come and see, the top-quality ginseng king contains the aura of heaven and earth. Ordinary people can prolong their lives, and warriors can improve their cultivation." A middle-aged man raised this thick-armed human-shaped ginseng and shouted loudly.

"The cubs of the fourth-level monster two-headed wolf, come and see." A two-headed wolf cub was locked in a fine steel cage, with fierce eyes, glaring at the owner who peddled it.

"The egg of the legendary three-legged crow can hatch top-level monsters in the future. Don't miss it when you pass by." A smiling old man walked back and forth among the crowd with a crystal clear white jade egg in his arms. Rolling eyes one by one.

"Ordinary Martial Skill Heavy Fist Jue! The starting price is one hundred gold coins!" A young man placed an ancient book in front of him, shouting while being vigilant, for fear of being snatched away.

Tang Yan walked leisurely in the crowded crowd, casually looking at the dazzling array of items, and occasionally asking a few questions. The level of chaos and noise here is far beyond expectations. It's just nonsense yelling, it's an ordinary rooster, but it's called a monster cub.

"The outside is basically full of groceries. The weapons you want are in the innermost place. There are often some good treasures there." The ice sword in Alinda's hand was found here two years ago, and it contains natural The icy energy can surge the offensive power in battle.

Du Yang also said: "It is relatively easy to find better treasures in it. It is said that within ten years, three people have found a spirit-level martial skill, and one person has found a cub of a fifth-level monster."

Alinda said: "The psychedelic forest stretches for nearly ten thousand miles. There are many monsters and dangerous places in it. It is a paradise for mercenaries. People often find treasures in it, or they are lucky enough to pick up some powerful monster cubs. .In addition to most of them being sent to large-scale auctions, there are also some unidentified treasures that will flow into the trading field of the Giant Elephant City, and there are many extraordinary items among them, which is also the main reason why the Giant Elephant City trading market is famous all over the country."

"Are you interested?" Tang Yan picked up the tortoise shell on the stall next to him, and the seller immediately got up to introduce him with a smile on his face, but when he realized that the person standing in front of him was the notorious Second Young Master Tang, his face turned green. .

"Not yet, it's too messy here, let's go inside." Alinda was cold and self-loving, and couldn't bear this crowded environment.

Tang Yan glanced at the seller, and threw it to him casually. The seller hurriedly caught it, but he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and watched Second Young Master Tang leave tremblingly.

The three walked and watched, and came to the innermost part of the square. The specifications here are obviously higher, there are no big iron cages, no shouting and selling, the sellers closed their eyes and rested, and some were shaving their nails boredly. with a price tag next to it.

"Fuck! Ten thousand gold coins, why don't you grab them!" Du Yang was attracted by a fluffy cub, and he gasped as he was about to move forward. The drowsy cub had a wooden sign hanging around its neck. , the price is clearly marked [-] gold coins!
The seller looked up at him, snorted lightly, continued to close his eyes and rested his mind, and ignored him.

"This seems to be a cub of a three-eyed snow lion." Alinda looked at it carefully, a little surprised and a little hesitant. "The three-eyed snow lion is a third-level monster. It is lazy by nature and not good at fighting, but its uniqueness lies in the third eye on its forehead. Once it is successfully opened, the three-eyed snow lion will undergo an essential transformation and become a monster. The king among the snow lions is comparable to level five or even level six monsters."

"Level five? Level six?" Tang Yan's face changed slightly. Could it be that he can challenge Wu Wang Wu Zun?

"The key lies in whether the third eye can be opened. If it can be opened, it will naturally become a king. If it cannot be opened, it is just an ordinary third-level monster. The probability of this kind of transformation is very low, only one in ten thousand. Only one out of ten thousand three-eyed snow lions can be born. So what [-] gold coins buy is not the three-eyed snow lion, but the probability of it becoming king."

Tang Yan was very realistic, and he would not waste energy on such probabilistic events. He turned left and right, and finally saw an old man selling knives in the corner.There are many things placed in front of the old man, some swords, some armor, and a few little monsters.Messy and messy, with no clear price tag.

Tang Yan picked up a primitive saber, heavy in his hands, at least two hundred catties in weight, his arms and wrists were covered with veins, and he was very strenuous. rock.

"Like this saber? Is it too heavy?" Du Yang took the heavy saber without paying attention and almost lost his balance.

"The material is quite special, not like metal." Alinda touched the sword.

Du Yang played with some difficulty: "It's really good, it seems to be a long time."

Just as Tang Yan was about to inquire about the price, he caught a glimpse of one of the small beasts next to him quietly looking at them. Seeing his gaze turned to it, the little fellow visibly shivered, and curled up with a whimper. , looked very pitiful.

This little guy's appearance is not outstanding, he is no different from the cub born by a black dog with mixed hair in the countryside in his previous life, but the two small eyes are a little smart, as if he was born not long ago, only the size of a palm, and the two small ears are still curled up The black hair is a little curly.When Tang Yan looked at it, it raised its eyes furtively, then quickly closed them again, and slowly moved towards the cubs next to it.

"Boss, how much is this puppy?" Tang Yan thought it was fun, and asked casually.

The old man said weakly: "Not for sale."

"Don't sell it? Don't sell it? You put it here as an exhibition? Or are you afraid that I won't pay you?"

"Gifts, buy one and get one free, I sell weapons, all beast cubs are gifts."

"Is it raised by your family?" Tang Yan picked up the trembling little black dog and looked at it in his hands. The little guy seemed to be very scared and curled up vigorously.

"I bought it from a mercenary. It is said that I picked it up on the way back from the mission. I wanted to stew it, but it was too small. It would be a pity to throw it away."

"I bought this saber, and this puppy is a gift for me." Tang Yan put the little black dog on his shoulder, picked up the saber and swung it a few times. It was indeed a bit heavy, but it felt good in the hand, simple and elegant.

(End of this chapter)

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