Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 535 Summoning Army

Chapter 535 Summoning Thousands of Armies
"General Qiu, Grand Tutor Yan, you just sit back and watch Tang Yan kill my lord of the Yan Kingdom without caring about it, but instead follow and accompany you all the time. What is the meaning of this?"

"I don't know how Prince Jing's mansion will feel when they hear the news. Should they hunt down and kill Tang Yan, or ask the royal family and the general's mansion to blame?!"

"Could it be that you intend to betray the country of Yan?"

"If that's the case...we're welcome!"

Eight venerables of Yan State blocked Tang Yan's way. They came from Jinyan Building, Baihu Mountain Villa, Feiyun Academy and other sectarian academies of Yan State. After the outbreak, they acted collectively, trapped and killed Tang Yan, and deterred Yan Yuhan and Qiu Futu.

However... just as the war started, the plan was aborted. First, Prince Jing's Mansion was destroyed, and then the Heavenly Demon Holy Land was trapped.But Tang Yan's arrogance also aroused their anger. How could they just watch an outsider trample on the powerful Yan country wantonly, they must express their attitude and take some measures.

What's more, they still have some small schemes - coveting the two treasures that the little prince got!If Tang Yan is hit hard, there will be big gains.

But they are not fools, they know that resistance is not enough, so when they came up, they aimed at Yan Yuhan and Qiu Futu. They had to instigate these two superpowers first, and then... the seven venerables joined forces with the two of them, enough to trap them Live with Tang Yan and the others.

"General Qiu, we have to change our agreement. Please donate your three sword strikes to Yaochi Holy Land to help Mu Rou. This will not leave people to criticize, but also get the goodwill of Yaochi Holy Land. Make it difficult for you." Tang Yan hurriedly explained to Qiu Futu.

Qiu Futu didn't say much, and didn't pay any attention to the meaning of the Yan Kingdom sect, and rushed towards the area where the ice lotus was blooming and the monster beasts were roaring in the distance.

Tang Yan was a little relieved, Qiu Futu's iron sword was not covered, the sword was overbearing and tyrannical, and the three swords in a row were enough to relieve the pressure on Yaochi.If you can seize the opportunity, you may be able to create a few good attacks, resist the Eternal Beast Mountain or injure a few, and it will be enough to persist until you rush over to assist.

Tang Yan said to Yan Yuhan again: "Get back first, I will clean up this bunch of garbage."

"I won't meddle in your affairs, but you can't do anything wrong anymore, at least save their lives." Yan Yuhan was arrogant and strong, and didn't even look at the major sects. He simply reminded Tang Yan, and then he Back a hundred paces away.

Their actions completely ignored the denominations and turned their faces blue with anger.

"You go to Stone Forest first, there should be my brother Du Yang, report my name first, and then make a move. Be sure to deal with Nie Yue and the elders of Tianmo before Yan Yuhan arrives, remember, you have to live! Tang Yan lowered his voice to remind Xuanyuan Longli and Zhao Zimo.

From this position, you can see the rioting white mist stone forest ten kilometers away, and you can also see two phantoms of the Holy Land of the Heavenly Demon. It should be Du Yang and Nie Yue who fought. He was worried that Du Yang would not be able to handle it, and he was also afraid of Yan Yu. Han then interfered.

"Can you handle it yourself?" Zhao Zimo raised his eyebrows and said, "Long Li can handle it by himself, and I will stay here to help you."

"No need, I have another plan. Let's go!!"

"Be careful, deal with the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, we will meet at the battlefield of the Yaochi Holy Land." Xuanyuan and Zhao Zimo didn't say much, and took a step across the air, flying towards the distant stone forest.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" The three venerables immediately intercepted him.

"Get out!!" The three-legged toad snorted contemptuously, and the toad's tongue slapped violently, and slapped the three venerables fiercely.Zhao Zimo's eyes sparkled, the clouds in the sky roared loudly, and three bolts of lightning split down, locking the three venerables with the attack of the toad's tongue.

Among the three was a Tier [-] Martial Master, but Zhao Zimo's lightning strike was faster than expected. The moment he beckoned, he hit all three of them at the same time, shattering their spiritual power armor, and shocked them all. Sweat.

At this moment, the toad's tongue came out, like an angry dragon wagging its tail in a surging river.

Three loud bangs and three screams, the three venerables all retreated, Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli broke through the encirclement and flew towards the distance as if nothing had happened.

The change in the blink of an eye stunned the audience, the king-level powerhouses retreated four or five steps directly, and the first-rank Wuzun among the three lords was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, panting thickly, his eyes shaking in fear, just now they Not lightly scared.

"Where are you going to let them go?" Yan Yuhan's heart moved slightly, and he secretly scolded this bastard, he obviously sent Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli to kill Nie Yue, and was about to rush over to stop him, but stopped quickly. I left by myself, where is Tang Yan?The eight great masters are all prestigious masters from various sects and colleges, and there are three second-rank martial masters among them!

"What is he doing?" An exclamation drew everyone's attention into the encirclement.

Regardless of the tense atmosphere in the audience, Tang Yan sat cross-legged among the dark Gobi gravel, with a solemn expression, clasped his hands, and the swastika on his forehead was shining brightly. They are arranged in a strange trajectory, extending nearly a hundred meters.

It's like a large formation in charge of Xuan Qi!

"Is it crystal stones? There are so many!" Feeling the strong fluctuation of spiritual power, many people's eyes were hot, and they almost rushed over to snatch it.

"Cross-difference empty marks, open!!" Tang Yan's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes flashed brightly, and there was a piercing sound. As the area unfolds, thousands of top-grade crystals burst into dazzling light, shining on the Gobi Desert and illuminating the sky. Strange spiritual treasures such as ethereal stones, Vientiane wood, and five-color vines are flooded by the light, arousing surging energy and perfectly integrating into the formation. Together, they converge into a strange corridor, linking the eight golden thunderbolts of the eight-phase thunder seal.

The rapid spread of the golden thunder and lightning corridor spreads to the surroundings, connecting to the 'virtual world' in the endless void!
The chocolate sitting in the imaginary world is like an eternal god and demon, sitting in the depths of the misty imaginary world, moving his hands in a strange trajectory, a strange line spreads on his forehead, no longer the slightest obscenity, but endless politeness Solemn.

Lulu's wings spread out, and his body twisted and expanded!The whole body is jade white, like a strange winged beast born in the imaginary world, proudly entrenched on the top of Chocolate's head, the dark evil eyes flashed strangely, and suddenly let out a hiss, the narrow imaginary world rapidly expanded, and it also expanded two times. The empty trace corridor on the side.

An invisible space passage links from the Black Stone Gobi to the Dayan Mountains!

Dayan Mountains, Qiancong River, and northern tributary mountains!
Nalantu was sitting in the center of the formation, with the Cangyun Spear standing in front of him. When Tang Yan activated the formation, the spars in this area shone with light one after another, and the rich spiritual power gathered into a torrential formation. Pai's spiritual power space, the rapid growth and extension of five-color vines, the perfect fusion of rare treasures such as ethereal stones, Vientiane wood, and Senluo mirrors.

"Empty marks have been opened, and the virtual world is stable. Everyone... please join the battle!" Nalantu suddenly opened his eyes, and a deep roar echoed in the vast mountains.

"Roar!!" The giant war tiger was the first to roar, exuding a monstrous hostility from its huge body, and proudly stepped into the huge cross-generation formation.

"Go!!" The golden two-headed lion followed closely behind, its heroic body was breathtaking, and the dazzling golden light exuded majesty and solemnity.

"It's said that it's a big battle, don't let us down!" The elders of the two big monkey clan Yaozun carried blood-red iron rods and entered the dazzling light one after another.

The four demon venerables had just stepped in, and they all involuntarily returned to their huge figures of a hundred meters, exuding unparalleled intimidating power, and disappeared in the cross-evolution formation in an instant.

"The ancient land of Canglan has been away for a thousand years. I don't know what kind of changes have taken place. Let's go, it's our turn." The first palace master Zhaoyi and the second palace master Ling Ruoxi all waited and entered after the four demon venerables. Wrong formation.

And then... the roar of the tiger and the roar of the lion, the thousand tiger and ben cavalry selected by Tang Ba were led by him to enter the Zoyan Konghen one by one.

"Tang Ba, help me bring back my sister, please!" Nalantu sent a voice transmission to Tang Ba at the last moment. He had to leave traces to control the chaotic evolution and lead them back after the scuffle, so he couldn't enter Canglan Ancient City for the time being. land.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

"Why do I feel wrong!"

"It's not a feeling, it's real, it's not right!"

"Don't hesitate any longer, shoot!!"

The eight venerables of each sect were aware of the crisis, and after signaling to each other, they resolutely decided to attack. The other forty martial kings retreated one by one and launched an offensive. As a result, Tang Yan might be trapped and killed here forever.

"Hey!!" The little golden monkey rushed to the outside of the Cuoyan formation. It was ten feet tall and as strong as steel. It exuded a ferocious might like a mountain.Having just defeated the little prince, he suddenly felt that this halberd suits his appetite, so he simply used it as a weapon.

"Leave this golden monkey to me, and you break the formation!" A second-rank Martial Venerable violently threw out a jet-black iron block, and smashed towards the little golden monkey with a mighty power like a mountain.

"Let's work together, break!!" The other Martial Masters all roared, and the spiritual power in their bodies gathered violently.

"It's late!!" Tang Yan stood up suddenly, and pushed high into the sky with a palm. The mysterious array of staggered void marks was raised up, all the spirit stones and spirit essences were activated, and the dazzling light shone across the sky. The large formation spun violently, generating strange and terrifying energy fluctuations.

At this moment, all the powerhouses within a radius of dozens of kilometers noticed this huge formation hanging high in the night, and felt the strange energy emanating from it, as if... there is a crack in space, connecting the virtual world and the blue waves .

(End of this chapter)

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