Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 548 Beast Mountain Wanted Order

Chapter 548 Beast Mountain Wanted Order

Tang Yan rolled his eyes again, went all out and continued to say proudly: "Presumptuous!! How dare you disrespect the Immortal Phoenix! To tell you the truth, my Nanhuang Wonderland and the Demon Spirit Hall have reached a secret resolution to unify the Eternal Beast Mountain. If you have some brains, immediately abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and surrender to the Undead Phoenix, and when things are done in the future, I will give you some benefits!"

When the vernacular came out, even Tang Yan felt a little hot.

Um? ?The black python looked cold, stared at Tang Yan tightly, restrained his evil spirit, and turned into vigilance. It seemed that this sudden news had brought a lot of shock to it.

Tang Yan met the eyes of the black python happily and fearlessly, deliberately making a haughty gesture.

"I have never heard that there is a monster like you next to the Undead Phoenix. The Sky Winged Demon is arrogant and arrogant. It will not have any big brothers, Undying Phoenix or even ancient beasts, let alone any relatives. Say, who are you? Incoming attack Beiming is still Caesar, what is your purpose!"

Although the black python is a monster, it is smarter than Tang Yan expected. It seems to have seen through his tricks. The evil spirit suddenly surged, and the snake's path stretched straight. Its huge body shot towards Tang Yan violently. amazing.

Tang Yan felt a strange tearing force, like thin ropes hanging all over his body, trying to control himself.At the moment when I was dodging, I forcibly pulled, changed the direction, and uncontrollably rushed towards the bloody mouth of the giant python.

His nostrils were full of blood, and his fangs were close in front of his eyes.

The black python was ferocious and cautious. While slaying it in a snake way, its huge body suddenly vibrated, and its thick snake tail pulled out of the air.It sensed that Tang Yan was good, so it took insurance measures and used his escape route.

"Believe it or not, the Eternal Beast Mountain is about to change. Think carefully about how to stand in the camp. I will come back in a few days and wait for your news." Although Tang Yan was not shocked, he took advantage of the situation and pawed It hit the black python's fangs, its sharp claws were razor-sharp, the clanging sound shook the sky, and the bloody fangs were violently cracked.

The wild impact continued to wreak havoc, blasting the black python's protruding head to the side, and the python's tail that had been drawn out swept past Tang Yan's head.

Rumbling, the ground trembled, and the giant python almost collapsed half of the mountain.

Roar! !The giant python was enraged and hissed towards the sky. The densely packed little black snakes shot towards Tang Yan like sharp arrows from their bows, while the surrounding mountains and ancient trees fell down, and there were enough three snake paths, twisting towards Tang Yan. Yan entangled him.

"I won't serve you anymore, bye! You silly snake!" Tang Yan used the eight thunder seals to break away from the snake path, put away the refined spirit source liquid in the bird's nest, and fled away from a distance, leaving only a sound. Jianyuan laughed loudly: "Let your master wash his head and wait, the Immortal Phoenix is ​​going to kill you in your lair soon."

"Damn bastard, I will let you die in this land of Dongkui!" The giant python was full of ferocious eyes, and did not pursue it anymore, but all the little snakes in the surrounding mountains and mountains scattered out.

"The little black snake mentioned four names, Nanhuang Wonderland, Dongkui Land, and Caesar and Beiming. Could it be that this Eternal Beast Mountain is still divided into factions?" Tang Yan walked away from the cliff, Grilling fish over a fire in a mountain stream, while thinking about the conversation of the black python.

"It should be four special territories, which belong to the four regions of southeast, north and west. It is not possible to dominate the entire Eternal Beast Mountain. However, it must be something special to be able to sit on this Eternal Beast Mountain and sit on a territory. A powerful ancient beast. The Southern Phoenix Wonderland should belong to the Undead Phoenix, and the supreme beings in the other three territories must have similar strength—a holy beast!"

"Holy Beast...Holy Beast..." Tang Yan murmured to himself, this Eternal Beast Mountain is indeed a place of great evil, and there are four holy beasts!

"I don't think that black python is a reckless man. It shouldn't pay attention to your fascination, and remind you not to disturb the balance of the ancient beast mountain. There are countless years in this ancient mountain range, and there are hidden or sleeping ancient beast souls. Countless, if they are awakened by riots, the consequences will be disastrous."

The blackwater leech knows Tang Yan's virtues best, is most adventurous and lawless, dares to do anything, dares to think about anything.But this is the Eternal Beast Mountain, the resting place of the ancient beast souls, the forbidden place for living beings, and the pure land of the beast race.

Killing a few monsters is a small matter, but if it causes large-scale chaos and awakens the beast souls, it will definitely be a disaster.

Tang Yan didn't respond, and sat on the tree root, gnawing on the grilled fish in silence.

The black water leech secretly thought that something was wrong, and reminded seriously: "Tang Yan!! I must warn you this time, do what you can! If you really anger the holy souls of Beast Mountain, you will have no room to resist! And that Four sacred beasts can kill you ten times with just one look!
Except for them, the second-level monsters in Beast Mountain are all perverted. This place is not like the battlefield in the Black Rock Gobi. There is no one to help you, and they are not injured. It is very difficult for you to solve any of them by yourself.Third-tier monsters and semi-holy monsters have the power to absolutely suppress you, killing you is as easy as pie. "

Tang Yan still ignored it, thinking about things while eating the grilled fish, and before he knew it, the three fat grilled fish were wiped out: "Brother Hei, why don't we act separately?"

"Action what??"

"Look for Zhaoyi and Mu Rou separately. I'm worried about their safety. No matter what the result is, how about we gather here in three days?"

"Aren't you trying to drive me away?"

"You're thinking too much. I'm not crazy enough. I just want to find them as soon as possible and take care of each other. If they are safe, I will find a way to leave. If they are in danger, I will be chaotic .”

The blackwater leech was silent, alas, what should I say about him, sometimes he is cold-blooded and ruthless, and he kills without restraint, and sometimes he is so devoted to love and righteousness that he doesn't even want his life.

"Remember, calculate the time yourself, up to ten days, and still gather here. You go north, I go south. Since they are pulled into the Eternal Beast Mountain together, the distance of dispersion should not be too far." Tang Yan made up his mind. The idea is to sever contact with the blackwater leech voluntarily.

"Don't be foolish, I will find a way to find out their whereabouts as soon as possible." The blackwater leech solemnly asked, broke away from Tang Yan's wrist, and sneaked towards the south.

Tang Yan put away the ancient saber, and also used the stone frog seal to hide his strength and aura, and rushed towards the chaotic dense forest with hands and feet, like a wild violent ape, running rampant and wanton.

Turning left and right along the way, I witnessed the danger and strangeness of the Eternal Beast Mountain.

There are giant golden centipedes entrenched in the mountain stream; humanoid monsters with two heads and four arms screaming on the cliff; monitor lizards in blue armor devouring giant elephants; and pterosaur-like stone monsters fighting giant apes; A rushing waterfall suddenly turned into a beast-shaped water demon, devouring the strange beasts by the river.

Tang Yan kept searching and searching, wandering over mountains and crossing rivers, trying to find an ideal target.

He's not the kind of mindless person, so he won't search aimlessly, and he doesn't want to live in this strange place with his eyes darkened, so... hunt! !
Hunt down a demon beast at the level of a demon master, and get news out of its mouth.

But considering the situation of the Eternal Beast Mountain, it is necessary to choose a relatively hidden place, which can be resolved quickly without causing too much sensation.

It's just that although the Eternal Beast Mountain is huge and there are many powerful monsters, after searching for at least two or three days, there is still no favorite target.

At this moment, Tang Yan suddenly discovered a familiar scene - a huge thunder curtain accumulated in the distant cloud curtain, and the thunderclap was mixed with the sound of raging waves and earth-shattering frogs, as if there was a fierce battle .

Zhao Zimo? !

Tang Yan frowned, why is he here?
It seems to be still going crazy!
If Zhao Zimo can be forced to trigger the thunder and spread Wang Yang, he must be an opponent in trouble.

Could it be that he entered the Eternal Beast Mountain following the chaos at that time?If he came in, what about Xuanyuan Longli? !When the accident happened, they should have been with Du Yang. Could it be that the three of them were involved?
Tang Yan's spirit was lifted, and he threw off his legs and ran wildly into the distance.

But... as he was running, a strange scene appeared. His speed was very fast. It stands to reason that he would be able to approach the battlefield very quickly, but no matter how he ran, the distance was always maintained at the same level, neither far nor close, but nowhere in sight.

"How did this happen?" Tang Yan stood on the top of a steep peak, staring at the rioting battlefield in the distance, one by one, he could see a dark green toad tossing between the thunder group and the ocean, and he could even see a huge thunder whale churning ferociously , but there is always a sense of unreal ambiguity.

Looking at it, Tang Yan finally saw the problem. This is... an image? !

The battlefield is like a dream, existing in the dense sea of ​​clouds in the sky!
"A mirage?" Tang Yan suddenly thought of such a word. Could it be that a certain battlefield was projected here?Where is this battlefield?How far is it from here?Who is projecting the image?Or is it a natural scene formed by the mountains independently?

Doubts flickered in my mind.

Soon after, the turbulent sea of ​​clouds returned to calm, and the violent battlefield disappeared, but it was replaced by the appearance of Zhao Zimo, wearing a bamboo hat, holding a fishing rod, sitting on the three-legged toad, a clear image emerged from the clouds, very huge , covering an area, enough to see this mountain area clearly.

Zhao Zimo's image hangs in the sky for a long time, and then disappears completely.

(End of this chapter)

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