Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Tang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, put Zhaoyi on the cotton blanket, covered the quilt, and stimulated the demon spirit veins again to become the strongest body, so that he could deal with the accident in the shortest time.

However, the man was finally rescued, and Tang Yizhai began to mutter again.After all, I have had intimate contact with Zhaoyi again. With her shrewdness, she will definitely find something wrong when she wakes up, for example... These are not my clothes, and the two most intimate clothes, underwear and tube top, are gone. , You don't need to work hard to imagine a lot of hot scenes. For any woman, this is almost like ruining her reputation.

Zhaoyi's madness is a foregone conclusion.

If he stayed, he would definitely bear her anger, and a fierce battle was inevitable.

What if I leave without making a sound?When she realized that she had turned into this light-light, would she think that someone else had defiled her, and she would commit suicide directly?
Tang Yan sat cross-legged in the cave, thinking left and right, very depressed.

Let's go, Zhaoyi hasn't woken up yet, I don't feel at ease, and I'm also worried that she won't be able to think about it when she wakes up.Don't go, the affirmation waiting for you is a nightmare like torture.

"Huh?" Tang Yan's eyes lit up, and he showed a smirk.

10 minute later.

Tang Yan had the guts to kiss Zhaoyi deeply, and he kissed her all at once, which was regarded as a life-saving interest. If she was really tortured in the future, it would be a little psychological comfort, and it would not be too bad.

After that, he whistled and leisurely left the cave.

The cave was quiet, and the three fires were dancing with faint red flames. After some rescue, Zhaoyi's delicate face regained a little blood color, and the noble and elegant appearance and temperament seemed to be born with her. She lay on the soft mattress sleep peacefully.

On the left side of the mattress is a stack of clothes neatly placed, which is not considered extravagant, but they are all white, very clean and neatly stacked.

There is a wooden strip next to the clothes, which says - only men's clothes, forgive me, no tube top and underwear, just let it go.

There is a jade bottle on the right side of the mattress, and the rich spiritual energy comes out of the bottle and fills the cave.

Next to the jade bottle stood a wooden strip, on which was written - two pieces of spiritual source liquid, for life-saving, you are welcome.

On the front of the mattress is a bigger wooden strip with the words - I saved my life, I took off my clothes when I was there, clean up, calm down, benefactor Tang Yanliu.

Tang Yan stood in the valley, observing the scattered thick trees outside the valley, that is, the dryads who took root in this valley.The number of these tree demons is very large, as many as thirty.A rough inspection could not detect life fluctuations, let alone strength, but judging from the situation of the day, these tree demons are likely to have the strength of a demon king!

To be able to grow to this level, one may not know how many years one has lived and how many monsters one has devoured.

Looking at it, the smile on Tang Yan's face deepened, and he approached the tree monsters step by step, unconsciously moving his hands, and the ghost green fire flowed cheerfully on the sharp claws, like a cloud of clear blue water.

Seeming to have caught Qinghuo's dangerous and familiar aura, a few tree demons began to gather the vines and put on a vigilant posture.

"You have hunted a lot of prey, right? You have lived enough in this life, and there are enough creatures that have caused harm. Today, the young master will eradicate the evil? Hehe, these high-sounding reasons are not suitable for the young master, so let's just say it straight , the young master has his eyes on you! Prepare to dedicate yourself!"

Tang Yan looked at the bones looming in the roots of the tree, and the smile on his face turned evil. Groups of ghost green fires separated from his hands and floated in mid-air. The number increased, from a few to ten, from a dozen The number of regiments ranged from dozens to nearly a hundred, and finally reached 230.

This is the limit of the green fire that he can squeeze out his spiritual power at this stage.

Tang Yan casually swallowed the first-order Wuzun Spiritual Origin Liquid among the only three remaining Spiritual Origin Liquids, and after a little refinement, the spiritual power in his body gradually became abundant, sparking the ghost green fire again, increasing the number of fire balls to over three hundred all!

Three hundred fireballs the size of a person's head floated in the valley, each of which was crystal clear, like a clear blue glass crystal, very dazzling and charming, the ghost green fire did not have the scorching heat, but the three hundred blue fires made up for the sky above the valley, but The thin mist evaporates, and the air that surrounds the entire valley is pure and free of dust.

Even the spiritual power of heaven and earth permeating the valley was drawn towards the blue fire ball.

The dryads caught the dangerous aura and became more vigilant.But they are all rooted in this fertile land and cannot be moved casually. They have always been "waiting for the rabbit" to wait for the prey to be baited, or they are defended with vines like steel bars, and their attack power is extremely weak.

"Young Master wants you, prepare to sacrifice yourself!" Tang Yan let out a roar, and the green fire roared all over the sky and rushed towards the tree demon waving vines.The green fire is domineering, and immediately starts refining after sticking to the branches, and the self-confident poisonous mist and corrosive liquid can't play a role.

Each Dryad was cared for by ten balls of green fire, quickly burning the vines and tree trunks, smelting happily, and its huge main body shrinking rapidly.The green fire was controlled by Tang Yan, and it did not spread to the nearby ancient trees, so as not to cause a large-scale fire and attract unnecessary attention.

In Nanhuang's territory, the Sky Winged Demon flitted across the thick sea of ​​clouds at high speed, and flew at full speed towards the valley where Tang Yan was lurking. More and more demon masters locked on its tracks, responded to the call, and followed from afar.It's a pity that those demon kings couldn't keep up with the speed, and lost their tracks after following for a certain distance. They had no choice but to stop, and only a few demon masters followed closely.

But not all the demon masters were summoned, and not all the summoned demon masters rushed over, for example... The mournful wailing resounded through the canyon of the rushing river, mixed with panic and despair, and the hissing sound was extremely hoarse and panicky .Its sound was so miserable and its meaning so sad that all the monsters within a radius of more than ten kilometers felt a chill emanating from their hearts.

The demon king, the cracking golden eagle, is struggling crazily, and the raging evil spirit sweeps across the canyon, and the raging golden light floods the river and the cliffs. The river is already boiling, like a vast ocean under a storm. The river was dyed red, and the stump fell to the sky.

The canyons on both sides collapsed under the raging golden light and evil spirit, shaking the mountains!
Since the Cracking Sky Golden Eagle dared to claim the name of 'Cracking the Sky', it must possess unparalleled ferocity, as a fierce bird of the Eternal Beast Mountain.If you leave this forbidden land and rush towards the Central Plains or the ancient land of Canglan, even a second-rank Martial Master can provoke them. This kind of terrifying beast dominates a mountainous area, rebellious and unruly, controlling the life and death of tens of thousands of birds and birds.

But now... It is frightened, desperate, howling, almost begging, like a living person seeing a ghost, and has no intention of fighting back, just struggling to death in this canyon, and even giving birth to a self-destructing wail.

Because it has grounds for fear!
Above the boiling river, in the middle of a rocky canyon, a black man in a black robe sat cross-legged, firmly in mid-air, despite the turbulent waves and the gravel piercing through the sky, sitting as firmly as a plate.

The pale and evil face did not show any emotional fluctuations, it was as cold as the god of death in ancient times.

On the back of the Sky-Splitting Golden Eagle struggling desperately in the sky, there is actually a shadow with the same posture, and despite the erosion of the golden light, despite the impact of the billowing evil energy, it squats firmly on its back.But it's not a person on its back, but a... pale paper man!

Exudes a deadly chill!

The paper figurine didn't sit on the back of the Sky Splitting Golden Eagle, but... grew on it!Half of the body has been inserted into the golden eagle's body, and the upper half of the body seems to grow out!
The paper figurine's eyes were empty, with only fine red lights flashing occasionally, exuding a creepy chill.

"Desperate!" The man in black slowly opened his eyes, a gloomy cold light burst out, his expression became ruthless, and his pale right hand buckled in the air.At the same time, the paper figurine on the golden eagle made the same move and pointed its paw towards the golden eagle's neck.

The white paper isn't sharp, but... ouch! !The mournful wailing was no longer a normal sound. The Sky Splitting Golden Eagle struggled desperately and slammed into the cliff, almost to the point of wanting to die.

Click, click, click... click!
The paper figurine lowered its head, and its body rose slowly, leaving the golden eagle's body little by little, but slowly pulled out a vague golden phantom with its paws towards the back of the golden eagle's neck.

That is its soul!

The golden eagle's struggle became more and more frantic, even the phantom was struggling, trying to merge with the body!
But... all resistance is delusional, when the paper figurine is completely separated and suspended in the riotous sky, the phantom of the golden eagle, that is, its soul is also torn out alive.The separation of the soul from the soul is a kind of coldness that gradually becomes clear but cannot be stopped, the coldness that permeates from the bone marrow.

The man in black suddenly raised his head, his mouth opened wide, and his expression was stiff and ferocious.The paper figurines in the sky also made the same move, making the appearance of screaming upwards, and the piercing cold swept across the valley.

Neither the man in black nor the paper man made a real sound, but the eerie scene was even more frightening.

Because... the struggling soul of the golden eagle is being compressed little by little, approaching the paper figurine's wide-open mouth. As for its body, it is falling heavily into the river like a puddle of mud, and submerged in the gradually calming river.

The golden eagle's soul struggled endlessly, but it couldn't stop the tendency of being swallowed. Finally, the huge soul turned into a glittering golden bead and entered the mouth of the paper man irresistibly.

The mouth of the paper figurine clicked, and there was a strange sound, as if something was bitten off alive, and everything...returned to silence...

(End of this chapter)

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