Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 557

Chapter 557
Tang Yanding stayed where he was and didn't dare to move. The killing intent of the Sky Winged Demon was too obvious. Could it be that he saw through his identity?
How did they get here?It seems that it is specially waiting for itself.

Could it be that there were clues left on the way to escape?

There are pursuers behind, and interceptions ahead.

All of them have third-order demon masters sitting in town!
Tang Yan took a deep breath, and slowly erased his frivolous posture. His ferocious body tightened a little bit, his eyes became sharper, and he met the gaze of the Sky Winged Demon across the [-]-meter galloping river.

He didn't know the meaning of this river, and didn't know that the Sky Winged Demon would not dare to rush over, otherwise he would definitely provoke unscrupulously, so he would think of another way, but now... when it's making a fuss, Tang Yan can relax.

During the bloody battle, Tang Yan would also go crazy all the way to the end.

"That's right, it's him! Tang Yan! He's the one who snatched away the woman in white." The killing intent of the Sky Winged Demon was suddenly hot, and this look was so familiar!

These days, I have been thinking about killing this hateful bastard all the time, but I didn't expect to meet him so soon.

"Are you sure?" The three-eyed Firefox was surprised.

"Sure!!" This bastard was full of tricks and tricks, and he showed up on the battlefield that day. If he used a special method to snatch the woman in white, it would be understandable.

Tang Yan? ?The glazed crocodile and other monsters were a little at a loss, but the killing intent of the Tianyi monster showed everything, not many words, they all dispersed, and the torrential evil energy burst out, covering the vast river bank. Let the Pentium River fall silent.

The three-eyed Firefox has been fixed on Tang Yan's body for a moment. Under the cover of the restless fire, the third eye on the forehead opens and closes slightly, and the fine and sharp light appears like an electric arc, radiating terrifying coercion, like a handle The peerless ferocious soldiers are struggling and screaming, about to break out of the world!
Tang Yan gritted his teeth, and with a ruthless expression, he gave the Sky Winged Demon a middle finger, turned around and flashed towards the depths of the forest behind him.

"Chasing it?" The blood leopard and other battles soared.

"It only takes one move to kill, and we can retreat before Dongkui notices, without anyone noticing." The three-eyed Firefox dispelled the Sky Winged Demon's concerns.

The Sky Winged Demon was not a procrastinator, his pupils froze, and he decided to make a move by himself, but at the moment when the six wings shook, his expression suddenly changed, and he stopped abruptly.

"That's... the Dongkui Inspector, the Earth Violent Tiger!!"

The blood leopards and others also changed their expressions, and they all stopped, even stagnating from the fierce power of the skyrocketing!
Tang Yan ran wildly in the mountains and forests, locking on to the black python extending from a distance.Between the Sky Winged Demon and the Tiger-headed Man, he resolutely chose the Tiger-headed man. He wanted to strike head-on, causing chaos, and then rushed into the depths of Dongkui.

But if you want to deter the tiger-headed people and cause chaos, you must fight without reservation and indulge in it thoroughly.

Tang Yan took a deep breath, and suddenly let out a hysterical roar, releasing the imprisoned evil spirit and blood energy, the fighting spirit was like the waves under the storm, boiling in the blood, burning in the chest, the speed soared in a straight line, and resolutely moved towards the black python rushed up.

"Found it!!" The giant black python locked Tang Yan's position and let out a hoarse roar. He collapsed fiercely towards Tang Yan.

The dust was flying, the branches were dancing wildly, the ancient trees around him were torn and fell, the rocks under their feet were crushed and squeezed, and the space around them was strangely distorted.

Thousands of meters apart, a messy passage runs through each other, and the scarlet pupils flash across the empty road to lock on to each other.



Two roars echoed in the mountains and dense forests, mixed with endless fighting intent and explosions. Tang Yan's speed soared, and the ghostly green fire curtain suddenly spread, and violent turbulence appeared. The scales all over his body became more and more bright. The thorns and the two sharp claws all exuded a frightening cold light.

The black giant python is in the snake path, and it suddenly blasts over at a terrifying speed as if it crosses space. Qi.

"Huh? What kind of fire is that?" The three-eyed Firefox immediately focused on the blue flames boiling all over Tang Yan's body, like a giant fire baby screaming silently.I don't know why, when the green fire appeared, the flames all over its body fluctuated strangely, and even the third eye on the forehead almost opened spontaneously, this is... a threat! !

"This is not a friendly attitude. They want a decisive battle?" The Sky Winged Demon was surprised, feeling Tang Yan's madness, and even more the killing intent of the giant python.

Body Destroyer!Violence! !

The moment they approached each other, Tang Yan raised his pupils and roared hoarsely.

The sea of ​​cyan air suddenly churned, and a terrible evil spirit swept over the whole body.

The evil spirit was churning, like billions of steel needles piercing through the whole body, ruthlessly piercing through every cell, bringing unparalleled horror and severe pain, the pain was heart-piercing, the pain was so painful that every bone was cracked, and Tang Yan was in pain like a beast. roar.

The pain burns the reason, the evil spirit burns the soul, and there is also a terrifying animal nature surging, and the pervading ghost green fire suddenly converges, only surging within a range of four or five meters, more condensed, more terrifying, and just at the At this moment... the phantom of the phantom Qinghuo's ghost baby is completely revealed, with evil intentions and gloomy!
Um? ?

The black python was instantly alert and wanted to dodge the side attack, but it was obviously too late.

The tiger-headed man frowned, how could the aura of this little beast suddenly rise to such a state, hardly weaker than the second-order demon venerable state?Just as he was making a move, Tang Yan yelled loudly: "The Sky Winged Demon is on the river bank, you should die!!"

Sky Winged Demon?The tiger-headed man raised his head sharply, and fixed himself on the several bloody figures on the other side of the rushing river. The leader was none other than the mortal enemy, the Sky Winged Demon!

Tang Yan punched out, and the terrifying power was like a heavy hammer bombardment, which directly shattered the blood-colored fangs that the giant python is proud of. The violent momentum continued, and the whole body directly rushed into the giant python's mouth. When he entered, the pervasive ghost green fire was like a wide open mouth, devouring the python's head in one gulp. The blue fire jumped and burned crazily in the brain, eroding the eyes and mouth with all its strength.

hiss! !The giant python let out a terrible wail, the pain of broken teeth and the pain of burning green fire made it feel like being in hell.

What? ?The tiger-headed man suddenly discovered that these blue flames were spreading towards his feet as if they had life, devouring his spiritual armor. Surprised, he stepped into the air and said, "Die!!" With a roaring mouth, there was a sharp roar, and the momentum of the ghost green fire rose, like a torrent that opened the gate, galloping madly towards the throat and abdominal cavity, stomped his feet suddenly, shot into the air, and the sharp claws burst open the skull of the giant python , with blood raining all over the sky, like a rocket class soaring into the sky.

The python's hoarse screams stopped abruptly, and its huge head crashed to the ground.

With one punch and one blow, the giant python monster fell!
Tang Yan was so powerful when he went berserk!

Even the inspector Dongkui, who had temporarily left, was astonished and caught off guard.

"Yeah!!" Tang Yan hugged the python's tail, let out a roar, and turned his huge body to the Dongkui patrol envoy in the air. While turning, with the help of the cover of chaos, he stepped out and shot into the sky , The sharp claws swept towards the back of its head.

The Dongkui Inspector did not expect this little green beast to be so fierce and violent, and the fighting wind was so fierce and savage. With a cold look on his face, he threw out a fist and easily burst open the giant python's body.Tang Yan is a fighting maniac, and it is also a famous lunatic with extremely rich combat experience. It even accurately locked the direction of Tang Yan's surprise attack, and punched it head-on.

This fist blasted out like a mountain avalanche and the ground cracked, and the billowing energy came out like a wild beast.

The fierceness of its fists and the dominance of its fists can be clearly detected even thousands of meters away, and the blood leopards were shocked back two steps. This 'cowardly' move made them feel ashamed, but still Can't hold back the fear.

With this punch, Tang Yan was not only submerged, but even the mountain behind him collapsed more than half of it abruptly.

After the scene quieted down, Tang Yan disappeared, as if he had been blasted to pieces, not even the dregs left.

The inspector of Dongkui was very confident in his own strength. Because of anger and surprise, this punch was nearly [-]% powerful, enough to kill a second-rank Wuzun, and it really hit Tang Yan. He saw it clearly, see clearly.

"That kid is dead." The Sky Winged Demon came to a conclusion. No matter how perverted Tang Yan was, he was still a first-rank Martial Venerable. Facing the critical attack of a third-rank Demon Venerable, death was a certainty.But the punch of Dongkui inspector dispelled some of its worries.

This punch wiped out the scourge of Tang Yan, and this punch showed that Tang Yan had nothing to do with Dong Kui!
The three-eyed fire fox didn't know much about Tang Yan, and didn't care about his life or death. It was just surprised by his fierce power to kill Heiyun Chilian python with one punch, and the strange green fire's hostility.

But when they were secretly thinking, somewhere in the lower reaches of the Pentium River, a green animal figure dripping with blood staggered out of the forest. There were wounds all over his body, but they were healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is also gradually recovering, only a pair of vertical pupils exudes a strong evil spirit, which has not diminished!

This little green beast is Tang Yan!

Looking back at the mountains of Dongkui, the corners of his mouth curled up in a cruel arc, but he didn't stop, but rushed towards the river and swam towards the land of Nanhuang. He wanted to... kill!
(End of this chapter)

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