Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 559: Unleashing the Killing Ring

Chapter 559: Unleashing the Killing Ring (2)

Aww!The main body of the blood leopard felt as if it was pinched by a pair of steel pliers, and its strength was astonishing. It struggled and roared, its violent body writhed wildly, and the sharp blades of its feet and claws hit Tang Yan fiercely, stomping with claws, It was as if the diamond blade was slashing wildly, while the bloody secondary body howled proudly in the blood river, eroding the dim green fire on Tang Yan's body with all its strength.

But... Tang Yan is like a cast steel, even though sparks are splashing all over his body, even though the sound of clanging shakes the river of blood, he stands still like a bell.

"This is the end of your glory in the Eternal Beast Mountain. Today next year will be your death day!!" Tang Yan tightly hugged the blood leopard's throat, and suddenly pulled out his right foot from the mountain, hitting the blood like an eagle's claw. On the toe of the leopard crit, it was directly nailed to the broken mountain rock.

"Dream!!" The blood leopard screamed, Ao Xiao struggled, the boiling blood-colored river accumulated and collected, and turned into a blood pool of [-] meters thick, as thick as mud, drowning it and Tang Yan, and the blood turned into the blood leopard's secondary body Then he jumped onto Tang Yan from behind, biting the back of his neck tightly, tearing his back with sharp claws, and the clanging sound was even more deafening, resounding deep in the blood river.

This level of attack is really terrifying. I am afraid that no one dares to hug a violent demon king fiercely, let alone let a bloody cheetah devour it by itself.

Tang Yan's wildness reached the extreme, showing the most domineering and arrogant side. The dark green fire surged on the surface of the body, blocking the invasion of all blood threads, which is equivalent to being completely immune to the erosion of these weird blood, and is also burning cruelly Blood leopard main body and auxiliary body.

"I want your blood river!" Tang Yan moved his right paw to the head of the blood leopard's main body, clasped it firmly, and turned it sideways little by little. They collided fiercely, their eyes met, and even the blood spewing from each other's mouths could be clearly felt.

Um?River of blood?The blood leopard's struggling figure paused a little.

"Nirvana... the new world..." Tang Yan suddenly let out a sneer, and the dim green fire that was close to his body suddenly exploded, like a giant blue lotus flower, suddenly blooming in this boiling blood river. The force enveloped the viscous blood river, and completely swallowed the blood leopard's accessory body.

The secondary body of the blood leopard screamed miserably, let go of Tang Yan violently, struggled and roared hoarsely, the scene was like ice cubes in boiling water, rapidly evaporating blood mist, and shrinking rapidly.It was resisting, struggling, and controlling the blood river to attack the blue flames, but the ghostly green flames had already shown their dominance, and their power had not diminished but instead increased. It suddenly wrapped around the blood leopard's auxiliary body, and quickly smelted it.

At the same time that the ghostly green fire was raging, Tang Yan's right pupil suddenly condensed, and a sharp aura struck the blood leopard critically. The blood leopard roared sharply as if struck by lightning, and its resistance was even wilder. Grabbing and stamping, the blood river is also intensifying the erosion.

The sharp claws made a lot of scratches on Tang Yan's body, and several scales were torn off alive.

But Tang Yan grinned ferociously, his eyes were full of cruelty, his body was solid on the rock, and he didn't move a muscle, ignoring the pain of the torn scales, he just hugged its neck tightly, pressed its head, and nailed its left foot.Evil ripples swayed from the whites of the eyes, spread across the blood leopard's pupils, and spread toward the face.

This is a strong suction, a strange spatial fluctuation!

The blood leopard finally felt the threat. These evil eyes were like a strange black hole space, trying to suck it in, and the absorbed power gradually intensified.

Tang Yan fully activated the Eye of Mie Mie, and tightly controlled the blood leopard to prevent it from getting out.

I have been following the two-headed blood leopard for the past few days, and I have experimented with more than a dozen demon kings. At the beginning, it basically failed. Later, I mastered the skills and became more familiar with the profound meaning of the new world, which is enough to drag the demon king into the eyes of Nirvana. In the dark world.

But this is the first time he has tried the Yaozun, and he also knows the horror of the Yaozun, in order to be safe, he must control its body without any deviation!

The blood leopard struggled and screamed, and the blood river exuded strong blood energy, charging in all directions, trying to attract reinforcements to help.

But... the blood leopard's secondary body couldn't resist the erosion of the bright blue fire, and with Tang Yan's dragon tail flick, it burst open at this moment with a muffled puff.The destruction of the auxiliary body seemed to involve the soul of the double-headed blood leopard. Its main body let out a stern howl, and its left head, which had shrunk into its body, popped out directly. The dragon's tail exploded open.

"Go in, you!!" Tang Yan roared, the power of the Nirvana Eye soared, and the Youming Qinghuo also crazily covered the whole body of the blood leopard.

Aww!The blood leopard was hit hard and let out a desperate roar. The next moment, its huge body completely disappeared, and it was pulled into Tang Yan's new world of silence.

Dark, ferocious, cold, dead silent!
The strange environment of the new world made the blood leopard who was suddenly in it feel icy cold.

"Death!!" With Tang Yan's thoughts, thousands of lonely souls floating in the new world were suddenly drawn, and they gathered like meteors, like hungry wolves, pouring into the body of the blood leopard one after another to devour its soul.

Among them are the souls of Tier [-] Martial Venerables like the 'Nightmare Guardian'.

It was all the soul refined by Tang Yan when he absorbed the spiritual source liquid.

The blood leopard was terrified, and the turbulent evil spirit swept out, but... it suddenly discovered that there was no spiritual power at all, and its own strength was suppressed to a great extent. It could not even attract the blood river, as if it was suddenly Stripped of all weapons, only a body remains.

With the encirclement of the lonely souls, a large number of "underworld fires" were attracted and turned into a pond of green fire, submerging it entirely.

The blood leopard was struggling for the last time, and the remaining spiritual power in its body was desperately swaying, sweeping and wreaking havoc in this new world of death.

snort! !Tang Yan snorted and knelt on the ground with a bang, his face was pale, and scarlet blood dripped from his right eye.After all, the new world had just been condensed, and it was still very fragile. It couldn't stand the presumptuousness of a demon master, and it almost collapsed in just a moment. There was only one result of the new world's collapse——Tang Yan's left eye was completely scrapped.

Tang Yan was so frightened that his whole body became cold.

But... this is the world controlled by Tang Yan, the homeland of the ghost green fire, the whole new world suddenly turned into a blue ocean, raging green flames enveloped the world, and a terrifying force like ancient times swept over, directly killing the last soul of the blood leopard. The consciousness was wiped out, the ferocious body fell to the ground, and then... disappeared completely.

There was only a void soul shadow floating unconsciously.

Tang Yan slumped on the ground with a bang, panting heavily like pulling a bellows.The reason why he insisted on taking such risky measures for refining was because when he was perceiving the new world and devouring the demon king with the eyes of silence, he discovered a strange phenomenon-in the new world, after refining the ghost green fire, there was no No spirit source fluid was left behind, nor was it used as nourishment to nourish this dead and cold world, as if it just dissipated out of thin air.After Tang Yan's careful investigation, it turned out that the stability of this new world has been slightly strengthened!There are also clusters of 'underworld fires' inside, that is, ghost green fires, whose power has increased significantly.

Everything is as Tang Yan expected, and this place will grow into a living space for the ghost Qinghuo in the future!

In this world, it seems to have subtle wisdom, or just some instincts, and all the refining gains are made into self-nutrient!
For example, now... the complete refinement of a demon master has made the whole world colder, colder, and more stable. It seems that even the scope is expanding, a very, very obvious change, and the "underworld fire" The number of brights has been boosted!

Even the perception of this new world has been refined!

Of course, Tang Yan would not regret the disappearance of a spirit source liquid. The stronger the power of the Mieyan, the faster the growth of the ghost green fire, the stronger the means of saving his life will be!

"It's you? What did you do to the blood leopard?" The three-eyed Firefox chased after the blood energy of the blood river, and what he witnessed happened to be the scene of the blood river spreading out of control.

Tang Yan swallowed ten pieces of king-level spirit source liquid, gathered all the blood rivers with a black water gourd while refining them, carried an ancient saber, and then pointed to the three-eyed Firefox: "It's just in time, I want your flame!"

"Proud!" The three-eyed Firefox showed the same shocked expression as the blood leopard. How could it be him?Wasn't he killed by the Dongkui inspector?How could he appear here safe and sound, looking like he just killed the blood leopard?
The same overlord-level demon venerable in the eastern part of Nanhuang, Firefox knows the strength of the blood leopard best. The blood river he has concentrated on for more than a thousand years is not only a powerful offensive weapon, but also allows his own side body to have the combat power of a demon venerable .

Such a terrifying and ferocious monster disappeared in just a few breaths?

"Five days ago, a black python said the same thing, and it died. Just now, a two-headed monster leopard said the same thing, and it... died too. Now, you If you say the same thing, you will die even worse in the end."

Tang Yan stepped into the air step by step, and the ghost green fire gathered into dense fireballs. There were a hundred balls, dancing within a range of [-] meters, and each ball had the power of an explosion.

"Let's talk about these arrogant words when you can really kill me. Are you Tang Yan? Are you a human or a monster?" The three-eyed Firefox didn't fear Tang Yan, but it didn't despise him either.

"Don't worry, no matter if I'm a human or a monster, I won't be interested in female beasts. I just trained you and I won't treat you as a slave." Booming up, at the same time dodging quickly, the eight-phase thunder seal stretched out eight phantoms.

Kill decisively, without hesitation! !
(End of this chapter)

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